Still going with Coastguard - Helicopter Sniper. None of the other bonuses can compare with a completely paid-for beachfront house. The fact that it's low risk is a nice bonus, but not the primary reason.
Yeah, I have to go with this also.
For Ordion: Ennitos of Disruption expunges your mana pool, but can you still be an artificer? Perhaps crafting with imperial assistant tech mages and their power and using mana crystals for armor, etc? Just curious because i really want an anti magic bill
>Implying anything can surpass the comfyness of free travel with the Bomber Squadron
You'd have to fly a LOT to surpass the cost of a an actual house, especially one described as permanently low maintenance as the one described. I'll grant you that if you plan to do nothing but travel the world with any spare time you have, then your choice is probably superior.
>wanting to be on the coastline
You better be on the East Coast, cause man will that earthquake fuck you right over on the West Coast.
I'm going with Diver Rescuer. I'm reminded of a film that was about a dive rescue camp or something. Going with the "be able to save everyone possible" option as well.
>You better be on the East Coast
Oh, definitely.
> (OP)
>Going with the "be able to save everyone possible" option as well.
You are a nobler user than I.
>For Ordion: Ennitos of Disruption expunges your mana pool, but can you still be an artificer?
I'd have to say no, unfortunately. You'd have to absorb the mana into yourself before infusing it into the armour/weapons, and Ennilus' blessing stops that from happening.
You can however, have a companion that can make the armour for you to use. I intend to add some more crafting companions.
Literally who?
Can you use Light Form while in Beast Form? Cause a giant winged lion made of light and sound leading men into battle is the stuff legends are made of.
I think Artificing needs a few lines explaining that you need artificers to make use of some of there gadgets like the the gauntlets and staves, Unless you mean for anyone to be able to use them while artificers are necessary to craft and repair them.
Also make sure to have some companions who have access to conjure ally. It's a really fluffy spell.
Hope you're doing okay, Highlander.
Guy who made Pokemon Personified. And some other shit, but the most relevant one is Pokemon Personified. Said it would be out Wednesday or Thursday, and now it's a good month later and there's been neither hide nor hair of him.
Probably got lost playing pokemon go. Those legendaries aren't gonna go find themselves.
Can someone post Ordion's new CYOA?
>CYOA: Missing Authors Edition
Can't believe I've never asked this but is there a time limit or cool-down on the Hunt Druids beast-form?
You did ask it before, right here
Anyone have Ren's Mage's Familiar CYOA? That one was fun.
This one?
Correct. I had a brain fart and couldn't remember the name for the life of me.
Oridion tell me about the sexy goddess Opheila's priests. Can you sleep with them? Also are any of the wife options ok with me having a harem?
the taste of misery and lies
Can you spell my name right?
Also the Priests can be slept with but since Ophelia governs marriage they're going to look to tie the knot almost instantly. For an heir like you, they wouldn't want to- they know a commoner like themselves could never marry one of royalty.
And no harems. Yet. Maybe one in the future.
What, are you Irish?
Queen "titty monster" Vivelda is best marriage option.
Fight me
Sorry for getting your name wrong, it's late here.
So Ophelia is the godess of marriage not just sex ok.
So none of the wives would be ok with me maybe having a mistress or concubine, or bringing one of my companions into our marriage bed? Like Valeria Romula? She did swear to carry my burdens, never abandon me, and is very close and protective of me.
Is there any historical precedent for a Caesar taking a literal barbarian as a wife? Is that a thing that has ever happened? Because it should. Or dare I say, the Caesars had poor taste in waifus.
Lol husband riding.
Having a wife who could defend you would certainly be a good idea. You couldn't really count on the Praetorian Guard, since they were just as likely to assassinate you as they were to protect you.
The only problem is that she doesn't raise smart/good kids. Just ones that are good at physical stuff.
I guess that's your job as the Emperor then.
I'm still writing the stories for my build of Alice, but here's my favorite version of it.
I kind of preferred the original wording of "ride you until you spill your seed into her" as opposed to "ride you until her womb is filled".
This is why we have the Varangian Guard, user.
This is only improved by making them amazons, but the viking flavor is never something I personally can deny.
Slightly updated with Ordion's advice.
Purple eyes like Dany, magic, part dragon. Yes pls.
Blessed with Beauty and Grace.
Persuade them. If can't persuade, intimidate. If can't intimidate, kill.
Fight'n and magic'n.
>Blocking Mastery
>Static Cloud (trade 2 fight skills)
>Mastery (Fire)
>Mastery (Water)
>Mastery (Lightning)
Be hard to hit. Kill lots of things in gruesome splattery ways.
>Wolfheart Choker
People better be afraid of my wrath, or else I'll give them reason to be.....
>Rooting Out Corruption
Got good skills for this.
>Lunester Academy
That's where I went to school! Everyone should know me!
>The Issfor Civil War
Me and my party can handle this.
>Clash of Clans
Green spaces in the cities.
>The Bastard Queen
Kill her. Whatever.
>Moth Dealers
I hate drugs! Time for real intimidation!
>The Priests of Runa
Try and be nice. If doesn't work, intimdation and violence on peaceful priests.
>The College of Styr
I like College! We have to protect it!
>Dragon's Helm
Dungeon crawl adventure!
>The Rogue Necromancer
I have friend who'se better necromancer
>The Two Lovers
I love Much Ado About Nothing!
>Treaty of Love
More love games. I sure somebody out there likes Gorgons.
>Brynjolf the Pirate King
Good fighty quest.
>Snake in the Grass
Tough one, but we'll find a way!
>Shamila Flower-Hair
>Diosna Arvangati
>The Breakbones Knight
>The Iron Centurion
Companions who know how to kick butt and stay calm and not get hung up on "morals" and "ethics". Tough body guards to get in between me and bad guys while I cast spells.
>Prince Leomaris
Make it clear that I'M the ruler. He can play with his little court and write songs and poems about how great I am while I take care of business. Since any children we have ill be like him instead of me, I'll have to find another way to make a daughter that takes after me.
Although Gladiator did give them some great uniforms that probably look nothing like the real ones did.
I'm of a similar opinion for Softis's previous "mechanical knowledge of sex," over the current "only knows of sex through her biology books."
>tfw you didn't save your build from last thread
Well when I say they take after Leomaris, I mean they are going to be very fish like.
If I had to put a description for half breeds with the Sea People, they would have a humanoid shape but a long fish like tail, gills, and fins over the sides of their face, elbows, and some other spots. Their skin will be smooth but scaly. They're humanoid body will probably resemble Leomaris in eye and hair but you might get some kids that look like you a bit more.
Goal is to become infamous warrior Queen and live life of adventure and conquest. Use magic, violence, and trickery to defeat enemies and keep peasants under control. Use resources of the Kingdom to support the magical college of my homeland and increase my own magical abilities and raw power. Don't go out of my way to be cruel or evil, but have moral qualms either.
Queen Helena a best.
>not running off with the bastard queen
Revised Build based on Ordion's Input.
Aelius Lunus Caesar, known to later history as the Emperor of the Sun and the Moon
The idea here is to have a build with relatively few active powers, because those you generally have to use one at a time, but a lot of passive buffs. While Aelius has plenty of combat power, perhaps his greater strength is in battlefield control, and in boosting the abilities of others. With his Wildheart and Reflexes, he's pretty much impossible to get the drop on.
>Firstborn of Nolvornia
*Physical and magical blows can be made to burn with arcane power by "overclocking"; presumably there is a limit on use, here.
*Persuasive, Naturally resistant to harmful magic, Charm beasts temporarily
>Blessing of Riono
*Intelligence boost, rapid thinking, aura of learnedness
*Meatheads may not respect me at first. Not a problem; I'll turn into my Light Form and show them I'm a BAMF.
>Specializations: Calming & Charisma.
I am already persuasive from my race, and my intelligence makes me a problem solver. Intimidation I'll do without, and I'll have a companion for listening.
>Artifact: Circlet of the Uniter.
This seems to have the greatest, long-reaching use. It will essentially make pretenders to the throne and civil war an almost non-issue, given that it makes others regard me as a rightful fit for the throne. This is especially important given that I'm not human. Secondly, because it makes people see me as a born leader, in combination with my Charisma, I will be able to inspire troops to unseen heights, assuring their loyalties to me, and to the empire. By doing so, they will begin to benefit from The Gift en masse, ensuring an even more formidable fighting force.
>Sun Priest: Light Infusion, Light Form, Fury, Wrath
>Moon Priest: Gravity Control, Moonchrage, Lunar Empowerment, Rest
>Druid of the Wild: Wildheart, Earth Manipulation
>Trade Two Druid of the Wild skills for Cross-Class: Reflexes
>Passive (Continual) BOOSTS
* Sun Priest Class Boost: Naturally stronger during the day.
• Moon Priest Class Boost: No need for sleep.
• Druid Class Boost: Cold, heat, disease and poison are less effective.
• Wrath: All attacks against me are less effective, and some damage is reflected.
* Fury: All nearby allies empowered, their weapons receive the benefit of Light Infused weapons.
* Light-Infusion: My weapons and armor infused with the light of the sun, burn foes with great fury and heat, and armor blinds them.
* Mooncharge: Weapons and armor are infused with Selemene's power, doing damage to all nearby foes when striking one (though less so). Armour steadily burns nearby enemies with the Moon's iciness.
• Lunar Empowerment: Underneath the moon you are stronger and faster, able to resist more damage than normal, and your spellcraft boasts greater ranger. Strongest during a full moon.
• Wildheart: Amazing buff to senses. In addition to numerous combat applications, such as anticipating strikes, I will always be able to smell poison, for example.
• Reflexes: Is going to combine well will wildheart; this will allow me to react to and process all of that amazing sensory data coming in.
>Active Abilities.
* Light Form: Form of solid light and sound, wings to fly, dramatic boost to physical might and resilience to harm. CANNOT use any other active abilities while in this form.
* Gravity Control: Amazing Battlefield control spell. My god. Just a thin line in which you greatly increase or decrease gravity can cause an entire charging line of soldiers to trip and fall flat on their faces.
* Rest: Extremely valuable to be able to keep a small army marching 20 hours a day with a few brief naps. Logistics, bitches.
* Earth Manipulation: I won't be spending my mana or time on this in combat, but this has amazing utility pre-battle; build trenches or earthen walls with ease.
>Valeria Romula, Vigic Fighter/Sun Priestess
Very strong fighter, and covers the sun skills I do not: Healing, Cure, Shielding. Personality downsides are not too bad; just don't put her in a position of influence where her naivety will be a problem. AND HOLY SHIT SHE HAS FURY NOW. Okay, yeah. Double the Fury, double the fun. If needed, she can help with my Persuasion ability.
>Eret Hammersong
Another bruiser in combat if needed, but more importantly, is going to smith and runescribe weapons and armor for a small elite contingent of soldiers that I will bind loyally to my cause. I can keep his stamina up with my Rest ability indefinitely. If the weapons/armor are finished, on to golems. Due to his problem-solving training, will also be good to bounce ideas off.
>Minto Hillocks
Chosen for use of his Wisdom of the Past and Listening training, but useful for his other skills as well. Try to always have him with me when making diplomatic arrangements, to judge character. He says he will guard me from my wickedness, and I'm going to be counting on that. Too often power corrupts. In combat will tend to stay near me as well, to benefit from double Fury, and to grant Wisdom of the Past to those around. Beyond that, he will mainly focus on defending weaker targets with his vast interception ability..
An excellent and intelligent spy and investigator. Invaluable for his ability to stealthily look into matters for me, or even kill if absolutely needed. Problem solving makes him just one more shrewd mind to consider plans.
>Grozikh Hotkettle
Sometimes things are going to need to be exploded. It's just the way life works. Having a bunch of potions on hand is never going to hurt, either; Valeria can only do so much healing herself. Finally, having another person with Listening who can evaluate the trustworthiness of others will be invaluable in my court.
>Balanar the Shade
I can't imagine a more perfect assassin for inconveniently protected targets.
>The Iron Centurion
Want an actual bodyguard, and Eret can fix him if needed.
>Marriage: Princess Marilla
I'm totally down with having a Queen ruling beside me, and her political acumen will be invaluable. More importantly, the fact that she will raise children to become "great leaders and clever politicians", implies that they at least won't be stupid, and those traits are the most important for a future emperor to have.
This is a really fun CYOA, Ordion; thank you for making it.
Age - 10 years younger
Background - Younger sibling and twin
Personality - Calm, cheerful, collected and optimistic
Intelligence and Knowledge - B grade student
Hobbies - Drawing and geekery
Skin - Pale
Eyes - Heterochromatic green/amber
Hair - Red
Height - 130 cm
Build - Skinny
Breasts - Flat
Butt - Svelte
Distinctive Features - Glasses girl and freckles
Special Features - Pet fennec fox named Leopold
MDLWA - Elf with the equivalent of a 6 tail kitsune
Is there a changelog?
>Tough body guards to get in between me and bad guys while I cast spells.
It sounds like "bad guys"...
>If can't intimidate, kill.
>Kill lots of things in gruesome splattery ways.
>People better be afraid of my wrath, or else I'll give them reason to be.....
>Kill her. Whatever.
>not get hung up on "morals" and "ethics"
... might be a little subjective here.
Nice build but not, you know, "nice" build.
Re-posting old build, wouldn't mind feedback.
Vigic; Gaius Cato Caesar, son of Nolvornia herself.
>Patron God
The Legate; God of Wisdom and hard mode, the patron for any who wish to earn the title of Emperor.
>Court Training
Listening, Charisma; one to know what to say, the other to know to how say it.
>Martial Training
Fighter, Artificer; the quintessential symbols of what an Emperor should be, both a warrior who can slay his enemies and a creator who can build back up what has been destroyed.
Melee Mastery, Blocking Mastery, Reflexes, Smithing, Mage Armor, Runescribing, Critical Strike.
>Diplomatic Artifact
Circlet of the Uniter; AVE CAESAR!
>Repairing the Empire
Rooting Out Corruption; to be rid of the root ineptitude that's caused all this weakness in our military.
Lunestier Academy; a revered place of learning far too critical to the Empire's cultural history to be ignored without investigation.
The Issfor Civil War; a small rebellion at the moment could turn into a massive headache down the road if the civil war is ended swiftly and conclusively.
The Great Hunt; who doesn't love bacon?
The Bastard Queen; a crisis of succession ended by my hand will put silent many others who would question my own ascension to the throne.
The Balrog; no greater challenge exists and such a victory would earn the loyalty of the Stone Queen.
A Mercenary's Word is Gold; with the Balrog dead, that will certainly smooth relations as we move on to the more economic concerns of the lizardfolk.
The Two Lovers; a far more dangerous and unpredictable foe is the heart.
Think Of The Children; the slavers and all witnesses near and far will learn the certainty of justice in my Empire.
Snake in the Grass; a particularly dire event, a threat against the Emperor cannot go ignored.
Xejis; like a brother to me and a capable, loyal assassin. Diosna; an equally loyal schemer to better navigate the viper's nest of court. Shamila; an even head with experience on the road will be particularly useful almost as much as her bow.
Balanar; the ultimate spy. Loyal Family Pet; for when all others might betray me.
Princess Marilla; man has always had a peculiar and unique romance with the sea, so who better to wed than the mermaid, as beautiful as the corals.
>You can own any firearm completely legally
But I can already do that.
Not a full auto unless it was produced prior to... 1980 something. Don't remember the date.
Unless you're not American.
1986, thanks to the illegal Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA).
The electronic vote to see if it passed was overwhelmingly "no" even among Democrats, yet it was still recorded as passing; a clearly un-democratic action.
Come on, no one wants Beri as husbando?
Fishtits is love; fishtits is life.
>Captcha: Select all images of bodies of water such as lakes or oceans.
Not surprising, government corruption has been rampant since Nixon.
I've only made one chick so far, and she's having fun with Imperius Quick-Shot. Even better as a Demonborn.
>Black man
No thanks.
I refrained from posting this before, but this is the vote.
It's why the cheapest full-auto is a MAC-10, at $3,000, with the average being $15,000-$30,000 usually.
>$5 metal bottle opener costs $10,000 because of illegal amendment
You can go back to old thread and copy-paste it.
>gills, and fins over the sides of their face, elbows, and some other spots. Their skin will be smooth but scaly.
So my daughter wouldn't even be beautiful mermaid? She'd be more fishy? Time to look for orphans with magical talent.....
Bastard Queen who dares try to profit from the fall of my empire! Off with her head!
I like your intelligence and support build. With high intelligence and charisma you ought to be good at court intrigue and politics and stuff. Might be easier to get the peasants to like you to.
My build for always being nice, but Aurelia is totally good. It's time to end civil wars and uprisings and problems and bring everybody together again. These people obviously can't take care of themselves properly, so it's time for mamma to take charge with some tough love!
Forgot to add my name at beginning. Aurelia Fortunata Prima Caesar
You don't know me or anything about me.
WTF I hate congress
I'm a #CruzMissile now
My build *isn't* for always being nice
Doing another build since you updated. Thanks for making it.
>Caesar Plotinus
A forceful ruler in both personality and physical strength.
One of the few who shave their beards. No one has yet dared ask the Emperor why, but some say his parents know.
>Bothos - God of Battle
He believes the greatest gift he can give to those under his care is inspiration and solidarity. And to this end he must show strength and courage. Glory to the Empire!
>Intimidate, Charisma
>Strong Iron Arm
>Druid of the Hunt: Bestial Resilience, Bestial Might, Bestial Swiftness, Tranquil Priest
>Tongue: Malvorgain's Breath, Eldritch Shout
>(Fighter: Reflexes)
>Occultist: Clayflesh, Sacrifice
A monster's strength tempered by a human's intellect. His eldritch form is terrible, but his heart is compassionate. He gives a quick death and kills for the sake of the innocent.
>Grozikh Hotkettle, Orc Invoker/Alchemist
A nose for trustworthiness as acute as his taste buds. He makes a mean stew, too.
>Shamila Flower-Hair, Woodfolk Wild Druid/Fighter
The emotional harbor in a storm and navigator of wilderness.
>Diosna Arvangati, Gorgon Conjurer/Moon Priest
Plotinus has only meager skill in political games, and utilizes Diosna greatly during his reign.
>Zylkira, Inconnu Occultist/Artificer
An eventual court wizard to Plotinus, if only to keep a close eye on her.
>Xejis, Demonborn Darkhand/Deceiver
Someone to trust with truly terrible secrets, who would never betray his friend.
>Caius Maro
A patriot who volunteered for experimentation in guilt after failing a crucial mission. He always looks for vantage points.
Spy and scout for the group.
>So my daughter wouldn't even be beautiful mermaid? She'd be more fishy? Time to look for orphans with magical talent.....
Wow, I'm really glad a lot of people aren't parents.
Holy shit I am so glad that you will never be a mom.
How many god cyoas are there?
It's the Innsmouth look, it's all the rage in New England.
I know that you're an emotionally damaged autist with absolutely no self awareness and a genuinely annoying and awful human being. That's quite enough really.
But I know way more about you than I cared for due to your constant attention whoring
a bunch
>Aurelia is totally good
>not get hung up on "morals" and "ethics"
>violence on peaceful priests
Could you clarify? Serious question; I don't understand.
>not loving your fish kids and raising them to be Emperors of Land and Sea.
I am shocked. that's actually a really good image for how I'd imagine kids with Marilla or Leomaris would look like, except they'd have a fishlike tail as well.
>Minerva Caesar
>Goblin Female
>Problem-Solving, Listening
>Druid of the Wild, Invoker, Occultist
>Earth Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Spirit Animal(s), Wildheart, Blue Fire, Alacrity, Storm Fluid, Mastery, Blood Magic, Possession
>Lion's Belt
>Reforged Steel, Lunestier Academy, Clan Gold-Hand, Clash of Claims, An Emperor's Mercy, Lumber Mills, The Balrog, The College of Styr, A Mercenary's Word is Gold, The Rogue Necromancer, The Two Lovers, Treaty of Love, Brynjolf the Pirate King, Trial by Combat
>Diosna Arvangati, Gudrid Njaldottr, Sharp-Like-Sword, Laurien Serphine, Xejis
>The Iron Centurion, Caius Maro
>King Horeknon
Sorry, Ordion. Beri is nice, but the Kings are too good. Was torn between Horeknon and the Minotaur.
How recognisable would you say we are at the start of our quest and how easily would we be able to hide our identity when among the commoners after we've completed it and become emperor?
Would also like to hear your thoughts on these
It's hard to find good bipedal merfolk art, but you take what you can get.
is my build, by the way. Marilla 4 lyfe
>How recognisable would you say we are at the start of our quest and how easily would we be able to hide our identity when among the commoners after we've completed it and become emperor?
At the start, nobody would probably recognize you. You do carry an official letter to prove it so you can take command of certain legions and other stuff, but if you don't use it too often you won't make a name for yourself.
As for at the end, people are going to know who you are because of the connection to the Gift, even before your father dies they'll instinctively know. No one cared who you were, until you put on the crown.
>Can you use Light Form while in Beast Form? Cause a giant winged lion made of light and sound leading men into battle is the stuff legends are made of.
Goddammit stop asking questions to situations I never thought of!
As for that.....shit I guess there isn't anything stopping you. I suppose you could fuse Light, Beast, and Clayflesh into one to make a fucked up and super powerful form as well.
>Can't believe I've never asked this but is there a time limit or cool-down on the Hunt Druids beast-form?
Nope. Neither is there for Light Form or Clayflesh.
I don't understand what I said wrong.....
>emotionally damaged
misogynistic buzzwords
>no self awareness
I have job, I do fine.
>genuinely annoying
Maybe to losers like you.
>awful human being
How am I awful human being?
She's just doing what she needs to do to reunite the empire and bring peace and prosperity to the land again. She'll do it at any cost, but it's a good goal and it'll all work out in the end.
My daughter would be a powerful sorceress with platinum blonde hair and bright violet eyes. A proud and powerful descendant of dragons like her mom. I don't want mutant fish kids.
I like it! Pretty good mix of intrigue type stuff, but pretty powerful fighty skills to! I like how you picked quests for how they would help you become emperor instead of what you thought was most interesting or fit your skills best.
>Guess I repost my build
Regulus Caesar
Race: Arcaneborn
Blessing: Ophelia
Court Training: Calming, Problem-Solving
Classes: Sun and Moon Priest, Fighter
Skills: Melee Mastery, Reflexes, Runescribing, Light-Infusion, Healing, Shielding, Fury, Moonbeam,
Mooncharge, Gravity Control, Lunar Empowerment
Artifact: Circlet of the Uniter
Vigilgarde: Rooting out Corruption
The Reach: Siege of the First Son
Issfror: Clan Gold-Hand
The Green Hell: Clash of Claims
Wayfren: The Bastard Queen
Blackwood: Moth Dealers
Forgeholm: The Balrog
Greyhaven: Tunnel Crisis
Ignic Spire: A Mercenary's Word is Gold
Dalazil's Keep: The Rogue Necromancer
Revenwind: The Two Lovers
The Serpent Isles: Treaty of Love
Hrimgrund: Brynjolf the Pirate King
The Blighted Marsh: Snake in the Grass
Companions: Bruno "Boxwine" Chevalier, Sjorla Snow, Grozikh Hotkettle, Laurien Sephine, Eret Hammersong
Body Guards: Iron Centurion, Loyal Family Pet
Marriage: Princess Willonia
Nobody knows where his unreasonable hatred of the Occult Arts comes though.
No, Ordion, I don't personally hate the Occultist, I just wanted an odd character tic.
Question, do Forest-People have deer tails to go with the legs?
Then don't fuck fish man. This isn't rocket science, darling.
Alright, maybe third time's the charm for getting some answers on this.
How many skills have any effect on average lifespan?
Sacrifice seems to be the only one that addresses the concept specifically, but do any of the others, like Essence Drain or Regeneration, have any observable effect on lifespan?
I really want to wait until I have feedback on that before I work out a build for this, but so far I haven't gotten any.
Sorry, most of the responses come in while I'm at work and I can sometimes forget to respond to all of them.
Only Sacrifice diddles with your lifespan. Nothing else does.
>I like it! Pretty good mix of intrigue type stuff, but pretty powerful fighty skills to! I like how you picked quests for how they would help you become emperor instead of what you thought was most interesting or fit your skills best.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I mostly went for what I thought would be a strong, coherent, fighter-type leadership build and relied on my allies to handle situations where my skill with sword, shield, and magic power armor couldn't win toe-to-toe. Listening is, in my opinion, critical since almost anyone would be willing to put up a false front speaking to an Emperor, thus discerning their true intent becomes the most important courtly skill. As for quests, I sort of saw them as steps to the throne and balanced them accordingly. Clearing out drug dens is the duty of the local lords, not the Emperor, but the slavers who depopulate an entire kingdom without any rebuttal? That cannot be allowed and no questions will ever arise as to the leniency of the law under my rule when it is done. Although I may need to edit it, since I'm apparently shy a companion.
>My daughter would be a powerful sorceress with platinum blonde hair and bright violet eyes. A proud and powerful descendant of dragons like her mom. I don't want mutant fish kids.
I don't know where the heck you're getting the idea they're mutant fish kids.
If you looked at Leomaris, his face isn't some mutant monstrosity. It's pretty human looking. Even if they resemble him greatly, they're not going to be hideous mutants.
I havent been around for about a month, what have i missed?
Shit, like, nothing at all, not even a little?
How about limits for sacrifice? Conjure Dragon seems to imply it's a real, living thing with no timer beyond lifespan, can I theoretically keep spawning dragons for extra years?
>How about limits for sacrifice? Conjure Dragon seems to imply it's a real, living thing with no timer beyond lifespan, can I theoretically keep spawning dragons for extra years?
Goddamn you minmaxers are fucking good at finding loopholes.
I knew it was a bad idea to put in sacrifice after seeing Titanlands, but I thought the logarithmic function would stop that. Guess not.
I need to think of a way to close that loophole. As for now, you can have your infinite sacrifices.
I just want a way to live longer without killing people I might want to be friends with, I didn't mean to minmax.
Not too much
Ordion released his new shit recently. I like it. Italics might be actually dead. Or he just decided to fuck off and never touch CYOA again, which is his right.
Then just take captives from your battles. Easy solution and it happens far more often than people think.
but I make friends with captives from my battles!