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>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

Getting a 404 from this.

It's mentioned that Exorcists don't do battle cries, but rather have strange, ethereal chants during battle.

What would these sound like?


Kat is turbo dead, so you should remove it from the thread starter.

They would sound like strange, ethereal chants.

The russian VA for wraithguard/wraithlord from DoW 2.


shit that's pretty good

If you don't speak german the plague marine VA is the sound of pure evil.

Generator for anyone who feels like rolling a Militia or Cult up.
A classier space Latin version of those I Hate Birds songs.


Rolled 12, 7 = 19 (2d16)

That's not how it works. You put dice+2D16 in the options bar for the first roll for example.
>100% Urban environment plus grassy plains
Those cities must have some pretty big parks.

Rolled 10 (1d10)

hoping for abhuman helots

Rolled 9, 8 = 17 (2d10)

Looks like you're a Traitor. Tainted Flesh and Cult Horde.

Rolled 5 (1d8)


Looks like you have a daemon wearing a flesh suit.


Rolled 6 (1d10)


Rolled 2 (1d10)


Rolled 3 (1d18)

and last one

I think if you owe the Word Bearers the debt they'd let you slide since you're the same religion.
>useless cosmetic mutations
Congrats on possibly looking Bowie and Bismarck's lovechild.

Found an old Chaos Terminator lord sprue in my closet with everything on it still, but I've already got a sorcerer and a beatstick version of that kit. Does anyone have any cool conversions for inspiration? I might make another Terminator Champion out of the kit.

God damn it, why didn't they make it so that the Black Templar extends to Hull Points as well ?

Tankred endures.

If you live in or near Gilbert, AZ I'll buy it.

Homebrew a pseudo-decurion formation for current OP armies that is balanced.

The criteria for "pseudo-decurion" is that the list includes at least one of every unit in the book, but otherwise it can be whatever you want.

Space Marines:
Take one of everything and they re-roll failed Fear tests

Fuck you, I'm going to do the Black Legion.

Black Crusade Detachment
>Restrictions- All models must take the Veterans of the Long War upgrade if possible.

>Exalted Champion of Chaos- Whenever you roll on the Chaos Boons table, roll twice. You may take one or both of the results. Reroll results of "Doubly Blessed."

>Veterans of Slaughter- Units from this formation treat Rhinos as if they had the Assault Vehicle special rule. All characters in this detachment have the Stubborn special rule.

Core Choice- Black Legion Warband
>Same as current, except replace Exalted Champions with:
>Corrupt and Despoil- Enemy models may not control objectives while within 3" of a model from this formation.

God Formations
>1 Chaos Lord (Sorcerer for Tzeentch)
>1-3 Chaos Space Marines
>1-3 "Cult Marines"
>1-3 Bikers, Raptors, Havocs
All are auxiliary, may be taken as Core if they take 2 of each non-HQ choice. Must take the Mark of their God if possible.

Khorne Benefits-
>Bloodlust- Models from this formation add +1 to their Strength if they roll 8" or more for their assault distance.
>Gore Soaked Frenzy- Models from this formation have the Feel No Pain and Rampage USR's once they have successfully slain an opposing unit in Close Combat.

Nurgle Benefits-
>Haze of Flies- Enemy units within 7" reduce their WS, BS, and I by 1.
>Rejuvenating Decay- Whenever a unit from this formation inflict seven or more casualties in a single turn, it may immediately return one slain model from its unit to play within unit cohesion.

>Cacophonic Convergence- Add +1 to the Strength of Sonic Weapons fired by this formation if the target unit has already been hit by Sonic Weaponry this turn.
>Unearthly Grace- Models from this Formation have the Fleet USR. In addition, any To Hit rolls of 6 in Close Combat gain the Shred and Rending USR's.

Tax units are free + fearless.

Rage would be a nice additional rule for orks.

Just give us old mob rule and initiative bonus on the charge and Im a happy ork.

So I just played a 1250 game against Tau where he brought 2 riptides. Afterwards he complained about not bringing the T7 version since they died to my massed infantry. Anyways, what would Veeky Forums say is a decent riptide to overall points ratio?

>Aetheric Potential- At the beginning of the Psychic Phase, generate one additional Warp Charge for each Character from this formation on the Battlefield. Each Psyker from this formation knows one additional power generated from the Divination discipline. They may choose to generate additional powers from Divination if they desire.
>Fatelord's Blessing: Increase the invulnerable save of all units in this formation by 1 against all attacks from more than 9" away. Units from this formation may reroll ranged To Hit rolls of 1 against targets within 9".

Other Auxiliary

Hellforged Hunting Pack
>as per current, except can pick any model for their PE and it spills over onto joined units

Blessed of the Gods
>2+ units of Possessed and/or Warp Talons
>The Earth Recoils- Units from this formation ignore Difficult and Dangerous Terrain for all purposes.
>Neverborn Given Flesh- Units from this formation gain the benefits of the Daemon of X rules.

Feliron Fist
>1+ Chaos Land Raiders
>2+ Chaos Predators or Chaos Vindicators
>Restrictions- All vehicles must take the Daemonic Possession upgrade.
>Wound in Reality- One Chaos Land Raider in this formation must be designated the Wound. All Vehicles with the Daemonic Possession upgrade with 12" of the Wound have +1 BS, automatically pass their tests to ignore Shaken and Stunned, and may fire all of their weapons at full Ballistic Skill as long as they do not move Flat Out. The Wound may transport models, but has the Daemon special rule and adds +1 to the Strength of its weapons.
>Armouries of the Long War- Havoc Launchers taken by models in this formation may use the following alternate fire modes
>Warphex Munitions- R36" S:5 AP:3 Heavy D3, Blast, Get's Hot!, Poisoned 3+, One Use Only
>Soulshriek Munitions- R36" S:7 AP:3 Heavy D3, Skyfire, May Target a different target than the rest of the units attacks

Everything else is available on its own as an Auxiliary choice.

Why are riptides and centurions hated so much? I had a guy jumping down my throat for building a list with grav cents.

Is a nearly only cultist army viable?
(Btw where can i find rules for milita)

The old mob rule was utter shit and only people who don't understand probability want it back. Consider that realistically it was only big boyz mobs that benefitted from it. Anything 10 strong or less (i.e most aspect boyz and basically everything nob based) saw exactly zero benefit - by the time you were taking morale tests you were down to 7 models anyway.

At least with the current mob rule these smaller squads can actually pass morale tests as long as you have a character in there (roughly speaking LD7 with current mob rule means you pass morale tests as often as a LD9 model does).

> initiative bonus on the charge

Remember when charging orks got double their initiative? Fun times (hmm, delicious I4 orks).

If you are playing scrubs 1 per 750 points.

> I had a guy jumping down my throat for building a list with grav cents

'Cuz grav cents butcher all those big shiny models that hide behind multiple wounds and 2+ save.

>is an army composed solely of hideously overpriced guardsmen without any of the actual good things in the Guard codex viable
Riptides are way too durable for their point cost, on top of being fairly killy and mobile.

Grav Weapons are cancer. They're the best weapon at killing almost any target.

I haven't really played a match yet, I would be willing to use one of their different weapons if that would be more fair.

Are the centurions easily magnetizable?

>Is a nearly only cultist army viable?
Play renegades and heretics instead.

Wrong shitter. Many a time with ramshackle my 12 orks would get shot out of the trukk but maybe only lose one boy due to str 3 hits only. Auto or damn near passing that was worth something. And If I failed, at least I did not kill my own guys. It also worked against fear checks, which they clarified the new one does not.

> They're the best weapon at killing almost any target.

Riptides are just really good units - they are quite undercosted and weapon loadout doesn't change this. If you don't know what your gaming group is like only using a single riptide in a 1500 game is a good way to get a feel of things as a single riptide can be dealt with sensibly, its multiple that create problems (liek the classic leman russ squared issue).

You really should run the numbers on how often current mob rule kills dudes - its a lot less than the likes of warseer think. The S3 thing though was simply because of ramshackle and it made DE players extremely salty.

I still run at least 100 orks in 1500 point games so Ive always liked the way old mob rule sound. Smallest mob on my table is probably 10 burnas in a transport, so morale never really bothered them.

So I'm hoping to start building an IG blob army. So far I have to Chimeras, twenty guardsmen (one with a grenade launcher, the others with lasguns) a CCS, and LR that I stupidly made into an Eradicator. I know I need to add loads of guardsmen, but I'm not sure how I should equip them or what else to get. Any ideas?

Isnt explode S4?

It used to be S3 for open topped vehicles.

Ork trukks had a table to roll on when they exploded, which at best allowed the boyz inside to hop out while the trukk kept flying forward at high speed before exploding, and at worst exploded as standard - but at strength 3 instead.

This got swapped out for a 6+ chance to turn penetrating hits into glances.

Don't take grenade launchers and avoid heavy weapon squads if you can. Plasma and melta work well in veteran squads riding around in chimeras.

Your ideas aren't that bad, actually. I'll comment on the things I regularly play.

>Exalted Champion of Chaos-

I would just make this rule be "All Berserker Champions, Aspiring Sorcerers, Noise Champions, Plague Champions, Chosen Champions, and Terminator Champions gain +1W. In addition, when rolling on the Chaos Boons table, characteristic/stat modifiers that have already been rolled by the model are cumulative, and are not re-rolled as normal."

>Units from this formation treat Rhinos as if they had the Assault Vehicle special rule.

That's a pretty huge buff, user. Making it a Disordered Charge would be much more "balanced" while still giving them a major tactical boost.

>Haze of Flies- Enemy units within 7" reduce their WS, BS, and I by 1.

I'd just make them count as having Defensive Grenades and add +1 to their Cover Saves (cumulative with Stealth and Shrouded).

>In addition, any To Hit rolls of 6 in Close Combat gain the Shred and Rending USR's.

That's pretty big. I'd just make it Shred. They're not full-blown Daemons, so Rending is a bit much. not gonna lie though I'm a Slaanesh player so I'd love this

Kroot seem fun, but how should one run a Kroot-heavy list? Are they viable with minimal other Tau support?

And I assume the Cadre Fireblade can't buff them?

Kroot do not an army make. However pimped out kroot squads (so thats hounds and krootox) are pretty cool and reasonably killy - if fragile - for the points. Just pray you never face heavy armour.

>Kroot do not army make.

It would be yoda to play kroot.

Assuming a Dark Eldar fan dex would be pointless to make, but hypothetically, if someone were to write one or if they were to magically get an update, would this be a decent piece of wargear for Kabalites.

I got the idea from looking at the one Kabalite on the Raider model who's hanging off the gunwale taking aim.

Stabilizing Chain Hook 1pt per model

(Insert fluffy explanation about glorious Dark Eldar accuracy, speed, and deadliness)

A model embarked on a transport and equipped with a Stabilizing Chain Hook ignores the penalty incurred to its shooting attacks when its respective transport declares a jink or when the transport moves at Combat Speed or faster. The model is also not counted as having moved for the turn until it disembarks.

Is it just wishful thinking or am I remotely on to something?

>LR that I stupidly made into an Eradicator
Ever consider magnetizing your future vehicles? Its definitely worth it with some tutorials and extra patience.

You could look into getting some more heavy support for high strength ordnance, and psykers can also help you make your Lasguns more effective. If Ignores Cover isn't common for you an Aegis Defense Line is nice on tables without enough terrain.

You do realise jinking - as of right now - doesn't actually affect the passengers right? The faq isn't official yet and thus doesn't mean shit.

That said if I was to create rule for mr radical over there i'd simply let raider pasengers fire at full BS even when moving at combat and/or cruising speed - it goes a looooooooong way for DE gunboating as it keeps them with extreme mobility but doesn't do shit for their durability (which fits the glass cannon theme).

I've run the numbers & plenty of games, besides. New Mob Rule is horseshit. I admit to laziness when it comes to coming up with an alternative, let alone one that struck the three chords of fluffy, familiar, and simple.

How should Ork "bullies invincible in numbers" work, then? New Mob Rule is fucktacularly awful on its face, even if it were only S3--because hitting each other more isn't the fluffy answer to being hit too much.

Should Boyz just not have Fearless like they've had for like 25-30 years? Should the number be reduced to 8 models or wounds to trigger Fearlessness & allow smaller squads to stick around? Should there be a different unit-size dependency for it, or should it at all depend on unit size?

It's worth recalling here that the 3rd Ed. Ork book Trukks had "Bailin' Out: Models are only wounded on a 6 if the Trukk exploded."

What I would do for mob rule is have it so as long as there is a character in the unit they are stubborn. Plus I would bump all nobs upto LD8 (and a warboss to LD10 out of principle) which would go a looooooooong way to fixing ork morale issues without makeing morale irrelevant.

Personally i'm quite a fan of characters buffing units as thats an angle SoB in the past got right (faithful and all that). Plusi t makes nobs a bit more useful beyond a power klaw delivery system with 30 ablative wounds.

>doesn't mean shit.
Execpt that everyone who plays this game is using it as a calcification on shitty, badly worded rules.

It's already taken as fact that "the unit" includes any passengers, even if you discount the FAQ everyone interprets it this way now.
It's just how the rules work and nobody realized it before.

I've always though Succubi should have Scorpion's chain on a rope.

18 inch range, Assault 1 S3 AP-.
GET OVER HERE: If this weapon inflicts a wound (saved or unsaved), the targeted unit is moved d6 inches towards the Succubi unit

Also I would model this weapon as being a rope tied around their tits with the kunai stuck in their cleavage

Thing is passengers are not the same unit as the transport otherwise you get all kinds of fuckery going on (how would you apply weapon destroyed to an infantry unit for example?).

Haha no its alive but not the main one

Page 82 of the rule book.

Here's a question you guys might be able to answer, since I can't find the Battlefleet Gothic thread anywhere.
Does anybody know how to rip the 3d models from BFG:Armada? I'm working on a Rogue Trader-based flash cartoon, and I need to do some rotoscoping. I'm pretty good at Blender, so I can use the files once I get them, I just don't know how to get them out of the game.
I know it's the wrong thread, but if you could give me any help that'd be awesome.

Anyone have pictures of 30k Iron Hands?

I want to get B@C, not sure about which legion scheme is best.

That would be cool, but instead of the obvious meme reference, I'd name it something like "Come! Let us dance!", because you know, the Wyches and Succubi are also performers.

Problem is you run into the justification of why a S3 model is pulling a 2 tonne sphess mareen across the battlefield. Reminds me of why 3rd ed wych weapons didn't work on S6+ models.

But, user. It does. All MODELS in the unit. Since the passengers a part of the unit, they are MODELS in the UNIT.

You ever primed a space marine black before?

The same justification for why splinter guns wound necrons. It's a game.

Passengers are not the same unit as the transport. They cannot join the transport like IC's join units nor does their unit type change to vehicle. GW has serious issues with defining the quasi-state passengers exist in (see the old debate as to whether they are on the table or not).

Unless, of course you are arguing that a unit (lets assume infantry for simplicity sake) is now somehow joined to a vehicle despite no rules actually allowing them to do so.

>GW has a serious issue with defining rules

I nominate this as the edition of the next thread

Yeah, but I want to see the specific details of a 30k Iron Hands. All the silver n' shit.

Well yes, its taken nearly 15 years for GW to tell us what happens if a unit inside a vehicle has to take a morale test. The current answer is they are fearless, but before 7th ed the answer is ???

Admittedly the only way I can think off that it would come up is gets hot! causing enough wounds to force a morale check.

It's the same issue as scouting transports allowing for first turn charges, maybe.

Jesus christ why does that sound so intimidating?

you must be a heretic user

So all these marines and guardsmen I've modeled are a lie?

Have I been the daemons all along?

Spidergirls now!

>doesn't fit the base

>they aren't even BUSTY


>Flatchested spider fuckboy on a base too small

Your currency is lies.


And while I'm beimg a huge weeb, here's what you should play when you plunk Calgar down on your table:


What warlord table do Eldar Corsairs use?

Karudoru Duraigo.

They don't have one so you use the ones in the rulebook.

(Original Post)

Thanks guys, sorry I went AFK.
I do like the Wulfen Models but I think I will go the route of a Second Start Collecting then getting some transports for my Grey hunters first.

Anyone have any tips on running Bjorn and Murderfang together.

I really like the idea of a melee-ish force so having a furball of TWC and a Wolf lord with Bjorn and Murda dropping in and slapping my opponent while things like my hunters support a bit from afar.

Long ago in a distant land, I, Mortarion, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Chaos!

Duraigo-sama just isn't butch enough for that tune, though Arubereku-sama is, and he iiiiiiis an Exorcist...

woops it cut off the end.

I was wondering if outing Bjorn and Murderfang in their own drop pods would be the right move since they cant assault from deepstrike.
I really like the model and my playgroup isnt tournament style competitiveness.

>tfw you'll never have a daemon-killing husbando with FUCKING MAGIC WARDS ON HIS BONES to save you from danger

y liv

Drop pod dreads is always a good move if they are CC based - it saves you having to footslog across the table. Equally (give or take scatter) it gives your opponent exactly one turn to DEAL WITH IT before said dread(s) slice and dice shit in close combat.


>Boyz, Nobz and Gretchin squads may take additional models beyond their base squad size for free. All upgrades for these free models are purchased at normal cost.

I am trying to make my first 40k list, at 1850 points. I am a 30k IF player, so I am going to use 40k IF.

I am a little bit over here, after being recommended to add another CC unit (I went with a contemptor).

What do you guys think I should change here?

+++ Fists 1850 (2005pts) +++

++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (2005pts) ++

Chapter Tactics [Imperial Fists]

+ HQ (230pts) +

Captain Lysander (230pts)

+ Elites (925pts) +

Cataphractii Terminator Squad (460pts)
[4x Cataphractii Terminator, 1x Lightning Claws, 1x Combi-Bolter out for Heavy Flamer]
··Cataphractii Terminator Sergeant [Grenade Harness, Power Fist]
··Land Raider [Multi-melta, Storm Bolter]

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought (240pts)
[2x Twin-linked Lascannon, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Extra Armor]

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (225pts)
[Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter]
··Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon [Storm Bolter]

+ Troops (435pts) +

Tactical Squad (220pts) [Meltagun, Missile Launcher (Frag & Krak), 9x Space Marines]
··Rhino [Dozer Blade, Storm Bolter]
··Space Marine Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Combi-flamer]

Tactical Squad (215pts) [Heavy Bolter, Meltagun, 9x Space Marines]
··Rhino [Dozer Blade, Storm Bolter]
··Space Marine Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Combi-melta]

+ Fast Attack (35pts) +

Drop Pod (35pts) [Storm Bolter]

+ Heavy Support (380pts) +

Centurion Devastator Squad (240pts)
··2x Centurion [Grav-cannon and Grav-amp, Hurricane Bolter]
··Centurion Veteran Sergeant [Grav-cannon and Grav-amp, Hurricane Bolter]

Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer (140pts) [Siege Shield]

cool, I think I will pick up some drop dreads after my second start collecting so I can get my dreads in to play more.

That could be a core rule more or less. Simply up all nob based squads to maximum of 20 and anything boyz related goes to 30.

>30 lootas in a squad


If we are going with a strict RAW reading Jinking does affect the passengers as it says all models IN the unit.

I will ask again - at what point do passengers join a transport? Hint: they don't.

They join it when they enter the transport, hence why they're effected by vehicle damage.