Evolution game

You know what? I've been here for a while. I always loved this board and the people on it. In November of 2011 I ran the very first evolution game on Veeky Forums. It was a hit and people loved it. I have hosted many since and on many different platforms.

So I have had a few drinks and I want to play this game! The rules are so simple - take a creature and edit it. Save as .png and upload it. Give a small description as to what changed. Then someone evolves your shit. And it just keeps going.

So we start with a few critters:

Dimos - basically a clam without a shell. Just a really useless creature. It has a tongue and eats bugs out of the sand.

Elget - a bipedal reptile. It's an omnivore, but it loves to eat meat. Kinda just fucks everything up

Scrump - a worm with a small shell. It can get 75% of its body in there, but it doesn't protect it much.

We live on a small island. There are a lot of fish in the sea, bugs, and trees.

And fuck /qst/, that place ain't worth my time.

Other urls found in this thread:


Scrump don't even care and grows a fin to go live in the water.

As a simple defense from the predatory Elget, some Dimos develop a rather foul, bitter taste. Sometimes an elget will retch from the flavor. Dimos take this opportunity to escape their clutches.

These always remind of the flanimals.

I love this. Best edit I have ever seen.

Just figured I should still have an image with a non-visual change.

Come to think of it, this may end up in my reaction folder.

Elget gets dextrous toes to grip prey.

other scrumps grow a slightly expanded shell, providing tougher defense over more of themselves

Scrump grew a mouth in order to eat food.

Elget grows a pair of horns for hunting prey.

Am I allowed to give Dimos warning coloration, to discorage predators?

If it's something small and has some sort of practical purpose, go for it.

Some scrump remain sedentary with their shells, and grow spikes on the outside to rebuke predators, allowing them to grow fatter.

Others flee, reducing their body and shell weight (and strength).

Dimos now has a forked tongue allowing it to more easily swish the sand and probe for bugs.

Also, it now does the snake tongue waggle to 'taste' nearby predators

Just as an FYI you know the quest board exists right?

Some Scrump learn to detach itself into two to escape predators and/or propagate the species

We talked about this. Not only is that place a cesspit, but this is a game, and it belongs on the games board.

no one's telling a story

Evolutionary forces favor icky-tasting dimos with slight grooves in their "back" of the body, allowing them to make tiny rattling sounds attracting bugs as they scour the sand.

The Swift Scrump becomes more hydrodynamic and develops some counter shading to help camouflage it in water. They are definitely bilateral now.
They can venture farther and deeper into water than before.

This branch of the dimo species is so succesful that successive generations have longer and longer "tails" to rattle with by dragging across the sand.

I can see where this is going. Get you magical realm bullshit outta here.

Please tell me where this is going you piece of shit. Why the fuck do you want to bring magical realm into this?

Veeky Forums has been overtaking by hypersensitive prudes who sometimes type "TG"

trying to shill your own version by defaming others?

Some bloodlines of Swift Scrump develop a ridge of electroreceptors along their sides.

This branch of the dimo species has been rendered accurately in 3D.

fucking seeing sex everywhere. Jack off and calm down will you

The dimo species has evolved a furry tail.

This branch of the dimo species will make America great again.

/thread dead

The Sand Dimos specializes in consuming sand and dirt for microorganisms and nutrients. Like a nudibranch or earthworm they leave a long trail behind them as they eat.
The tongue becomes more specialized as a sensing organ.

Here's your (You)

The warning colour dimos goes extinct. Let the other subspecies catch up a bit now.

The black sand dimos scares off predators with its black and yellow colouration.

Also has a larger tail which they show off in mating season.

In a freak event of nature, the dimos and scrump have been found to cross-breed, creating a new, but possibly short-lived species.

The elget develops spikes at the end of its tail, and a scrump subspecies is supposedly gone extinct after meeting an evolutionary dead end, unable to compete with its brethren.

The sand dimos, in a bid to compete against it's elget enemies for resources, develops extremely flexible long legs that can wrap around wheels and axles, along with a 12 cylinder diesel engine, 130mm hardened steel plate armor, 3 chain guns of different calibers for different sized game, a spas-12 shotgun, a pivot-mounted pulse lmg, a laser eye, and a fire-and-forget abrams missile system.

The humble sand dimos has a high five with Jesus, before settling back into it's behavior of roaming the desert, looking for prey.

The elgets, losing the evolutionary battle with dimos for now, develop specialized crushing teeth to break the shells of armored scrumps.

This is all really great, but why are we letting things go extict? Let's just let them all live.

Those are the rule of nature.
Out here only the strong survive.

It's common to let species with little interest in them be killed off in evo quests

I'm not a fan of this rule, I think it limits the creative potential. The point of these games is to build a world, not mimic nature fully.

Raiden pls

not a rule really. I think it's a decent little mechanic though, makes it feel more like evolution and less like socialism.

>Less like socialism

What do you mean by this?


OP, just wanted to say that I was in your first thread and even made one of the first knockoff Evo games, so thanks for all the fun you've been responsible for over the years.

Why don't you use your mod powers to delete this thread?

You have no idea what this means to me. We're you in the original cave game? With the billu and cryd? I miss those guys.

That's actually a pretty new rule that only some GM's use, and they're done with specific cutoff events. Since Aether is the OP, this is probably for him to decide.

Also, the charts are missing one colorful dimos.

It baffles me that everyone forgets about plantar life in these games

And no one tries to develop diseases

Yup. I also remember the horror of the moon monsters.

Yours are still archived on warosu, but the suptg archive for mine is deleted

Deus vs Machina? Ecologyfag? Bandwagon?

When the suptg got deleted, I lost a lot of hope. I cannot believe they're archived on warsu! So exciting.

Sorry to hear about your games. Did you go by a trip? What were they?

I love my plant life, but diseases get too messy. I find when you focus on the micro, people lose Interest way before things get interesting.

The curious hybrid learns to anchor it's spiked shell in riverbed sediment, whilst filtering for nutrients with it's long tongue.

Might drawfag some of these, no color though

The Elget develops webbed feet to swim out and hunt scrumps. Its horns recede as it no long needs them.


Some Elget develop long grasping claws to hold onto prey

Anchored Scrump develop tentacles on their spikes to allow them to move where food is, and fend off attackers.

Some of the more basic Dimos begin to prey on their Sand Dimos brethren. How do they go about this?

A larger, more powerful tongue is used to taste the sand. Capable of tasting whether the sand has recently been filtered by a Sand Dimos, they follow the trails led by their Sand Dimos cousins. Once they have tracked them down, they use this powerful muscle to invade the orifices of their cousin (thus evading the awful taste) and use it to scope out their innards for consumption. Once all of the tasty organs have been carved out by the muscular tongue, this breed of Dimos moves on to find more prey.

This predatory subspecies, that preys exclusively on Sand Dimos, is known as the Defilos.

In order to help compete in a highly populated feeding zone, some Scrumps develop long envenomed spines for stabbing underneath other scrumps' shells and into the feet of Swimming Elget

Due to increased competition near the surface, Swimming Elget adapt camouflage and grow finned tails and larger lungs to be more efficient predators in the depths.
The Sea Scrump population dwindles.

The Sea Scrump's maw becomes somewhat larger and more protected, to consume larger quantities of nutrients on the ocean's currents.

Swimming Elget grow an even larger tail fin and become even more well camouflaged, to hunt the new species of Scrump. Swimming Elget no longer hunt near the shore, the population of Base Elget dwindles.

Forgot pic

Some Defilos evolve sharp cracking teeth to break the shells of Anchored Scrump and Elget eggs, the population of Base Elget is now dangerously low.

Elgets changes seem to be much more drastic than the other two; maybe tone it down a bit?

Predators usually adapt much more slowly than prey.

I didn't think it was too drastic, but I am holding off for now, next is an evolved Black Sand Dimos, with a long neck so it can bury itself deeper and avoid Defilos.

The Dimos in question

On the island, the land-based elgets turn to tusks rather than horns. They use these to tear open the foul-tasting flesh of all breeds of Dimos to access the tasty meat inside, to better pierce the shells of the Scrumps and also to chase off any sea-based Elgets that think of trying to get in on the action on their beaches.

Life is good for the Tusked Elget.

Defilos flesh goes from just tasting bad to being actually poisonous, along with this deterrent, they develop powerful digging appendages to both hunt down Long Necked Dimos as well as escape from Tusked Elget.
The Tusked Elget population is booming due to their new developments, they now lay their eggs further inland as well.

Things aren't looking good for the Anchored Scrump, will evolution step in and save it? Or will it go the way of the flamboyant Dimos?

Stay tuned for the next episode of "the Evolution game " on HBO

I really can't think of a way to save the Anchored Scrump, poor thing, it wasn't a bad idea. Too bad it couldn't keep up with Defilos and Elget. R.I.P. Anchored Scrump.

Evolution doesn't have emotion, see the dodo ,it got extinct because it can't fly

The Gulper Scrump grows an even larger shell, though this slows it down, it makes it a tougher target for the Swimmer Elget. The Anchored Scrump is now extinct, the Spiked Scrump population is dwindling, and the Swimmer Elget population is shrinking as well.

The Spiked Scrump develops a larger fin to outswim Swimming Elget. The Swimming Elget population further declines.

To pull itself onto land, the Defilos develops stronger appendages. This allows it to scavenge on the kills of Tusked Elget, as well as predate on their eggs and young at night. Because they are now largely nocturnal, the coloration of the Defilos is far more dull and dark.

At this point, you're just playing with yourself.

The spiked scrump's spike moves down to the end of its tail, to give it more flexibility to stab foes. While the gulper scrump's armor covers most of its electric pads, the spiked scrump develops more, and they continue to strengthen.

I'm sorry other people are enjoying [THING], user. It must be rough for you.

Interbreeding between the different subspecies of Elget leads to the Swift Elget, a superior breed. The Swift Elget possesses the toe webbing and tail fin of the Swimming Elget, and the tusks and body type of the Tusked Elget. This Elget proves to be a superior hunter on land, as well as a better hunter of the Gulper Scrump on at sea. Its strong, webbed feet, and thick, straight tusks make it a better digger than the previous breeds of Elget, allowing to to bury its eggs deeper, and dig up the buried long-neck Dimos.

Swimming Elget with shorter, stronger legs are favored now because of the need to move farther out to sea for hunting.

These Elget travel very poorly on land and in shallows, but can outswim everything else in the ecosystem easily.

The Long-Necked Dimos develops poisonous barbs along its body and neck to deter Defilos and Elget. These barbs deploy and bury themselves in whatever is in contact with them when the Dimos is attacked.

Defilos generation 4 has been missing for a while

Defilos develop poisonous glands around their mouths to poison their prey. Defilos will bury themselves underground upside down to use their tongues and teeth to ambush and poison Elget, and also dig down and use their poison to kill Long-Necked Dimos before their own poison burs can react.

The Gulper Scrump's gills develop into a jet reminiscent of many cephalopods, allowing it to outpace its Spined Scrump cousins, as well as some Swimming Elget. Gulper Scrump begin to grow larger as a result of this development.

In this vein, the Spined Scrump's shell recedes to show more of their defensive electric pads, and give it more maneuverability, something which the Gulper Scrump does not have.

Any bio majors in the house? A question that's always eluded me is: which evolutionary pressures result most in bigger size? abundance of food?

they get small hands behind their feet

For what purpose?


Grabbing onto Scrump?

Not a bio mayor, but probably
>abundance of food
if predator
>No competition from smaller and more intelligents predators (Entelodon never had a chance)
if prey
>Predators that won't go for the bigger ones

>Stable enviroment (Be it the end or the start of an "era", like the ice age)
>Competition for food (Bears and girafees)

Due to increased predation from the defilos near the surface, the dimos' digging fins grow and strengthen, and small bumps along the inner edges for feeding extend into small bony thorns for more efficiently tearing through dirt.

>Scrump don't even care and grows a fin to go live in the water.
Can't stump the scrump

bump for scrump

Spined Scrumps with shells closer to their tails are favored, allowing them to shatter gulper scrumps' shells and bully them away from abundant food sources.

(This is a divergent mutation from the Spine-Tail Scrump, parallel to small shell scrump)

But evolution is ungodly, OP. What will conservatives think?

All creatures should be materialized into existence as if by magic, and should have set advantages and disadvantages that never change. Sure, that wouldn't be very fun, but it's inherently less immoral.