Welcome to Warhammer 40k. How grimdark are you?

Welcome to Warhammer 40k. How grimdark are you?

I accepted in the gue'vesa only to sterilise them

I put pentagrams and 666 on scraps of parchment and stick them on my armor.

I also dream of nutting on Kor Phaeron's sexy bald scalp

>scraps of parchment
>not tattooing such on the skin of your slaves and slaughtering them, then putting their skin on your armor
Do you even chaos?

Is the Death Korps edgy enough?

Doesn't matter, have 666


only if you're light infantry

This thread is now the propriety of the Slaanesh Inquisition.

Do you even Ordos Malleus?
We're so GrimDark we Exterminatus entire hive worlds that might maybe have someone who jacked off with barbed wire

Just as planned.

I'm so grimdark, my army slaughtered countless innocents, abuse torture and commit genocides in narrative campaigns.

>Yeah, so?

I'm the good guy.

I'm a Lamenters fan.

One time I killed the emporor, the chaos gods, necrons, and tyranids after a 20 year long campaign

It got boring near the end

Its the best way to experience 40k

That shit wasn't canon, and you know it.

Oh, and the Death Korps of Krieg is my favorite IG regiment.

Wish there was a Chaos version, that'd be top tier.

I play Ultramarines!


40,000% Grimdark:

Fabulous Bill's zombie cyborg ninja knight space pirates assembled from battlefield debris because try and stop me faggot. Their theme is predoninantly bare corroded metallics and the force has no known fluff because fuck you we owe no-one explanations. Don't like it? Step up, motherfucker. If you're lucky, you might remove some PostVital models, but you can't kill the dead so - and this bears repeating - fuck you.

I will literally die and be eaten by a warp god if I don't torture-murder over 9000 people per day.

t. Archon

So grimdark that I know the three forbidden words that will doom any discussion about 40K:
Are Riptides OP?

Yes. Just because a couple other things are even more OP doesn't make something not OP and the Riptide can still compete with everything in the game except grav and psykers.

mwahaha. My plan is coming together already.