>How far away is your FLGS?
Spokane WA. has three full-service stores that I know of. North, East, and Downtown. There's a couple smaller ones as well, but they're located in a mall(s), and I don't hang there much.
>What's the owner like?
North owner runs a Hobbytown USA and delegates leadership to some really cool guys and girls who KNOW their shit.
East owner is a nice guy, but has the vibe of someone you don't ever want to anger like, ever. Will talk your ear off if you give him half a chance. Openly shames Warhammer players who don't paint their minis. XD
Downtown owner is alright. Kind of aloof. But then again he's been around since the late 70s(?) and seen it all. Speciality is comics, RPGs, and books. Ran for local politics as a stealth Socialist. He often comes in the store unexpectedly, like he's tired or burned out or something.
>What's your favorite thing about the place?
North - The employees. Just a strong core group of MTG, Pathfinder, 40K, AoS (unbelieveable), Warmachine, Armada, etc. You KNOW they're getting paid to be nice to you, but it's so hard to not secretly want to be their friend. I try to keep it professional mostly.
East - The hours! They stay open WAY longer than the rest.
Downtown - The location. It's part of this thing called Saranac Commons. Real artsy-fartsy hipster vibe. Mackelmore shot the music video to Downtown right out front.
>What's the worst thing about your FLGS?
North - They do drone demos in-the-store; sometimes right over your head. Play MTG and you get buzzed. Annoying as fuck. Some of the regulars are so regular that they don't even game. Or they're about to game, but never get around to it. Sometimes they're all loud and distracting. Guess that's not a bad thing, really.
East - The regular gamers are cutthroat powergamers. Doesn't matter what's being played. There's a handful of guys that are trying to turn it around though. (cont.)