Has a greater system been invented if you're a magic junkie?

Has a greater system been invented if you're a magic junkie?

Assuming you're after quantity, Ars Magica. You'll be making your own spells with the rules included way before you run out of the ones in the book.

What sorts of things are in those books?

What roleplaying game are those for?

Probably oldskool Dindy


Volume 1 is at least 200 pages of spells, the other volumes, especially the book of necromany can get pretty pricey though, sucks trying to collect them all

>Volume 1 is at least 200 pages of spells,
What kind of spells? Anything interesting?

>D&D magic

I am now dissapointed.

Okay, what the hell? This is the third complete set of the Wizard's Spell Compendium, including my own set, that has one volume in completely shit condition. Mine happens to be volume two that's messed up. Do we each have one volume from a particular set that got damaged?

Do you not understand what a google image search is?

My point is three different images, from three different sources, each showing one book in terrible condition.

How about literally any other magic system? Vancian casting sucks.

Conjure Cabinet

Pretty sure the "gilding" has rubbed off our Vol 1. Production values? Bad stick on that cover color?

Mine is fine

Yes. I like animism/shamanism type magic more than lists of spells.

Ars Magicka, Ghosts of Albion, and GURPS all do magic better than AD&D, for starters.

But does it have that insane gygax touch?

Hit yourself in the head a few times until you can't read very well and you can simulate it very nicely.

RuneQuest 6 has five magic systems and they are all better than AD&D

What are your favourite alternatives?


Ritual path magic (gurps)
Ghosts of Albion magic (unisystem)
Shadowrun 4e magic
Shadowrun 5e magic

And outside of RPGs
Fullmetal alchemist
Avatar the last Airbender

Mage the Ascension

GURPS Sorcery, Ritual Path Magic

Reign looked like it had a pretty neat system, though I've never actually gotten to play with it.

BRP, at least in the incarnations I've dealt with (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest), seems to do its job pretty effectively.

Warhammer's system is at least entertaining.

Lately I've been playing Mage: the Awakening 2e, and its magic system is this weird alchemical mixture that ends up being both freeform and incredibly crunchy at the same time. It's actually been fairly fun to play with so far—its extremely flexible, and does a decent job mechanically reinforcing the idea that magic always involves risks or tradeoffs.

If nothing else, I've seen a dozen different permutations of the D&D magic system from independent developers, OSR blogs, etc.—and they all end up having very little trouble improving on the system, since its just so bad.

>roll 1d100
>5%/95% split results
>on a d20 system
just kill me already.

AD&D was never pure D20

overlooked that, but still... well, whatever. At least it's not 3.pf

Seconding Shadowrun 4e magic: it's a really cool little effects based thing.

I also like GURPS Syntactic Magic as expression of the Mage: the A* system.

Well you can take your pick, from fiddly, broken, or pointless!

GURPS has all three so you can pick and choose! (Though fiddly is not optional. On the other hand, if you love GURPS then fiddly is like the air you breathe!)

does anyone have pdfs for Ghosts of Albion?

The Runed Age.

>What kind of spells?
All of them. The Wizard's and Priest's Spell Compendia were TSR going over all of their D&D products from 1974 on, and putting (almost) all of the spells into those volumes.

Every spell released for (A)D&D. Retooled for AD&D 2E up to about 1990-something. (94? 95?). You need the priest volumes too 1-3. And the books containing all the magical items released by TSR too.

>not in order

The full book is too big to upload here, though you might find a link if you search the archives.

But aside from the magic chapter, the only "new/refined" stuff it offers are a handful of supernatural powers and an 1800s skill list.

Anyways; Because I have a separate magic chapter PDF already:

