Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3e
How is it compared to 5e D&D?
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3e
How is it compared to 5e D&D?
WHFRP 3e is more of a board game than a roleplaying system.
In terms of D&D it would be closer to 4th than 5th (ignoring the proprietary dice part).
>Board game
Not at all. It is an RPG wholely. The cards and bits and bobs are merely components to denote character sheets, hit point values, and concepts.
That is all they are for. To be fair, it is better than a character sheet because it allows everyone to see what you have access to right off and suggestions could be made across the table to make an action that you might not have considered.
Anyone claiming it is a board game is someone who has clearly not played it and just sees the components and thinks 'That's a board game'. I can see their initial point of view though, however, there exists a pure pen and paper variant with the hard cover rulebook that functions fine, however, the components enhance the game greatly and I recommend their use.
Warhammer 3e was too good to ever be popular.
The average table top gamer isn't used to a system that functions well, is flexible, and has plenty of customization options from a GM and player standpoint while still having great in combat and out of combat gameplay mechanics.
Really, the only reason it isn't popular is because people have gotten so used to eating shit that when something well done hits the plate in front of them they find it unappetizing because their mouth and nostrils have become so used to the tastes of shit that anything else is bland and tasteless to them.
The WH3e is just the beta test for the FFG Star Wars system, which is super popular now. The failure of 3e wasn't because it was too patrician for us mere plebs, it was because the core book sold for a hundred fucking dollars at launch and because 2e remained extremely popular.
A complete set of rulebooks, gaming dice, character sheets, and bunch of stuff that would have been individual purchases for other games sold for $100 at launch and were exceptionally easy to obtain for $50 or less within a few months.
So, the price was only a complaint for idiots.
It was utterly terrible.
>several times more powerful characters than earlier editions
>re-releasing the same books recently finished from 2E in the 3.5E splatbook style
>stance meter
>action cards
Hell nearly every goddamn thing in the entire ruleset has a card and despite the sheer bulk of all that horseshit it's core ruleset is meant for 3 players only.
I am quite happy it flopped as hard as it did.
That was the other thing. Hundred bucks, for three players. On top of shitting on most everything that people had liked about 2e.
You forgot
>Oh shit look how different we are special dice!!
I'll take a d100 over those daemon spawn any day.
The dice work well, in other games that are competently designed. Warhammer 3e was not, and the dice were just a nice little spurt of shit as icing. They tied everything together into one thing that was easy to complain about.
>Several times more powerful character than earlier editions
How so? A single Gor will fuck a developed character in most straight up fights.
>Re-releasing the same books recently finished from 2E in the 3.5e splatbook style
I can't comment on this as I don't know enough about 2E's releases to make the claim. I think there were five splatbooks outside of adventures/campaigns for 3E though. One for each chaos lord and one about dwarves.
>Stance meter
I like how combat and abilities changed based off how deep you went into wreckless behavior and conservative behavior. It was also a good reminder of how your character should behave outside of combat. More wreckless? Your character will suck shit at sneaking. More conservative? You aren't going to to intimidate for shit.
>Action cards
A quick to reference ability breakdown at the player's fingertips. It is no different than writing a skill down and a quick break down of it on a character sheet.
It's garbage compared to anything, while 2E WFRP is one of the best RPGs on the market to date.
One of the greatest and complete RPG experiences ever made is inferior to just another d100 GURPS system according to you.
Your opinion is therefore invalid.
just play wfrp 2e, op
3rd is objectively better
Except it isn't.
Totally is, bro.
Better combat
Better social abilities
Compote chase mechanics
Easy ability reference
Dice system is one of the best in gaming
2nd was a good traditional pen and paper rpg but 3e was actually an attempt to make a better playing rpg from the ground up and it did an awesome job doing so.
I would recommend WHFR3e if you want a good game.
I would recommend D&D5e if you want a popular game.
I've got a feeling you're being sarcastic but I'll take your word as sincere.
I personally agree, it got rejected because people think that a pen and paper role-playing game should only involve... well nothing but pen and paper.
that said I do think they went overboard with the special tokens. It was just annoying to keep track of that many cards and counters.
Edge Of Empire improves the concept a lot.
>Your character will suck shit at sneaking. More conservative? You aren't going to to intimidate for shit
>Thinking this makes sense.
Yeah, 3ed WFRP is definitely the game for you.
>>Board game
>Not at all. It is an RPG wholely.
It's a RPG that played like a boardgame.
Honestly, it felt like the CYOA threads you get on Veeky Forums from time to time.
The system wasn't bad per se, but it wasn't Warhammer. If I told you we were going to play Dungeons and Dragons, you'd expect 3-18 Stat Range and a d20 system. You'd be put off if you found out we were playing with Playing Cards and a Pool system.
3e was just too different from the traits that defined WFRP, and it suffered because of that.
>The system wasn't bad per say but it wasn't Warhammer
Oh yes.
Fantasy Flight basically throwing out systerm design ideas and seeing what sticked.
Which honestly would be fine they were superseding a game system no one cared about like rifts. Or had had be thought massive retools before hand like Star Wars.
But this was *Warhammer Role Play*..
I didn't like 3e because it's just too difficult to play online, which is how all of my gaming is done. Yes, they released rules that let you ignore all the components and crap, but the problem is that book only had stuff from the core set. So if I wanted to allow stuff from any of the expansions I was SOL.