Age of Sigmar General


Wild Waaaagh! edition

>Point system pdf for matched game
>Thx, Based Leaker!!7lZ2yDYI!ANWwfQHiJjr5ZbH6sfyruGRPGgWiDjso2uSGyJem1lg

>OP image album

>Cheer for your faction!

Old thread

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>The Brutal Rukk and Kunnin’ Rukk fought side by side. Durkga and Zergok tried to outdo each other with their kills, one hacking down three saurus with a single blow, the other killing a Scar-Veteran with his bare hands.

>Over the roars of star creatures and the guttural cries of the Bonesplitterz, Gurkak and Koatok hurled their sorceries. Glowing green hands wrestled with coils of celestial force, neither wizard able to crush the other. The eldritch mastery of the slann was countered by the raw power of the prophet as he drew cords of Waaagh! energy from his battling army. Heedless of the sorcerous duel, the orruk and seraphon armies continued to savage each other. Mobs of Bonesplitterz swarmed around the huge celestial beasts, boys screaming in rage as the creatures they did bring down vanished in explosions of starlight. Yet despite being denied their bounty of bones, the orruks fought on with even more fury, as they could now sense their enemy’s imminent defeat.

>Durkga and Zergok reached their prey at the same time, each striking at the Oldblood. Carnosaur and rider fended off the wild blows, snapping and hacking back at the orruks. Then, from out of swirling melee that surrounded the combatants, a pair of burly orruks carrying the Gork Toof known as ‘Big Bite’ appeared. Screaming out to Gorkamorka, the Big Stabbas barged into the Carnosaur, driving Big Bite’s stone tip deep into the monster’s flank. The beast roared in pain, then unravelled in a shower of sparks, dropping its rider to the ground. Both big bosses gave a triumphant yell as they started laying into the fallen Oldblood.

First for burning your fucking trees to ash

Remember the bet a week ago about who wins between an Ork Shaman and a Slaan Starmage?

Lizardfags better pay up

>Order is still winning the shit out of the campaign


and it doesn't stop here.

The Seras celestial cities might find themselves besieged soon...

The war is far from over. There is more than enough time to push back the hordes of Order.

Chaos pulling things back in the USA and Europe. And I assume those pie charts are cumulative totals not by-day (because they haven't been varying enough) so that is actually Order's lead being hauled in in those locations.

Order fights for freedom. It wont bend knee to the axis of evil factions.

order does not fight for freedom it fights for "order"

Freakin mission one sucks for daemons.

I play khorne so keeping a unit back is just killer against shooting armies like empire. (Since you need five god damn models to hold it....)

Order, peace, and stability are the foundation of freedom

i like the freedom to kill anyone i want then eat them

Order is freedom from Chaos that hates us for our freedom to achive great things using our logic, Order is freedom from Death that hates us for our freedom to reject entrophy and Order is freedom from Destruction that hates us for our freedom to build something that lasts.

Supreme masters of the arcane magic, they said.

So you play daughters of khaine then?

Friday was a big chaos day but order has won back all that and more even in phoenicium

Would arielle still be able to keep the Sprite bound to the ash that used to be ash?
Ash wraiths?

Ash that used to be wood rather

> Everyone complains when chaos wins the end times
> everyone complains when the good guys win something

>tfw people think everyone on Order are new Sylvaneth players, and not a huge influx of old WHFB players and their 'good guy armies' of yesteryear due to the General's handbook

we have more elf players alone than chaos at my store

>Lightnin' Lad - Stormcast Eternal
Top lel.

>Thinking Gee Dubs gives a rats ass about the results of a global campaign and won't just force their per-ordained story line onto the masses anyway. Eat your salted shit, sayeth the schillscum.

Death taking a city could be interesting

Mork bless dem funny nakie boyz

>manik - insane, not insane

Joking aside, it seems a lot of stores go the way of whichever alliance the redshirt plays, presumably because they get more painting and gaming in than anyone else. It'd be pretty easy to twist the results without fully cheating by just "encouraging" the redshirt legions to play one alliance or another.

What are those upward waterfalls?
Bridges to the temple ships?
Energy accumulators?
Spawning pools?

I like this new savage orcs/lizard men rivalry; I hope it develops further
There comes a time when chaos and skaven alone aren't enough enemies to put around the lizards

I really don't care that much about the outcome to this campaign (mainly because I won't be able to enter in time), I love that it's bringing in more players and fuelling the thread
There's gonna be another campaign in time, and by then my chaos dorfs will be painted up and I can fight fervently for whatever God we're supposed to be worshipping right now

>Mecha-Beasts from Usha

Wait, what?

What is the relationship between Savage Orcs and the Ironjaws anyways?

>per-ordained story line

Being what? Archaon activates his Plot button and wins the cities?


However, Bonespiltters see Gordrakk as the herald of Gorkamorka's return.

I feel like even chaos players will hate a win like that

Nagash got a brand new novel dedicated to him.

beasts or orks lads
whichever i pick ill play blood bowl with as well


Considering death has gotten the least new shit in AoS they're getting unproportionaly much BL love.

Who /Moulder/ here?

What do you guys think about the new FW stuff?

I'm tempted to pick up the Brood horror, i was pissd off that both Stormfiends and Hellpits had to be so expensive, i like the idea of a cheaper monster. I'm also going to field my Wolf rats but i am a little disappointed in the high points cost i always made a list hoping they would be only 80. but i am just glad they exist in AoS

dont know how to break this to you but there is quite a few factions that are cannibalistic

You can usually see a correlation between a rise of black library attention prior to a major GW release.

I'm so sorry, guys.

>40% of the novel is him ranting about Sigmar.

It's just a joke brah.

When I saw the FAQ ruling that any army can take its GA traits and artifacts despite different allegiance I was expecting something like this.

Oh, first backlash for the poster boys!
I guess that means they will just bring a new stormcast faction of all existing models and a battletome with abilities and artefacts...

I had a look at the FAQ and couldn't find anything that seemed to state that - does it mean that even if I had, for example, Flesh-Eater Courts Allegiance, I could still use the Death battle trait, command traits, and artefacts?

>You can choose to take either the allegiance abilities for the allegiance your army belongs to, or the allegiance abilities for the Grand Alliance your army belongs to.

Right the first thing. Did you look at the right FAQ? They have a seperate one for the Generals Handbook.

The lazy cunts, how hard would be it be to just dream up at least a few traits and just shove them in the a PDF on the website they write all the other fucking rules during lunch break why not these?

So to clarify, even though they can use their factions traits and relics Ironjawz, Skaven Pestilens, Fyreslayers, Stormcast, Flesh Eaters, Khorne and Seraphon will never receive their own unique ones? did i miss a battle-tome?

>In this novel Nagash defeats himself in a game of checkers.

I thought it'd be in the FAQ for some reason, thanks for helping a retard find the right one.

Well that's great! Now my FEC can get to 2.5k with battleline Crypt Horrors and I don't have to miss out on the (now a little worse, granted) Death allegiance traits.

>did i miss a battle-tome?


Look at the question and the answer. The AoS dude doesn't say there won't be any, just that there currently aren't any in the old battletome. They might make some later or not, no way of telling from this.

It would have been pretty neat if you could give every varanguard an artefact, given each of them is basically a champion of chaos in their own right.

You are going to have more fun with Orcs, especially right now. The jury is out on whether Beastmen will receive actual support and new models any time soon, if at all.

With the Tzaangots in the Silver Tower and the fact that they have been featured in AoS artwork I'd say there is a decent chance that the Beastmen will stick around, even if only as chaos cannon-fodder.

It's a non answer because the person replying probably cannot give a definite answer on that topic, or is not allowed to at this moment.

Basically let's be patient. I'm sure they're waiting to see how the GHB pans out and sells. I'm a weird turn if events they've been very forward thinking and careful with the community.

>Yfw Beastmen could come out any day
>yfw Brayherd, warherd monster merge
>Yfw plastic Centigors, Chariots and harpies

It will never happen ever, but i can dream.

The god-aligned beastmen are very GW-UNIQUE so I expect them to feature at some point, if only because it's easy to copyright/trademark and defend.

Plus they're forever doing shout outs to Oldhammer and being self-referential.

I get the feeling they won't have chariots anymore outside of the legacy ones. What they will get is God themed Gors and maybe a new big shiny lot, and hopefully ACTUAL PLASTIC HERO MODELS for something besides the Bray shaman.

>No tzaangors riding burning chariots
>No slaangors riding seeker chariots
Missed opportunity.

So are khornes beastmen called KHAAAAAAAAAAANgors?

Feedback would be super
Treelord Ancient: Regrowth - 300
Branchwych: Regrowth - 100 (backup healer)

20x Dryads - 240
20x Dryads - 240
5x Tree Revenants - 100
5x Tree Revenants - 100

Treelord Ancient: Verdant Blessing- 300
Spirit of Durthu: Briarsheath or Glamourweave - 400

3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Bows - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes - 180
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes - 180
--2500 points

Or should i get rid of the Wycvh and run a Wargrove?

Ha, jokes on everybody else. Stormcast are the faction that least needs additional relics or command traits, since th Order ones are perfect for us.
And since Liberators and Judicators are battleline anyway nothing is stopping us from poaching good stuff from other order factions.

>always think about getting some terrain
>No space in apartment for a game board or mat
>always play at LGS anyway

I still feel bad for not getting any.


Ok /AOSG/ I just started building Fyreslayers, and I was wondering what the pros and cons are for the army, some players at my FLGS said there not the best army out there but they are not the worst, does that mean they are decent?

>Even the Fyreslayer artwork is mirrored straight down the middle.


Get a few and bring them along if you and others wanna use them in a game

I started with ironjawz but I always get reked in my local GW by skaven and other shit. I don't think IJ are that weak so I guess am just doing really bad.
Do you guys have some general tips? Right now my army has 800 points. 1 megaboss , 1 shaman and 30 ardboys.


Looks good to me
I wouldn't bother with war grove

I think they are maybe decent? People say their movement is bad, I've honestly never seen them.

Well i've fought against 5 man brutes and they hit hard and don't die easily. But i've also seen the Warchanter be effective giving everyone another attack, are either of those under 200 pts?

Get a unit of gore gruntas, they can help with skaven outmanoeuvring you

How legit is this? If it is real I'm disappointed it is not Tzeentch vs Dwarfs

aw shit its Tcheench

I like GW terrain and I think I could repurpose it for d&d and other games if needed, it's more a space constraint.

I'll put it on the list after I finish painting my Chaos backlog.

Plastic Tzeench lord on disc perhaps?

That Sigmarite hero almost looks like he's not wearing a helmet

>imagine a Fyreslayers vs Bonesplitterz game
>Naked hot stunted men vs sweaty naked green men

I am very disturbed...

I can't say.

Yeah, I think war chanter is 120 and 5 brutes 180
Yeah, guess I'm gonna buy the start collecting box next week.

Embrace the gay
We live in a rainbow realmgate

Maw Krusha could also be a solid investment if you want to stay pure Ironjawz.

Good idea
I'd also say if your expanding into 2000 pts try and get a gorefist battalion, it competes with death lords for fastest and hardest alpha strike in the game

How would you guys feel about a Challenge mechanic like there was in WHFB?

What does the death lords battalion do?

One of the Season of War scenarios has a pretty cool version of that

Really? Are those up online?

mite b cool

I guess it would just be, move into melee combat, challenge and then no-one else can shoot or attack those Heroes until the fight is over. or until one retreats maybe.

I'd imagine it being better as a Freeguild or Slaves to darkness ability, when everyone in the game can do it that's when it gets out of hand, plus AoS has very few 'universal' rules

Does anyone have a link to the bonesplitterz batallions?

I don't think so?

I played it yesterday though - basically you and your opponent both pick a hero from your respective armies, the two models are then placed within 5" of the centre of the board, no more than 1/2" apart.

The rest of your armies are set up per the norm.

Before the battle begins, you both roll a dice. Whoever rolls highest gets to make a single attack with one weapon on their Champion's warscroll, then the enemy Champion makes a single attack. The Champions work through their attacks until either one of them is dead or they've both used up all of the attacks on their warscroll.

The battle then begins - if your Champion kills the enemy Champion, all your models get re-rolls to hit for the rest of the battle.

Nothing can affect the two Champions as they fight except themselves, no other models can shoot at them, cast spells at them, buff them with abilities etc.

It's a pretty cool thing but it is pretty specific, it isn't something that could be easily applied in every match, the bonus is too good.

It's actually a faction for nag ash and friends
Makes morghasts your battleline

Inderesding. Where's this from?

Only got this one, but it's the one with the duel.

I was just thinking exactly that...especially considering his brothers all have blue helmits

Yeah just read this - it's obviously better than my potentially inaccurate recollection

How the fuck did you guys get this? Yes it's real, out in October. Christ.

It's actually just his unique white helm
He's been in a few books already and is quite a cool character

That box art was already in Allgates, he's wearing a helmet like the others.

There's something similar in the Everchoson Battletome, where Nagash and Archaon have their own little combat phase