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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Uhhh, someone correct me if I'm wrong
Darksiders capstones make you equivalent of a raid boss, so Nazarick would need to work together to fuck you up, but 1v1 you win?
Endgame SMT demons same, but for jumps you might need to be a 1000 cp race or have a capstone boosted by dormant power? Or both. Jesus armor might equal divine tier equipment.
Nasuverse... I think some Servants would match Ainz or Nazarick NPCs one on one, and noble phantasms can go all the way up to world items for EX ones?
>Last Thread
Actually wouldn't Darksiders and SMT races just be Heteromorphic races on various levels, with level cap in SMT being equal to level 100, but without realm of heroes boost or equipment?
>in b4 metatron with divine tier equipment
Here's my build, been a while since I've seen one posted.
>>>Total War (1000) (83)
1000>Rolled 3- Medieval: Total War -000
0900>Agent -100
0900>Specialization- Assassination (Free Agent) -000
0800>Trust In Me (Discount Agent) -100
0400>Who, Me? (Discount Agent) -400
0200>Run Them Down! -200
0100>Honor Guard -100
0100>Forged Papers (1 Free Agent) -000
-250>Silver Tongue (Discount Agent) -150
-300>War Games -050
-600>Turncoat -300
-600>Sword of Constantine the Great (Event) -000
Drawback and Event
-300>WhereDoAllOfTheseAssassinsKeepComingFrom? +300
0000>I Am Skantarios +300
TL;DR: Crusade and stuff. Do whatever Skantarios wants to, with extreme prejudice and pleasure. Use Dark Binding on everyone. Deck out "The 10" (which they shall be named) in full (black, because muh spooky effects) Knight gear. Train them to be the best. Also, Nanobots, or something.They're still human, but with a decent healing factor. I'm keeping them (and am staying myself) relatively in this era in terms of tech. More will come later.
So, /jc/, I'm trying to turn a treasure chest into a Mimic. How would I do that?
Stick your finger into it's key hole.
You take biocrafting abilities and make a creature from scratch that looks like an amazing chest but is really a horrific disappointment.
Agreed with this guy, and continuing the conversation. IF anyone wishes.
I believe Rubedo is said to be stronger than Touch-Me's super build, because he and like six other Guild Members optimized and it never saw a public fight.
Continuing a discussion on getting Divine Tier Equipment or Ring of Elru. I know that the gear has more buffs, I want to weigh up how much the divine gear helps out of jump magic since the ring is really good for it.
There was a jump with a turn stuff into mimics perk but I don't remember which one.
Divine Tier Equipment enhances all of your Class abilities in the novels. However you can forge your own and World Items are impossible to forge, the Staff withstanding.
What can you really do with a mother box? I mostly see them used as interdimensional taxis but I have heard people attributing way more to them than that.
Is the Kaguya bloodline from Naruto worth it, if you already have Omega Self-Molecular?
So Divine Gear doesn't help any other magic system but I can eventually learn to enchant something similar that does?
Can you actually just craft yourself a set of divine tier equipment if you spent hundreds of years on it in jump? (Time dilation perks ho)
Overlord trumps all of them even 1v1. Metatron would just be a high level mob to them. War from DS too. World items are superbly more powerful than even strongest noble phantasms
What jump is this (going to be?) from?
So. I'm not Cracker_Jack, but while we're talking Overlord, Brellin made some additional rulings.
CJ: So, uh, don't shoot the messenger, but some more people on Veeky Forums had some questions. Edit: Actually, I guess you can shoot the messenger, because i have a question of my own. Can a Warrior train up a weapon other than their chosen one to be a match for their specialization? Say I chose Damage-Focused with a sword as my specialization. Could I then train enough in unarmed combat to be able to use Dimensional Slash (or Punch, as the case may be)?
>So, to address you questions first, Warriors can train up their other weapon skills. They just have to actually train them, rather than being granted them.
>Fanwank. I would say that a combination of yes and no. Yes you start out knowing a lot of stuff, and no in that you don't start out knowing everything. Just as a consequence of having the ability you'll pick up information way faster than you have any right to, up to and including hidden/lost/secret information assuming you're high enough level. Basically assume you start with 'know a little about about most things' and then progress to the higher tiers the longer you've been in a jump. Assume full on 'know a lot about pretty much everything including hidden/secret/lost stuff' by year 5 in a given jump.
>edit- Assuming you're a lvl 100 Bard that is. You cap out at the lower tiers if you're lower level.
>No finding World Items that aren't officially confirmed to exist in canon. It would be way too much of a powergrab otherwise, since people would just say 'oh I totes found like 10 World items while I was in Overlord that do XYZ'. As for duplicating World Items in general that's a no-go, assume all World Items have copy-right protection just like the ones you can buy in jump. If you want them you have to go out and get the originals, and then be careful to hold on to them.
>Depends on the class but the basic answer is that level 100's are walking natural disasters. Ainz canonically cast a spell that instantly killed 70,000 people and summoned 5 lvl 90 Dark Young of Shub Niggaroth as servitors (the lives of the ones killed were used as the fuel for the summoning), which then went on to kill a confirmed 110,000 additional people. For a total of 180,000 dead from a single spell. He can pull that sort of thing off several times a day, and so could any other lvl 100 magic caster. And now keep in mind that the only reason those monsters didn't go on to kill more people is because Ainz called them off and then dismissed them, the could easily have stuck around and continued their trampling spree.
>Imagine casting a spell like that in a major modern city at, say, a stadium during a major sporting event. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dead instantly and now there's a 5+ 90th lvl monsters running around that are all something like 40 meters tall and effectively invulnerable to traditional weaponry, all of whom have bladed tentacle whips capable of casually turning full grown men wearing plate armor into red mist with single swipes, that can run significantly faster than a horse at full gallop, and they're all running wild in a major city tearing down buildings and trampling everyone and everything they come across.
>That's a canon Over-Rank spell right there. And now keep in mind that the different origins are balanced against each other. So, basically, yes. Lvl 100's are a big fucking deal in any setting without major league superheroes or equivalent powers to counteract them.
>edit- As an additional aside Mare, a lvl 100 druid, was able to basically create earthquakes strong enough to shake the entire capital city of the Empire on demand. Not over-rank magic either mind you, this is something he could literally just spam out all day as long as he had the mana for it.
(cont. 2)
>Not as an innate ability, no.
Mother Boxes can access the energy of the Source for various effects; they can change the gravitational constant of an area, transfer energy from one place to another, sense danger, sense life, create force fields, rearrange molecular structure of matter, absorb or project powerful shock blasts, create electro-webs, control the mental state of a host, communicate telepathically with a host or other life form, manipulate the life-force of a host to sustain it past fatal injuries, open and close boom tubes, take over and control non-sentient machines, evolve non-sentient machines, merge sentient beings into a single more powerful being, sustain a life form in a hostile environment such as space, and do many other things. Mother Boxes have an affinity for the Source and are believed to draw their power from it. In that sense, they can be seen as a computer that links man to God.
To the New Gods, they are common appliances (used much like a PDA or smartphone on Earth), insofar as a sentient device can be called an "appliance". Other DC characters are given access to them at specific times, when they are in need of aid. Notably, Superman was given one when he went in pursuit of Doomsday.
You can craft a set of Divine Tier in the length of time a normal MMO's Raid Gear. Weeks if not days of concentrated effort, however that may be multiplied as you don't have access to the world the crafting system was originally for. Some perks could help in getting around that but it'll be one hell of a stopgap until you get them.
The strongest Noble Phantasms can summon and bind demons, beings that are literally bits of reality glitching the fuck out aka living Marble Phantasms, and 'ignore the concept of damage'. World Items are more wide in scope. One World Item was used in the original game to ban Momonga's guild from entry into an entire ninth of the game, a world among the branches of the YGGDRASIL.
Elfen Lied.
Once per casting, though you could use item crafting to enchant it as a continuous effect.
>Fanwank. I would say that a combination of yes and no. Yes you start out knowing a lot of stuff, and no in that you don't start out knowing everything. Just as a consequence of having the ability you'll pick up information way faster than you have any right to, up to and including hidden/lost/secret information assuming you're high enough level. Basically assume you start with 'know a little about about most things' and then progress to the higher tiers the longer you've been in a jump. Assume full on 'know a lot about pretty much everything including hidden/secret/lost stuff' by year 5 in a given jump.
>No finding World Items that aren't officially confirmed to exist in canon. It would be way too much of a powergrab otherwise, since people would just say 'oh I totes found like 10 World items while I was in Overlord that do XYZ'. As for duplicating World Items in general that's a no-go, assume all World Items have copy-right protection just like the ones you can buy in jump. If you want them you have to go out and get the originals, and then be careful to hold on to them.
>Depends on the class but the basic answer is that level 100's are walking natural disasters. Ainz canonically cast a spell that instantly killed 70,000 people and summoned 5 lvl 90 Dark Young of Shub Niggaroth as servitors (the lives of the ones killed were used as the fuel for the summoning), which then went on to kill a confirmed 110,000 additional people. For a total of 180,000 dead from a single spell. He can pull that sort of thing off several times a day, and so could any other lvl 100 magic caster. And now keep in mind that the only reason those monsters didn't go on to kill more people is because Ainz called them off and then dismissed them, the could easily have stuck around and continued their trampling spree.
Overlord jump was a mistake.
Dark Cloud, has a pair of lockpicks available for CP that let you do just that.
>Imagine casting a spell like that in a major modern city at, say, a stadium during a major sporting event. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dead instantly and now there's a 5+ 90th lvl monsters running around that are all something like 40 meters tall and effectively invulnerable to traditional weaponry, all of whom have bladed tentacle whips capable of casually turning full grown men wearing plate armor into red mist with single swipes, that can run significantly faster than a horse at full gallop, and they're all running wild in a major city tearing down buildings and trampling everyone and everything they come across.
>That's a canon Over-Rank spell right there. So, basically, yes. Lvl 100's are a big fucking deal in any setting without major league superheroes or equivalent powers to counteract them.
>Not as an innate ability, no.
Can you guys help me decide on a Dresden build?
Wizard - 200
Magic 101 - 0
The Sight - 0
Wizard Tricks - 0
Clued In - 0
Power To Burn - 150
Refined Spellcasting - 150
Soul Source - 300
Empty Knight - 800
Big Apocalyptic Trilogy + 600
Big Trouble - 400
Soul Source - 600 (Or I could drop this and take either both of the Wizard casting perks, or one of them and Job Offer or something)
Creature Features - 0
Glamorous - 0
Seelie Magic - 150
Multiple Choice - 300
Big Apocalyptic Trilogy + 600
(I know the CP doesn't add up. I'd balance it with items or whatever.
Eh. It's the Flavor Of The Month.
FotM Jumps means FotM Builds means FotM Chains, it's like everybody following Ghostcrawler's lead on jumping on the Mage train.
Most jumps are like this when an update rolls around.
Eh, I like having D&D magic without material components.
Material components just take the... well, "magic" out of it for me.
Depends. What's your Jumper like? Harry could use a partner in Chicago, what with all the incredible crap he gets into, but I wouldn't want to try it without luck perks (or in a pinch, Serendipity if you've got enough points).
Any particular reason he couldn't help Harry as a Changeling?
Ignore Material Components feat? Or use Conjoined Conjures from Card Captor to mix D&D with FFTA or similar to use mana instead.
Which reminds me, we never came up with a way to bypass material components other than D&D feats. Anybody got any ideas?
Probably because having the Leanansidhe's crotch goblin following him around will just bring more trouble to his doorstep?
Oh, he certainly could, but a friendly Wizard could also help him with the Council in ways a Changeling couldn't.
What are the strongest plain durability perks in /jc/?
Plain as in nothing else comes with it? I dunno.
But both maxed FISS from PS238 and Omega Inorganic Form from X-Men Movies let you shrug off small nukes.
So if i want wlking tanks in GuP, where besides star wars should i look?
I assume you mean walking. Try Ring of Red.
Where can I go to become a ghost? And I mean ghost, not spirit/energy being/what have you -- a bona-fide, motherfuckin' ghost.
If you can stomach it, Ghostbusters.
Danny Phantom, Killer Instinct, Imawabi no Dakini(?), Bleach... I'm sure there are others.
1000 cp races can moves at mach 50 and are city-country busters with abilities that completely bypass supernatural defenses and durability. Metatron certainly isn't a 'high-level mob'.
Danny Phantom has a half-ghost option.
Another Build!
>>DOOM 2016 (1000) (84)
Identity (32 y/o)
1000>Rolled 1- Mars: Res Ops -000
1000>Drop-In -000
1000>Combat Training (Free Drop-In) -000
1000>Pathfinder (Free Drop-In) -000
0700>Praetorian (Discount Drop-In) -300
0500>Fortune and Glory (Discount Drop In) -200
0200>Prophecy of the Seraphim -300
0100>Hellfire -100
-100>Managment -200
-100>Crate of Guns+ Pistol (Free Drop-In) -000
-200>Super Shotgun (Discount Drop-In) -100
-300>Testament -100
-200>DOOT +100
0000>Too Late +200
Objective: Fucking nothing. Have fun killing Demons. Maybe share a beer with Doomguy, if he's into it. Take a break from the chain, and drawbacks, etc etc to simply have a little fun. Oh, and CheatMode the Praetor Suits and some guns for "The 10"
Hi. Just tweaking Red Dead Redemption to fix it up. Just wondering if the Dead Eye Targeting perk is ok free, some people think it should cost? Also got a wip for Undead Nightmare and just looking for a 600cp perk for survivor and any criticism. When I complete Undead Nightmare I'll post both of the finished jumps at the same time.
This reminds me: We need a Wraith: the Oblivion jump.
Both your and Doomguy's Praetor Suits are locked to you/him and cannot be used by others, the copies would be useless.
>1000 cp races can moves at mach 50 and are city-country busters
Seriously? How physically strong are they?
Basic Shooting Skills is fine as a freebie, Dead Eye Targeting should cost points.
Ghost In The Shell. Tachikomas a best tank.
How many WoD scenarios are there?
>600cp perk for survivor
Maybe something that would provide a resistance to direct body alteration?
Do you mean splats?
Old: vampire, werewolf, mage, wraith, changeling, kuei-jin, hunter, demon, mummy
New: vampire, werewolf, mage, promethian, changeling, hunter, geist, mummy, demon, beast
Classic/Old World of Darkness
>Vampire: The Masquerade
>Werewolf: The Apocalypse
>Mage: The Ascension
>Wraith: The Oblivion
>Changeling: The Dreaming
>Hunter: The Reckoning
>Demon: The Fallen
>Mummy: The Resurrection
>Kindred of the East
Classic also has "Anniversary Editions" and some "Dark Ages" versions of other splats.
>Dark Ages: Vampire
>Dark Ages: Werewolf
>Dark Ages: Mage
>Dark Ages: Fae
>Dark Ages: Inquisitor
New/Chronicles of Darkness
>Vampire: The Requiem
>Werewolf: The Forsaken
>Mage: The Awakening
>Promethean: The Created
>Changeling: The Lost
>Hunter: The Vigil
>Geist: The Sin-Eaters
>Mummy: The Curse
>Demon: The Descent
>Beast: The Primordial
Classic also has "Anniversary Editions" and some "Dark Ages" versions of other splats.
What about fan made ones like genius?
I personally feel that most don't fit the style or tone or the rest of the games, but hen again that's true for quite a few of the canon ones mainly from the CWoD.
Demon: The Redemption
Djinn The Binding
Dragon: The Embers
Genius: The Transgression
Goddess Reborn Chronicle
Hunchback: The Lurching
Janus: The Persona
Leviathan: The Tempest
Pathogen: The Infected
Princess: The Hopeful
Outsider: The Calling
Wraith: The Arising
Psychic The Gifted
Should be done before tomorrow is over. Need sleep. Anything in here so far is subject to change.
Are there any good perks for getting rid of any distaste for killing that a jumper might have from coming from a civilized society?
"Tolerance of Evil" from Overlord is exactly this. And there's another from Killing Bites -- not quite sure what it's called, though.
Wow, more than I thought there was. I'm still hoping for Genius: The Transgression and Werewolf: The Apocalypse jumps, if only because the settings sound interesting.
Commoragh has a perk for this.
... Uh, curious, why? Having that is actually healthy, user. Much safer to get a perk that leaves the distaste intact while preventing any psych problems afterwards.
Because it is a liability for surviving a lot of settings.
Of all of them, these are the ones I find most interesting/would be most willing to create a jump out of:
>Wraith: The Oblivion
>Hunter: The Reckoning
>Dark Ages: Fae
>Dark Ages: Inquisitor
>Promethean: The Created
>Hunter: The Vigil
Huh. It's weird how little Veeky Forums jumps we have, considering... well, you know.
What settings? And what I'd instead suggest is perks that let you keep the distaste but not have it interfere with survival. Perks that allow you to identify foes/monsters, perks that ensure mental stability, perks that provide professional military training, etc.
there is this from Generic Western Jump
Heart Cold As Steel: 200 CP, Discount Bandito You don’t feel that whole “remorse” thing anymore (well, unless you want to). You're very good at inflicting pain on others, and ignoring the mental scarring this can cause you. From knowing the best ways to torture someone (and having the willpower to go through with it) to knowing which member of a posse is the weak link you should shoot first, you are horrifically capable of, well, horrifying people.
I feel like the multiplayer version without slow time should be free at least.
I know, right?
It's hard to tell, to be honest. For all the hype in the lore the gameplay's mostly God of War-style shooty/smashy stuff. I...think that's roughly accurate though; their main advantage would be magic hax. DEFINITELY for Riders, who're probably at lesat equal to Rubedo; War spent most of the game being nerfed by a seal and still killed the hell out of loads of people on his way to fighting a fallen archangel, while Death slew the mutated former leader of the Nephilim race in his final battle in the second game.
Yes, I'd think the same would go for 1000CPers and Dormant Power-boosting; have you looked at some of the 600 CP races? Even some of those could give a party of average Nazarick NPCs serious trouble. Jesus Armor + Chosen of Raphael + Herald in particular's probably going to bring up some nasty raid memories from their YGGDRASIL days.
Nasuverse is the inverse in my opinion; more versatile hax and the innate intangibility is a nice trick, but you wanna use things like HSDW smartly (claim territory, empower something else to come at them from an indirect angle etc) rather than get into a magic shootout like Ainz and Shalltear's fight. Since Excalibur is A++, I'd say that and anything above would be enough to trump World Items given its' matter-erasing blast. High level Magic Resistance-A+++-to be safe and Independant Action would be an amazing boon in this specific scenario. But in general, you'd want/want to emulate a Servant in the same ballpark of Karna, Achilles, Siegfried or Arturia with Avalon as close as possible with the supplement if you want to have a chance at fighting more than one NPC.
Make it 300-400cp. Things got great power and utility.
Nah, I's say ones like the Breaking Bad one where you can toggle it, so you can go to Counter Strike without getting fucked up immediately then go to Nichijou without accidentally establishing the Trenchcoat Mafia.
more like chumpchain hahahahHahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehHahahahahoohoohooha
What's the absolute biggest, baddest, scariest thing in the New World of Darkness other than Inferno and the Abyss? Exarchs, Principle, True Fae or God-Machine?
your mum :-D
What would be a good word/phrase to describe someone with followers that are loyal but don't really respect them? Like a princess with devoted protectors who don't truly respect her because she is a girl.
Almost missed this. Goodness, here comes the nostalgia of being an edgy 14 year old.
Nothing wrong with Hollow Heart but-I can't help but wonder if it's supposed to be a chicken-and-egg kind of thing given that part at the end; is it supposed to mean it doesn't make people stay with you after they recover, but it tends to draw in the kind of people who'd want to anyway-or their possesiveness will end if they heal?
Does Destroyer of Worlds cover the knowledge to create massive biological computers out of human beings, like Anna Kakuzawa?
Maybe MOVE! and Badass should have their prices swapped? That sort of combat precog seems pretty ace; not getting hit at all is better than any kind of defence after all.
Really depends on the exact nature of their working relationship, I'd think.
I'd describe her as a princess with a bunch of misogynists.
To be more serious, maybe the correct word in that instance would be "retainers"?
That was weird. I just opened up the drive, and instead of the usual page and all that, it sent me to an actual google drive version, and I can't access Quicksilver's jumps, nor anyone elses'. I can only get to the ones still in the new jump folder. Anyone else having this problem?
Nope, works fine for me.
Well I used a princess as an example but what I am looking for is a gender neutral term for someone with loyal followers who don't really respect the object of their loyalty as a leader.
Someone whose followers are loyal out of duty or affection rather than actual respect and think they what's best for their "leader" better than said "leader" does.
It's working fine for me.
Looking to describe the leader of such followers not the followers themselves.
So I just checked it again, and now it seems the link at the top is not only in Google Drive form, but it's also connected to the Banned and Lewd jumps.
Seriously, no one else is seeing this? The hell's going on here?
Someone linked to SB's drive. Probably a troll.
Are Antediluvians a still a thing in NWoD? If so I nominate them.
Oh, right.
Out of their depth, and figurehead.
Antediluvians? Really? I thought those things could be nuked to death, meaning they aren't even the baddest things in oWOD. Also no, as far as I can tell they're not present at all in nWOD. There's just these inexplicable, amnesiac asshole owl spirits whose MO means they probably hail from Inferno and forgot.
I'm seeing the normal drive via the OP link, so I dunno. May be something on your end?
Dictator? Overlord? Despot? Supervisor? Handler? Figurehead? Master?
So I have a dumb question but I just want to clarify something. When your jump ends you take whatever is on your person with you in to the next jump correct?
Thanks but still not really what I am looking for see , probably going to have to get. . . "creative".
Whatever is on your person and in your warehouse, usually.
Didn't just one Antediluvian require three ancient Chinese vampire martial arts masters and an orbital solar array turning into a laser to kill it?
I do, but there's no official rule either way. Fanwank something.
Everything you're wearing/carrying goes with you unless it's sapient, whether into the next jump or if you fanwank there's an interim period into the warehouse.
Does not compute, proceed with fanwanking.