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Reposting them.

Forgeworld just released the rules for Death from the Skies for their stuff.

Sweet, the Fire Raptor user at my shop has been refusing to use DftS since it didnt have rules.

>First for the First Legion
He says secondly. Delete this shame from the sight of the Imperium.

Barracuda is back and improved!

Suggestions for allies while using SoB? Mostly fluff, normally I run Immolators with fully deck out sisters and Dominions outflanking with more meltas than God. Or at lower points Penitente Engine spam.

Also waac Necrons wraith spam how to fight them?

Picture unrelated since there is a mod that hates qipaos/cheongsam

Can you Use more than one FOC in a single CAD ? For example two Ravenwing Strike Force FOCs.

I think you're confused over how a CAD works, formations aren't part of it.

That's great!

Yea here the barracuda has the combat role "Strike-Fighter" and not "strike-flyer", its a miss from forgeworld then.

RSF isn't a formation.

You should reread the section of the rulebook that deals with detachments.

Read the first part.
There are 4 more Combat Roles now.

I assume its a detachment like a gladius then, which is still separate from a CAD.

Cad still doesn't work that way.

I play Admech/Necrons.
I try to not go above 6 destroyers, perhaps i should make an army with just destroyers and kastelan...

>For example two Ravenwing Strike Force FOCs
Yes you can. Only one can be your primary detachment though. It says right there in the Detachment section of the rulebook "There is no limit to the number of Detachments a Battle Forged Army can include." It is no different that running Multi-CAD or any other stuff. One unit just can't belong to both.

The only time I've brought my second RW Strike Force was with a Techmarine HQ and two Dark Talons for the fast attack requirements. This let them Auto-Arrive turn two with Outflank.

yes, still no strike-flyer.
I'm talking about the barracuda separate datasheet. In the new list its got the combat role strike-fighter

All this talk of daemons being OP. I just wanted a fun, flavorful army to start the hobby with.

Can you take two RSFs or CAD or other FOCs together or can you take only one of each ?

>are you spamming Khorne Dogs and Screamers?
>are you spamming psykers and summoning new guys?
No? Then you're fine. Try not to be a retard in the future, this place already has enough.

Thanks I know I missed something when rereading the book.

>are you spamming psykers and summoning new guys?
That was actually part of the plan yes.

I really like the idea of being able to change army tactics on the fly by summoning different units.

2 up cover for flying Nurgle daemon prince is pretty good. Specifically if aforementioned daemon prince also has biomancy and fnp from the gifts table.

>All this talk of daemons being OP. I just wanted a fun, flavorful army to start the hobby with.
Just don't spam FMCs while you summon enough shit to near-double your points.
Bringing my Ravenwing against a List Tailoring Daemon Player for a campaign really sucked because he had a tub with a ton of models that he could summon in. all grey and unprimed/painted

Use Skitmech- they have really good anti-armor and anti-light infantry while Sisters are (in my experience) fare well against MEQs. Not the most usual combo, but a neat bit of fluff to play around with.

>I really like the idea of List Tailoring so I can always counter my opponent.

>second RW Strike Force was with a Techmarine HQ and two Dark Talons for the fast attack requirements. This let them Auto-Arrive turn two with Outflank.

That is allowed?
Are DA Fliers any good?

Wraith spam is countered either by volume of mid str fire, instant death, tarpits or just being better in melee.

It's more about flexibility of playstyle.

I chose Chaos Demons for 2 reasons:

1. I like the lore, they look really fun to paint.
2. I don't like the idea of whatever army list I choose being one dimensional. The games would get boring after a while IMO. Summoning seems to offer a way of being multidimensional with your army lists.

I'm still making my daemons list, but I'd like it to be mostly slaaneshi forces (cause slaanesh is my favorite), with the ability to summon more from all aspects of chaos.

Fluffy, Inqusition I'd say.

Go full Witchhunters again.

A two walls of Black Templars 20 man strong could work?
I should had mention that my other armies are Black Templars on foot with some Landraider Crusader. Could get some chimeras and fill them with storm Bolter acolytes with a random psyker.

>That is allowed?
>Are DA Fliers any good?
Not great but I think Dark Talons are fun and their weapons are cool.


Stop forgetting the discord in the op faggot

>Stop forgetting the discord in the op
It is shit.
The one time I visited it there was just one pleb effectively talking to himself.
It is filled with Redditors and Fags.

I'm pretty sure op remembered to take it out.

Good thing we have none of those here, in this general.

>afraid of one-dimensional list

I'm sorry to break the news user, but taking time to make your list is a big part of the games. Ideally, a player thinks through what he might encounter and makes a well-rounded list of either very good specialists (Eldar) or flexible and strong generalists (Space Marines); if you just grab whatever looks cool and summon a million of them, it's both cheesy and douchy, as your opponent can't really counter you if his entire turn is beating off half the shit you just summoned. It is fun, but don't do it. You'll be called a waacfag and no one will play with you.

>slaanesh is my favorite

Goddammit user

Mine dies to bolter fire, grav or any ap3 weapon in close combat since daemons havent understood the importance of grenades. Initiative >9000 doesnt matter when theres a tuft of grass in the way...

>Dies to Grav

What warp sorcery is this?

Why not think through what you might encounter and make a good list, but also have the ability to summon different units to spice it up as needed?

to protect against all other crap you take 3+ armor. Though it depends, i try to not tailor against grav, it would just make it easier for fucking conscripts to kill me on i3 in cc...

Are there any concrete news on what 8th Edition will have?

I neverererer take Armour on my ML3 Nurgle Prince with wings and Balesword.

Of course not, we are barely getting news that there will be an 8th Edition.
Best guesses would have you come and ask that question in October.

That's usually the fair balance, but don't cheese out the list beforehand- if your opponent is playing Orks, don't be that guy and summon 20 D-thirsters turn one. But if you're playing against Medusa Strike Force Smashfucker, then it's a good time to pull a few reinforcements out. The only other precaution is to use it as a winbutton last resort, because honestly that is the worst kind of player there is- don't slip into cheesy overdrive just because you left an important unit out in the open

>grav weapons cannot harm models without an armour save and do nothing to vehicles
Is grav balanced.

Which vehicles even have armoursaves.

>summon 20 D-thirsters turn one
>giving your opponent first blood and 20 kill points

>do nothing to vehicles
Nope it is now completely fucking useless.
I would say against vehicles they need a 5+ or 6 to immobilize and no more glancing. (unless maybe against skimmers because that makes since from a fluff standpoint)
Probably change up the Salvo to something else. 3 bikers with one using a combi grav shouldn't get 9 shots thanks to their relentlessness
That way they still have some tactical use however they will still wreck MC/GCs and any other important model with a decent save.

They drew first blüd
T. Catachan player

We have lascannons, missile launchers and melta weapons for anti vehicle. If they want to have an anti MC weapon, give it rules that make it work against those and not trash everything else that dares to have an armour save. It's a fucking rarity that my dudes even get to take their stupid 2+ save anymore, that's not okay.


They drew first blood
- Guardsman Marbo

you dont use enough terrain then i gather, i seldom assault things in the open.

Now you have to name a Catachan Sargeant Reynolds

If I have the option, I'm not going to not use it, generally speaking. I've seen that attitude in edh, and it never results in satisfying games.

I'm going to construct my army list so that I do have options, but not overbearing ones. I won't have 20 dthirster models to summon.

>he doesn't have a Sargent Frank Reynolds with a green stuff potbelly and 4mms shaved off of his legs to be anatomically appropriate

>175 points
Not that bad, actually.

>Death from the Skies confirmed to be completely optional.

I'd agree with that, if grav was auto-glance on 6 with a chance of immobilising skimmers that would be cool.

>Barracuda AX-5-2
oh shit I can still use the old one then?

when i saw it i would say 250p points for that amount of firepower, shielded, 3+ jink, +1bs.

That's a good way to go. Just don't depend on summoning for your battle strategy, it's both unpredictable and not fun to play against

How good is this compared to the two other top 3 fighters?

>Salvo is not affected from Relentless and Slow&Purposeful. If you move, you shoot with less shots and less range.
I fixed Grav and Necron Ghost Ark.

Nobody ever complained of grav on tactical. Grav is bullshit on Centurion and Bikes, because Relentless and S&P.

Also, this fix most of the Skyhammer too.

Devastators with Gravcannon and Relentless is completely bullshit.

What are the other top 3 fighters?

Can you equip Captain Centos with other wargear, or are you stuck with what he comes with?

>waaah, don't make me think about my choices, I want my OP gun that is better than all other guns in the game
Kys marine faggot.

Oh boo-hoo, a special rule that specifically does a thing does that thing- this game is so unbalanced

And Eldar one and an Imperial Navy one. I don't remember which exactly.

>Taking Nurgle DP
Bruh, Fateweaver+Heralds are all you need. Shit, if I really need more, I take another CAD, and throw the Blue Scribes in. They usually just explode into a Bloodthirster.

Salvo weapons are made with huge penalties in mind from moving.
The fact you can simply ignore those that easily, and you have the bullshit.

It's simple as that.

Also, the idea that a Gravgun is better and has more range when firing from a guy riding a bike instead of a guy at foot, is retarded.

The barracuda has a tone of dakka at good BS going for it and that's pretty much it. It's expensive and still flimsy although getting a 2+ jink save would help with that but make it 190 points sans weapon upgrades.
It's more balanced than I though it would be.

theres a big lack of that in csm. I should really retool to go daemons, is a nice counterpoint to my admech

we want Antarctica.

why not just change the grav profile.
assault 2 18"
heavy 3 24"
heavy 4 30"

the issue is the number of shots, not the core salvo rule
(well, salvo is a clunky rule by itself so I guess you do have a point. it should work more like rapid fire - smaller number of shots out to max range, larger at half range, not the other way around)

or if you wanna go completely crazy with the grav nerf, assault 2 9", assault 3 12", assault 4 15" which is just dropping the "stationary" values from the current grav guns

and no one uses grey knights ever again

Fuck that, give it
Assault 1 18" Gets Hot
Heavy 2 24" Gets Hot
Heavy 3 30" Gets Hot
Its a fucking win button for Marines.
T. Chaos Daemon player

>having armour saves

I think may be the better solution.
(very) short range and adds another "assault" heavy weapon like the flamer

How's that a bad thing?

This doesn't do anything to the drop pod delivery, which is a large part of the issue.
Perhaps like said and reduce the shots further so assault 2 9", assault 2 12", assault 3 15"

>wounds a 6+ with reroll
>I10 keepers and I9 bloodthirsters crawling around at I1 because concussive

If you wound one, does the whole unit become concussive?

Oh I forgot about concussive. that does suck a little bit.
>6+ reroll
thats worse than 5+. its slightly better than stock bolters for gravcannon+amp prices

concussive triggers on an unsaved wound on that model. Greater Daemons are only one model units though

The real issue is grav is supposed to be the "anti big thing" but is just as good against terminators as is it is against riptides (and is actually better against terminators than it is against things like wraithknights and other 3+ gmcs

why not do some mix of all these suggestions:
assault 1 18"
heavy 2 24"
heavy 2 30"
then concussive, wounds on armour save, target must FAIL a toughness test or take an additional wound. does nothing to vehicles, or inflicts a stunned (which cant be reduced) on a 6
that way its better against big multiple wound models, and isnt better than every other gun at its job

Is there any way to fit the new barracuda into the Tau decurion? I didn't see any specific swap rules like the night shroud had. Is it restricted to dfts formations as an auxilia choice then?

Oh, and remove amps entirely. They are cancer

>Strike-fighter has literally no downsides depending on what it wants to shoot at
More forgeworld bullshit then.

there is no way to include a barracuda in a hunter contingent.
you need to take it in a CAD or AD. You can't even take it as a flyer wing

the bigger better fighter role, now with more striking.

Nom the real issue is it's good against EVERYTHING.
It wrecks vehicles and ignores AV, It murders anything with a good save AND has enough shots to butcher hordes.
18", Salvo 1/2, blast, for regular guns.
18", Salvo 2/4, blast, for the cannon.

Requesting The Beast Arises book 8 - The Beast must die by Gav Thorpe. Anyone have it?

>still being upset about forgeworld
>in 2016

>Hey, shall we give this a couple of networked markerlights so it can maybe hit enemy fliers that are jinking?
>Nah, that could fail. Just give some of its guns ignores cover no matter what. Oh, but give it a bonus to jink. And an invulnerable save.
Admit it, FW are as big a bunch of tau-coddling hacks as GW.

There is a reason stores ban forgeworld you cheesing fuck.

>B-but muh wraithknight and scatter bikes!
The top 5% of GW stuff is OP compared to its forgeworld equivalent, but across like 80-90% of the rest of the ranges the forgeworld option is more powerful than the GW equivalent.