It's delusional to think bitcoin will ever replace the US dollar. People in this board seem to forget that bitcoin's legal status is tenuous at best. The US government could easily kill it anytime they wanted to.
It's delusional to think bitcoin will ever replace the US dollar...
>The US government can easily do anything, especially banning a popular method of wealth generation among rightists while republicans control each branch
bilderberg owns bitcoin. USA cant do shit
us government would prefer bitcoin than a chinese yuan world currency
bitcoin also presents the opportunity to revalue the dollar against gold without anyone noticing if they pegged usd to btc at a rate that devalued it against gold
You just have to believe user, it's not that hard.
>The US government could easily kill it anytime they wanted to.
Take that dick out of your mouth and explain to me how this is possible to kill a globally decentralized network.
typical fat burger boy not thinking globally. world is bigger than your basement.
By releasing a statement that trading and mining bitcoin is henceforth illegal.
implying rightists aren't fucking retarded and would just go along with a ban on Bitcoin if dear leader says so
USA is not the only country in the world son
Whatever. The US could make BTC price drop 80%+ and influence legislation in other countries.
Implying that the reaction against the Syria Strike was nothing. I personally was for it but the entire base aren't blind loyalists. (My endorsement of it isn't blind by the way)
>citation needed
Freedom ain't free buddy, God bless America.
pic needs source vid
US is coming up with their own coin, thought everybody knew this
btc is digital rai stones bch is the future
freedom coin buy guns and sht
>The US government could easily kill it anytime they wanted to.
Thats where you're wrong kiddo.
>From now on, it's illegal to trade, mine, and hold Bitcoin.
Done. BTC is kill.
Right now it replaces about 14000 US Dollars.
Being illegal never stopped anybody.
enforce that if you can