Alright TG, what' the connection?
>Lost champion
>Early model for Berserkers
Or as my buddy has theorized, Doom Guy is Khorne BEFORE he ascended to Godhood.
Alright TG, what' the connection?
>Lost champion
>Early model for Berserkers
Or as my buddy has theorized, Doom Guy is Khorne BEFORE he ascended to Godhood.
Doomguy is Khorne's dom you buffoon.
Doomguy is Kaldor Draigo, no Khorne relation here.
You're both wrong, and idiots for trying to shoehorn Doomguy into 40K.
Doomguy is Santa's gift to Khorne. Now he finally has an opponent that can best him. They will rip and tear at each other until the end of time.
>That Guy with no sense of humor
There a problem with that. Doom Guy was born sometime in the future where as Khorne was born around the middle ages.
>References are humor
>Unironically calling things you don't like cancer
Fuck you for trying to put Doomguy in the worthless shit that is 40K. Fuck you to death.
Doom Marine is the God-emperor after he finally chills out
If Khorne is on Santa's good list, then I'm starting to wonder what the point of having a naughty list is for. I mean, who could be on it? Illegal immigrants?
>Emps, have a Snickers.
>You get zealous when you're hungry. Better?
Chaos doesn't follow the same flow of time as us.
Probably the Eldar. They were so naughty that their orgy started talking back to them.
As if Doomguy would let something as hellish as the warp even fucking exist.
...this is the weirdest way i have heard someone use to refer to miss? futa? eh fluid anything goes anywhere.
And it actually fits! Elves always want to boast their superiority to 'monkeys' so a sentient orgy..seems legit!
Also Op, Doomguy is clearly the necrons plan #23759 for dealing with the annoying neighbors, aka chaos. When they get fed up with their shit they summon him across the multiverse for spring cleaning.
Khorne didn't need to ascend to Godhood.
Doom Guy isn't a fucking chaos bitch. The warp is way too similar to the forces of Hell for DoomGuy to side with them. If anything, his faction would probably be the Imperium, or maybe Necrons as an ace in the hole.
Khorne never ascended to godhood. The War-Given-Form has always existed, just as even Slaanesh has as it was never truly 'born' given it created itself and ignores causality.
Nigger, are you kidding me?
Doomguy is the ancient force of good sealed away by the demons after endless aeons of righteous slaughter. That first Imp you see screams in terror at what he's seeing.
Doomguy is a lost Primarch, physically unstoppable to even the most malevolent and terrible horrors.
Doomguy isn't Khorne. Khorne wishes he can be Doomguy. If Doomguy is any Warhammer character, I'd say he's either Kaldor Draigo (we all know why), Settra (because one of the End Times books had Chaos gods give him Chaos powers & ended with him killing daemons & declaring he's going to kill Chaos) or Gotrek (facing an endless army of daemons & slaughtering them).
Doomguy's just your average Imperial Guardsman who fights Chaos for fun. And for the Emperor of course.
>average Imperial Guardsman
If that were true, I'd question why humanity hasn't won already.
Doomguy's on par at best with an augmented non-psyker Inquisitor. He really gets overhyped on here thanks to endless and retarded "le maymays" and it's frankly irritating. It's the same type of "humor" that shat up 1d4chan such as with Sly Marbo.
except the fact he's a god of destruction and death to literal demons.
>augmented non-psyker Inquisitor
I doubt such has taken on as many as Doomguy. He took down multiple Cyberdemons & shit.
I wonder if the average Guardsman can make Daemons piss themselves. It'd be an amusing sight.
Doomguy does singlehandedly take on and defeat a world-spanning demonic threat.
Then they sealed him away, but he got out and fixed humanity's shit because it won't stop fucking around with teleporters.
Those daemons aren't that impressive compared to 40k version, which includes supersonic bloodthristers able to cleave through companies of space marines. Even a basic Bloodletter would give Doomguy a lot of trouble thanks to their "psh nothing personal kid" tactic of teleporting their sword right into your spine. Doomguy could slaughter daemons in the materium with some ease given that unless there's a major warp portal the amount of latent warp energy to sustain them is grievously limited- but hol-e-shit is he fucked if he fights them in the warp. Not to mention he isn't a psyker and doesn't have a gellar field so there's a high chance of simply dissolving.
Cyberdemons aren't much by 40k standards and are basically just a Helbrute. Hell they're slower than one, and primarily just stomp around and shoot at you. Even lesser Daemons mind you can engage in anime-style almost supersonic kung fu fights such as with the Harlequins. 40k is tricky because many of its things are disguised by appearing to be fairly bulky and cumbersome, but in combat they can get very, very fast.
To be fair to humanity, Argent Energy seems to work. Hayden's robot body has been operating for a while & guys in 40k would gladly sacrifice shit tons of guardsmen.
>Needless namefaggotry
>Being a whiney cunt
Surprise surprise.
>Cyberdemons aren't much by 40k standards
They're plenty more durable than the average Bloodletter given how rockets do about 20-160 points of damage & they've got 4000 HP. The thing's got an infinity ammo, at least gameplay wise, rocket launcher too.
>Not to mention he isn't a psyker and doesn't have a gellar field so there's a high chance of simply dissolving
2016's Doom Slayer's suit seems to be able to handle various hell energies. No idea on how they interact though.
He's just an ordinary man who got so fucking angry at demons that he went on a rampage that even made them shit themselves out of fear. I imagine that he would become even angrier if he ended up in 40K and found out that demons are messing up an entire galaxy. Just imagine the bloodbath that would follow him on that rampage.
Except Doomguy went to Hell, came back, then went back and stayed there to make sure they never threatened Earth again.
And we don't know exactly the powerlevel of Doom demons because we don't have a very good comparison. They wiped out an entire Mars base, took part of Deimos and invaded Earth to the point it was going to lose until Doomguy intervened and remained the stop the demons from ever returning.
>He really gets overhyped on here thanks to endless and retarded "le maymays" and it's frankly irritating.
Funny, that's how I feel about Warhammer 40k.
If we're going by WH40K logic, then it's warp-tainted and I don't see the Imperium being too cool about it. It is, basically, warp energy.
I can't believe Hayden didn't turn out to be the Cyberdemon.
Oh well, Psykers aren't well liked unless they're the Emperor after all.
I admit I didn't expect the Cyberdemon to be the first boss. I thought those Hell Guards looked much less threatening.
We all know his chapter if he was a loyalist.
One thing I loved about Doomguy in the new game was that, if you read the data entries on the powerups, they all have horrible side-effects on normal humans, from the Haste powerup making your heart explode to the Berserk powerup turning people into rage monsters that attack anything and everything, even themselves, before turning into listless almost-zombies that need putting down, to how Quad Damage is hideously, agonizingly painful while it's coursing through someone... and Doomguy just shrugs off all the bad effects and gets straight into the RIP AND TEAR.
Which is meaningless because we don't know how powerful those rockets are. Especially considering how fucking slow they are in-game their damage would be absolutely pathetic when it comes to kinetic energy. We have to know what kind of rocket are they (or if they're merely an RPG), their payload, method of penetration (shaped charge?) etc.
Yeah but we have zero information on the power of demons save the games themselves... and the games don't really come off as impressive. They're human speed that even average joes could dodge/avoid at times with weapons of unknown yields. The legions Doomguy chews through don't come as anything special, with only the bigger guys like Barons coming off as somewhat respectable.
Just shut the fuck up.
Your argument won't convince anybody, all you're doing is whining for the sake of whining.
So tell me then how powerful Doomguy is with cutscenes from the games, quotes from books, and examples of his weapons being used, and specifications of his weapons is possible.
O shit you can't, because Doom is a highly undefined universe and making Doomguy out to be some mythical god-tier figure of murder is nothing more than the same basal humor as 1d4chan's dogshit.
Just imagine the loot he would get to kill more demons with.
Adrenaline. Doomguy approved as the best drug of 2016.
Here's your (you) namefag.
>how powerful
Given how zombiemans & shit die easily to it, it's more than enough to blow up a man.
>how fucking slow they are in-game
You mean Doomguy being fast enough to outrun demons & rockets?
>human speed
>Doomguy outrunning rockets
>Demons literally make a religion of Death and the End Times with Doomguy as the god that they all fear
Wow, namefags really are fags
>Except Doomguy went to Hell, came back, then went back and stayed there to make sure they never threatened Earth again
All because they killed his bunny-rabbit.
Wasn't Khorne brought into existence around the middle ages of Earth's history?