How do you handle interspecies romance especially when one part osn't exactly humanoid and more monster?
Interspecies Romance
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I don't. Magical realm be gone!
Hijacking this thread to say: Holy shit Dizzy is looking so good in this game.
She Revelator or also in Sign?
Revelator only I'm afraid, her DLC is free right now however.
I've been away from GG for a decade+ and this is making me want to come back.
She's a monster girl right?
Her "instant kill" is amazing. In general, her animation is on a whole other level.
Half gear. I think that qualifies?
Exposed midriff edition
Fucked by a King
Laid an Egg
Turned into a popsicle
Ishiwatari, what the fuck are you doing?
She's a mom now
You really put no effort into making this thread to look like traditional games.
Married mothers shouldn't be showing off their midriff! It is unbecoming.
I thought she was full Gear? Regardless, I would fuck her so hard it would make her dizzy.
She's half.
Which is how we know Testament isn't the daddy (despite Necro giving off Testament vibes).
Sol is the father confirmed in a rather hilarious way
I missed that. When was that confirmed?
Revelator Story Mode
Went and looked it up.
Does the game have anything to offer a skilless scrub who will stick to single player, or should I just watch all the stuff on youtube?
Dammit. Curse my PC only existence
>Does the game have anything to offer a skilless scrub who will stick to single player, or should I just watch all the stuff on youtube?
It will teach you to be not a skilless scrub. GGXrd Revelator has the best damn training mode ever.
Also, rumor says patch 1.04 will have a photoshoot mode.
The closest thing we've had to an interspecies relationship in our party was a dryad hooking up with a human.
Which wasn't even that weird since dryads are hot tree people.
>Ky fucked Sol's daughter and then dumped his grandchild with him
Anji playable when
Probably after Baiken and Robo.
fucking balloon boobs and cat ears
I am perfectly okay with Anji after Baiken, his story usually has endings revolving around her after all but Robo-Ky? Didn't know people liked him that much. Oh well, I've waited for them to make a new GG for 10+ years what's a year for a full roster?
Eh, Baiken and Robo's designs were revealed at the same time is why I think that'll be the case.
But since the story is turning japan-ward, Anji isn't unlikely.
What's the single player offering like? Is the story stuff good, anime good or total garbage?
>Does the game have anything to offer a skilless scrub who will stick to single player, or should I just watch all the stuff on youtube?
It will instill a sense of GIT GUD OR DIE TRYING, which makes you at least 14% better as a person.
>full roster
>no Testament
>no flawless setups where my opponents trip into my traps like spiders for webs
>no Di- Zappa
>no vicious doggie style unblockables into BELLOWS MALICE or new Za Warudo super complete with BEEUUUU bubble sound effect
>full roster
>Pothead sucks more dick than he did in fucking #Reload, only Our Lord and Saviour FAB can work magic with him
Triggered hard, man.
It's anime as shit, but aside from being a bit cliche, not that bad. You'll want to watch GGXrd SIGN's story first to be up on speed (which is literally a 2 hour long "anime" using the game's engine).
Also, the music is fucking amazing.
No surprise about the music. I've loved it since I stumbled across the original GG years ago.
How does the story/writing rank up against BlazBlue? I never played it myself, but a friend showed me some stuff which was cringe inducingly painful.
Also, options for sub as well as dub?
>How does the story/writing rank up against BlazBlue?
I had zero interest in BB so I have no idea. There are some cringey anime moments, but there's also some that I felt a bit sappy about.
>Also, options for sub as well as dub?
IIRC, you can set it in the options. I watched it dubbed (was looking for something to fall asleep on, but didn't work...).
You know, you could probably watch SIGN on youtube subbed or dubbed.
>How does the story/writing rank up against BlazBlue?
You are going down an ugly road. Take it on it's own merits, user. It's anime as hell, but not angsty, because Ishiwatari doesn't do angst. It's about magic and music and revenge and AWW SHIT TIME TO KILL THE MUTHAFUCKING POPE BECAUSE *REDACTED* AND THAT MAN IS ACTUALLY *REDACTED* AND HE *REDACTED* TO *REDACTED* BECAUSE HE WAS TRYING TO *REDACTED*!
Does it have a 10 minute long conversation about somebody being crap at cooking as part of its story mode?
Makes what happened in X a touch more uncomfortable.
>tfw your mother has a bigger dick than your dad
There's some long moralizing/philosophizing about the nature of free will, and also some long technobabbles, but nothing that cringey.
Both Xrd story modes are around 5
Hours long of anime. Pretty good overall and some scenes are directed like an anime.
Excellent, that was my pass/fail threshold. Thanks.
To be fair, Justice is literally a giant, Tetsuo-esque blob of parts and hyper charged reality warping magic potential.
Her armor was a part of the OUTRAGE program designed to give her some manner of stability to keep her from going insane.
I'd just like to note that there was that one moment in SIGN story mode where I was close to quitting when one guy hamfistedly says
>That's Justice! She looks just like she looked like in the wars!
And I'm like... really, nigger? She looked like a fucking EVA unit? Couldn't you hamfist that retcon a bit more?
Dizzy is a bad example to use for--holy shit, is there an ending where she starts dating Ky?! Is that canon?
Cyborg, kinda
Is her instant kill still Necro shanking a bitch while Undine covers her eyes?
Dizzy is half-gear, so her father would have to be human, unless the thing about Sol being the Gear Prototype was retconned.
They have a son, Sin Kiske, and he is canon
Ky going 'dawwww' while Sin is going 'The hell mom?!'
Best reactions.
That's really just one of those things you gotta work out in your head depending on the type of monster species. What exactly are you trying to interbreed?
Also, you made one of the greatest mistakes alongside starting a land war in Asia: starting with an image more interesting than your thread.
>Waifu just got out of her Popsicle
>offer to spar to help her get her feet back
>have trouble focusing due to her doing cute/sexy shit like this
>Dick status: Rising Force
did the relationship bear any fruit?
funnier is the difference between Ky and Dizzy towards Sin's Insta-kills.
>Ky is amazed that his son has such power
>Dizzy spends the entire mini-cutscene with a "son, I am disappoint" look and is about as phased as Slayer.
Could be worse. Could have been an actual Interspecies Romance thread.
>that spoiler
It did, they've got three children that were grown in a fairly freaky way (the first was grown conventionally, but after realizing how much effort that was she used her tree instead of her womb.)
I'm confused, am I on Veeky Forums, /v/, or /a/?
Veeky Forums, it's the only board you really need.
sorry, man, it's about to get worse:
thinking about it, I do have a mage character who had a dragon wife. He felt she shouldn't have to change into a human shape and be "less than what she really is" during their... intimate times.
He just used his magic to grow up to her size.
actually, the dryad using a tree as a womb makes a lot of practical sense. Though, I just hope the conception was still conventional.
You're on /b/ with dice.
>interspecies romance
>Dizzy spends the entire mini-cutscene with a "son, I am disappoint" look and is about as phased as Slayer.
Dizzy is best mom.
Even when her son grabs her and slams her through a mountain she's just gives him a lecture. "I really hope you don't do this to your friends."
Waifu Wars are the most traditional.
I don't, because it is magical realm skeevy shit.
>this is a Guilty Gear thread
Okay, so what system do I use to make this setting work on a tabletop?
When will this magical realm meme die?
I know, right? It's mutated, and now idiots and prudes think it means "anything remotely sexual."
Interspecies romance isn't "magical realm" unless that's the GM's fetish, he's blatant about it, and he keeps awkwardly forcing it into the game despite the players telling him to cut it out.
Go in tg
Guilty gear
Why is third board so good?
Gotta hide them stretch marks from giving birth.
The speculation is Aria was pregnant before she and Sol were converted. She's half-gear because of the conversion process to turn Aria into Justice.
Legends of the Wulin, one of the Street Fighter games, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying?
Shit, man, I don't know.
Better question is: what kind of characters do you run for it? I mean Guilty Gear-verse feels pretty hinged one it's current cast of personalities, not being able to play them sort of feels like you'd be losing out.
Unless you do play them. Which could be interesting in of itself.
>"Right, so you all meet at Jam's restaurant when Professor Paradigm approaches you in search of help."
The same way you'd handle any other relationship.
Oh, wait, you were talking about SEX, weren't you.
Savage Worlds
Here's a thought: Guilty Gear does alternate history goodness, right?
So what happens when a big factor in the setting changes? Are the players sent back in time because there's nobody left and Ky/Sol needs to guard the time portal or whatever bullshit you use to justify it?
For example:
>Sol never defeats Justice, and Dizzy doesn't learn how to control her powers before she's defeated/killed as well, Ky doesn't get there in time to tip the balance and blames himself
Or something.
That could also work. Maybe even a campaign centered around dealing with some asshole (likely i-no) going to different points in time and fucking shit up leading to That Man hiring the PCs (Raven will be the one keeping i-no off their backs) to fix what i-no fucked up.
And fucking axel just turning up every so often just trying to get home
Did we ever find out who "that man" really was.
We didn't want to know. pic related
>Oh well, I've waited for them to make a new GG for 10+ years what's a year for a full roster?
>tfw they put in two of your mains but ignore your best characters.
R.I.P Zappa/A.B.A/Baiken
You got shafted for rejected BlazBlue character designs.
I actually do this during major encounters.
I just looked it up... Your pic is related !
I play a halfling sorceress.
She's actually married to the human cleric.
Nobody but the GM knows.
(Though some probably suspect there's something.)
I suspect, if it came up, the other players would be completely okay with it. But we keep it hidden because IC prejudices etc.
>Nobody but the gm knows
...then what's the point? in an imagination game, hidden things simply don't exist
It's a thing that might come up depending on RP.
Nice memes bro.
>Though, I just hope the conception was still conventional.
Would you call fucking a vagina-shaped tree flower that blossomed at groin height "conventional?"
>vagina-shaped tree flower
That's some CoC kind of shit dude.
Current GG is actually an alternate timeline. Original had Ky dying in Rome Dizzy was abused as a child and became evil like her mother and prolongs the War in her stead with Testament as her right hand. Original timeline is grim dark becase Ky Kiske was killed. I-No changed the timeline
Yeah, but it sounds like it would've felt *really* good.
Romance and sexual compatibility are two different things. Romance is usually dependent on emotional connection while compatibility requires compatible sexual characteristics. You can have one without the other, they aren't dependent on each other.
Had a group where our orc barbarian fell in love with the kitsune ninja. Turned out she had a thing for fluffy tails and men who manage to overcome their abusive childhoods. Of course, being an orc and kitsune they aren't able to breed, so they adopted a cute elf girl.
Not really a good example, come to think of it, as they were sexually compatible.
Did someone say Baiken?
>Not really a good example, come to think of it, as they were sexually compatible.
Human girl falling in love with a dragon is probably better for the "parts just don't fit" thing.
Or werewolf/human, because as hot as it is, I doubt any but the thickest girls can take the knot.
Hana certainly did
Strike! is really good fit for it tho.
GG as a setting just doesn't give a fuck about simulating anything, and is instead just an excuse for fun fights with diverse characters. So pointbuy games that need you to meticulously build characters (M&M and GURPS) are pretty much missing the point. The fighting game RPGs (SF2, Fight!, Thrash) capture the mechanics in some form, but this makes them clunky to play with.
Legends of the Wulin could be great tho, but I think it'd need a lot of brewing, since the styles are tied to the setting (I may be mixing it up with some other wuxia RPG).
I'm talking more like the 8-9 foot werewolves you see in most fantasy settings.
Goggle eye patch is on the bad eye?
>I doubt any but the thickest girls can take the knot.
Vaginal flexibility is completely unrelated to thickness of body, at least when it comes to sex. Childbirth is another matter, of course. You want wide hips and a solid core for that.
Fair enough.
Fair enough, it was silly of me to simply write "thickest" assuming it would convey "wide hips and solid core", which is what I was going for.
With that in mind, while a wide-hipped woman might be able to handle pretty big dicks, I don't think they'd be able to make the jump to werewolf. Yes, wide-hipped women have an easier time of childbearing, but it's worth pointing out that labor requires a cocktail of hormones and unique chemicals to induce dilation and all sorts of other things just to fit that kid through the birth canal.
Sex does not release those same chemicals, at least not in the quantities required.
>I swear, you two bicker like a married couple!
>I, er, can't imagine why you'd say that!
>Bard rolls to sense motive
You mean those Modern fantasy RP threads people did, where most posts were variations of:
>problem with exotic, hot gf
>what do?