How important is lore to sell a game?

How important is lore to sell a game?
have you ever gotten into a game just because the lore?

>have you ever gotten into a game just because the lore?

Yeah, that's how I got sucked into 40K.

Yes, the games in question are Eclipse Phase, Degenisis, Unhallowed, and Unknown Armies. I absolutely adore the flavor of these games.

I wanted to say that while good lore can improve chances of game with good mechanics, even the finest lore won't save game that has garbage mechanics. But then there's this guy

I can bet there is people who has never played 40K yet they it up all the lore
It gets sad when you know 40k's lore is supposed to be ironic.

Lore, fluff, flavour, feel, atmosphere and all the other names you want to call it are absolutely vital for me. Unless I get a hook that strikes a chord with me, I can barely keep myself invested.

>supposed to be ironic
>supposed to be
I doubt the authors were trying to outdo eachother with stupid ideas then add them anyway becausr lolz.

I think in its initial phase, the authors of warhams were all genuinely entertained and convinced of the elements they built into the setting.

They were just much more aware of the silliness and cheekiness that accompanied some elements.

I won't play a game with shit lore. That's why I've never played DnD, because the DnD players around here are all Pathfinderfags and FRfags. I'd probably play Dark Sun, but these chucklefucks won't budge an inch from their generic fantasy comfort zone.

If I had to choose between lore and mechanics, I'd take lore every time. You can fudge rules much more easily than change a setting.

Originally it was semi-ironic, in the same way as Judge Dredd and 2000AD comics, but now it's edgemeistered in earnest.

But my question related to the lore that is packed with the game

Yeah, Rifts I guess, but that might be more considered setting than lore.


I got sucked into 40k like a moth to the flame courtesy of the shit-tons of lore. Were it not for the lore I would have never been attracted on account of the mechanics being shit. The only thing Warhammer has going for it in general is fluff and aesthetics.

>I wanted to say that while good lore can improve chances of game with good mechanics, even the finest lore won't save game that has garbage mechanics.

But that's wrong. Literally just look at d&d 3.5e or d&d 5e.

P&P gamers, like every consumer base out there, are shitters who have no conception of quality. All that matters is name brand recognition and accessibility.

>I can bet there is people who has never played 40K yet they it up all the lore

One of those right here!
And, TBQH, the biggest reason I love it is BECAUSE the lore is so hilariously over-the-top ironic.

I mean, just take a look at the 'good guys' fer chrissake.
Not to mention the BLOB clone (IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE!) or space elves on Rape-Pillage-Plunder (not necessarily in that order) mode - to name just a few.

Rogue Trader is not the same thing as current 40k. It went from satirical Sci Fi fiction to dystopian Sci Fi fiction. Both were/are fine, and the whole "40k is ironic, you stupid plebs" argument is dumb anyway. People can simultaneously enjoy the grimderp shit and appreciate how silly and full of tropes it is.

What does that even mean? How can you buy a game for the lore in the package if you haven't read it yet? lel

To answer the question, I initially bought my first GW dudes over a decade ago because my friends were playing. When I started a second time it was because I liked my stupid asshole doomed space elves' fluff, so I guess that sort of counts.

>What does that even mean? How can you buy a game for the lore in the package if you haven't read it yet? lel
the default fluff that comes with the game, like Grayhawk is to D&D or the whole 40k universe in contrast to fluff that the players make to suit their game.

loe + good art > rules

see 40k/degenesis/everything basically

Unless you have a really novel set of rules like Riddle of steel lore and art is your biggest thing


>'good guys'
Who? Where?

Planescape has some awesome lore too, and is probably the cleverest thing to come out of D&D.

It's also really easy to remove elves and dragons and stuff altogether - the setting has more interesting things in it anyway.

My point exactly.

All of the examples of 'Humanity fuck yeah!' distilled into a great example of 'Humanity fuck you'.

Games like Exalted and World of Darkness sell pretty much entirely because of their lore.

I got into Fate Core because it's a toolkit system, so...

Never liked the settings systems gave me because I wanted to make and play in my own

>Eclipse Phase
mah nigga
