To the guy who keeps posting this -
To the guy who keeps posting this -
and this -
You're lucky I'm on bro. Come at me bra.
Try something like this
-and I swear to god if you come in here with that exact layout I'll disown you. Don't trace over that shit even, just use it as an example.
Side notes:
Size 14 font is more than enough room to write in with a pencil/pen, so even my boxes are probably too big.
By the way, posted this only once. I did make one other thread though.
You're triggering my OCD. That page is nasty.
user I tried to use that, but it's too blurry to read.
-also don't space stuff out too much, you want at least like .10 or .15 between them but even .20 is pushing it.
My handwriting is sloppy on a tablet I'll give you that, but there's nothing blurry about it.
> Claims to have OCD
> thinks is presentable
Pick one.
If you read what I said in my last thread, I said I already have a course of action for my page layout.
Equipment, Personality, Character background, Character Draw Box, Languages and Proficiencies, and Non-combat traits on the first page.
Combat, Magic, Skills, Scores, Totals, and Statuses on the second page.
It keeps the two separate, so the players can focus on one sheet at a time, instead of wasting my time flipping through 3 sheets.
> using two pages for basic character information
carry on chief
Progress update. Going to put the character name in Box 5, at the top. I'll make it look decorative, and it will be above the drawing box for the character.
>photoshop for text editing
>not indesign
>not TeX
Find me something free and open source, and I'll abandon this shitty program.
>TeX or LaTeX
>for non-scientific text
If you've said ConTeXt, I would've agreed with you, though.
> not using glorious 3x5 cards for all of your characters
> Draaven
At least you're pronouncing it correctly.
>not a form-fillable pdf
Is that a league of legends character? I came up with the name then leArned it already existed. Never played LoL in my life....
I use this for tracking my character's details. So if they have an unknown effect, I can keep it handy.
so much this