For House & Dominion: Civil War Quest
You are Sonia Reynard, Viscount of Rioja and its surrounding trade lanes, and protector of the Smuggler's Run. You control the fates of a dozen worlds in the so called Smuggler's Run. With your new position you are quickly becoming one of the most influential people in your House.
Your power isn't without limits. Barons Winifred and Archivald still command the South Reach and Home fleets respectively. While you doubt they could match the firepower your fleets can now bring to bear, there is a substantial population gap.
For now you still answer to Count Gernot Sigurd Jerik, and the more senior Barons when operating in their theaters.
From Rioja and the other House worlds in the Run you've built up your fleets and armies this past year. Both have seen their share of action with anti-piracy work, an invasion of Bonrah's local territory and raids into the next Nav Relay.
It is 4033 and as the Dominion slips deeper into civil war you and those under your command are fighting hard to keep control of the DRH 1 Navigation Relay. You've won a decisive victory and all but driven enemy forces from their original beach head, disabling all three of the Mega class Supers they brought with them.
You were unable to stop the Nasidum mobile fortress from invading the Smuggler's Run. Defense platforms at either entrance of the Run have been attacked and boarded, though the defenders have destroyed the plasma weapons before they could be captured.
As part of plans to slow enemy progress manufacturing equipment has been evacuated from orbital positions, either out of the region entirely or to the surface of well defended planets. Enemy troops have landed on several key worlds in the Run in an attempt to gain control of these assets.