I wasn't aware you were assuming one character taking from all three sourcebooks. I don't remember for sure, but I'm fairly certain all three books mention that characters should only take talents from one book.
If you're using all of them,
Force Sensitive Exile: 70 XP for 2 Force Rating
Force Sensitive Emergent: 75 XP for 2 Force Rating
Consular Healer: 90 XP for 1 Force Rating
Niman Disciple: 95 XP for 1 Force Rating
Sage: 135 XP for 2 Force Rating
Peacekeeper: 135 XP for 1 Force Rating
Protector: 75 XP for 1 Force Rating
Armorer: 115 XP for 1 Force Rating
Warden: 110 XP for 1 Force Rating
Warleader: 110 XP for 1 Force Rating
Advisor: 115 XP for 1 Force Rating
Seer: 150 XP for 2 Force Rating
Hunter: 90 XP for 1 Force Rating
Pathfinder: 70 XP for 1 Force Rating
Artisan: 70 XP for 1 Force Rating
Shadow: 100 XP for 1 Force Rating
Aggressor: 75 XP for 1 Force Rating
Starfighter Ace: 95 XP for 1 Force Rating
1775 XP for a total of 22 Force Rating
This isn't counting the XP to spec into the particular talent trees, which is (10 * [Number of Specs After Buy])
So your second would be 20, third 30, etc.
But thats for classes within your career. When buying outside of your starting career, you tack on an extra 10. For the sake of simplicity, let's say you started with force exile.
To buy in to Force Emergent, it would be 20 + 10 (Universal always adds as if out of career)
30, then to Consular; Healer through Sage, 50, 60, 70
then Guardians; Peacekeeper through Warleader, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130
then to Mystic; Advisor through Seer, 150, 160
then to Seeker; Hunter through Pathfinder, 180, 190
then to Sentinel; Artisan and Shadow, 210, 220
then to Warrior; Agressor and Starfighter Ace, 240, 250
The career transitions total an extra 2360 XP
For a capped 22 Force Rating you'd have to spend a total 4135 XP