Drawthread: Saw There Wasn't One Edition

last one Be patient, and bump your request one time every 24 hours from the time you posted the request. There is no exception to this rule, it doesn't matter if you "have work" or "are going to bed".

Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for as best you can.

Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, and be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.

Mind your manners and say thank you! We appreciate our artists and their amazing work!

Ignore the bait, you're better than this.

Don't be an asshole and immediately repost your request because you don't like the FREE art you received.

>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information drawfriends.

Books and Tutorials:
Figure Drawing:
Beginners Guide to Drawing:
The w/ic/i art guide:


>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a picture of the soldier girl fighting the monster.
now with a possible pose to use.

Posting a rough WIP as proof of life.
I discovered the issue with my program crashing, but it slowed my progress a bit and dropped the quality of my scan.
I shall muddle on.

New thread, new migration, new oppurtunities!

my request is a companion for my players. She is an Strix-Aasimar, hence her birdlike features. She is an aspiring cleric, as her father is a paladin, and her mother was an cleric before her. If the robes are too complicated you can simplfy as much as you wish. She also suffers from albinoism and is close to blind, so if coloring is an option, then she would be pretty much all white, save from her weakly blue skin color, with slightly red eyes with some grayish cloudyness, if that doesnt sound completely retarded?
As always, thanks in advance and a good morning to everyone!

Hello artists have a new request for Valla, as she and her halfling friend Belric got separated from the group in the mountains and had to huddle together under Valla's fur cloak to conserve body heat. Valla was very practical about what was happening, recognizing that they are just trying to stay alive, but Belric was very nervous as he has a secret crush on Valla

Oh, got smart after getting called out last thread? This is a really scummy thing that you're doing.

What'd i miss?

Requesting my exalted character from last thread

He's a thief and a pirate who wears clothes similar to the guy on the left (probably without the jacket though. He dresses light). He has a black newsboy cap like the ones in the picture, but the top of his has a layer of crow feathers on it. He has a legendary artifact staff that's his height made of orichalcum (Gold if you're unfamiliar with it) but the handle is encased in exquisite wood. The staff resembles a shepherd's crook, and that's what the three weapon pictures are for. In addition he also carries a shortsword sheathed on his left hip, a slashing sword on his back, and several throwing knives sheathed in various places on his person.

The character himself is almost six feet tall, has an athletic build, and a charismatic smile. He's got messy black hair underneath his cap, and bright green eyes. His overall colour scheme would be dark, with mostly deep blues and blacks.


He's posing as a requester from a few months ago that we liked in an effort to trick people into drawing what I can only assume is a similarly designed character and he wants to get "cute" art of his own.

Last thread he mispelled the character's name in every instance he used it.

Absolutely horrendous

I'd like to request a bust of my character I can print out and put on our table on game night, nothing fancy or detailed tho

She's basically wearing an organic version of pic related sans the helmet, with beetle carapace-like plates on top of it. The proportions should be similar to the nano suit (it IS a big suit and shes a big girl). Her face is scarred badly on the left side (burn scars, half a Glasgow smile, a blind eye, claw marks across her forehead), with dark brown skin, red curls falling down to her shoulders and a prominent nose that's broken in several places.

>tl;dr requesting a 40+yo Indian woman with dyed hair in a medieval nanosuit

Hey guys, making an /r/

These guys are a species from my sci-fi setting, a warrior society made up of lizardmen. They're incredibly militaristic with a bit of emphasis on honor

I'd totally dig it if a kind drawfriend could come up with one of these guys holding a rifle or posed for combat! Oh, and they have five fingers on each hand, just to clarify

Thank you if somebody picks this up!

Requesting my cleric. He'd have armor like this, but with no helmet, a great sword, red hair and a big red beard. I'd like him putting a bear in a headlock.

Working on this one, nice to see some of my old art, it gives me a chance to show some progress! The face is temporary.

Can i get an image of the Male in this image holding a very very large gun with a look of pure joy on his face.

I know this is Germany, but it was the only ref. image i could find right now

cleaned up my Ogryn request.

Poor guy is stranded on a World that is basically a giant Industrial wasteland. Lost half his gear but still fights for the Emprah, against Orks,AWOL Guard and Mutant-Raiders.

Just sad, really.

Just saw this one in the last thread, thanks for picking it up! Really looking forward to it. I'll be patiently waiting around.

Reposting my request, it's mostly vague and the storyline it's part of is also more background than anything, so there's no real restrictions on what it has to look like.

There's a 'knightly order' of 'redeemed' monsters, outfitted in functional arms and armour - far richer than their primitive counterparts. The monsters have been captured from across the land, remade in their (the 'order') god's name as dutiful soldiers for his wars. The monsters are fed a steady diet of a highly addictive stimulant to break them of their will to escape and enhance their battle prowess. They are also ritually branded across most of their body, both as a sign of their breaking and to act as a channelling focus for their new god's will. The drug also has several unique reactions with certain races, some losing all colour from their fur, others find their teeth grow and their eyes turn black. Exactly what that looks like is up to you, but they're minor permutations that say "Something's not right here".

Any gender, any fantasy monster will work (Orcs, minotaurs, ogres, trolls, the usual fare will do, or you could get niche. Anything that's vaguely monstrous) bedecked in armour of your preference, along with any weapons you think fit them. Preference on mostly-realistic design with some fantastical elements.

As always, thanks to anyone who picks this up!

A young paladin/knight-like magical fighter who seems partially merged with her magical armor and holy magic, holding a greatsword and maybe surrounded by an aura of blue fire.

Her armor should be like on the far left without the helmet- metal plates etched with fire and feather motifs (phoenix or salamander motifs are her thing) and wears blue cloth over armor plates and chainmail. She has a red mantle around her shoulders over the armor and cloth- not like the one in the picture. Her face is sharp, young, angular- she looks driven. Fanatical. Single-minded. Long dark hair, Under the armor, she would look slightly built. Her sword hand has a normal gauntlet, but her offhand looks like the one in the picture- clawed fingers.

Her greatsword could glow white or blue, or just have faint blue fire around it, and the hilt might have feather or salamander motifs. Pose is up to the artist, but she'd be fairly aggressive/fanatical personality-wise.

Thanks in advance if anyone considers this!

was losing his gear part of the plan?

Requesting a young paladin or a squire, or any young looking knight who's like 19 or early twenties, courting the vampire girl in the pic, whom he has a crush on.

Anchor post for the fruit bat necromancer.

You will have to be more specific, courting encompasses a very wide variety of actions, and surely the squire's appearance matters?

Hey, I'd like to request my character for an upcoming game of Aberrant.

She is a relatively tall, slender young woman, around twenty years of age - although she looks younger than she is, maybe 17 years old or so. She has gentle features, and maintains a constant, close-lipped smile as much as she can (she hates opening her lips, since her mouth is lined with layers and layers of serrated teeth). Her skin is pale, her eyes are a silvery blue-grey, and her short straight hair is pure white, with an off-center ponytail draped over one shoulder (top left corner of pic related).

She wears a wide-collared short-cropped light purple short-sleeved keyhole sweater - the bottom ends shortly above her ribcage - on top of a black turtleneck tucked into deep purple skinny jeans. She wears a wide mauve sash around her waist with a segmented black leather belt on top, and a pair of knee-high black leather boots with a chain of purple and pink beads around the ankle of the left boot (bottom left corner of pic related).

If you're curious and/or want to draw it, her Nova powers involve the creation of gaping, tooth-lined portals that she calls "Maws" (think a giant, predatory mouth in midair), that she uses to launch and block attacks, and as a portal-based form of teleportation. If her skin is cut or broken in any way, the wound will invariably be lined with teeth that gnash at the air - and anyone close enough - as the wound regenerates and closes back up.

Okay, for the sake of getting my request fulfilled; Perhaps the squire or young paladin can basically court the vampire girl like the way in the pic, but the squire or young paladin who's courting the vampire girl will also be offering her a fruit basket for her fruit bat pets. While the vampire girl would have a face that says she really appreciates or likes the effort of the guy who's courting her.

He doesn't plan so good.

That looks amazing.

I hate myself for saying anything apart from how much i absolutely adore you for this and how absolutely amazing every single thing on the picture is but....
-the reason his clothes are blue ... was because his eyes are blue.
-could you please raise the inner neckline of the inner hood (the horizontal small thing) close to his chin?
-can you please make the little strap things on the suit look like parts of a harness somehow?
-gloves? maybe? or no?... he could've just taken them off that would be reasonable, but maybe having them on would make him look more like wearing a superhero suit .... eh whatever i dunno you decide.
-i still don't quite get his legs though O.o

Requesting an undead viking wearing armour similar to the reference. Most areas of unarmored flesh should be covered in bandages, except the mouth and eye sockets. Skin tone included in reference. Also wields a hand axe and shield

Requesting an image of her in some more conservative clothing. something reminiscent of a traditional fantasy setting, the pose, expression, hairstyle, ears, and skin tone are all perfect for the character aside from the fapbait clothing, so i do hope someone picks this up.

you clearly don't hate yourself enough not to ask for 5 lengthy edits. if you want to be so fucking specific then go commission this shit.
learn to hate yourself more and then come back to this.

>skin tone included in reference
or not.
I don't know what happened there, but heres the ref picture

Hey guys, I have a bit of a macabre request.

It's the torso and head of a man, upside down - nailed to a tree. Eight animal limbs are sewed to him like the legs of a spider. On his chest is a pentagram cut into his flesh.

Requesting this techno-Valkyrie chatting and sharing stories with a few guardsmen and one butthurt looking commissar who's glaring at her, around a campfire.

The context or story is that the tech-valkyrie is from a race of literal space valkyries with advanced tech who're now "allied" with the imperium. And the tech-valkyrie in this request is just making friends with the local IGs but the commissar who's leading the local IG team still views her and her race with a certain disdain for reasons.

those are absolutely tiny edits.
first is a colorfill tool clicked twice, the second is two tiny lines pulled upwards, the third is one uncolored line erased and two lengthened, the fourth was more a question i don't even know if it would be good if cat did it, and the fifth was something that could be alright for all i know and i'm just not seeing the linework correctly but it would be sortof weird if a character had a leg missing.

Requesting pic related charging something off screen with a spear while clad in plate armor and barding made out of animated skeletons. Make this eye-less piece of shit look like the most murderous bird centaur.

Can anyone draw this arcane soldier teaching a wizard apprentice or initiate a basic magic spell like a fireball or a magic ball of light by demonstrating it to the wizard apprentice?

It's been forever, what was the colour scheme for this?

user please, you've been nitpicking every step of the way on this free art, every time the artist posts an update you give a laundry list of minor edits you *hate* to ask for, but... You keep asking for them.

The art is *fine*, user.

These guys as actual burly shirtless bird-men.

Are you blind? Of course there are no missing legs. And sure they are minor edits, but when ask for 5 more edits every time they post a WIP, that's bullshit. Like user said above, this level of specificity is only appropriate if you're paying the guy

I know the art is fine, but to me it's better than fine. I have literally not seen anything that would come closer to what i'd consider 'ripped straight from my fantasy' than this.
And if something is this close to perfection, i can't NOT try to make it perfect.

I wouldn't have asked for edits had cat just made a rough sketch, but he didn't. And this turned out to be so good that i spend a lot of time staring at the WIP and just grinning like an idiot.

Also, yes i'm probably blind

Requesting my Black Crusade character, a Word Bearers Warpsmith.
He rolled Centauroid for his first mutation and we decided his lower half is replaced by 4 mechanical legs, like a defiler.
He wields his Fallen Magos Power Axe, and his visible cybernetics are:
1 Mechatendril
2 Dendrite Blade(s)
Utility Mechadendrite
Optical Mechadendrite
He also has a very large cybermantle that forms a bit of a tower from his back.

Thanks in advance, and keep been excellent Veeky Forums!

>And this turned out to be so good that i spend a lot of time staring at the WIP and just grinning like an idiot.

So embrace how good the WIP is, and look forward to the end result! Endlessly worrying yourself over very minor details will dull your appreciation for the product, and will end with you getting the finished product and you feeling little more than "okay" with it.

Nothing can be 100% perfect, user. You'll always find something wrong with it. Accept the art for what it is, "imperfections" and all.

To any drawfag who knows their warhammer and fallout 4. Requesting Taldeer from Dawn of War 2 dressed as the silver shroud (left image) and wielding a Thompson SMG that looks like its made of wraithbone. And LIVVI dressed as Grognak the Barbarian with a battleaxe.

I have a request for a potentially-recurring antagonist for a game, appreciate anyone taking a crack at it.

The basic concept is of a female sharpshooting bounty hunter. I've made a basic reference image.

Physically, this character is not intimidating - fairly slim and waifish, in fact. The pic in the upper left is a rough idea of what I imagine her like facially: not the features of a hardened killer. She wears her hair in a long braid like the pic in the middle left. The expression she wears should be flat, narrow, suspicious, wary.

She is dressed somewhat in the manner of a renaissance-era highwayman - see the pic on the far right. Her coat is shabby, and she wears a badly-beaten-up hat like the one in the upper right rather than a tricorn. The coat should preferably be open enough to show the shirt underneath. She wears knee-high riding boots that are as scuffed and battered as the rest of her outfit.

She wears a bandolier of power charges across her chest, similar to the one depicted in the bottom left. She is armed with a backsword on one hip (center right) and a pistol on the other (in the style of the one on the bottom right). Finally, she should be carrying a renaissance-era flintlock rifle with a leather strap, perhaps with it slung over her shoulder or cradled in her arms.

>Nothing can be 100% perfect, user. You'll always find something wrong with it. Accept the [thing] for what it is, "imperfections" and all.
This idea goes against my very being. I am positively incapable of doing this if i care about something, and if the imperfections are not the point of the whole thing.
I have never been able to accept this for as long as i can remember.

Why yes, that does make me a fucking autist with a touch of OCD.

We talked with Cat about this in the last thread and this is also precisely why i don't draw things despite theoretically knowing how to draw.

I feel like theres a story behind this...

There is. It's called "Love Can Bloom"

Yes its Love Can Bloom related:

I just wana see Taldeer dressed as the Silver Shroud while also wielding a Thompson SMG that looks like its made with wraithbone, and LIVVI as Grognak The Barbarian: Which is why I'm asking for any drawfag who's familiar with warhammer 40k and fallout 4 to do this.

Are you the artist? If not then fuck off.

I have a request for an anime-style character. It's for a game that is best described as "historical Upotte".

Reposting from previous thread:
Requesting young, optimistic Thyrsus mage for my Mage game.

The concept of the character is a wandering, healing vagrant who wishes to help as many people as possible, be it just talk or to heal actual wounds and illnesses (and avoiding anyone realizing that magic was involved (for the sake of everyone's psyche)).
While a good healer he's not very good at talking to people, but he is also an amazing survivor who can live and even thrive in any kind of environment, so likewise he's got this wild look in his big eyes, hidden behind lots of hair (including facial hair). He's wearing a short sleeved shirt with a vest on, cargo shorts, good boots for outdoors, a vest and a backpack.
Physically he's skinny, but toned from his adventure. He's also pretty short (5'3) if that helps, and he's young despite that hair (21). For posing, he'd just be standing, maybe holding his backpack with one hand - doesn't really matter. But he'd be smiling, definitely giving a friendly, toothy grin.

24hr Bumping

I have the old ref if you like, it was like a mix of different outfits so I mean I guess there wasn't really a color scheme from the start.
I guess you can go with these, go with whatever you feel like fits. Thanks again.

Taking two word requests

Requesting a gunslinger type (even better if the face is shadowed), in a dark cave, shooting a milk-eyed mutant coming out of a cave lake.

Thank you drawfriends!


ur mom

Adventurer You

Beautiful Techpriestess

Mearls flogged

Posting the universal request again, so that i can see a collection of your styles:

>Sketch a pet archetype in a few minutes. A new species, with traits that make you think immediately "that's a pet".

Abomination wedding

DILF Oracle

>already got FOUR deliveries
>Still asks for more

come on now, friend.

I hope there are those that can do weapon requests.

Requesting a Sabre like in the top pic, but shortened to the new length (preferable with the double edged part partly shortened as well), and with a few designs on the blade like in the bottom pic.

This isn't a real request and no one should possibly treat it as such. This is more a "just for fun" thing. A - hopefully novel - idea to try in LESS THAN TWO MINUTES, because i thought it would be neat to capture the artstyle of all drawfriends in one category. Those deliveries were all way too detailed.

Requesting a child-sized clockwork humanoid with porcelain "skin" and very unnerving mere suggestion of facial features where his face should be. He's dressed in fancy jester-ish clothes.

Sorry for no reference pics but i'm posting from my phone

Forgot to post pic.

kill jester


I'd like to request art of a female Estalian diestro, a type of duelist from the Warhammer Fantasy setting. Reference is attached.

Facially, I'm looking for something like Gizka - somewhat mannish in shape, though not overtly masculine. No scar, and brown eyes instead of green. Black hair. Her hair is longer, and wavy - see the pic on the top right for a reference. She wears a cavalier's hat, like the one depicted on the right.

Clothing-wise, the woman on the lower right is a reference: it's a well-cut, masculine outfit, obviously something belonging to a duelist, not a soldier. She wears a simple rapier - see bottom left - and a simple flintlock pistol on the other hip, along with a dagger.

Pose-wise, I have a couple of ideas. The first is her binding a wound - preferably on her torso, but if you think the jannies will have a tit-fit, one on the arm would be acceptable too. Her expression would be one of concentration - a wince of pain, maybe, as she's drawing the bandage tight.

The other pose suggestion is a bit simpler - the character standing, sword in one hand, dagger in the other, dropped into a loose combat stance, sword extended. Expression-wise, she'd be alert, perhaps wearing a confident smirk.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, either way.


Working on the colour.

OR here, thanks for making this yesterday wherever you are drawanon


Oh man, thats looks freaking great you did an awesome job. Thanks my man, looking forward to the colors.

Jalapeno Paladin

Colours were just a quickie cause I wanna sleep, night user.

Requesting Adeptus Arbites eating doughnuts. Also best be adding a doughnut box that says: "Dunkin' Doughnutus" "Crispyius Creamatorious"

Looks great regardless thanks for doing my request, I love it. Have a good night, ramen.

>Crispyus Creamatorious

Making someone laugh this hard should be a war crime, user.

This user.

Could someone draw a fungus witch?
>pale, thin girl
>younger than average
>Dressed in a sundress that's a little worn at the end
>Huge red mushroom cap growing out of her head that resembles a witch's hat. Could easily keep her body in shadow at noon.
>musroom "skirt" growing from her shoulders in a way that looks like a mantle or cloak
>Carrying a long wooden staff with mushrooms growing from one end (the end that would be upwards if held)
>constantly surrounded by a wispy cloud of spores

My DM finally let me talk her into letting me play an anthropomorphic mushroom and I wanted a profile picture. The secret is that the character is the mushroom, and attached itself to a girl that had died from a head injury in the forest. Now the mushroom is looking to give the girl's final goodbye to her family before becoming an adventurer proper.

>mfw/yfw you remember the fact that in the grimdark future of wh40K everyone speaks in a butchered, bastardized and pretentious form of Latin just to sound fancy, hip and smart

well worth it m8 well worth it

Thread migration part seven-

Requesting an enormous, bald, albino barbarian. According to the Hackmaster exceptional height/weight tables, he's 7'6" and 451 lbs. Dressed exclusively in piles and piles of animal furs, makeshift shoes/boots entirely optional. If you feel like including it, his weapon is a "hammer" composed of a big square(ish) piece of rock and a small stripped tree for a handle.

Sorry for the lack of ref pictures, but if you start with Shaq, then picture him strongfat, babyfaced, hairless, and albino, you've got a pretty good idea.

It might be a little difficult but I need to someone the protag girl from a game I plan to do. She would have the proportions like Juvia Lockser (A), a side style haircut (B) but a little longer and in black color, wearing a black shirt with some colors on it (C), a gray jacket like in (D), and slightly ripped jeans similar to (E).

I will be very appreciated if you do it.

Requesting a 60 year old Vietnamese man in a traditional military uniform. He had an eye patch on his special eye which is a dragon's eye which allows him to hypnotize and discombobulate his foes. It also lets him use mystic attacks like flame fists and stuff. He also carries his fathers sword so it looks pretty old.

>everyone speaks in a butchered, bastardized and pretentious form of Latin just to sound fancy, hip and smart

That's only the upper crust, everyone else calls 'em Voxes, Lho-sticks, Recaff and Amasec.

Requesting a character for the upcoming 5e game I'm in.
She's a bit tall and lanky for a human, but with some muscle behind that, sort of like a basketball player or a swimmer.
Facial structure and skin tone similar to the portrait on the bottom, though the hair would be a much simpler braid or bun.
As far as clothing goes, the upper half would be a lot like B including the sleeves, but with the slit down the leg like in A. Similar ornamentation like the braid that A has at the waist, as well as similar shin and forearm guards as well as moving the collection of claws up to be a necklace. Pants similar to those in A as well, loose until they're gathered up into the top of the boots. In place of where a cape would be is just a fur draped across her shoulders.
As far as weaponry is concerned all she should have is a sword shaped like the one in the lower picture, but only slightly proportionally smaller than the one in the image above that. It should have a open ring as it's pommel with the lanyard through there, and a notch where the guard would normally be.

I used to wonder why people would request the same thing over and over from thread to thread with no delivery, when it was clear they weren't going to get anything any time soon...

Freddy Kugerrand

Requesting a small male kitsune being held by the scruff of his neck by a town guard, and trying to look intimidating. The guard however looks amused and or finds it adorable.

Not OR, but town guard should be making this face.

Jeebles, I get up wondering if you even saw my WIP and then I get to read through all of nit picking from each side >_<
So imma say something so people will stop picking on you, and you will stop explaining yourself to them, because I really don't want to flood the thread over one request.

YES, this kind of extra sensitive picking on details is probably more suitable for comissions.
YES, the minor details aren't such a problem to me, since I am trying to make something you will enjoy.
YES, I forgot about the gloves, remembering it at 3 am when I was basically asleep, and you didn't tell me about the eye colour, so I just filled the most logical colour in for me to make sure that I got that for now filled and move on until you tell me otherwise.
I will make these last edits for you, so everybody will stop harassing each other, because I want a peaceful Drawthread where people like to go to. It's not fun for anybody if everybody is being 2edgy4life.
I probably forgot something, but that's all my brain musters up right now still half asleep.

Requesting a tactical marine for the Marines Mordant. He uses a bolter-sized hand cannon, like all the black and white pictures, carries around a machete like the one at the top, and has the chapter emblem over checkers like the lamenters. If you're a cool enough dude, the color scheme is in the top left. Thanks

You watched team four star didn't you?

