Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
No questions this time. Just talk about the metagame.
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
No questions this time. Just talk about the metagame.
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Other urls found in this thread:
The overall and paper Modern Metagame.
(1 month old).
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
Modern deck primers link:
So has anyone actually played with Eldritch Moon cards so far? Which card overperformed?
Original format OP here.
Thank you guys for continuing to post the proper thread in my week-long+ absence.
I believe Modern Nexus will have the new Metagame statistics out tomorrow.
I'm glad Wizards didn't ban anything, Modern is still evolving after Eldrazi winter and is looking the best it's been.
We get a few new cards from ENM to brew with as well. I've run into a few decks on Xmage using Eldrich Evo (Abzan Company + Kiki-Chord) and a Delver list running Bedlam Reveler that seemed decent.
Get brewing!
Will this last for two seconds in the current meta, or will this just be good to play with friends?
Since you'll probably take over in the near future, here's a few notes I can't stress enough:
>If you absolutely must include questions, focus on metagame questions. "Playing/Brewing?" are wastes of posts. There was a thread once asking about Eldrazi, Dredge and Shadow and the discussion it spawned was great: people actually talked about how their metas evolved and how they're preparing for them.
>Include the Decklists link in the second post. By far the most useful link in the whole post, with primers.
>Don't use Standard-legal cards for the OP. That includes Nahiri.
Oh and keep the card image gallery link for the latest set in the OP.
>Don't use Standard-legal cards for the OP. That includes Nahiri.
>The most impacting card on the metagame since the eldrazi were banned
It's fine to discuss it, but don't lure the "hey I opened this card in a booster pack, is this any good? im a new player" in this thread.
It always ends up with someone telling them to get the fuck out of this thread and nobody's happy.
>RG Tron
>not being able to deal with 7 mana vindicate that dies to combat damage and bolt
Not my fault you have no board presence by turn 3
>implying it matters how much it costs as long as your opponent can play it on turn 3
If your deck cant handle a T3 Karn, you should be looking at other options to play
Why wont WotC print Mystic Confluence in Modern?
Because cryptic is better
Counter draw 2 would be nice tho
For 5 mana? Whate are you even countering at that point
>The most impacting card on the metagame since the eldrazi were banned
Did you actually mean Glistener Elf, Tarmogoyf, and Lightning Bolt?
It's possible since most decks don't run more than 23 lands. Mana Leak is often relevant past turn 5
I'm sorry you can't read
Does anyone else feel like Nahiri is better than JtMS would be in this format? They don't even need to unban him now.
JtMS has always been the boogey man of modern. He will never be unbanned
Eldritch Moon is now officially Modern-legal.
Xth for Esper is sweet but counterspells in modern are poop.
Go play legacy if you want a counterspell format
>They don't even need to unban him now.
Yes they do considering in their own words they want the ban list to be as small as possible.
Grave Troll was the boogeyman.
>Grave Troll was the boogeyman.
Speaking of which, what are some good dredge hate cards that are still live against other decks? Something along the lines of pic related.
That card is beyond awful
>Grafdigger's Cage
Hates on things coming back, also hates on Chord.
>Rest in Peace
Obviously hates on dredge, but also makes life hard for Grixis and even Junk since Goyf and Souls need the yard.
>Scavenging Ooze
Honestly this thing is retarded. It's graveyard hate that also just casually generates massive value.
Just noticed this stops tokens while containment priest doesn't.
>hoses Nahiri
>and dredge
>and tokens
Rune Snag is a Mana Leak that gets better lategame. If you're running 4 Mana Leaks, I would virtually always rather run Rune Snag.
I'm afraid it has to resolve first. A much better hoser for Nahiri would be Word of Seizing.
>protection from colored spells
No you dumbshit, you take the Nahiri in your turn and ult her yourself.
>Ult Nahiri yourself
>Bring out Snapcaster Mage, get value
>Get snapcaster back in hand
Not impressive, but certainly neat.
Personally I've always been a fan of maindecking 1 relic of progentius. Not the best graveyard hate, a good dredge player will fill up their graveyard too quickly and "force" you to pop it then proceed to start over. Nonetheless I find a little speed bump is often enough to let you get far enough ahead where you can race the dredge player once they reset. Also, if nothing else it cantrips.
damn it BW tokens shits on control
How is this red deck wins it's the tolarian comunity college deck with Vexing Devil switched instead of shock I'm thinking of buying it i know it's not gonna beat any meta decks but hoping it will do well at my local game store
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Lava Spike
4x Rift Bolt
4x Shard Volley
4x Hellspark Elemental
4x Keldon Mauraders
4x Magma Jet
4x Vexing Devil
4x Spark Elemental
4x Skullcrack
4x Searing Blaze
You'll beat normal burn.
It'll beat some decks for sure, but the overall low power level will leave it weak in some match ups.
How's your sideboard looking? Splashing white for a Deflecting Palm can be a blow out against big creature decks.
I need suggestions on a sideboard probably gonna put some leyline the punisher wanted to put blood moons in but it's at like $40 a card now which i don't feel like spending for my sideboard at least for right now what do you suggest?
And lightning helix
Blessed Alliance made esper draw go a T1.5 powerlevel deck desu
What are some unusual techs you've seen?
Someone boarded this in during a game I was watching at my locals and hit an Anger of the Gods with it.
Mill will be real in modern
Why are people brewing with garbage when they could be rebuilding Rhino Pod this week?
Because people haven't found the list yet. Players want lists.
I'd love to cast that against Anger with a board of tokens
That was pretty much what happened. They were playing a kind of janky BWR token aristocrats kind of thing. They gained like 24 life off it.
Imagine playing this in response to blasphemous act.
Lingering Souls is a pain in the ass in general, that's why I always pack Engineered Explosives, Night of Souls' Betrayal, or Detention Sphere somewhere in the 75.
Echoing truth is pretty decent too.
echoing truth is a bomb card even for non token targets
I main board warping wails instead of pyroclasm (in the SB now) in my Tron deck. Twin players never expect it and it usually means I can play a turn 3 Ugin
Last time I tried to Echoing Truth a spirit against Junk, he Abrupt Decayed it in response. I died the next turn.
>Twin players
You have the same problem with det sphere though.
>Night of Souls' Betrayal
Why not just Illness?
This is true, although Sphere can be replayed with Cryptic.
NoSB is also great against Infect, Chord, DnT, Bogles, etc. Illness in the ranks is too narrow for Modern.
its an old meme from the before times
Is it time for old memes that should've been forgotten?
man i miss that guy... wonder if he ever got to rev for 15
Fucking kill me now. This is truly the most sleep-inducing color combination in every format.
And we got the brief sequel, Mr. "Chained to the Rocks in a better Path to Exile.", where he can also rev for 15.
Not him (obviously) but it's an interesting trade off between removing until it's broken and them getting a basic (which early game is really bad for you)
That said instant vs sorcery speed is an obvious as to which to pick
I could see someone playing it as a path #5 if it's that important
I was going to say myself I could see a RW deck that runs 2 chained to the rocks with its paths just to really fucking keep things clear.
Remand is just the modern version of Time Walk
good times, good times
It is a question that can be debated, with the fact that sorcery speed, ghost quarter, abrupt decay and other methods of removing the land or the enchantment making Path better in my mind, but the man who made this deck defended Chained to the Rocks as a "Strictly better Path to Exile." And, if I remember correctly, other highlights included temples being better than shocks and a complete unwillingness to accept criticism and that the deck was bad. It was a bit ago, so I can't exactly remember the full story.
Oh yeah then he's just a total asshat
What do you guys think about the "Eldrazi Robots" deck? Basically it's Affinity where all the 2 and 3 drops are replaced with Vile Aggrigate, Thought-Knot Seer, and Reality Smasher. One idea I see floating around is cutting Galvanic Blast / Thought cast for Ancient Stirrings.
You do know that news is 3 months old right?
That's PMayne's list. Watch the videos on YouTube.
It looks cool but I personally like Bant Eldrazi better.
>let's remove the synergistic curve toppers in an iconic modern deck and replace with aggressively costed beat sticks
I fucking hate the new eldrazi
I need to know how Bedlam Reveler is in Delver
I haven't seen this is a while, thank you for posting
What's the highest anyone has revved for during an event? Anyone here manage to hit the holy 15 cards?
How about you download xmage and try it
idk why, but i find the one of flooded strand hilarious.
I guess it has the advantage of getting you out of Artifact hate, but it is kind of fucking disgusting.
Tried two of em in a U/R delver/prowess list sans Scours, haven't tried it in any Grixis list yet.
He's amazing. Not sure on the numbers (having two in hand means one gets discarded when you cast it, which could have been another cantrip or something, although drawing another off of one is really nice)
He feels like Treasure Cruise, it's the perfect curve topper that provides that gas that Delver needs to refuel.
He's 100% an autoinclude of at least one copy in any U/R delver/prowess list.
>What's the highest anyone has revved for during an event? Anyone here manage to hit the holy 15 cards?
Most I've done is like 9. 15 is basically impossible in a deck with fetchlands because by the time you have almost every land in your deck in play you've almost decked yourself.
I sleeve up jeskai ascendancy gifts for the laughs sometimes. I once hit a Rev for 20 with all the shenanigans. Not really the same but it was pretty funny
It's times like that where I'm glad i didn't cut the singleton rev
I really want to run it in rug delver but he doesn't play well with mandrills. I could go less monkeys but they're so good. I'd also have to tweak the mana base
Affinity pilots, what are your outs of choice to Stony Silence or do you have a fearless approach towards it? From what I've tested online you can sometimes grind through it with Champions but getting it with Thoughtseize t1 seems like the best approach.
I sold my deck because of the card.
It turns your deck into a pile of shit and results in the worst games of magic I've ever played. Not salty, just a dumb card
Wizards has printed some ridiculously good hate in the past few years. Stony Silence and Rest in Peace are insane. There are also cards like Containment Priest and Hallowed Moonlight(?) (the thing that does the same thing as Containment Priest).
I don't know why they would print shit that completely nullifies decks. I hate them just a bit more for it because it completely boots interesting decks out of the metagame.
We had Tormod's Crypt, Leyline, Nihil Spellbomb, and Relic of Progenitus. And they thought we needed Rest in Peace as a card.
Seriously, fuck them. Creeping Corrosion, Ancient Grudge, and Shatterstorm weren't enough so we have to print fucking Stony Silence. Fucking Null Rod.
Game 2 you kind of turn into a half-assed control deck. If you're afraid of Stony Silence, run Blue Affinity with Thoughtcasts and dig for answers.
If you're going to play a hyper linear strategy, getting hosed is part of the game.
That protorobowolf and shit like etched champion (or even something like scissors) could work as a sb plan. Just pull out the platings/ravagers/overseers and jam some vedalkens too. Fuck activated abilities.
The thing is, 3-for-1s with Electrolyze, Pithing Needle, all the other artifact hate sideboard bullets etc are already perfectly fine answers, Stony just reads "have 2+ Champions or lose the game". It's not like the deck is even close to (eternal format) Dredge which wins every single game not involving hate.
I don't think there's enough space for the wolf in the sb and from what I read on MTGS it's a pretty bad fit overall, either gets chumped for days or is not active due to sketchy draws.
It shuts down your mana sources including some lands ffs
Where's the mass land hate for tron then?
Not everyone wants to play fucking midrange. You shouldn't be hopelessly punished for that. Hose cards aren't good design. Takes no skill, etc. Pay 2 mana to kill an entire deck.
Why do people have such an autistic rage boner against Burn?
People always seem to be salty when they lose to it or cry about how """"cheap"""" the strategy is
The point is that we already had the hosers in nearly every other color.
And then they go and print an ultra trump card that makes all the other previous options look weak.
It's not like graveyard decks lacked hate. There were some decisions to be made whether you ran Relic or Leyline or Nihil Spellbomb. In Vintage they have to think about Ravenous Trap too.
Affinity had Hurkyl's, Artifact Wraths, and Grudge to contend with. That's hard enough on its own. And Stony Silence is just outright better than most of them if you can play it.
I just feel like their design philosophy is all fucked. I understand that universally powerful hate like Wasteland and Force of Will can hammer on an immense range of decks but shutting down linear strategies to such a degree simply means you can't play those linear strategies at all. And they've printed so much pinpoint hate that I could probably argue it's damaged the diversity of the metagame as much as Wasteland or Force of Will would in Modern. Because look, fucking Jund is king (again) - that deck all good-stuff cards in the same way Wasteland is a good-stuff card.
I'm not saying I want Affinity, Burn, Living End, or Storm to be the best decks in the world. But the hate for them is so strong that lesser decks that eat the same sort of hate as collateral damage are nudged out.
Despite the fact that Stony Silence exists, Affinity is still Tier 1 and consistently putting in good results. It's good hate against a great deck and that's not necessarily enough.
I agree entirely, but Jund is a poor example when it can't even run rip or stony.
Stony silence should have been WW or 2W