Drawthread: Save the Princess Edition

last one Be patient, and bump your request one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request. There is no exception to this rule, it doesn't matter if you "have work" or "are going to bed".

Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.

Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.

Mind your manners and say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!

Ignore the bait, you're better than this.

Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.

>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:
Figure Drawing:
Beginners Guide to Drawing:
The w/ic/i art guide:


>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a fresh out of med school doctor for a sci-fi setting. He is a little skittish but knows how to treat almost any physical trauma. As the setting is survival horror he also managed to grab his surgical bone saw before the shit really hit the fans, provided an image of the saw if you want to try and make it look more sci-fi'ish feel free.
He is in his mid 20's wears black rimed glasses and has short blond hair. His name is Daniel Herzberg if you feel like making him an ID badge.


Requesting my cleric. He'd have armor like this, but with no helmet, a great sword, red hair and a big red beard. I'd like him putting a bear in a headlock.

Thread migration part six-

Requesting an enormous, bald, albino barbarian. According to the Hackmaster exceptional height/weight tables, he's 7'6" and 451 lbs. Dressed exclusively in piles and piles of animal furs, makeshift shoes/boots entirely optional. If you feel like including it, his weapon is a "hammer" composed of a big square(ish) piece of rock and a small stripped tree for a handle.

Sorry for the lack of ref pictures, but if you start with Shaq, then picture him strongfat, babyfaced, hairless, and albino, you've got a pretty good idea.

Incase Eversor's gonna be in this thread:

Requesting this elf guy teasing and or playfully messing around with his tsundere female human Templar lady-friend. And said female Templar is the type of good looking woman with white hair.

Requesting my exalted character from last thread

He's a thief and a pirate who wears clothes similar to the guy on the left (probably without the jacket though. He dresses light). He has a black newsboy cap like the ones in the picture, but the top of his has a layer of crow feathers on it. He has a legendary artifact staff that's his height made of orichalcum (Gold if you're unfamiliar with it) but the handle is encased in exquisite wood. The staff resembles a shepherd's crook, and that's what the three weapon pictures are for. In addition he also carries a shortsword sheathed on his left hip, a slashing sword on his back, and several throwing knives sheathed in various places on his person.

The character himself is almost six feet tall, has an athletic build, and a charismatic smile. He's got messy black hair underneath his cap, and bright green eyes. His overall colour scheme would be dark, with mostly deep blues and blacks.


Requesting a gladiatorial orc girl

Humbly requesting a female pilot in a life-support tube.

The helmet should be wedge-like/blocky (like Pic 1), and with an oxygen mask so that the helmet covers the entire head. The pilot is wearing a black suit similar to the spacesuit in Pic 2, but the arms are restrained like a straight jacket (Pic 3). The life-support system is a lot like Pic 4, suspending her in liquid, and there should be a lot of different wires and tubes leading from the pilot to the top of the tank (IV fluids, blood, Neural Control Link, Oxygen, monitoring devices, etc.)

Here pal! Sorry for the lack of Breasts! I love em too, I just wanted to see this guy kick back some more.

Requesting an image of this girl here in dirt/torn peasant clothing sitting in a muddy alleyway in a rainy city at night.

boobs or no boobs, art from you is good enough my friend!

Requesting a picture of the soldier girl fighting the monster.
now with a possible pose to use.

Hey eversor, I remember you doing these two from like many drawthreads and a few months ago, right? Could you draw something comfy with these two cuddling, or the elf woman kissing the teen boy?

Alright, a new thread.

taking simple/unsettling requests when i wake up

ideally, i would like something non humanoid and grotesque but anything goes.

A sword that weilds you.

that was the idea of pic related unless you mean it literally.

It might be a little difficult but I need to someone the protag girl from a game I plan to do. She would have the proportions like Juvia Lockser (A), a side style haircut (B) but a little longer and in black color, wearing a black shirt with some colors on it (C), a gray jacket like in (D), and slightly ripped jeans similar to (E).

I will be very appreciated if you do it.

Requesting an image of this man here trying very hard to dress like a fancy person in formal clothing but obviously failing, cloths that are dirty and dont fit right etc...and he is very noticeable sad because of this.

does she have to fight? can't she be just pinned down, struggling to break free?

She absolutely could be.

An eyeless cross between a Jurassic Park-style raptor, a vampire bat, and a gorilla.

i will try.

off to sleep, goodnight everyone.

you know where this is going right?

>you know where this is going right?
non-consensual sex?
Not entirely what I'm going for.

reposting my ogryn.

keep the baneposting to a minimum please.

Think someone can do a redraw/version of this character is some more proper and conservative attire?

Requesting this K9 unit soldier and his doggy hunting down a catgirl fugitive or suspect. The catgirl suspect has a scared look on her face as she is hiding and should have some muck and dirt covering her body to mask her scent from the dog.

And the K9 unit soldier can have a crazed or furious or determined look with his eyes and the dog would be growling madly with drool. The dog can still just be a German Shepard or any other type of military dog.

Hello artists have a new request for Vala, as she and her halfling friend Belric got separated from the group in the mountains and had to huddle together under Vala's fur cloak to conserve body heat. Vala was very practical about what was happening, recognizing that they are just trying to stay alive, but Belric was very nervous as he has a secret crush on Vala. Found this out through meta gaming.

>No Mask
Would he die?

Requesting an image of her working in a very cramped forge like environment, possibly wiping some of the soot and sweat from, her forehead to indicate she has been working for a long time.

Who says it's non-consensual?A lot of girls would kill for a thick, prehensile tongue

Could I request a drawing of the grand finale scene of my Giant Robo inspired campaign, which ended last night.

An animated, human-sized china doll in a school uniform punching a guy looking rather like pic related so hard in the jaw she has broken his neck.

The context: The suit wearing asshole was Gerard, a mad inventor who was about to activate a doomsday device. The party, the International Police Organisation's best agents, were fighting him in a gothic castle during a thunderstorm as he trash talked them and opera played.

Josephine, the automaton, was fucking done with this and delivered a hell of an uppercut, dealing 2/3 of his health in one punch and killing him.

Resubmitting my request for a fruit bat necromancer wearing bone armor. It's for our newest player who is doing a great job of fleshing out their character.


gtfo with your gay fapmaterial

... That seems like your campaign took a weird turn.
If it's actually relevant to the campaign at all.
Also saved because ridiculously cute.

I request an otter-knight!

Reposting for other drawfriends:

Sketch some cute pet species in a few minutes. As in: Mash together a new species that you'd immediately think of as a pet.

This goes for you to since you said the slug girl wasn't really a pet and wanted to redraw it.

here you go


I got three, and at least the two on the right are winners, this was actually pretty fun. Reminded me of Avatar the Last Airbender.

You're not Vala's player. Wasn't it spelled 'Valla'?

Awesome! :D

Who are you again though? The creepy pictures guy?

Also: Does a snat move on legs, or does it just crawl on its tummy?

You're in the wrong place to be posting like this.

I'm just a guy that starts /qst/s and rarely finishes them because I get bored.

And it uses the front legs as legs and the snail half drags behind.

Ah yes. I see.

Would :O be more to your tastes?

Also if you know of any other way to express that i'm grinning like a fucking idiot over the delivery in two characters, i'm all ears.

Ah i see. Anyways, saved!

i just saw something on my request. it means "more metal bits" of course.

Just ignore people that tell you how to post they're bored and have nothing better to be doing.

Meh i'm bored.
I also just realized that "i'm all ears" sounds like something an elf or kobold could say.

if you're watching a bad anime, sure

Requesting an image of him in a steamy shower after a long day of work and noticeably tired and stressed out, maybe something like: head against the wall, arm up supporting himself against said wall, letting the water run across only his back with a noticeably tired expression.

Not OR but that's really cool looking.

thank you
the colors came out weird when I posted it, for some reason Veeky Forums always changes my colors
the colors on my program look much closer to the reference pics
I need to figure out why it's happening

Could I get a female samurai in this armour without a helmet, with a teppo/musket? She's young, about nineteen, with her hair cut short and hands covered in black powder soot.

I want a character wearing more clothes!
Are you literally retarded?

And once again, we migrate!
my request is my companion cleric. She is an Strix-Aasimar, hence her birdlike features. She is an aspiring cleric, as her father is a paladin, and her mother was an cleric before her. If the robes are too complicated you can simplfy as much as you wish. She also suffers from albinoism and is close to blind, so if coloring is an option, then she would be pretty much all white, save from her weakly blue skin color, with slightly red eyes with some grayish cloudyness, if that doesnt sound completely retarded?
As always, thanks in advance and a good morning to everyone!

are you literally gay?

Don't reply to trolls, dummy.

Will give this a shot later.
Is he human sized?

Didnt you get a pretty decent delivery some threads ago?

I think it was a joke about how only someone gay would want more clothes on a hot girl.

Requesting the man in the left pointing his/her revolver at Cultist Chan. Cultist Chan tried convincing him to go for Chaos but the man with the revolver would just be yelling at her scared with tears; "AWAY, AWAY! AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!!!" And Cultist Chan would still try convincing him to join chaos but the man would have none of it.

You forgot the relevant details that make your request into an actual request:

>The main aspect I like about her design is in the face, the hair style, they way the ears look, the sort of emotion her face gives off, as well as the skin tone and body type.

>It's very much a traditional fantasy setting, reminiscent of something like LOTR.

Good luck.

Taking two word requests

homeless astronaut


Yes he's human sized-- thank you for taking it up, can't wait to see the results!

Flamingo baby

Requesting a cute girl giving her werewolf buddy a belly rub.

Landsknecht Alchemist.

Requesting a shadowrun character I'm planning on running.
(Streetname) Gnat is a dwarf that wishes he was a magical martial artist... but isn't. He dresses in clothing that evokes the robes worn by Tibetan monks, but with a poofy milsurp bomber jacket over top and combat boots. He has asian features and is clean shaven.

In game he is a technomancer, but he can't hack for shit and instead fights with an assault rifle or his fists. Aesthetically I picture a mix of something like Zoss from Kill Six Billion Demons (pictured right) and a stout, autistic /k/ommando. Thank you so much in advance if any drawfriend decides to pick this up.


what are you listening to while drawing?

currently listening to Imperial guard theme(s) from dawn of war

Snake Barber

granny rogue

Here you go

i can't into proper splicing at the moment, eventually i will get there, same goes here i for one love your creativity

> this

alternatively if that doesn't qualify

>pet archetype

Can I get a picture of this pair?

One is a short girl, a shadowy-ghost with the remnants of a red muffler coiled around her and a small rapier at her hip integrated into her ghostly form. The other is her father, a tall man in a dark black and green cloak, scarf, a tricorne, a gilded breastplate, a steel mask, and articulated gauntlets. From behind his mask and under his cloak and armor can only be seen mottled burnt skin, white hair, and heavy bandage wraps.

He is looking worn and tired, and she is trying to keep his spirits up or just embrace him. Thanks in advance!

Here you go

OH MY GOD. these are awesome.

also i see what you did there

say no more

Furious Prince

>I want a generic elf with gray hair.
There FTFY

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz (I always listen to audiobooks while I work)



OR here. Love it she looks tough as nails.

Thanks for being so patient buddy! Enjoy!

Priestly Pachycephalosaurus

Requesting a tactical marine for the Marines Mordant. He uses a bolter-sized hand cannon, like all the black and white pictures, carries around a machete like the one at the top, and has the chapter emblem over checkers like the lamenters. If you're a cool enough dude, the color scheme is in the top left. Thanks

Requesting a 60 year old Vietnamese man in a traditional military uniform. He had an eye patch on his special eye which is a dragon's eye which allows him to hypnotize and discombobulate his foes. It also lets him use mystic attacks like flame fists and stuff. He also carries his fathers sword so it looks pretty old.

Requesting requests of monsters or aliens!

>requests are so shit these days, artists are begging for anything but what's already posted ITT

Step up your game, beggars

something called 'the hand of the maiden'

i had a nightmare about it, don't know what it was but it ripped my arm and shoved it in my throat

I personally ask for requests cause the way i draw may not be the style a person wants, so i post a piece ive drawn to give people an idea of what i do.

Ive done to many requests where i bummed folks out with my goofy art.

Requesting a Penguin Aarakocra



I'd like to request art of a female Estalian diestro, a type of duelist from the Warhammer Fantasy setting. Reference is attached.

Facially, I'm looking for something like Gizka - somewhat mannish in shape, though not overtly masculine. No scar, and brown eyes instead of green. Black hair. Her hair is longer, and wavy - see the pic on the top right for a reference. She wears a cavalier's hat, like the one depicted on the right.

Clothing-wise, the woman on the lower right is a reference: it's a well-cut, masculine outfit, obviously something belonging to a duelist, not a soldier. She wears a simple rapier - see bottom left - and a simple flintlock pistol on the other hip, along with a dagger.

Pose-wise, I have a couple of ideas. The first is her binding a wound - preferably on her torso, but if you think the jannies will have a tit-fit, one on the arm would be acceptable too. Her expression would be one of concentration - a wince of pain, maybe, as she's drawing the bandage tight.

The other pose suggestion is a bit simpler - the character standing, sword in one hand, dagger in the other, dropped into a loose combat stance, sword extended. Expression-wise, she'd be alert, perhaps wearing a confident smirk.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, either way.
