/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

Good job letting the thread 404 edition

We're currently working on Gen V

Here's the current worklog:
| Gen V |
-Army Upgrades Page

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Game welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen II/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - No. We recognize that spreading out our efforts is what originally killed the project. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a pricness about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead, just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6 (embed)

Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:

Contact Project Lead: [email protected]

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Thx op.

you know what Towergirls needs?

10/10 playthrough right there

The squire is adorable.

Yes, the artist makes some cute art.
Think his name is cerberus123 on deviant

Never enough squire

Never enough, indeed.

Thanks mate, we don't have many/any Euros around, so the thread has a tendency to get dangerously low while America sleeps.

Towergirls Europe Go!

EU Princess with a chunk missing that formed the Great Britain Princess when?

>browse the old thread
>the dragon acolytes/army talk reminds me of an old thing I did

Basically I was trying to speed up the process of becoming a War Dragon Acolyte, which is a fixed but slow transformation, via denouncing the Witch's god.

My idea was that since it transforms you into a were-creature every night, but your transformation is fixed into becoming a War Dragon Acolyte due to DP3s power bonus, you will essentional become a Were-Dragon instead of a random were-creature, so you'd probably instantly get the 4 arms when day comes and fails to completely turn you back to normal due to being a War Dragon Acolyte.

Honestly, War Were-Dragon Acolytes sound terrifying, especially ones aligned to DP3 due to all the Poison-related stuff they could do.



So what's the current project? Are Gen V princesses done? Powers, landmarks and everything?

yup completo Now its this army thing.

Army list for gen 5, and full "bonus gen" charts for 2 and 3 (there's about half a chart worth of princesses for both from the original fan chart, so we'll make the other half and have full charts for both; there's already one for gen 1 collected from various fan princesses laying around). After that, we'll probably do the same with gen 4 and 5 for consistency's sake (even if both of those are already technically "fan gens").

Do you think there'll be a gen VI, or will false gen V be the endgame?


Really depends how much interest there still is.
How I'd like to see it:
>Core: consisting of Gen I - Gen V
>Expansions: consisting of Expansion Gen I- Gen V
>Theme Gens: one-off gens with a theme, like the sci-fi one someone made
>TowerGirls Infinite: stand-alone gens without a theme (may still have a "plot" but no unifying theme between all the princesses) or maybe just one everlong chart like the current knights chart

>like the sci-fi one someone made
Sounds bitchin. Link?


Also a little update on this thing, the first concept of a more modern card. Still not good enough.

>That lust symbol which makes it possible to easily display both
That I like.
Perhaps replace Dowries with Bounties, as rewards for hunting them down?

That card looks gorgeous.
My only question is what is the star? Is it wealth or something new?

Aww, you're making brain princess exclusively lesbian?

That first of the 2 Green symbols is clearly male.

Oh, is it? It's hard to tell.

no, why?
wealth, you can say... star-bucks

I just made a mistake, is all. Looking at the expanded thumbnail the male symbol looked female.

I'd say replace it with a gold coin with a star imprinted on it, then make the crown blue, because "Intergalactic."

Hey guys, working on a keychain thing. This is the very first (and super shitty) test run. Thinking rightmost on the top row or left most on the bottom row. Going to remove the green border, keep it white.

Got permission from Gats to start selling them at cons, going to do a set of the first princesses, test it out. Which 4 princesses should I start with?

Should mention, I'm buying a set of razors for these, a better hole punch, and will be making less 'definite' crinkly edges to them. All together that should make the future models way less shit.

Sphinx, skeleton, dog, and frog

Needs to be Gen 1.

Terrible. Worst gen.

Insect, Skeleton, Knight, Boy.

Specifically I should say I'm doing Gen I first. Four princesses from Gen 1.

play it safe.

Kobold, Human, Boy, Dragon

My guesses
If you want to ge meme, i guess dog, cat, mimic, squire, mouse

If you want to go Veeky Forums i think goblin, Konold, any dragon princess 1-3, skeleton

if you want /a/ go vampire, human, skeleton, slime centaur, drider

oh, didnt refresh
Just cancel the non gen1

Golem, Golem, Golem, and Golem.

I'd say Kobold, she's iconic.
Human or Knight Princess.
Dragon princess I.
And either Boy or Drider.



>No 40k princess





Board's moving faster than usual, by a LOT. What gives?

i'm the kind of dude that would do the time warp/newgame+ every time to get EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.

Then why not just use the Mimic Princess if you want it all?



Buddy I got you!

How's this for a Dragon Disciple? Rough doodle mode.

I'd alter the horns so it didn't look like a kobold

Needs more Wings in my opinion.
And maybe do away with the helm or at least the faceplate, they're Dragons, with leathery hides that can take a beating.
Pretty good, though, Unyin.

Bruh i got yew

trap princess qtest princess.

Hive is more or less a Tyranid

How's this?

Very much a dragon.

Thats cool.
And european princess bump

just an idea... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_(mythology)

>Abducted by Zeus as a bull.
Ew, it's one of these.

>He actually waited until he could transform back into human shape to fuck her.
Shit, she's lucky, I don't think any of the other girls got that courtesy.

>i-i-its no bestia if its a human-bodied god who transformed

welcome to Veeky Forums were we cultivate a long human tradition

interesting, but nothing outstanding for me that justify her as a princess
maybe as a courtier type?

I don't think you understood my post.

Now my only complaints are that it's not black and purple/green like DP5 and that he's got a shield instead of a caster's staff.

i understood your post about what other women had to get from zeus or myths,
What you wrote just reminded me that Veeky Forums looks like a human tradition.
You can roll it like you want, but we can say its an ancient cultur 3.0 cultivated.

Squire+trap princess master race

based user


>Imagining a Paper Mario style game featuring our signature Knight
>Paper Knight and the Five Dragon Maidens

How many armies we got? How many we need?

Back when these threads were on /v/ someone was claiming to be making a paper mario style towergirls game.
Shame it never amounted to anything.




Some new DP art

>overused hexagon pattern
Otherwise a nice image

That's really nice.
? I don't see any hex patterns on that at all, am I blind?

Look really closely. There's a mesh pattern with hexagons. It's really faint, but it's visible on a large monitor (such as my 42" monitor that's clearly bad for my eyes)

Oh shit, i see it now.
That definitely shouldn't be on her body, but works on the background.

What do you know, there is a mesh.
Why is there one, though?




SOLDIER, that blade does not look like it is General Issue, explain yourself!


Gen V:
Other Side Kingdom’s
Reaper Princess

+ No unfortunate accidents after she is around
+ Can directly pleasure your soul
+ Reaps both ways
- You are not sure when you died and joined her
- She can put you back in your body, for now

Landmark: Limbo Landing –The path between light and death. You can help suggest which direction a soul should go.
Love Spell: White Light – Emit a supernatural light that draws other sentient beings to it.
Lust Spell: Reaper’s Touch – Make someone become overwhelmed with sensations by directly stimulation their soul.

Love: 4
Lust: 2
Wealth: 3
Power: 3

That sounds like a horror princess.


Thats super cute

So since we have a knight disciple for DP 1, would DP 2's be a mage? DP3's probably doesn't exsist, or maybe is technically Sir Knight himself if you choose power bonus.

DP 2 would be a Cleric (she's trying to nab god power, remember)
DP 3 would have a bad stuffed doll
DP 4 would have one of those stereotypical hoity toity frenchy knights, who care more about how polished their armor is than how good it is in battle.
DP 5 would have mage knights

Can a fan of this game give me an example of their playthrough? I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.

There is no "right" way.
I haven't actually made my "personal" run yet, cause I've been waiting for Gen V to be finalized and Expansion 2.
But I did make this with the premise:
>I want to rule the universe
>Ships that could fare in space
>Turn entire kingdom into a sprawling empire of robots hell-bent on domination

actually a DP2 dragon cleric does sound cool, so here's a quick and dirty concept

I wanna push him down and steal his glasses.

That's pretty cute.
Looks a bit too much like DP2 in my opinion, though.

Haha thats too good!