We all know very well that each weapon was always made in a certain context and will always perform better or worse depending on the situation and the way it is used. That's entirely granted from the beginning, but that doesn't answer nor break the question. Indeed, we're not talking about the BEST or most efficient weapon, but about the most versatile, which is different.
So which melee weapon is useful in the widest range of contexts and situations? Which can be used in the highest number of different ways? Which offers the highest number of possible fighting styles, each with its own pros and cons?
Of course, just answering "the sword" will not be enough, as many different kinds exist that cannot all be used in the same ways. Fore example, the egyptian khopesh, while being an interesting one, is very bad at thrusting and needs the support of a shield. Therefore, one could say that, however good this weapon is at what it does, it is pretty limited in the variety of fighting styles it allows.
Let's say I'm a weapon master of exceptional talent and experience. Which melee weapon would I choose if I wanted to surprise my opponent the highest number of times in the course of a single fight by changing the way I move, defend and attack? That definitely is my question.
I already have several hypotheses, but I'm not really satisfied or sure of myself yet, and that's why I came here to ask for your insight:
>The one and a half hand longsword: cuts, thrusts, usable one handed or two handed, two edges, usable as a hammer, decent reach without being too long to wear about, usable against armor (although not well).
>The halberd: spear point, axe/hammer head (some variants replace this with a hammerhead), rear beak/hook, underside of the axe head (used to disarm opponents or pull horsemen off their mounts), side of the shaft to push and strike opponents, pommel at the base of the shaft (counter-weight and bludgeon).
>The rapier: simplicity is strength.
>Something else?