you have ten seconds to think of a new spell GO
You have ten seconds to think of a new spell GO
Other urls found in this thread:
Guts Into Snakes
It turns the target's guts into snakes
Makes one realise how much they have fucked up in their life and drowns them in that feeling.
>Fecalis invisiblus!
Makes you invisible while taking a dook.
>Conjure Irresistible Gas Station Hotdog
Alters the shape of tea leaves, clouds, or constellations to resemble an object that the caster imagines in their head.
A spell that sucks up force in a single 5'x5'x5' cube and expends it out though a slightly smaller cube.
Snakes Into Guts
Not bad for certain specific situations.
Korak's Conjuration of Predation
Material components: Cat's claw, hair of target
Reaches into the ancestral memory of the first predator to terrorize their race and creates a monstrous spectre in the form of it that hunts the target down relentlessly.
Partial anthropomorphy
Turns animals and people into furries
Void Vision
If target fails save he temporarily loses the ability to perceive non-living things. This includes clothing, empty terrain, and the sky.
Rubicon - No spells within the area may be dismissed by the caster.
A Dwarf Fortress fan at heart, I see
Remove a bunch of electrons from a piece of matter and move them to other piece
If an enemy under the spell dies in the next ten round the DM's real life cat dies.
OP gave me ten seconds.
Munchkin detected
>Teleport Michael Fassbender 320 Metres Left Without Harm or Error.
Mass priapism
my head was like
>"10 seconds? O shit. Destroy... Destruction! Destroy piece of thing... Remove atoms? No, boring. Remove electrons! And move them elsewhere, ha!"
Conjura Friendly Cat
Oh. It came across as a euphemism for a lightning bolt spell.
Speak with Disease: A druid spell that allows a druid to speak with diseases afflicting people or animals, can be useful for figuring out how a disease is spread and stuff.
Ok I thought up one, but it would take too long to explain how the spell works, so I'll just draw a parallel and say it manipulates light in discrete two-dimensional units and essentially duplicates how an LCD monitor works.
Exploding teeth
Target's teeth explode.
Earth's Grasp
Tendrils of stone and dirt form tendrils and grapple the target. Nondamaging, but very effective at preventing movement and capture.
It's probably already a spell somewhere.
A spell, when used on a creature, mangles their body to form a gross ass flower.
The caster summons three regular ants who will do his bidding. There is a 23% chance that one ant will be chaotic evil.
Flour power.
Summons a bag of flour.
Often used by apprentices along with ignition cantrips
False Telepathy
Target creature believes with complete certainty that they are capable of communication via telepathy, despite all evidence to the contrary. On failing an initial save, they will attempt to converse with others through a mental medium for the duration of the spell, foregoing audible speech in favor of the psychic power they erroneously think they hold. Sentries will fail to shout warnings, spies will cease reporting to their contacts and commanders will relay orders to the inside of their own skulls. This does not prohibit the target from engaging in actions which they know require vocal speech, such as spellcasting or using voice-activated magical items.
Orb of Elephantiasis
A jet black sphere that when passed from one person to another inflicts upon the recipient a sever parasitic infection, warping the body.
More of a cursed object really.
Annihilate Dust
Good for cleaning, I guess.
Imouto-ification, if the spell hits the target is transformed into a a young girl who believes the caster is their big brother. who they have secret romantic feelings for.
>Conjure Kebab
>Remove Kebab
>cast fart sound
the spell makes a fart sound when cast
I am not a clever man
That's...sort of useful? You could totally see who's inside a building, naked.
Truly fiendish.
Abjure Light Wounds
Conjure Light Wounds
Constrict Light Wounds
Contour Light Wounds
Contradict Light Wounds
Convict Light Wounds
De Jure Light Wounds
Depict Light Wounds
Detour Light Wounds
Ensure Light Wounds
Evict Light Wounds
Implore Light Wounds
Inure Light Wounds
Lure Light Wounds
Mature Light Wounds
Obscure Light Wounds
Predict Light Wounds
(et al.)
That's pretty neat.
I wonder what women's breasts would look like if they were wearing a bra but the bra was invisible to your vision. Would they stand up erect and jut out with no sign of support?
Erotic, Hypnotic Dancing Chickens. It summons five chickens which dance in an erotic fashion and subdue the mind of your enemies. summon them, use them to kill your foes, then eat them. the chickens, not your foes.
Material component: brownie smoothie
>then eat them... not your foes.
Create Corpse - A corpse that resembles the person it is cast on immediately falls from their body. Though disturbing, it does not harm the subject.
Reverse Gravity
I'm sure it exists somewhere, and it'd be save-or-die in most systems, but eh, it's the best I could do.
It's like magic missile, but with a number of paperclips proportional to caster level instead of a magic missile.
There was an SCP built around that exact idea but I can't find it. Any time she was in a life-threatening situation her body would spawn corpses of herself.
Only two I know of only reverse gravity in an area, and another sends someone far above the planet.
Arouse goblin.
Should be good for some laughs.
King's bounty
Summon 1D1000 apple seeds
Can be cast on an object which would normally roll on a randomized table, if that object is used, do not roll and instead summon 1D1000 apple seeds
A spell that lets me shoot some kind of ball of fire.
Changes target into a cute loli.
>Facilitate Cactus Growth
This spell can modify the soil to optimise nutrients and drainage for most cacti species to thrive, as well as giving the caster insight as to what the best lighting and temperature should be.
Occasionally used by botanists and others interested in herblore and wish to keep samples.
What would you even call that though? Ignisphere?
>Sever Connection
Target is incapable of using any and all magic for 1d6 hours. This also includes any passive magic, including that needed to survive in the case of golems etc.
How about... pyroorb?
Heat Blast?
Warmth Circle?
Conjures a sheep inside of the target
I just let a bunch of concepts pop up in my head I don't know fucking sue me
Moves objects into alignment with each other. Popular with craftsmen
Sensations Delights
When cast produces taste buds on the entirety of the targets digestive tract. If save roll is failed then they are paralyzed in disgust.
Erode. Wears away the surface of an object, smoothing edges and imperfections. Takes time and concentration.
>this is now a magical craftsman thread
Curse of severely itch taint
Destroy Chromosome
Instantly destroys all the DNA in the body of the target, eventually leading to catastrophic everything failure in the body of the target
No effect on things that dont have dna
Would've preferred they turn into a giant lollipop instead.
> Conjure Pork Punchers
Caster creates a pair of ham fist gloves that boost damage melee damage and to hit rolls.
Turn evil into jelly
Makes immoral people really embarrassed and aroused.
>Fire Ball
>Conjures a small baseball-sized ball of fire that falls at your feet and goes out after 1d4 rounds.
>Lighting bolt
Illuminates a nearby bolt. Useful as a sort of magical stud finder or to find the keyhole in the dark.
Oh, sorry, forgot to add:
>It does 1 point of damage if someone who is not wearing shoes steps on it.
-Mail (bomb)
Teleport up to 20 lbs of non-living material to a location you are familiar with (you can have either been there or seen this place) within 20 miles
Druid 5
All this spell does is change your hair into plants such as grass. It can also be used to restore a dead tree and shrubbery.
Shadow Word: Remove Ass Cheeks.
No more ass cheeks.
I need this spell to be cast on me.
Makes the user's bag able to grow by putting another container/bag inside of it.
Bigby's Middle Finger.
Just for those situations where you have to say "Fuck you!".
Lean a little bit closer
Makes your shit not stink
Tenser's Arthritic Cascade
Makes every joint in the target's body pop at once.
Will usually leave them incapacitated for a round, in pain, horror or pleasure, depending on joint health (and inclination).
Whoever it is volentarily cast upon must resolve a promise/request as intended by the one they're doing it for.
Would make it so a genie can't corrupt your wish.
>totally not the "imouto-ification" spell idea from earlier in the thread
Scp agent go home
Bigby's Magnum Dong
Creates a mystical cock you can control telekinetically
>germs everywhere
What does this have to do with a tropical soft drink?
Jump jump
You make a warp jump, out of which you make a mighty leap.
Cantrip (level zero spell)
Bonus action to activate
Duration 1 hour
When used, the spell Check will magically alert the caster to any spelling errors present in written wording. The words do not need to be tangible for this to work, only observable. Words with errors in them will have the closest approximations to the right spelling provided, though the spell might misinterpret the word as being a different one.
Also provides grammatical advice.
Conjure Candiru.
You're too busy drinking it to speak the dispel word
Dumb Luck
The next time someone fails as hard as they possibly can at a task (natural 1, glitch, every dice in the pool is a miss, etc.) they miraculously succeed at the next task in the least likely way possible, often through circumstances outside their control.
Convert a targets vitreous humour into vitriol
Range: Self
Components: one monster condom
Ray of cancel magic
When targeted on a caster currently concentrating on a spell, kills the target.
Bubsy's Chatting Mouth
Conjures a floating, disembodied mouth. The mouth follows spell's target for 1d6 rounds and makes nearly constant low-quality puns, frequently repeating itself in the process. This will cause the target to take a penalty to concentration checks equal to caster's level.
Spell of brick attraction, great for building houses, or smashing windows
>you have ten seconds to think of a new spell GO
>Open Can
It opens cans.
It just pops the top right open without harming the contents inside.
>you have ten seconds to think of a new spell GO
explodes the head of every person that makes the caster think of stuff and annoys him with it.
You said dook.