I know that this is a catacomb saint, but is there another word for it? Something that rolls off the tongue?
I know that this is a catacomb saint, but is there another word for it? Something that rolls off the tongue?
Saint Bones
I dunno OP..
In german it sounds slot cooler.
Katakomben Heiliger.
He wants something that "rolls of the tongue", eight syllables takes a bit of rolling, especially when it isn't in your native language. Presumably he wants to feature them in a campaign but needs a snappy and memorable name for them.
Everything sounds cooler in german.
Bingo. Specifically, I'm looking to include them as a character class in a game I'm designing, so I need a memorable name for them. The other two undead classes in the game are 'Revenant' and 'Psychopomp' so something along those lines would be great.
Tomb saint.
Corpse relic.
Gilded bones.
Wait, aren't catacomb saints corpses that were exhumed, adorned, and sent abroad as relics? So the class would be a corpse animated by a church as part of a missionary or military mission? Cud b gud.
That's the idea!
Or, rather, catacomb saints are assigned to parishes as guardian spirits to protect townsfolk from demonic entities. They spend most of their time resting in their reliquaries, occasionally waking from their slumber to fight off monsters or to advise the faithful in spiritual matters.
So a one word name then?
Mmk, that's pretty cool, but you've already ruled out Revenant which was my first serious response after Catacommander. Then you probably want a name that differentiates them by their holy status. Honored Dead, Sacred Dead, Sanctified like said has a good ring to it, although without knowing the specifics of the church its hard to give anything better. You could also go down a slightly different road and have them be a constructed body with a believer or martyr's soul or something and go the Ushabti angle.
Sounds like an awesome enemy or metal band, either is fine.
I read Sancto-Raptor for a while there...
Sanctified sounds great!
The church in this setting is inspired by a kind of a syncretic fusion of Catholicism and Mahayana Buddhism. Catacomb saints could very well be sukushinbutsu in this world.
Also, Sarcopraetor would indeed be an awesome enemy or metal band name...
Holy birds of prey?
Sarco-raptors are undead raptors hidden in sarcophagi to teach would be tomb robbers a lesson in shitting their pants.
A gift from Osiris himself.
Damn, now I need to stat these.
That breast plate looks like it was made for a woman.
It's like a reverse bikini top
Are you complaining about impractical armour on a skeleton?
(skeleton saint)
Also, thanks for posting all these cool saints! These guys are cool. I bet if they came to life they would be total bros.
No, I'm complaining about tit holes with no tits in them and the fact that there are no fleshy ones wearing that type of armor
Thank you kindly, user! These are beautiful.
Here's a female jeweled saint. They often wear even more revealing open-chested garments and have cute wigs to let you know they're girls.
>check 'em
No, holy dinosaurs that hunt down those who don't believe in creationism.
crypt lord
I think generally they're only a small fraction of the original saint's remains though. So you got the saint riding some random schmuck who agreed to be the undead host body of the artifact.
>Holy birds of prey?
>holy birds of pray
That's a good idea. I think more Liches could be like that.
Someone explain this obsession Catholics have with swagged out skellingtons.
Not necessarily. Some things just sound angrier or sillier in German.
>religious skeletons
My kinda thread.
>Be Saint.
>Do something religiously epin.
>Git canonized.
>Bits and pieces of you become venerated and held lovingly to inspire future Catholics.
I grew up Catholic and in the Philippines and some of the spoopiest memories I have in life was my grandma forcing me to join her in vigil over this preserved corpse. Wasnt able to eat right for months.