>XX chromosomes = elf, female
>XY chromosomes = human, female
>YX chromosomes = human, male
>YY chromosomes = dwarf, male
>dwarves and elves are just genetic outliers of human race
>XX chromosomes = elf, female
>XY chromosomes = human, female
>YX chromosomes = human, male
>YY chromosomes = dwarf, male
>dwarves and elves are just genetic outliers of human race
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not how it works.
That's not how any of this works.
Induge me.
It's fantasy, innit?
>XX = female
>XY = male
>XYY = mild retardation
>YY = unsustainable, aborted
you do realise chromosomes unwind and sit in a jumble for 90% of their existence? And that there's no difference between a paternal or maternal 'X'? There's no possibility for 'XY' or 'YX', just 'XY' or 'XX'.
XXY = male, wide hips, mildly retarded. likely sterile
I'm not even a biology major but this still gave me cancer.
is THIS the kind of complete retardation that leads to "but muh 4th and 12th gender identities!"?
This is why we can't tolerate these cuts in education.
Okay, let me rephrase that.
>dwarves and elves are just humans with overly exaggerated masculine and feminine features
That better, you little no-fun-faggots who nitpick at a dumb analogy that isn't suppose to make sense in the first place?
Call them "magic-osomes" for all I care.
>b-buh you used a term incorrectly, even though it was in a fantasy context, where verisimilitude doesn't matter!
Cry harder, faggots.
Yeah, any case of *extra* or *missing* chromosomes, despite what some liberal arts major will like to claim, pretty much guarantees their families "finds the R-Word offensive" for them.
>liberal arts major
>In modern times, liberal arts education is a term that can be interpreted in different ways. It can refer to certain areas of literature, languages, art history, music history, philosophy, history, mathematics, psychology, and science.[3] It can also refer to studies in a liberal arts degree program. For example, Harvard University offers a Bachelor of Arts degree, which covers biological and social sciences as well as the humanities. For both interpretations, the term generally refers to matters not relating to the professional, vocational, or technical curriculum
God, this bait makes me mad.
I'd say you should reconsider breeding, but by the sounds of things you wouldn't know what you were doing anyway.
Well you don't exactly learn fuck-all about genetics in Art History or "Women's Studies" that's for sure.
>My analogy wasn't even meant to make sense!
Then how the fuck did you expect us to get anything meaningful out of it?
>I don't even understand what I did wrong!
It's not that you used a term incorrectly; this isn't the Wyvern/Dragon debate. What you did was fundamentally misunderstand the principles of what you were talking about, making anything you said completely nonsensical.
Now, addressing what you actually meant;
>dwarves and elves are just humans with overly exaggerated masculine and feminine features
OK, great. What would that imply? As far as I can tell, you've just reworked human genetics to create two new chromosomal disorders. They'd almost certainly have to live with humans and keep their culture, since your elves would need humans and dwarves to reproduce. The opposite is true of your dwarves.They'd also be even more biologically similar to humans than other depictions, since they have to reproduce with them.
In short, you've removed any chance of elves or dwarves being interesting, at all.
>That better, you little no-fun-faggots who nitpick at a dumb analogy that isn't suppose to make sense in the first place?
So you admit that this was shitposting, but you didn't want people to have pedantic responses to it? You're a weird person, user.
>it isn't supposed to make sense in the first place
This is effectively the same as
>I was only pretending to be retarded.
If you're going to use a real-world analogy to get across your point (which would have been conveyed perfectly well by just outright saying it), perhaps you should make sure your real-world analogy has a basis in the real world.
Also, the "It's fantasy, it's not like the real world" excuse only works if the thing in question diverges from its real-world counterpart in order to serve the plot/setting, it's just an asspull when the divergence from the real-world only serves to prevent you from having to admit you may have been wrong.
Fantasy genetics can work however you want.
But, to avoid confusion, please don't use real-world notation, especially when your use is not consistent with common usage.
Wew, I feel dumber just by reading those words
You made an analogy that made no sense and got mad when people don't understand it?
That's retarded and you're retarded if you like it.
In short someone with one of these degrees ends up flipping burgers.
>XY chromosome
There's far better "OP is a fag" images you could have used than an ancient Decreux meme.
'le ebin painig mang :DDDDDDD' deserves a revival; he's practically retro now.
it's a buzzword used to describe someone you don't like.
Might as well bring back mudkips and Over 9000! while we're at it then.
Memes die for a reason.
>he thinks memes die
No sir, they just cycle in and out.
>Le wizard did this rebuttal
Kill yourself with something blunt and rusted
>verisimilitude doesn't matter!
You are a retard.
Dwarves are too short to be exaggerated masculinity, and elves are too independent to fit the classical female stereotype.
Memes don't cycle. They're used to represent a common, shared concept, and the concept never changes but the means used to represent it get changed out every now and then.
Memes are like socks; they're always covering the same two feet, but every now and then you need new socks because your old ones are more hole than cloth.
Great thread, Original Poster! ;DDDD
Looking at that list it pretty much covers all the things people classically went to University for.
Well, I guess we can always bulldoze the stage set and build more autism training center comp-sci blocks.
I would actually like to live in a world where there wouldn't be so many chances to post pic related.
XY and YX would be the exact same thing.
YY is physically impossible, because women don't carry a Y chromosome. Unless you made a YY baby via splicing, in which case I'd assume it would be still born because it's missing very vital genetic code.
Excuse me XYY come with learning difficulties sometimes, not retardation.
Also YY can't work at all.
Is OP ever not a retarded faggot?
Can we even imagine a setting where it's possible?
That's not how that works, either.
Found the XYY.
Now all we need is one of those huge XXX bitches.
So instead of sperging out about biology I'm going to list some conclusions I think such a setting would come to.
A "Dwarf Kingdom" now refers to a kingdom whose inheritance rules stipulate that the crown passes to the King's first Dwarven son. It's like a patriarchy with an extra level of maleness.
Since they can't have Dwarven children, Elves are of lesser desirability for marriage in such a society, and usually wind up practicing magic in a convent.
Nomadic societies reverse this trend, with Elves finding their ways into positions of leadership thanks to their affinity for nature.
Dwarves struggle to properly integrate into such societies, given their preference for staying in one place clashing with their life of traveling, and are often considered the black sheep of their families.
More cosmopolitan city-states exist in which these extreme!gender rules are less rigid, but these are by far the exception to the rule.
All societies are more similar to each other than in other settings, since racial differences define them less.
>bitches about comp-sci
>on a computer
As much as you bitch about it as autism training, you sure do seem to have reaped the harvest on them.
You can't call something an outlier when there's a 1 in 4 chance of any human-human outcome producing it.
Also use new letters. And make male Elves.
>Chromosome Types: A, B, C, D
>AA: Male Elf
>AB: Male Giant
>AC: Male Human
>AD: Male Longshank
>BB: Female Human
>BC: Female Elf
>BD: Male Dwarf
>CC: Female Dwarf
>CD: Female Snuffle
>DD: Female Sylph
Sylphs are 2' tall, can make wings using magic. Snuffles have round bodies and live in hobbit-holes. Long-shanks are like Ents but not trees.
>AC: Male Human
>BB: Female Human
You know that this way, two humans will have either a Giant son or an Elf daughter, right?
At least if the "sex chromosones" are the only that determines the species.
>Males and females of same sub-type share no chromosome
Your idea is poorly thought out.
Yep, I intended this sort of weird fuckery when I set out on it. I'm calculating all the weird combinations, and all the stable chromosome pairs, right now. Male Dwarf/Female Human stably produces more Male Dwarves and Female Humans.
>no ability to visualise intent
Your imagination is lacking.
So there are five stable-producing pairs in this system:
Male Giant/Female Human
Male Longshanks/Female Sylph
Male Dwarf/Female Sylph
Both Dwarf/Human Pairings
Meanwhile, pairing opposite genders of the same species produces the following:
Human: 50/50 Male Giant/Female Elf
Elf: 50/50 Male Giant/Female Human
Dwarf: Female Elf Female Snuffle
This has interesting implications for an all Elf of Dwarf community: namely, that it would have to migrate inward or outward after one generation, as the first generation descendents will all be one gender. Meanwhile, an all human community can survive in isolation, but its descendents are a stable pair and so would remain as Giant men/Elfin women indefinitely. The cultural norms of such a society would be stark - "after our ancestors migrated here, we became huge and beautiful and magical". Any who left the community, or joined-in, wouldn't produce massive men and elfin women. You could build a lot of politics from this.
Christ it's times like these I fear for my health because of that tiny chance one of you fuckers might turn out to be a doctor, or God forbid a pediatrician.
user, I know people here keep calling each other manchildren, but that's no reason to still see a pediatrician when you're over 18.
Oh you
I don't know why everyone thought OP was talking about real chromosomes. It's entirely plausible he picked the X and Y letters for familiarity's sake. It's a poor judgement on OP's part if so, but whatever.
Yeah, he probably used the word "chromosomes" and "genetic" to mean "magic" or something, too.
You are so much fun.
So an elf and a dwarf will always make human babies? But a human family with 4 children and a perfect distribution would have 2 human babies, 1 elf, and 1 dwarf?
Wouldn't this distort culture if one race could have babies of another?
Well, I created a race in my setting where the world went through an intense ice age every 200 years or so, followed by 200 years of almost unbearable heat. The race had three genders, Male, Female, and Herm. The Males (YY) were adapted for the cold, the Females (XX) were adapted for the heat, and the herms (XY) did okay in either but thrive in the transition.
Herms can mate with males, females, or other herms. Males mate with females or herms, females mate with males or herms.
So during the ice age, the males thrive and the females die off. Male/Herm children are always male or herm. Herm/herm pairings would occasionally happen and produce potential female offspring, but because herms only muddle through the winter, such families are disadvantaged, and any female offspring is likely to die.
During the transition, this changes: the males lose their advantage over the herms and herm/herm couplings become more common, resulting in female offspring surviving into adulthood.
When the hot period comes, the females become dominant and the males die off, and the herms are again second-class, capable of mating with each other but not really able to provide for themselves if they do.
Do you manage to explain this to players without them thinking it's your fetish ?
My players accuse me of being lewd if I even write in a species' lore "this species lays eggs" or "they have 3-5 offspring per pregnancy". I firmly believe such basic things are needed to understand their culture and society, but I have to force myself to limit the lore on this because I'd hate to weird out my players.
I don't explain anything that doesn't require explanation, which means there's alot of "wasted" lore. The players came to this world in the middle of a cold period, and for all they knew it was inhabited by a race of hairy manly-men and their androgynous wives. If they had tried to fuck one of the herms I suppose I would have had some explaining to do, but at that point they would hardly be able to accuse me of having a fetish. They did encounter a herm/herm couple while there. They didn't seem interested to know how they had children. The couple was poor (they can't venture out of the house and work for as long as the males can) and their infant mortality rate was high (their female offspring would die soon after birth from the ambient chill) and my players just decided both were due to oppressive patriarchal structures in place which are keeping them down.
I intend to have them return to the planet in 200 years, in the middle of a warm period. The situation will be the same (dominated by females, herms second-class citizens) but my expectation is that my players will feel it's much more fair because now the ones on the bottom are the "males".
I kind of hate my players for a number of reasons I won't get into here.
Not him, I think the problem is your player group. It sucks if the only company you can find are all prudes/freaks (both see perversion in everything, for different reasons).
...I am so fucking triggered right now.
Personally I'm just fascinated by evolutionary biology, so I've come up with all kinds of wacky reproduction systems fr my various fantasy worlds, and I always justify it (to myself: my players don't care) by thinking about how this system would have evolved. Yes, that means some of the time there are systems where the gender system isn't strictly binary. It's not because I have a fetish for that sort of thing, just because it's fucking INTERESTING.
>YYZ = audio bliss
Some people just don't seem to get that. You have to state that I AM EXPLICITLY MAKING A NEW BIOLOGY for them to understand, and then they are simply disinterested. Each to their own, but they have to get in a mood about people doing their thing, which isn't offensive or intrusive.
Dwarfism is real.
That explains a few things.