Setting is post apocalypse, cyberpunk france

>Setting is post apocalypse, cyberpunk france
>They're currently trying to rebuild the Louvre's collection to restore their culture
>Most characters are black
>The Mega-Corps are suppressing the existence of a death cult of terrorists
>They're attacking and spreading a highly lethal infection to finish the apocalypse
>Many hostages are tortured and raped to infect them, despite only needing an open wound
>Proles know nothing about it, they are fed the media narrative without question
>BBEG is the harbinger of this plague (same plague that caused the apocalypse)
>He's literally the guy that brought the plagues to Egypt (not Moses)
>Closest thing to a benefactor is a literal Nazi old enough to have been born before the apocalypse
>Elite task force is responsible for eliminating every terrorist attack and finding the biblical lich
>Have to balance missions to appease various funding sources while stretched too thin to do everything
>Shit goes to 11 when someone tries to bring the Lance of Longinius to the Louvre

Would you let /pol/ DM for you?

Well, it wouldn't be boring.

>>Most characters are black

Depends, do I get to eat baguette? Use a regular lance? Fuck a french maid? Use a shield and a suit of armor? Say "War never changes" every time something comes up?

>He's literally the guy that brought the plagues to Egypt


>They're currently trying to rebuild the Louvre's collection to restore their culture
>Most characters are black
>their culture

We wuz Franks n sheet.
Ya'll mofuckas trynna tell me Charlemaigne weren't black?

>They're currently trying to rebuild the Louvre's collection to restore their culture
>Most characters are black

That's actually a lot more level-headed than what I expected of /pol/.

Thas actually sounds like a pretty cool campaign. I wouldn't take any of it seriously, but it could be a lot of fun.

In setting, God has to make anti-christs to fuck shit up on his behalf, Cain is also one such asshole

It's the future

"The problem is theyre not adopting the local culture. Rather than assimilatin into the successful whole, they leech off whites and continue their tribal butchering, except now whites are caught in the middle of it"

Not even pol complains about blacks who behave

As /pol/iticly inclined fa/tg/uy I find that since going on /pol/ I've had more succes in making plot hooks and getting them integrated into a camping

/pol/ will pretty much accept anyone that fights for western civilization.

No, Allah. This is France, the Muslims will be in charge soon.

I would play the hell out of a campaign like this.

Seems like it'd be pretty fun, what system we using? GURPS? Shadowrun?

>Well, it wouldn't be boring.

Well, the half of /pol/ that wants your phenotype. The other half wants your genotype. (Not in those exact words, natch.)

Oddly enough, me too.

Because you have a new understanding of how people act, how groups interact, and how to control and direct people.

>thinks blacks are the problem in modern France

>this is what /pol/ actually believe

Actually, it's just because he's an unimaginative moron who needs to rip stuff out of the news to make anything remotely interesting.

>/pol/ will pretty much accept anyone

I've been repeatedly cussed out on /pol/ for being Canadian

holy shit that campaign sounds awesome
fuck yes i would play that
is the plague super aids? or super gonorea?

>he has to use real life to be interesting
>what a moron!

Conan was written explicitely to write historical fiction whithout worrying about innaccuracies.

Fucking Leaf


W-why? Secret Canadian here too.

Because Canadians are probably the most privileged, delusional people on the planet.

You straight up elected a guy that started quotas because it's 2016. That was his reason. Meanwhile you've got Chinese buying up your land and literally nobody wants to talk about it because clearly addressing the issue is racist and discriminatory.

Canadians were always known as pushovers, it's just taken the past couple years for you guys to really prove it.

canadians are known to be worse shitposters than australians.

Go home leaf boy!

What, do you hate DIVERSITY or something?

Xe does! Xe hates DIVERSITY! DIVERSITY is the single most important thing you can have in an RPG!

I know that this is shitposting, but
>most characters are black

Thaats what Xi said.

I'm not sure if Chinese people know much about diversity

Dats what xu say.

Welp, all true unfortunately. But you could make a similar argument for Americans (Obama), the French (Algeria), the Swedes (refugees) etc. That doesn't explain why Canadians in particular are considered so poorly on /pol/. The Canadians on /pol/ are most likely to be NOT like that.

Also, until last September Canada had a conservative as prime minister with very reasonable policies (no thanks, muslim migrants).

And thats why the shitposting began after that

Define "shitposting" on /pol/, it's kind of a paradox.

Because you're the north American equivalent of Sweden, combined with the shitposting of Australia, but without the funny banter.

Why are most characters black? Did blacks make up the bulk of the survivors somehow? Have we underestimated the ingenuity of the negroid race?

>Most characters are black
Black Frenchies aren't that numerous and don't have a massive breeding rate. Certain other people on the other hand...

Apocalypse plague drove all the africans north, their birth rates kicked in after that


De donde viene este porn matey?

>Ya'll mofuckas trynna tell me Charlemaigne weren't black?

It makes me irrationally angry that I know a college-educated woman who full-on believes this, and no matter what you say she remains convinced that he and other major historical figures were actually black.



Hijabolic on tumblr. Best hijababe porn out there, mon frere.

So what's literally going to happen in 50 years when Global Warming starts destroying Africa.

You think the migrations are bad now? Imagine 3 million Africans swarming into Germany begging for welfare.

Speaking of refugee, why is Germany and Sweden using the "cheap labor" excuse when they're post-industrial economies, where the only jobs the refugees are good for are also jobs that are already taken?

I feel your pain brother.

Historical blackwashing is a hell of a thing

The Detroit Zoo is now telling kids that giraffes were in ancient egypt despite their habitat being on the other side of the Sahara.

Show some fucking respect, the little black kids need to feel like their ancestors actually lived around giraffes, so they had to put them in Egypt.

Its literally next to a map showing them only in East Africa and American slaves were predominantly west african. Hell, the map even shows the egyptian border hundreds of miles north.

how's that wildfire doing, moosefucker?

Giraffes are so fucking overrated, though.

They literally headbutt females to get them to piss, so they can drink their piss to tell whether they're ovulating or not.

sounds like your typical negro to me tough



Hey, I voted Rhino Party.

We still use the unlucky doors to enter Parliament for fucks sake, and people are worried about gender quotas?


> Meanwhile you've got Chinese buying up your land and literally nobody wants to talk about it because clearly addressing the issue is racist and discriminatory.

Actually, this is sustaining Canada's housing bubble and when it bursts all those Chinese are going to be fucked when the value drops like a rock because they've been over-inflated. The Chinese government is starting to push really hard to stop them from buying empty overpriced homes in Van to hide their money from the Chinese government/protect it from the forced devaluation of the Yuan to keep China's international labour market competitive.

But yeah the Cuckminister, the People's Elbau, "Your Enemies Win if you Kill Them", is a fucking travesty.

On the plus side, the PM isn't much more than a figurehead unlike in the US where Executive Orders can be given by the President, so it's much more Political Theater than anything significant. The Liberal party is solidly Centrist (in regards to Canada's political spectrum) so it's not as bad as your impending Hillary government.

All that aside, most Canadians are just as ignorant about all this shit as you are, so you're not wrong about them being delusional and privileged.

I'm just milking the shit for all it's worth up here, buying up land & US bonds in San Diego during '08 and selling it in 2011, sold all my Bonds in what 2013/14? I can't remember.

Anyways, you're a fucking poorfag moron if you tie yourself to any one nation instead of abusing the fuck out of the culture/laws to make money.

I'll never understand why some African Americans are so obsessed with identifying with the idea of a black ancient Egypt when there were perfectly fine West African kingdoms to muh hurritage over.

I guess because barely anyone knows about them egypt is pretty prestigious.

>The Liberal party is solidly Centrist (in regards to Canada's political spectrum) so it's not as bad as your impending Hillary government.

Are you joking? The Liberal Party makes Hillary Clinton look like Ted Cruz. There are 4 parties in Canada:

Centrist (Conservatives)
Centre-Left (Liberals)
Leftist (NDP)
Funny-Crazy (Green)

Yes historical blackwashing is the main problem of revisionism. Yes indeed. The main serious issue.

Not white Jesus. Ignore that. Only black peeps are the issue.

>(in regards to Canada's political spectrum)

I see you went to a public school in a poorer district, since you are able to copy/paste but not actually read.

But yeah, overall your statement is correct. But Americans are batshit crazy right wing voters who are partisan morons.

Like nationalized health care. That could have been a great thing for finally cleaning up your mess with Medicare (essentially a much more expensive and significantly less effective Obamacare) but your insurance companies and "free market" are so fucking weak that you need the Government to support your small businesses by forcing people to purchase from them because you're cucks who can't react to changing markets. Let's not even get into your minimum wage retardation. Nobody working full time should have to go on food stamps, it's not the government's job to feed your employees. If you can't make a fucking profit doing that, then go the fuck out of business.

Seriously, I'm pretty (actually, not just Canadian) right wing, but Americans are absolutely retarded.

Definitely should have elected Romney, he at least would have let national health care be a States Rights issue and it could have worked out great for places like Hawaii (which has had it since like the 1950s and it HAS been great) while the rust belt continues to devolve into inbred hicks.

Yes, the Jews are a swarthy people. But there's no way Jesus was anything close to being a nigger.

Have you ever actually met a racial Jew, user? Try to tell them they're black and you'll get smacked.

>not wanting to get into a fight with another male, only to end up fucking each other

Oy vey, us Jews are as white ad any European! We're one of (((you)))!

>do I get to eat baguette? Use a regular lance?
Let a baguette go stale long enough and the two are indistinguishable.

Looking at what France once was and what it has become makes me feel sick to my stomach. For some reason it's even more gutwrenching than what's happening in other European nations.

1968 was a mistake. The PCs in OP's campaign should be attempting to retrieve the corpses of Napoleon, Louis XIV and Charles de Gaulle and revive them using necromancy to create an immortal triumverate that will lead France to unprecedented glory.

Lich Robespierre can be in charge of law enforcement

>1968 was a mistake
You mean 1776, right?

Should have crushed the ruddy colonial rebels...

Sorry, I wanted to say 1789.

I bet you actually believe the original intent of the revolution was to crush the monarchy.

Well, it's what they did.

Obviously. Have you ever considered why?

ad Charle Martel and Charlemange to that mix ad you have the hand to take the world.

Je Suis Charlie Martel?

Because the king committed high treason by trying to use foreign troops for his own sake and power at the cost of his country strength?

>Five leaders
But who's what finger? I propose this.

>Thumb = Napoleon
>(Falsely presumed to be) the shortest, but the most powerful and useful of all fingers

>Index finger = Louis XIV
>The finger of authority. It can be used to chastise, give orders, direct or submit

>Middle finger = De Gaulle
>Standing at 2 meters tall, De Gaulle is clearly the tallest. He has also earned himself a reputation for defiance, both in warfare and in politics.

>Ringfinger = Charlemagne
>Loyalty to the papacy, and loyalty to the European cause as the Grandfather of Europe.

>Little finger = Charles Martel
>Often forgotten and underestimated, the little finger is one of the most important fingers in holding a sword. So much so, that Yakuza members often cut part of it off to demonstrate their dependence on their leaders. This reflects Martel's role as the sword that keeps Europe's enemies at bay.

>Martel's role as the sword that keeps Europe's enemies at bay.
But he mostly fought Germans...

That's what I said: Europe's enemies.

>De Gaulle is clearly the tallest. He has also earned himself a reputation for defiance, both in warfare and in politics.

And yet he surrendered French Algeria and 1m pied-noirs + 1m Harkis to the Islamists. He ain't worth shit.

OK, I lol'd.

He earned his moniker by crushing muslim invaders from spains though.

>And yet he surrendered French Algeria and 1m pied-noirs + 1m Harkis to the Islamists.
As opposed to surrendering Metropolitan France to the Islamists? He did the right thing: keep 40m+ Muslims from becoming French.

The only thing he could've maybe done better was create an independent Pieds-Noir state in the North, a "Northern Ireland" of Algeria so to speak.

Mmmh, I don't think we really know from where he got it.

Ok then.


As opposed to crushing the rebellion and keeping a South Africa-like independent Algeria run by the pied-noirs. In 1959 the FLN was militarily crushed. It was politicians in France who wavered and revived its chances. In addition, Algeria at that time only had 12% of France's population, about 6m people, of which easily 25% were Christian or secular. Keeping it incorporated would not have islamicized metropolitan France. De Gaulle could have done several things:

1. Partitioned Algeria in loyalist/independent districts...probably leading to a South Vietnam/North Vietnam like situation,

2. Denied independence outright, which in the long run might have incorporated more Muslims into the French empire but remember that a) they didn't get the vote and b) did not multiply like they do now and were stagnant.

3. At least provided for an orderly withdrawal of all pied noirs and harkis to France, saving hundreds of thousands, rather than throwing them to the islamist wolves.

Which would've turned out so well in the long run. Both of the examples you named, Vietnam and South Africa, went to shit. Except now you also have the old colonizer still in place, where the population obviously doesn't want them. This isn't French Guiana, keeping Algeria wouldn't be viable in the political climate where pretty much everyone favored an independent Algeria, as shit as it turned out to be.

Your last point is probably valid.

>Most characters are black
>Would you let /pol/ DM for you?
"I come up with a plan to encircle the enemies and cut them off from retreat before attacking from hiding"

"lol no you don't, you have to act in character. You shout out bix nood and charge in and get killed. Here's the character sheet for a better character"

You're stereotyping /pol/ as badly as /pol/ stereotypes blacks, and I'm not sure if that's impressive or terrible.

Same reason why fucking every Christian nation/King in medieval Europe claimed to be the continuation of Rome/Bumfuck dynasty.

>often cut part of it off to demonstrate their dependence on their leaders.

Not quite. It's actually to show their willingness to remove their own flesh to pay back a debt or right a wrong against their master, while not rendering them crippled in the process.

They also do this entirely of their own accord - it's not like in the movies where they're held down or it's ordered by the boss. It's entirely a voluntarily self-inflicted wound done as a penance and to show you're a hard motherfucker.

Why is South Africa always called a "failed state" or "went to shit" after the end of Apartheid when my professors and the media always claim the end of Apartheid as an incredible push towards a free, happy, equal and more successful South Africa?

(((Why))) indeed?

Because /pol/ is right again.

Now, /pol/ likes to say it's always right, which isn't true, but I will say that /pol/ is right significantly more often than random chance would suggest.

Personally I find that the real kicker isn't South Africa, it's Rhodesia. Rhodesia didn't have apartheid, and Ian Smith was explicitly moving the country towards full black rule with a civilizing, educating process of trying to drag a country and a population into the modern age for whom books were a cutting-edge technology. Britain and the "international community" told Smith that he was to implement full black majority rule RIGHT THIS FUCKING MINUTE NOW NOW NOW. Smith argued that the blacks weren't fully ready for self-government yet, they'd descend into a kleptocratic hellhole like a dozen other African states had already done in similar circumstances. Cue the good and the great powers of the world embargoing Rhodesia, arming and funding paramilitary rebellions and shitheads like Robert Mugabe to enforce the NOW NOW NOW, and Rhodesia under full black self-government descending into the kleptocratic hellhole that is Zimbabwe.

Because South Africa is torn between people who demand black supremacy and want to eject white people from the country and white supremacists who refuse to acknowledge their ancestors did anything wrong whatsoever, with a middle ground of people, white and black, who have no fucking clue which way is up anymore so they're doing whatever they can to get out.

My mom and grandparents fled Rhodesia. AMA.

How redpilled are you?

I'd be 1488 as fuck, if I weren't Jewish.

>implying Hitler wasn't a kike
Join us, my shekel grubbing friend.

No. They can't even keep their facts straight and things like character building beyond a single trait is beyond their ability. They would make shitty GM's

Well it's "more equal" because the blacks are dragging the whites down to their primitive level. The current president is one step away from becoming president for life like Mugabe. Major companies are being handed over to corrupt black kleptocrats in the name of "social justice" and crime has gone through the stratosphere. There aren't any pogroms yet, so I guess that's good, but it sure as hell isn't getting better.

Hmn, I don't think uncle Adolph would like that post, user-kun.

>crime has gone through the stratosphere
>has gone
No. Crime has /always/ been crazy in South Africa, both before and after Apartheid.

>caring what pale forest-niggles think.




Hey man, I may be a kike, but I'm also half 'forrest-niggle.'

Now, if you're a nig or a rag-head, you shouldn't talk shit about your betters.
If you're some gook, you've got no reason to judge, Mr. warring-states period.

No to all of those, my aryan-semite.

t. superior Anglo-Mediterranean mix.