>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Gamefinder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>System Preferred
FFG Star Wars
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST, anytime for now, mostly evenings preferred
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Any, desu. Not too sure how IRC works but I'm sure it's not hard.
>Contact Info
Skype: baneblade11
>Additional Notes
Call it an early interest check; who'd be interested in playing a game set in Riddell and Stewart's Edge Chronicles universe? Who's read it?
Possibly Savage Worlds, possibly playing as Knights Academic during the First Age.
>System Preferred
Eclipse Phase, but I'm willing to learn other cyberpunk systems
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Evenings EST and weekends
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
PbP if possible, otherwise I dont mind voice or text.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Wednesday, July 27th at around 5pm EST, give or take an hour if people need it.
I want to run a oneshot of Savage worlds using the Kaisers gate supplement, players will be using pregens of soldiers in the Canadian expeditionary force, on medical leave in Paris when they are offered a job by a rich benfactor.
We will be using voice & roll20, players must be comfortable with the game being recorded and posted online.
>Contact info
elric225 on skype.
Anybody in the Denver area? Can't find a group here so far.
Im trying to get a group together to play The Mutant Epoch.
Obviously the hard part is the GM so im willing to help anyone learn the system and provide the books necessary.
If anyone wants to check out the system let me know and ill link the books.
I'd imagine one of you cunts would start GMing by now.
you'd think so.
>System Preferred
Rogue Trader
>Times Available (with timezone!)
3:00 PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord voice
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Group currently has an RT, a Seneschal, and two Arch Militants. 9,000 XP, pull from Rogue Trader books only.
Campaign info:
Far in the eastern fringe of Mankind's domain over the galaxy, where the Astronomican is fickle and dim, there lies a planet that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is. On the planet that cannot be found, there lies a treasure, so great that minds of man cannot comprehend it. It was found, centuries ago, by Captain Reginalus Ghostmaker: Pirate, Rogue Trader, Conquerer. Persued as he was by the vile minions of darkness at his heels and the shadows at the corner of his vision, Captain Ghostmaker was forced to abandon his treasure, fleeing to keep it out of the hands of his enemies. But his charts were destroyed in the battle that broke his ship in half and killed him. For two centuries, no one has been able to find his treasure. Whispers rumor, however, that the new warp routes discovered on the northeastern fringe lead to treasures unimaginable. Perhaps even the planet that cannot be found. And so the Rogue Traders of the Eastern Fringe set out.
Do you have what it takes to find the Lost Treasure of Captain Ghostmaker?
>two arch militants and a seneschal
Are you playing RT or ONLY WAR?
So can I make another arch militant?
>3:00 PST
You mean in two hours or in fourteen hours?
I'm gonna say no. Variety pls.
In one hour and six minutes
Damn, not enough time to re-learn the system and roll up a character
FUCK. I forgot to say the day. We play on Tuesdays.
Where was that Discord link that had a bunch of GM looking for players?
>don't know any rule books after having played tabletop rpgs with friends for 4+ years, always by home rules to keep things simple
>want to play as teen aged character
>dont want to use voice chat
at least im available all the time!
There were no GMs.
Just autistic neckbeard foreigners with cute girl anime avatars spamming pictures of cute anime girls while trying to seem quirky and spilling their spaghetti.
It sounds like a special level of the Purgatory.
What is this?
The third circle: Japanese TTRPG General Discord.
So do you need a Void Master?
>GM or Player
D&D 3.5/4e/5e, GURPS, Pathfinder, Shadowrun 5e.
I'm always actively looking to play Shadowrun. GURPS is the system I know best and would be able to help new players get started.
Other than that I'm down to play anything really.
>Available time / Time Zone
GMT -6, I'm free mostly any time but weekends are preferable otherwise I may miss the odd session every once in a while.
Beelzebro on Skype, Discord (#0983), Roll20, ect.
My only hard rule is that I am not interested in text only groups.
>System Preferred
Willing to try most systems
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any day past 12:00pm PST, but no later than 8:00pm PST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I'm fine with Skype, IRC, and roll20. I'm also willing to try other methods.
>Contact Info
Give on request.
>Additional Notes
I would love to find one of three types of games:
1. A mystery game. Not necessarily a murder mystery, or something like Call of Cthulhu. But I love being thrown into weird situations and trying to figure out just what the hell is going on.
2. I'd like to try out another Japanese RPG system like Double Cross, Ryuutama or TBZ. Or even something western but with Japanese flavor to it. I'd even settle for that DBZ rpg.
3. I've never had the chance to play a supers game before, despite really loving comic books. Ideally I'd like to try something like Masks or Worlds in Peril, but I'm willing to look at other systems.
I'm keen if you're still there, and I'm sure my brother would be too. What time zone are you in? AEST here, but flexible.
Yes. I definitely am. Veeky Forums has tried to homebrew an Edge Chronicles rules-system before.
I'm not sure how good (or bad) it became, as I only saw the first thread.
>System Preferred
Rogue Trader with home-brewed Eldar rulebook
>Times Available (with timezone!)
We are shooting to play weekly. I can work around player schedules.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Teamspeak (Text gamers welcome)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
We have 3/6 Slots filled as of 7/22
All materials provided at no expense.
New players are welcome.
We will be playing as Eldar Rangers.
Pic related is a page from the guide I put together for players.
>Text games welcome
>Audio / Visual Voice Only
>>System Preferred
Rogue trader
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
5pm EST, thursdays
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Teamspeak and roll20
>>Contact Info
Skype's brian.overton2
>>Additional Notes
We are in need of an ork pilot, and possibly a mek boy too.
Roll20 and TS have text chat you dingle mongling hussy.
>>GM/Player: GM looking for one player.
>>System Preferred: D&D 5e.
>>Times Available: The games are Mondays at 7pm cst.
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc): Roll20, text only.
>>Contact Info: See the rules and apply at: app.roll20.net
>>Additional Notes: Feel free to post a thread with any questions on the LFG listing. I may miss questions here as I don't browse Veeky Forums very often.
Neat; AEST here too. Still just pondering, not sure what an adventure would or should look like.
Kek I almost tried to join your game till I realized you were that autist who got so buttravaged you had to leave the 40kg discord XD
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Afternoons + evenings PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, or whatever else
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Newer player. I'll play whatever best suits the party.
>System Preferred
5e bb
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sat any time between 2pm and 2am CDT.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 or PBP. If anyone is running a text-only game I'd actually be more down for that than a normal game - I don't like despoiling some of my character concepts with a voice that doesn't match theirs.
>Contact Info
Jake R. on roll20 - I'm the only plus guy on the list and my icon is a red Zaku II. You can add me there or add jake-ad-hoc on skype.
>Additional Notes
Mostly interested in playing a warlock or a wizard at the moment, since I'm doing other things in other games. Have a ton of experience with 3.5 and 5e mostly. Just looking for a last game to close out one of my days of the week. Hit me up if ya need a guy.
I may be interested in this. I'll hit you up with an app tomorrow if that's alright.
Noice. Archroy on Roll20 when you get it going.
Any GM around GMT +/-2?
Heck, any Players around that time zone? I am even willing to GM, if we get a few players, and none of them minds me being an amateur.
Could be a Stormchasing expedition. It might go wrong and leave the characters stranded in (thank god) the Deepwoods. The party would have to make it back to Sanctaphrax.
It would showcase both the stuffy Knights Academic and the Earth/Sky Academics split in the beginning, and then spend time with the banderbears and slaughterers and what have you over in the Deepwoods.
Or alternatively, a purely intrigue-based game set in Sanctaphrax and sometimes Undertown.
Hey, how do you send an invitation link in Discord? I'll post a game as soon as I can do this.
+3 here
What does your pic mean?
+1, I want to GM but I can't right now
+4 here.
Meant +2, sorry.
Thems be cute lil' kobolds
>Timezone and time you'll be playing
Fridays 8pm EST
>Text or Voice
Mostly text but we might switch to voice on and off depending on how I'm feeling that week
>Contact info
Join the Discord server and say "Hi."
>white world
>System Preferred
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sunday 9AM - 2PM CDT
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I prefer voice since it's usually faster.
I can provide MHRP books upon request.
>System Preferred
Pokémon Tabletop United
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any day of the week except for Saturdays and Thursdays. Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays are preferred. EST, but I have a remarkably flexible schedule.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and maybe Roll20. If I cannot get a bot for Discord, we'll use Roll20 for dice-rolls and gameplay.
>Contact Info
I will post the Discord link very soon after some interest is shown in the game, mostly because I have to leave for a little while after posting this advertisement and wouldn't want to send a link without being present to help any prospective players and answer questions.
>Additional Notes
Do you want to be the very best? Like no one ever was? To catch them is your real test! To train them is your cause!
Then you've come to the right place.
This will be a 'generic' game, meaning that it isn't medieval fantasy or post-apocalyptic or a space opera or anything apart from Pokémon.
It will be in an OC Region, there will be an OC Pokémon League, there will be OC Villainous Teams.
No Fakemons or edited 'Mons, apart from the rules for Shinies in the corebook.
Pokémon in the region will be from Gen IV and earlier. Some trainers will have Pokémon from other Generations, and Starters are not affected by this rule.
The reason behind this is partly due to the location of the region in the world of Pokémon, and partly because it would be a pain in the ass for me to keep track of so many Pokémon.
This rule is flexible and is definitely will change if the players want it to be changed.
I'm looking for three players, four at the absolute maximum.
The game will begin the week after next, maybe a little later if extra prep-work is required to accommodate the needs of the players.
I wana be the very best senpai
also voice or text?
>OC this
>OC that
Holy shit, are you a normie straight out of some freeform chat?
Found the newfag.
I will most definitely be down friendo.
PDT, and summer NEET (meaning I have very little on my schedule until college starts up)
discord id is Tyler S. #8248
i wanna be the very best, however I don't know shit about PTU, but its pokeman and can't be too complicated right?
Hey man I'm 100% down for joinging your pokemons game, but like
asked, is it going to be over voice, or text only.
Donald Trump
Hit me up on discord senpai
Sure, by all means come say hello.
Yeah, you know what, I won't run it. I have been found out as an avid 9gagger and freeform RPer.
Sorry, guys.
One guy ruined your opinion on running a game? man up and run the shit.
don't be a faget
id is still Tyler S. #8248 if you're gonna run it
If you really want to play a game that's being run by a le Reddit XD user and a freeform furry ERPer who also hates ERPing with a passion and won't stop shitposting about how much he hates it, then okay.
(I have to get both of the annoying sides of that argument).
It's voice for OOC shit, text for gameplay and IC shit, by the way.
I'm super up for it, I fucking love fakemon.
>It's voice for OOC shit, text for gameplay and IC shit
That is literally the exact opposite way it should be
Oh woops, I misread. Still interested though.
Then it can be changed.
Do people still play text games? I plan on running something sometime soon but I'm deeply uncomfortable with voice for reasons I genuinely don't know
I like text games.
sometimes. voice is better in every way
nobody cares how your voice sounds. Nobody cares if they hear your mom yell at you while you're on your mic
im down in that case
Here's the link:
First five uses will work. After that, it won't let anyone in.
Please, whoever it is that called me a normie and a freeform RPer, don't join the game just to eat up one usage.
You've already been rude enough.
I deeply prefer text. Writing is fun and allows me to describe little habits and idiosyncrasies that I'm definitely not a talented enough actor to achieve through voice or webcam.
I only play 5pleb though, so my opinion ain't much.
That is very good to know, thanks buds.
Yeah I agree with that, I actually do prefer it. But something is just very off putting unless I know the people well, I suspect it's very likely my mental problems, but I do not know why.
>he couldn't handle the bantz
Man, grow a thicker skin. Are ERPers these days so spoiled by F-List that they can't even tolerate a little banter?
I'm text-exclusive, and so are my players.
It allows for maximum immersion. Also, it's a lot more comfy for foreign players who are ESL.
I'm running it right now, faggot.
Dark Heresy (1e or 2e) but I'll play any Warhammer FFG
>Times available
Monday and Friday evenings work best but I can make most days work. East coast US, New York
>Method of play
Skype or roll20, open to try new things
Skype: Thelastacolyte
>additional notes
Pls invite, haven't played a game in ages
Does anyone play Mini-six or other lite stuff?
Count me in.
I've been on an Apocalypse system binge lately for some reason. Monsterhearts, Masks, Dungeon World, Apocalypse World, anything.
>Times available
Weekends are ideal. -3 GMT.
>Method of play
Roll20. Skype.
>additional notes
I've only been gming for a short time. I'm open for criticism.
Alright, we already have all of our players for this game.
Sorry to anybody who has only seen this game advertisement now.
I only ever play text games. You can write up a lot of stuff that wouldn't be easily transmitted to text. I sometimes take 15 or 30 seconds on a message and rewrite it in a way that'll make it flow better.
The only problem is that it takes a little longer than voice, but I enjoy the quality roleplay it provides. Not that voice can't provide quality roleplay, it's just that talking is something you can't proofread before putting out.
>Method of play is roll20 and skype
>contact method is discord
Your lack of simplicity is concerning
>System Preferred
Houses of the Blooded
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Hoping to do something Friday evenings, but I'm GMT+10.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Looking to get a group together to give Houses of the Blooded a real try. If you're keen on rules light narrative heavy games, hit me up.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturdays or Sundays. Starting time will be noon to 2 PM -5 est, we'll start next weekend.
Please do not try to join if you aren't committed to making sessions.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
[email protected]
I'll be screening everyone who applies. If you're accepted into the game I'll give you a Discord link for chatting.
>Additional Notes
This will be a text game and will run for, on average, 4-5 hours per session.
I promise to run this game for at least a month. If it is going well, I'll continue.
This will have a few Anime-esque elements (Character portraits, monsters, so on) so if that isn't your thing please don't apply.
This isn't an ERP.
The plot of the story is as follows.
The kingdom of Coradine is being invaded by monsters.
Nobody knows why or where they are coming from, but several different species have appeared in mass numbers and set strongholds and hideouts up through the entire kingdom.
The various monsters seem to be cooperating together in an attempt at a mass human genocide.
Most villages and towns have been abandoned as people fled into the fortified cities to escape the relentless monster attacks.
The kingdom military was very ill equipped to deal with this and has suffered great losses from the initial invasion.
All citizens of the kingdom that are able bodied have been drafted into sort of secondary military.
Everyone was given rushed training so that they could immediately begin going out and combating against the monsters.
You'll be playing a ragtag group that was taken from their homes and forced into this brutal and dangerous service.
This game isn't going to be background intensive and you'll be discovering the world as you play it.
Please email me if you're interested, thanks.
I thought text-only would be terribly bland but the control you gain over the character is unparalleled
I want my group to shift to a mix of text IC and voice OOC (for audible shitposting but not recorded directly)
This is the big one.
Sometimes the little extra time you get typing helps you focus your thoughts.
I suspect that most games that involve HURR DURR WE HAVE NO IDEAS LETS DO SOMETHING RANDOM AND DUMB is because voice games, when people are thinking, tend to fall into awkward silence or memes, and then the whole thing is ruined, so people will rapidfire stupid shit, and then everyone dies.
3 Players
>System Preferred
Vampire:The Requiem or V20 (with or without Dark ages)
>Times available
Afternoon GMT+1/2
>Method of Play
Definetly Voice, Skype is a possibility but other programms should be no problem. We like to use Roll20 but if there are better options that should be no problem as well.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Two of us are normally GM-ing and are looking to play together in a WoD game for a chance instead of GM-ing for each other. We are experienced in oWoD/V20 in general and I like nWoD quite a bit.
Would like to introduce my friends to nWoD over "old" Requiem so the transition is easier, but if you are looking for players for other nWoD games don't be shy to ask.
>System Preferred
Singularity System
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Most any time (Central)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype and/or Roll20
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I'd like a game that makes use of all the current modules.
Last time it worked great and im still playing in that party, but i want mooooore
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Around this time. Im in GMT london time
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I have all the common ones
>Contact Info
thalutguy(skype) or thalutguy a-t gmail
>Additional Notes
I need a party to play with on sunday around this time :3
But the quality of play seems to be potentially better in voice.
Way more abillity to convey emotion.
A lot of people also write small operas for what they wnat to do, but I guess that is the reverse cliche I am pulling here.
>way more ability to convey emotion
If that's true, why aren't more actors in budget movies good?