/GDG/ Game Design General

Game design edition.
>Now with 50% more game design.

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Last page bump while I write shit out.

Tomorrow I'm going to print my very first prototype of a card game. Hopefully I will be able to play some thing out with friends on Saturday.

It's mostly just some icons, numbers and text on cards, but I'll throw in some simple black and white graphics, so different cards will stand out more.

NanDeck was a very powerful tool that allowed me to quickly make massive number of cards from template I created. It also combines everything into ready for print PDF files, so you don't have to do it by hand. I recommend it to anybody who want to make some cards, even if the learning curve can be a bit steep on the very first few steps. After that it's a breeze to change things on the card, because you can just apply them to the template and it automatically updates whole deck.

If nanDeck is not for you, then try out some counterparts like Card Creator. Software like that really speeds up the creation process.

Are there any merits in "extra deck" mechanics in card games? That is, mechanics where some cards begin the game in a special zone where they wait to be retrieved by certain effects.

Depends on if you get to choose the cards or not.


What do you mean? Like having the cards you get from an effect be random?

Reminds me of the old Pokemon TCG, where you lay out six prize cards, taken randomly from your deck. When you knock out an enemy pokemon, you get a prize. Drawing all six prizes = victory. Though other victory conditions exist, like you win if your opponent runs out of cards to draw. there were probably other win conditions that i'm forgetting.

Like, do you get to choose which cards go in this zone, or is it randomly taken from the deck and placed in there?

I meant for where there are special types of cards that start in that zone instead of the deck, and are only accessed by using effects that bring them out.

As long as there is an advantage for those cards over standard ones drawn like normal. Reduced costs, effects not normally available, that sort of thing.

The specific mechanic I had in mind works like this:
-A special card has a frequency it is keyed to.(Frequency is a quality of cards that does something, but we don't need to know what for this example.)
-Your mana crystals of that frequency enter the field tapped for as long as that card remains in the special zone.
-When you have played a number of those crystals equal to a threshold, you move the card to your hand.
So the special cards alter the nature of some of your mana sources to make them slower in exchange for potentially providing card advantage.

As for the limitations of the special zone, I have two possibilities:
-You can't have more than one card that keys off the same frequency.
-You arrange the special cards in a stack before the game and must unlock them in that order.

Has anyone played a game with a focus around limited resources before? I'm working around one where I want players to compete over a dwindling resource.

What are the core features you guys would want to see in a pirate themed game?

Political power. Revenge. Obligation to a landlubbing cause. Splitting the loot. Ship-to-ship combat. Dedicated dueling mechanics. Lost treasure. Even romance with wenches/governor's daughters.
I loved the hell out of Sid Meier's Pirates as a kid.

This is about the response I was expecting.

It's interesting, because it's a great theme, but it's really hard to cram everything in to one game without it being a massive complicated deal... which the better pirate games are.

I've been working to see if I could come up with a simplified pirate game that could still maintain most of the flavor.

Sid Meier's pirates needs a modern sequel so bad...

Still working on 「Dragon Forest」!

Now I am onto the cosmology of the game’s default setting. There are six realms, each one a different realization of the same undifferentiated potentiality that composes all reality: Realm of Gods, Realm of Men, Realm of Undead, Realm of Demons, Realm of Beasts, and Realm of Titans. The game centers around the exploration of Forest Gates that connect the realms and the interstitial spaces between them.

Now, here's how I'm using this:

Each character class has a position (like roles in 4ED&D) and is tied to a realm (like power sources in 4ED&D).

Realm of Titans classes are all themed around transforming and growing large.

Realm of Beast classes are all themed around summoning.

Realm of Undead classes are all themed around being really hard to kill.

Realm of Man classes are all themed around cool equipment.

Realm of Gods and Realm of Demons classes will be omitted from the core book (because fuck you, that's why!)

There will be 12 classes in all: 3 from each realm with each realm getting one class from each of the three positions: Support, Defense, and Control (DPR is distributed among all classes.)

The classes so far:

>Realm of Man
Veteran (STR/WIS support)
Slayer (STR/DEX defense)
Scout (DEX/WIS control)

>Realm of Undead
Saint (STR/CHA support)
Revenant (CON/DEX defense)
Psychopomp (INT/WIS control)

>Beast Classes
??? (CON/CHA Support)
Puppeteer (CON/INT Defense)
Animist (INT/CHA Control

>Realm of Titans
??? (CON/WIS Support)
??? (STR/INT Defense)
??? (DEX/CHA Control)

It's still a work in progress.

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What kind of skills would you expect to see in a fantasy grave-robbing/tomb-raiding/wilderness exploration RPG? I'm finding it difficult to come up with skills that are both broad enough to be useful in a variety of situations (so there aren't largely useless skills) but narrow enough that you can't just have one guy take care of it all (like Survival or Nature skills).

I'm considering taking a lesson from Mongoose Traveller and having broad skills with narrower focuses, allowing a character with expert knowledge in one particular facet of a skillset to perform decently at other tasks, while still not being the best.

Therefore, it'd come out to something like Wilderness (Foraging), (Tracking), (Camping).

Perception, because it's a given in pretty much all rpg's.
Digging, because you might consider placing a time limit on dastardly deeds.
Bluff, because somebody is going to ask why the PC's are digging up graves.
Haggle, because the PC's are going to want to sell off what they dig up.
Embalming/Medicine, if the PC's are in the business of digging up bodies for medical research.
Lore, because it's a good to know whose grave/tomb you are digging up.
Undead Lore, so the PC's don't accidentally a vampire.
Voodoo, if the PC's are digging up graves with the intent to raise zombies.
Exorcism/Last Rites, in case the PC's have to fight undead.

It sounds like you're at the point where you might want to start playtesting that mechanic. Seems like you're in deep enough and it's wrapped up in enough other mechanics that we (or at least, I) can't give objective input without knowing more about the rules and flow of play.

I can't figure out how durable I want models to be in my game. I'm leaning towards about 3-5 attacks on average, but I'm not sure.