So, What do you think of the new line of titans to be released by forge world?
So, What do you think of the new line of titans to be released by forge world?
My feelings can best be summed up as "Where the fuck is my Tomb Kings giant skull beetle, and why did it take so long my army was squatted first".
Otherwise, ambivalent.
Silly Khemrians, beetles are for wood elves!
LRM .... 16?
what's the weapon profile?
>So, What do you think of the new line of titans to be released by forge world?
That's why FW is stupid for upsizing the Porphyrion from being a large knight to warhound size.
It's a cool sculpt and looks very impressive, but it's way too damn big for a knight. Look at the questoris-pattern next to it, those make up the bulk of a noble household. The Porphyrion looks so out of place next to one of them, it's not even funny.
Shame, I'd love to add one to my household if it were more reasonably-sized.
Like, I get they upscaled the damn thing because of the Adeptus Titanicus game coming out at some point in the future, so it looks different from the other knights, but I feel like they sorta lost sight of lore, aesthetics and practicability in the process. Look at this picture and compare the Porphyrion with the Warhound.
Knights are not titans in the end. They are smaller so they can be piloted by one person. This fucker is in fact bigger than a bloody Warhound. That is stupid.
The Cerasti already got some flak for being as tall as they are, but being lanky and awkward kinda makes it work. This fucker is like three times their mass and still taller, if used in a knight army the looks won't gel at all. This is stupid.
If you take your knight army anywhere you already need two big cases in the first place. Now add this fucker and you'll never take it anywhere. This is stupid.
Honestly, that model pisses me off, which is made worse since it looks really neat when watched in a vacuum.
It was going to be smaller originally and was a Knight conversion kit. They gave some reason for why it was made bigger but I forgot what it was.
It was because of Adeptus Titanicus: >The reason the new Knight got upscaled was because of AT - they wanted to make him look distinguishable from the Questoris and Cerastus chassis. Oh, and he was originally meant to be the 'Warden'.
It's a pretty dumb reason, honestly. People have been pretty vocal about the new knight being too big, so basing such a decision on a game that's not even out (and might even bomb) is just weird. It doesn't even look like the other knights in the first place with its four large-barreled guns and the heavier armor.
>It's a cool sculpt and looks very impressive
I'd like 1, but I'll have to be happy looking at other peoples.
too big, too heavily armed
Those are turbo-lasers, right? Knights shouldn't be rocking turbo-lasers. Even the old Crusader didn't have them.
They arent turbo lasers, they are 2 shot twin linked str 1-/ap2 i think, but i can assure you they arent d
Because sales were poor.
Fantasy players couldn't be bothered trying to incorporate models or different ways of playing that didn't cater to smashing two armies together and killpoints.
It kind of does look similar and the weapon options may not remain true forever.
They already scaled other stuff down for the new Titanicus game. I could see them having scaled down knights and the new one looking too similar as they've said.
No, according to a version of the rules they're twin-linked magna-lascannons.
Well alrighty then. They sure look like turbo lasers, though.
And the thing's still way too big.
Since it's the size of a warhound it may as well rock the same guns in the form of two TL-turbolasers, right? Oh, and a missile launcher and a 4++, because warhounds are for chumps.
If it were more reasonably sized and had, say, a pair of TL heavy neutron lasers (72" S10 AP1 Large Blast) it's be more reasonable *and* it'd look less out-of-place.
>a pair of TL heavy neutron lasers (72" S10 AP1 Large Blast)
Congratulations, that's pretty much exactly the profile its weapons have.
That's from before they upscaled the hell out of it, though. I kinda want that version back.
Twice the shots, and that was the old version that was slightly taller than a questoris-pattern. Still, much better than the new one.
I want to buy one and field it as a quad turbo-laser warhound.
I personally think that it looks amazing, however I agree with the sentiment that these are too large. From a lore perspective it requires a 5 man/ servitor crew along with a machine spirit for a Warhound, but this guy is bigger, with similar weapons and yet only requires a singular pilot due to the Throne Mechanicums machine spirit? Something doesn't quite add up with that. I know the lore for Knights (they're my favorite army after all) but at that point that suit seems way too close to being a Man of Iron for the Mechanicus to let it exist
I like the model but honestly I would rather purchase a Warhound as it's more iconic.
Looks good, well made and all, but severly oversized. FW should scale it back down by a good quarter or so.
I think they definitely got the scale wrong - again, like with terminators vs normal marines vs imperial guard humans BUT making titans "realistic" scales would just make them impossible to produce I think. They'd just be too big for anyone to use.
Just look at the Warlord. That fucker is huuuuge. A warhound is pretty much the biggest you can go while keeping it "portable" to an extent.
But yeah, it would have been better if the new knight was a little bit smaller. Lore-wise though, a titan needs a whole bunch of operators because it has a lot more systems to worry about than a knight like void shields, advanced auspex, separate weapon systems and such.
Am I the only one who sees these things and just immediately thinks pic related?
Where do you think PP stole the design from.
Does the knight design actually predate Warmachine? I know Titans do, but titans don't have quite the same look to them. Compare with or
Yes, these guys are from 1989
Fair enough. I stand corrected, sir.
The upcoming titan game would explain the new types of Titans they introduced in the latest Beast Arises book.
honestly who els is like fuck 40k wait for AT. the amount of variant knights and titains out atm is massive and a plastic warhound is on the way.. imo imperium in that some thing better in 40k. yawn fest.
like titains are cool but like who really wants to own that many lord of war models. like. seriously. I know all the hardcores love to play 8mm games at 28mil but like do thous people even exist IRL.
I'm not pissing away money on the 40K sized models, but I'll probably buy Adeptus Titanicus.
Fun-sized Titan models, what's not to love?
I think they're not sororitas and that's some bullshit.
>wanting titan sized sisters
Sounds pretty magical, fampai.
This. We still play Epic at the flgs, so that's a welcome breath of fresh air.
Wow, man. You're truly dense.
Wait, what? The Hunt for Vulcan, or is there a newer one out now? Because I don't remember titans in THFV.
If there's a new one, anyone know where to pirate it?
>From a lore perspective it requires a 5 man/ servitor crew along with a machine spirit for a Warhound, but this guy is bigger, with similar weapons and yet only requires a singular pilot due to the Throne Mechanicums machine spirit? Something doesn't quite add up with that. I know the lore for Knights (they're my favorite army after all) but at that point that suit seems way too close to being a Man of Iron for the Mechanicus to let it exist
Are we even sure it's a one-man machine? Surely there's a bunch of background for it that nobody has seen yet?
I'm actually OK with it being a similar size to the warhound, so long as they have distinctly different battlefield roles. This thing seems to be a heavy knight, intended for full-frontal assalts, sieges and the like. It probably moves slower than a warhound (both in terms of velocity and reaction time) and isn't as co-ordinated, lacks sophisticated sensors and so on, because it doesn't need to track multiple targets, spot infantry dug in to cover and generally do all the stuff a scout titan has to. It just turns up and aims all it's guns at the same point, then blows the shit out of it.
How well that will be represented on the tabletop remains to be seen. The 40k rules seem to mostly just make it a weaker warhound, but then that's somewhat due to the warhound not really having any special rules to make it a scouting unit. The AT rules will hopefully be more interesting.
>guy concedes his point graciously
>insult him
who shat on your cornflakes, M. Night Famalam?
Douchebag detected. How's life with no friends user?
>we'll never get hunchback epic wardens
The Beast Must Die. There is a 'Punisher Class" Titan. It has 3 legs, it is bigger than a warlord. It is armed with a underslung plasma annihilator and a pair of rail guns that kinda sound like catalytic mass drivers but instead of shooting BBs fire clouds of krak missiles.
It is implied to be pretty damn big since not only is it bigger than a Warlord it towers over a crashed Admech ship straddling the wreckage.
So Martian tripod titans are now canon? Awesome.
Anyone know where to torrent novels now that KAT got taken down?
The lore often states that Knights are manned by a single pilot aided by their Throne Mechanicum, which has a machine spirit formed from the collective consciousness of the former pilots along with the basic personality modifiers to increase fealty, responsibility, obligation, and hierarchy.
Like a Harkonnen devastator.
>"Radiation level high, but not toxic!"
>"I feel sick..."
plastic warhound?
The mecha asthetic is stronger too with the missile launcher on the back etc. Just doesn't seem like it fits with the rest. Seems higher tech rather than the overly ornate imperial gothic style
I'm assuming it has arms, unlike the martian tripods?
I don't 4ok lore since 3rd edition. What is Man of Iron?
The warhound looks agile and dynamic like it's scouting around. The Porphyrion looks like a doorstop
IA 14 Fucking when???
Robots with AI from the Dark Age of Technology.
Unsurprisingly, they rebelled, and we later found dormant and tainted by Chaos millenniums later.
They're the reason for human brain-based computers and machine spirits. They can be tainted yes, but they can be bound to have no will, or to have a will that supports the Imperium. They won't go rogue and try to start their own empire.
Generally, Men of Iron are the reason that the Tau will probably collapse someday, what with their over-reliance on drones and all that.
An android. There's some really vague background about how the 'Men of Iron' were responsible for the end of the Dark Age of Technology, which is generally taken to mean that there was some kind of robot rebellion. The AdMech are very paranoid about artificial intelligence ('abominable intelligence' they call it) as a result of this. Imperial machines are basically required to have a biological control system, either as part of it (like in a servitor) or supervising it.
On the subject of Tau-created AI, haven't they already shown in lore that their drones will get annoyed at fire caste warriors who swat at them, and other machines will bump into people who bully their owners?
When was this stated? Because that last bit sounds fucking adorable as shit.
da duh duh duhuh, da duh duh duhuh indeed.
As others in the thread have alredy said, it doesn't gel with other knights at all. I wonder if FW just fails to realize that you need a strong visual identity to tie an army together. Like the warhound or the reaver this knight does not just tie into a force, it *is* the force, with everything else just being hanger-ons or chaff.
That seems like an extremely small weapons payload for such a huge robot
Networked drone AI becomes quite malicious, too.
I doubt they'll go anywhere with it, though.
we don't question advancing the storyline anymore user, not after fantasy...
Someday they'll grow up to be big and strong weapons just you wait and see, in another 3,000 years, he'll have his Avenger Gatling Gun and Rapid Fire battle Cannon both grown in, with his Stormspear Missile Pod growing in nicely too
>what do you think
Armorcast centerpieces were cool, and the price seemed right, but FW's self-regard is just obscene. I do expect a dozen or so to be sold as usual to various fanatics in the UK, but the number of US$300+ FW models I've seen in the Detroit area = zero. I fully expect that sum to stay the same forever. tl;dr:
No one cares.
By the way, wasn't the Porphyrion originally supposed to be the Knight Warden? And they changed the name because GW made released their own variation using that name?
At least I think that was the case.
They are advancing it somewhat with the Tau, mainly in regards to the Farsight Enclaves and the Tau's approach to combating the other races (I'm curious what they would come up with in response to Chaos Daemons if GW ever got the nerve to get the Tau to acknowledge their existence).
Though in terms of the AI I'd like to see them create some more automaton type of stuff rather than relegated to mostly support devices. I actually don't mind all the giant robots the Tau have been getting, but getting more ground level mechanical units would be nice.
Yeah, no shit
Awesome game (if you like lag determining weapon usefulness)
I've never heard of the punisher, but I'm pretty stoked for an updated imperator in AT