>TFW we're all going to be millionaires and billionaires.
TFW we're all going to be millionaires and billionaires
Other urls found in this thread:
not all of us.
Unless you're in a group of whales on discord telling you what to buy and when to sell you're pretty much dead
Right. When the USD goes into hyperinflation, some of us will be trillionaires.
link will hit 5000$ in 2020, if you have 5000+ you made it
>be trillionaire
>cant buy milk at gas station
It’s gonna feel like Zimbabwe
Who will be left holding the bag when this all ends?
you can buy a milk for 3 sats
Who is this fluid druid?
I have .05 btc, Ill be lucky to see 90k
No because I'll cash out and retire at 750k.
So except if it goes crazy while I sleep it won't happen.
10 btc = millionaire end of 2018, screenshot this
> post yfw BTC went from $10 to $100 to $1000 to $10,000 and no one on Veeky Forums is rich yet
Explain this to me.
Who is this semen demon?
>go to any island nation
>milk is literally free
Looks like America is turning into Germany pre-WW1
The only way to get Rich off of bitcoin is to have bought it at the start for $10 or whatever.
Locked it away somewhere, and forgotten about it. Spent the last 8 years living life, getting married, graduating college, locking down that first job, having a kid...
and finally finding the wallet key after all these years.
Every other strategy bought in at $10, and sold at $15, $25, $100, $1000, or $2.
you can increase your btc stack with alts
I came so many buckets to her.
>whales sitting on discord
How delusional has /biz made you?
That's a dude isn't it?
Tfw this is me but I lost the keys after 6 years
Why would it ever go above ten dollars
you are absolutely right
biz said it would
Not at this rate
I want BTC to crash and grow at a more gentle rate so that alts can actually do their thing.
If thats a dude then wtf im a faggot now
#MeToo famalam. I expect to see btc stabilize with its peak market cap and use the superior purchasing power to fund my NEET life.
>tfw you realise these threads encourage the HODL mentality that has lost people a LOT of BTC. We're not going to make it, unless we trade and shill relentlessly, which most people are just incapable of.
BITCOIN , BUY NOW? , WAIT FOR IT TO DROP? or buy litecoin or ethereum since its down by 6 percent?
What a wonderful dream, a world full of rich weeb neet virgins.
Who's gonna buy it dumbasses? Even normies won't pay such a huge price sum
buy altcoins user
The whole world is going to be cryptoed/blockchained up the ass and we are the first movers in here.
Exactly, bitcoin will be 50k by July next year almost definitely, but if you want to be rich NOW your only option is an ICO.
Not a shill but DYOR on Eigencoin, lending token with an ico ongoing right now, looks very promising and other lending tokens have 10xed when they've hit exchanges,also if you like what you see help a poor uni student out and use my referral link.
We're all gonna make it bros!
Most poor people can't handle the gains and cash out prematurely. Rich people don't need the gains and profit the most.
>70% of portfolio consists of LINK and WTC
i only hold 2 actual bitcoins, should've locked in my sweet btc gains when i had the chance months ago. just fuck my shit up.
here you go