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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Where's your game edition
N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest:
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Also, worth noting: a doppelganger WITH the Worm that Walks template is CR 5. The template also doesn't technically make you an undead creature, and you can hide your worminess as a doppelgannger's Change Shape. No one, not even your team mates if you don't want them to, needs to know your true power until you're ready to show it off.
I play and run in PF with 3.x options included. 3pp and homebrew are both allowed after being looked at!
Thread question;
I want to make a game that replaces death with permanent injury and loss of wealth. How do I manage this in such a way that the players won't be missing all their limbs by level 5?
Cool, why should we care?
Awesome! Are you advertising for a campaign? Tell us about it!
>Want to run Jade Regent.
>we don't tend to use figurines on our board because they're expensive and look weird unless painted by a professional which is yet more expensiveness.
>Instead we use paper minis at our game.
>Go to look in the trove for paper minis
>There's only three campaign's paper mini books and like 4 modules' paper mini books in there.
>Now have to spend hours photoshopping my own paper minis off of images on the net.
Why isn't anyone uploading the paper mini books?
Try looking at the Book of Distinctions and Drawbacks. Just choose a fairly low-level drawback as the result of death, such as gaining the Bad Shot flaw after taking an arm wound.
Ah, I misread! I read it as "What's your game edition." That's egg on my face!
Just use dice or something, they're only markers.
Alternatively, see if your local library has a 3D printer or something you can use. Might not be as cheap as printing out minis, but it'll be cooler.
We still like having something to look at. It does help with immersion a great deal.
Anyone have screencapped the progression chart for 6th lvl Initiator Archetypes? I'm on mobile and I need the reference since I won't make it to my laptop until the next month.
>MFW I can be a Sumo Wrestler, leap into the air, grapple a flying monster, take it to the ground with me, and pin it.
DDS does it again.
N.Jolly's masked vigilante does it better, I'm sure.
If you have more money than good sense, then I'd say look into the pawn sets. The art on them is the same stuff you see in the books and they make sets for each adventure path.
The Jade regent paper minis aren't all released yet.
Even so you're kinda right in that there's an awful lot of Paizo books that still need to be uploaded to the Trove...mostly module books.
>Where's your game
Currently, in Ustalav, but the party is a merchant from Brevoy and his two servants.
>Hey GM, this is my Wizard
Our current campaign is in the River Kingdoms. Our next campaign will be in the Land of the Linnorm Kings.
I will post caps after it's been out for 2 weeks. If you want a preview just click preview on the Drivethrurpg page, it will let you see the first 6 pages.
I want to play a dragonfire adept!
I want to play a drowganfire adept!
Skinwalker user here from here. I decided to put together a strawpoll to see which heritage I should work on first:
>Our current campaign is in the River Kingdoms. Our next campaign will be in the Land of the Linnorm Kings.
Tell us about about your campaign and party, this sounds awfully interesting.
I sure as hell hope so. I checked out the DDS vigilante playtest, and it felt like their stuff was more down to earth than mine, which was far more off the wall and tropey.
I was involved in the playtest and yeah, there is a lot of market division for 3PP. The Luchador and its associated support are aimed more for the lower and mid tier spectrum of players that use stuff like SoP (without using some of the abuses) or New Paths Compendium.
I don't know much about your playtest, but if it's not targeting that crowd then it's probably stronger.
Just say your character is transgender and people will come out of the wood work to defend your magical realm.
It's Pathfinder and a Martial character, if it's not off-the-wall and powerful then it's failed the same way Fighter and Chained Rogue have.
Also, you did the Kineticist Handbook Guide, right? There's a section on 3rd-party options, but the Avant Guard and Gambler aren't on it. Would you be alright with putting those in the guide as well with your thoughts on them?
It's definitely off the wall, how powerful it is though is really dependent on how you view products.
Oh shush.
>glance at playtest
>Scholarly Slayer (Coming Soon!)
>mfw you're trying to make me hype again
Now if only I could remember what I was going to harass you over.
That's kind of how I felt about it.
And yeah, that was mine, but I'm not including those for the moment due to the fact that they're not officially released (as far as I'm aware they're still in playtest), so once they are released if I'm able to get my hands on a copy, I'll be including them in the 3p addendum.
This is going to be the caster that we need, since I REALLY like arcanist casting. It's an issue of getting it correct, as I'm also borrowing the dark knowledge mechanic from the Archivist from 3.5, and I want to make sure everything jives properly.
Not Golarion, thank god.
>Arcanist casting Vigilante archetype
Now you're just trying really hard to make me forget about whatever it was I was trying to bitch about. AND YOU'RE SUCCEEDING, TOO.
>Arcane Vigilante
I can't help but imagine Harry Dresden, the Winchester Bros, John Constantine, etc.
Right now my biggest problem is that this archetype doesn't work with inquisitive detective, and I know thematically they'd be a great match. I want to at least get the base mechanics before I put it onto the doc. And here I thought I wouldn't be adding anything else to this, LG is going to kill me.
That's how I'd see the combination of the two, I want a bit of Dr. Who in there too with the 'knowledge over brawn' concept.
>Harry Dresden
he's a Warlock
>the Winchester Bros
there's nothing magical about them, they're gunslinger rangers with favored enemy: occult shit
>John Constantine
Empiricist Questioner Investigator
(This is a repost from the previous thread. I figured I would post it again since N.Jolly and maybe Forrest, hopefully? are in the thread and they're the most well-known 3rd-party kineticist writers.)
Alright, having finally gotten off my ass and put them to the more readable format of Google Docs, I have created and fine-tuned two archetypes for the Kineticist.
One is the Essence Dancer, a veilweaving archetype so that you can wear your energy like clothes and spend Temporary Essence instead of suffering Burn.
The other is the War Channeler, an attempt to make it so that kineticists can use martial maneuvers and initiating with their blasts as well as have a use for all those weird maneuvers that are their own attacks in E.Flux and the like.
As an added bonus, both archetypes are compatible with the Avant Guard, so you can have a 「STAND」 alongside your veils or initiating! Please comment and rip them to shreds so that I can improve them as best as I can. Thank you all in advance!
Nah man, I've read Hellblazer Comics, Constantine tricks people into thinking he 's magical.
What he has is a Rogue with +10 CHA score, lots of ranks in UMD and skill focus on being a slimy bastard
I don't know enough about veils, but I'm on the doc now, so I can check out the initiator one (as I am slightly versed in POW) and give feedback there.
Random thought: if I designed pathfinder material I would never post here, although I would like to know if something I wrote is broken mechanically I'd probably tell people to fuck off if they asked me to write something they wanted. I only write what I want. That would kill my career so everything I've written is either kept in my group or dropped for free on the internet.
Okay, and....?
Bumping this question
Your loss. Getting torn apart and rebuild from the ground up is one of the best parts of sharing online. At least for me it is
Here you go user.
>make a region
>characters are level 5, their back story is a great daring rescue against astronomical odds to save the archduke and his daughter from a cult
>as reward he had given then lands and titles
>lands are a mountain range full of monsters/foreigners/undead/etc.
>told they have 10 years to claim their lands
>the emperor expects the lands to be secure so further expansion can take place after the decade is through
>on the edge of civilization they have to build a kingdom and hexcrawl their way to lords.
Thanks, you're a saint
That progression's kind of weird. Couldn't they have just followed the same format as 6th level casters for level known?
Please tell me you're advertising this here, because that sounds like a campaign I'd be all over.
No, I'm wondering if this would work for a good marathon game to run over the course of 5 days of day long session for buddies.
They wanted people to get to 6th level maneuvers faster rather than having them as a pseudo capstone, I think. 6 level casters usually get (some) spells at lower spell levels than 9 level casters do but that's not really something you can do with maneuvers.
That seems like a much farther-reaching campaign than 5 days.
That said, what would possess you to do something like that?
Hope you guys like Shayliss Vinder.
As someone who is currently running JR, the art is... meh. I've substitutes nearly all of it for my own finds. I run on Roll20, but using my own art was easier even when I ran in person.
I'm not opposed, just share when it's done user.
Not all of us are good at drawrnig.
I'd rather be a henshin hero
Fun fact: a Privateer 1/Henshin Hero 4 can summon infinite guns instead of reloading them and use them for melee touch attacks that use Str for hit and damage and are eligible for his Finishing Move.
You could build this guy with just your standard Privateer Stalker / Gunsmoke Mystic with Solar Wind, Thrashing Dragon and Veiled Moon
The question is, though, why would you want to?
You can, sure.
But Henshin Hero is a great class and you can do some really goofy shit with two iterations of Signature Weapon + Extra Hero Power for Arcane Tinkerer. Spend the money to magic a single gun, produce infinite magical revolvers at will as a free action.
>not shotguns
Christ I wish Armorists didnt have to wait until literally level 20 for free action summons.
You can have revolver shotguns.
>not flintlocks
>Flintlock Revolver Shotguns
I haven't looked at the armorist before, but why should anyone ever have free action summons? Like, a standard action summon is obnoxious enough already, do we really need more?
I meant their equipment summons.
In Golarion, unfortunately. Verisia specifically, for Rise of the Runelords. It's alright, but the setting feels very clustered and everyone seems to wear ten fucking layers of clothing in Golarion. And nobody's forearm or foreleg armor fits. And the swords are made of stone...
Or perhaps that's just Wayne Reynolds' art.
Mami is a Warsoul PsyArm
>Discipline Blade Shapes blade skill
>Weapon Group Adaptation feat (muskets and rifles)
Don't hide it from me /pfg/
Tell me about that homebrew you want to conceptualize.
>Magus with a Kineticist archetype that uses his arcane pool for Burn and to adds spellstrikes to blasts and infusions
How specifically does this work?
Jesus Christ why do flintlocks make me so hard.
I mean stuff like the Brown Bess just *does things* for me.
So I just wrapped "Season 1" of Reign of Winter, though it was a crazy abbreviated version.
My critique of Book 1: Jesus fuck, chill with the combat. Literally 90% of the book is useless, waste-of-time encounters that add nothing. Chop those out, and you have a servicable adventure with some cool lore and pretty crazy twists and turns if the party isn't actually expecting to play "Go through magic portal and explore unknown SnowLand".
Also, I must have missed it, but nothing in the story actually preps players to know about or give a fuck about Baba Yaga. They have no connection or knowledge of her before the story, and it's not the reason they want to stop the portal, so unless they somehow are made to care about her and her lore, I can't see players buying into that plot at all. You can try, but it's pretty disingenuous to assume the players will care.
Outside of that, it's ok I guess. The Whitethrone bit is a bit rushed and needs to be better written, the rebellion stuff is handled clumsily.
Nazhena sucks as a villain because she says and does nothing to the party.
You know user, I think I just might write that up for you. That sounds neat.
You can look forward to the Dungeon of Feminity AKA Crystal Frasier's magical realm.
Rewritten dhampir that gets temporary hit points for using their bite attack.
Unquiet Grave says hello.
Just the mention of her or Amber Scott makes my balls shrivel.
Just a god-damn gun magus.
Is that so much to ask for?
A luchador themed brawler would also be excellent.
>The following blade skills are not available to a psychic armory: Alter Blade, Deceptive Blade, Discipline Blade Shapes, Emulate Melee Weapon, Emulate Ranged Weapon, Enhanced Range, Focused Offense, Interrupting Throw, Mindflayer, Telekinetic Blade, and Telekinetic Bolt.
Why do people keep getting this wrong?
Sorry, I had go longer than I though I would, let me know if you still want help, but you already have a really solid base here.
Slowly finishing up scholarly slayer, I have a real Robin from FE feel for this, hopefully it'll live up to the hype.
Signature Weapon is a hero power a Henshin Hero can take up to two times. The first time, you pick a single weapon you're proficient with, can summon it as a free action as part of transforming, or as a move action while transformed. The second time you take it, it allows you to summon any weapon you're proficient in, and as a free action as long as you're transformed. Ranged weapons explicitly provide their own ammo, but must be reloaded normally. But if you can just summon a new firearm as a free action...
You do have to dip a firearms-proficient class to get firearm proficiency, unless you're playing Commonplace Guns/Guns Everywhere.
What's this magical realm about? I'm... genuinely curious.
Removing feat taxation and making grappling worth a damn are good homebrews to conceptualize.
A change on grappling where-in, it is based on an initiator's system wherein the initiator of the grapple makes their roll against the target's CMD, then the target can make a roll against the initiator's CMD. If both rolls succeed, the grapple is in a neutral position, but if one roll fails, the succeeding roller is put into dominant position in the grapple. If both rolls fail, the grapple doesn't connect. In dominant position, the grappler must roll to maintain at the beginning of their turn.If failed, the grapple turns back to neutral position, if succeeded the grappler can either roll to pin, roll to throw the victim (only if they are strong enough to lift them), let go, or make an attack with an unarmed or close weapon (one-handed weapon if they have the impale feat) Once the target is pinned, the grappler can do any of the above actions. If a grappler is in the submittant position, they can only roll to reclaim a neutral position in the grapple, or to escape the grapple. If the grappler becomes pinned, they can only roll to reclaim submittant position.
Let's be fair on Crystal Frasier.
The Nirmathas AP is looking good so far.
>seven way tie
> mfw
Tell me what power you get /pfg/, and tell me how you can incorporate that as a PoW, Spheres, Veils, Psionic or Vancian class.
Where can I read more about it?
>"All memory of your existence will be wiped from reality. You will die, and no one will mourn."
There's a Monk capstone that does that for the Monk of the Healing Hand archetype.
>True Sacrifice (Su): At 20th level, in a final selfless act, a monk of the healing hand can draw in his entire ki, which then explodes outward in a 50-foot-radius emanation. All dead allies within the emanation are brought back to life, as if they were the subject of a true resurrection spell with a caster level equal to the monk’s level. When the monk does this, he is truly and utterly destroyed. A monk destroyed in this way can never come back to life, not even by way of a wish or miracle spell or by the power of a deity. Furthermore, the monk’s name can never be spoken or written down again. All written mentions of his name become nothing more than a blank space. This ability replaces perfect self.
Who hurt you?...
Some weebshit, I guess it could be that Discordant whatever zealot?
I guess I have more levels in a second roll then...
Only the finest of rolls.
>hair combat
white haired witch already exists
>spatial telekinesis
>kinetic energy combat
what the fuck? impact-weapon-enchantment the-class sounds interesting I guess
I'll seduce a PoW? Not that I mind one bit, I am a slut after all
>where's your game
If only I had a GM.
PoW have high Will saves.
Try and bypass my Diplomacy check you NPC.
you could try scouring roll20?