The Roll20 experience

Post stories of dealing with weird creatures known as Roll20 users.

I once found a guy who would always message me to try and join my games. Whenever I made a game that was public, he would want in, EVERY time.
I said yes once or twice and he was terrible at roleplaying, and didn't know how the website or anything worked, so is stopped letting him in. I checked out his profile later and he had ONLY ever played in my games, or atleast the time was such that if he was in other games, it was only for a few minutes, and kept asking to get into games I made afterwards too. I felt kinda bad, but he was really annoying. I assume that he had just started and wanted to learn better, but it still was weird that he was so cagey.
Also, sorry to have the first post off topic, but something I don't get about roll20:
>give player control to move their character
>it allows them to change anything about their stats

why is this a thing

>why is this a thing

...Why wouldn't it be?

It's super abusable? Right? Unless I'm doing something wrong, I've had a few assholes I play with increase their stats.

I see your point, but are you seriously working your own player's character sheets and not let them in? Stop playing with dickbags?

I play with randoms sometimes, so it's hard to filter out dicks vs good players and while I still give people access to their character sheets, I just wish it was a little tweaked, but I guess there's really nothing to do without also compromising the game itself besides just not playing with people I don't know. The problem is more with my experience than the actual website I suppose.

Proper uses of Roll20
>Use to play with friends you already know
>Easy to pick up a session if someone is traveling but not busy.
>If someone misses a session they can read/listen to the logs.
Improper uses
>Playing with randoms
>.... Yeah, that's the source of all the other issues.

There is actually 2 options for character control one to make them able to ser their sheet and one to edit it.
Or you could just give them control of their token and roll with their sheet under the table if you suspect they are cheating.

I have over 2000 hours on roll20 and im not ashamed.

First actual gameplay session I ever did on roll20 was a Fallout game using Call of Cthulhu 6e. The only other player that actually showed up was someone playing a tranny/furry. Would not shut the fuck up, obviously trying to insert his magical realm. And he cited 4 as his favorite Fallout game, to boot. I do admire the GM for at least trying to kill him off.
Then the other five players showed up in later sessions, communication in chat went down the crapper. My IC actions were ignored for ten minutes straight, and another player who said she would try to heal me went off to do something else. Fuck it, at that point I'm more salt than man and I quit the game outright.
The GM messages me to rejoin and talk it out. I do, and then find out the hard way that the GM didn't understand how the whisper function worked.

I said I wasn't having fun on account of being ignored in favor of a mary sue DMPC and the obnoxious-as-shit furry.

GM replied, for the entire chat's viewing pleasure, that we were all acting obnoxious. Guess how that went over.

Haven't played in anything since.

There appears to be a lot of 'females' refusing to do voice, this leads me to believe that they are in fact males pretending to be females. As there is not obvious reason why they would object so strongly to using voice (Not webcam).

I'm a male and I don't do female voices, I always just keep my voices the same for them, adjusting pitch to match their character, but doing nothing for gender
Is that bad?

Not characters, but themselves. Pretending to be female when they play via text but when it goes to voice they suddenly can not play.

Oh, shit. They are 100% men.

One particular girl got upset over this accusation and got on mic.

She had a severe speech impediment that made her pretty much unintelligible. I felt like a fucking asshole after that.

How funny of an impedient are we talking?

Fuck, meant serious.

>Bored day one during summer last year
>Hop on and make a roll20 account and learn the website.
>Decide "heh, pathfinder with randoms can't be that bad?"
>Join a level 12 game set in a virtual reality dungeon crawler.
>GM gives us WBL 13 to buy stuff.
>Build a barbarian with a asthetically oversized sword, got reccomended that totem that gives pounce or some shit.
>Rest of the party is a shadowdancer with a 4d6 strength draining shadow and +60 to stealth and is always invisible, a plain wizard who never shut the fuck up about his spell list, a fighter who was kinda quiet but every time he attacked he yelled "GET BEHIND ME" over voice chat, and a sorcerer with no regard for friendly fire.
>Takes two fucking weeks of rescheduling to get a single game going
>Nobody but me shows up anyways
>GM apologizes and deletes the game.

That's not very nice.

The first (and only) campaign I have GM'd on roll20 had a long list of restricted races and alignments, including Aarakocra/Tiefling/Aasimar and CE/NE/LE/CN. The first five applicants were all varying levels of the above, with one applying as a CN Aarakocra Thief who included "squawk!" in their application.
I had to wait until there were 30+ applications before sifting through the shit to find the non-retarded players.

Also, please do not apply for games that are starting within 1-2 days, GMs don't have the fucking time to review 20+ applicants in a day and you should have your sheet and crap ready BEFORE the session.

That said, I haven't had any major incidents with playing over roll20, but I try to only apply to and accept applicants that are thoroughly filtered. The most issue I've had has been people flaking out easily, but that comes with the easy-come-easy-go pick-up nature of playing online with strangers I guess.

I wish this was the case for those with mental illnesses claiming they're '''''women''''''. I got told that we'd be playing with a woman only to hear a voice that was obviously a man's. I'm trying to get along with him and as long as it's not brought up it shouldn't be an issue.

Here's one.


Appears to be a guy in Mutants and Masterminds complaining that anything below Power Level 8 is not viable for a hero, when PL 8 is enough to get someone who can throw 18-wheelers and survive constant machine gun fire.

Played a Dark Heresy 1st Edition campaign on Roll20. Half of the Party was composed of antisocial assassins with tragic pasts, my own char was an Arbites that was kinda forced to become the leader of the group because the other chars were either antisocial or mute.

It lasted a grand total of five sessions and I was the only one consistently showing up. On the plus side, the GMs were pretty good.

tfw my group has its first session tomorrow

I don't know sure we got some weirdos in the group but everything doesn't seem that bad.

I'm not playing some faggot kitsune dick girl game though so maybe that's it.

Expect for half to not show up.

Our gm personally interviewed all of us so I have faith...(I am betting at least one of us to not show up if not two)

I'm playing in a campaign right now and it's ehh~. I just joined a game that fit my schedule. I've been playing for 6? sessions cause it's every other week. There's like 11 players cause ppl flake every session so there's generally 6-8 at a time. There's like 2 rules lawyers, a person with a shit mic, at least 2 ppl that have never played in the game, and at least 2 more slots that are revolving (someone drops and is replaced). It goes ok but I'd like for more actual roleplaying. Since we started a new adventure though, a couple people switched chars (either lost interest or not effective in combat) there's at least 1 lolrandumb chaotic person. Most people have different agendas (including me) but the gm's pretty lenient with shit as long as you follow the adventure path. Tell me your opinion of my character. I play a mindlfayer (shitty savage species variant) that has mutated after consuming the brain of a paladin and become a mixture of the two. (reasonable, lawful evil) I'm currently hiding my identity with a hat of disguise but havent had too much of a chance to display the mindflayer side. Also, he's got guns cause they exist in this world and he took them off of some orcs.

Joined a game about 5 sessions ago myself, when they converted from D&D 4e to 5e. I'm the rules lawyer, I admit. (Those 20 minutes arguing why Magic Missile isn't an attack were totally necessary, I swear.) I'm probably the guy with the shit mic too, but at least I use PTT.

About 6 players, usually get 4 or 5 a week. This week's session was 8.5 hours of pure combat, and in the last three I got to take one action that actually had effect (Cure 3 on the wizard), because those three hours were three rounds. Granted, that time includes the Magic Missile argument...

My vanilla PHB cleric also kind of doesn't stand a chance of being effective next to the multiattack dragonborn barb with a +3 weapon that deals a bucket of extra damage on crit, the DAndWiki druid, the ranger/paladin hybrid who seems to get everything from both classes instead of just multiclassing by the book, and the warforged fighter with something like four attacks per round, apparently. The wizard's cool, though. That guy's legit.

But guns, really? Hope they're not using the vanilla DMG rules for them, those things are imba as fuck.

what the vanilla rules? the dm apparently just made up the stats on the spot and only changed them when the rules lawyers spoke about it when I started using them. They have 80ft range and do 2d10 damage with 3 shots before reload (standard or full-round, idk I just switch to a different one in combat). I did mod it so it gets 10 shots before a reload and so it doesnt explode on a nat 1. 8.5 hours is long as fuck. Yeah, combat takes fucking forever, especially "those" ppl. We generally play 4-6 hours with a couple ppl dropping off after 4.

>give players a paper character sheet
>they can write literally whatever they want on it

Why is this allowed?

>Join a game
>Players have played for ages
>All sorts of banter and jokes
>No idea what is going on
>Haven't said much outside my turn
>Thinking of quitting

Damn. That feels bad. What system?


I don't know the numbers off the top of my head, but I think they tend to deal like 5d10 damage or something stupid like that. But then, I'm pretty sure it's mostly laser weapons rather than gunpowder.

A common one. The players are top, one is a bit rules-policey, but shares the spotlight. They laugh, they joke, they know each others character traits.


God, sifting through all the applications are such a pain. People rarely read the post so you get hundreds of copy pastas of classes or homebrew races that dont exist in your setting. I don't care about your cat girl character that has a magical husband that follows them around granting super powers, I just want to know if you are a normal dude that I can have a good time playing with.

Saying that, I haven't had any bad expierences. Just some people joining way out of their time zones so they fall asleep or just ditch the sessions really fast, and one case of a 13 year old kid getting yelled at by his mom for playing past 11.

If you're playing with the Stay At Home Ghost, I'd like to warn you that he's a shitty person. He never gets to know any of the groups he joins.

I mean, "cat girl with a magical husband that follows them around" answers the question that you actually care about with a resounding "no," in most cases.

>be abnormal human being
>get pissy when someone expects you to be a normal human being

That's like giving autists special treatment during social encounters. Just because the person doesn't understand subtlety doesn't mean that I'm going to remove subtlety from what the NPCs tell the party.