Don't tell me bant can't edition.
So who watched SCG open today? Where you even surprised by the amount of bant CoCo? Any cool brews outside of BW angels? Are spirits dead on arrival?
Don't tell me bant can't edition.
So who watched SCG open today? Where you even surprised by the amount of bant CoCo? Any cool brews outside of BW angels? Are spirits dead on arrival?
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Spirits did just fine.
why did they make Bant Coco Better?
Who wants to try WUR humans?
does anyone have vods for the SCG today?
Outside of Jeff's build I think it underperformed. The projected tempo or aggro list have fallen off and the optimal build seems like a control deck which widdles the opponent down with resilient fliers. If you ever get ahead queller secures your win essentially.
Reminds me of caw-go from years past. Not as consistent and a lot less powerful but still similar on structure.
What does blue offer you that makes it worth it?
reflector mage and ojutai's command
>tfw even after rotation humans and white in general will still be fucking dumb
>in fact will be even better due to no languish
spirits/midrange will take over. Humans lose knight of white orchid (core), kytheon, dragon hunter, anointer of champions and Consul's Lieutenant. That's a lot of cards and there's nothing at the moment to replace it.
I was surprised by the amount of idiots misplaying their bant decks.
>dragon hunter
>necessary when dragons are gone as well
You need 2/1 aggressive 1 drops though
The dragon protection never really matters
>You need 2/1 aggressive 1 drops though
>Not based Inspector
>expedition envoy doesn't exist now
>not looking at thraben "pull the street sweeper on every creeper" inspector as an aggressive one drop
shame shame.
Jeff's list had just been playtested vs. a bunch of matches against Bant Company (check his playtest videos on his YT for examples), which let him refine it to hedge his bets for Bant Company and WWr Humans on day 1.
And I think his only loses were to WWr Humans as well; one on-camera (to Tom Ross) and one off-camera. And at least for the on-camera match he was only a turn or two away from stabilizing and turning the corner in game two. Game 3 he kept a loose hand and got snowballed on.
But yeah, it seems like unless you're playing Bant Company or WWr Humans you're dumb, or trying to perfect UW Spirits.
>not playing inspector and other 1 drops
Do you even human? That aside - Losing Kytheon AND dragon hunter hurts. That's two savannah lions. Sure you can replace one of them (dragon hunter) with envoy, but still - you're missing your best one drop.
Knight of white orchid is also a huge blow to the deck as he helps to fix your mana AND it's a first striking bear.
Anything fun get played or is Standard still GW territory?
>Make card game with 5 distinct colors
>Only 2 can be played
A couple of the emerge Eldrazi are being played. Honestly I think U/R Eldrazi is a sleeper deck right now.
>Red being played
Emergency Bans incoming?
>emergency ban
In the next set they'll just phase out red to simplify development and "streamline gameplay for a wider audience to enjoy"
Hahaha no user the entire deck is Devoid
Though there's some that run Chandra and a few burn spells.
only 2 can get played per block, how will they make money if the same two colors can be played the next rotation and you just get to keep your deck?
Good thing I stopped taking standard seriously the moment they released battle for nu zendikar
Anyone see that match with Ali Aintrazi playing the UW spirits guy and the dude just tossed the game when he had lethal?
It made me feel good about my skill level.
MTG is dead.
Yeah. When he very easily and obviously should have just casted Spell Queller on Lili and won the game easily. I don't even know what he was thinking that holding onto it was the correct play. I assume he just fucking super choked.
Also Ali cheated earlier too by playing 2 lands the same turn he played Nissa lel
First for eldrazi werewolves featuring savage ventmaw.
Anyone else like building shit decks?
>The cards that best counter Bant CoCo currently are all played by Bant CoCo
Messing around with GB Delirium and UG Emerge. Have most of the cards for BW Control, but my currently put together deck is WWr Humans trying out some new cards, namely Thalia, Hanweir Garrison, and Lone Rider. Unfortunately the deck seems to lose power because you aren't flooding the board with 1 drops as reliably. But hey, it seems fun.
Reminder that even though Collected Company should be banned, it won't because 1) it's slow and durdly, which Wizards loves, and 2) Standard now rotates so fast that they can fall back on the "well it's not here much longer" excuse much easier.
Bant can't.
Esper is better.
Oh yeah you're right... I thought it came to play tapped or something.
>Humans slowly die out in Standard
>mfw more and more Spirits appear replacing these decks.
Company won't be banned because it's got 2 months of life left and it'd be retarded to ban at this point.
Why would Collected Company be banned? It doesn't break evergreen formats, and it doesn't warp Standard the way the last thing that led to emergency bans did. You know. Cawblade.
will robodoggo see standard play? i do want a foil robodoggo
no, not in standard, ever.
having a 5/5 generic beater doesn't matter if your simply handless, your dead against a majority of decks and the Dog doesn't have any evasion or abilites whatsoever.
I want Ali Aintrazi in my bed.
I'd argue that its somewhat worse
Collected Company, afterall is just 1 card, and enables you to play outright bad cards and make them amazing.
Cawblade was a slew of busted cards that were mistakes.. CoCo is just ONE card and it warps the format considerably.
that is power, when a "4 of" and nothing more is enough to bring a standard to its knees.
it won't get banned, but CoCo is just as much a mistake as JtMS, just in a much different way.
Do you think this will work as a spirits list for competitive standard? I want to play this at the first game day before I whip out the Harmless Offering on the second one
Doesn't have to be your own hand that's empty
kinda funny how the only decent female doing good in scg open is a fucking trans
and a shitty one
>CoCo is just ONE card and it warps the format considerably.
Much less so than say, Thoughtseize did. It's fine.
>CoCo is just as much a mistake as JtMS, just in a much different way.
You weren't playing during Cawblade, man.
So what is the deck to beat and how to beat it? I'm attending PTQ soon and I'm not sure what I'll play - I tried mono blue prison, and while it had good results vs bant/gw tokens, I just hadn't much fun playing it.
I fear the answer is bant and bant, but I still hope there is some counter to it
nick miller should get rid of these fucking glasses, it makes him look like a cold-blooded psychopath
see, I wanted to play Blue White spirits, but watching them I realized that you don't have to play tribal to make it work.
just "Blue White Tempo" is enough.
this is what i've come up with, and so far, it wins much better against Humans and coco because it "rumbles" on in battle better, something that is almost inevitable no matter how much you try and tempo control the game.
4x Lone Rider
4x Rattlechains
4x Spell Queller
2x Bygone Bishop
2x Stratus Dancer
2x Thalia Heretic Cathar
4x Reflector Mage
2x Gisela the Broken Blade
2x Declaration in Stone
3x Always watching
2x Collective Effort
2x Blessed Alliance
2x Ojutai's Command
"lands and shit"
many decks cannot deal with a Lone rider thats flipped, which usually means its buffed in some way, so its almost always a 5/5 or a 6/6 vigilance trample lifelink firststriker.
Don't you think Thalia would be better as a sideboard card, simply because there are quite a few situations and match ups where she is nothing but a bear?
a 3/2 first striker, not a bear.
not to mention there really aren't any non-creature decks worth mentioning, in the very least turning off all a 3 color control decks land drops is something.
True, I'm stupid. I might consider replacing Anafenza with Thalia in my list. As much as I love Anafenza, she really needs too much time to boot up.
>>Make card game with 5 distinct colors
>>Only 2 can be played
hello there, user
Ive been playing around with Izzet spells deck. Its pretty fun, plays around with counter burn, with Thing in the Ice as its finisher.
Its just missing a good big draw spell. Scour the lab and ugin's insight dont cut it. I've been playing around with catalog and fevered visions and those cards are... bad.
>Fevered Visions
blue is only played in conjunction with white.
infact, most of the played blue spells are also white spells.
Is Meme Blue Prisson finally dead?
I hate the match vs it not because I have a bad match, in fact is a good match for me, but tryhards and poorfags in my lgs built it and they suck aat playing it.
I just wosh they would go back to their BG aggro decks. At least the fight was more challenging.
Dont worry, it will be dead after rotation. Also EMN didnt give them anything than the moon prison card.People at my lgs realised its a shit deck and they just wwent back to their aggro/control decks.
is there anything more cancerous than counterspells or cards like them?
it's about as unfun as it gets
Flash creatures with powerful ETB abilities
Welcome to MTG.
Blue is a lot of fun, and you should try it.
So the game's been cancerous since inception? Cool. Go play something else where there are no counterspells and stop shitting here.
I'm not paying for you to have fun.
Didn't stop them from banning Stoneforge.
This kid already has all the douchebag player body language down.
I dont think so, probably it will rise again because Eldrich gave them Moon Imprison, Curious Homunculus, Docent of Perfection, chilling Touch, Summary Dismissal and Geier Reach Sanitarium.
Just need more Eldrazi style "When this card is cast" effects on smaller permanents. I personally think a 1/1 for 1W "When you cast this, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature." would be pretty good.
>rise again
>listing shity cards
Let the Meme die already. People could have bought a good deck by now instead of spending their money on meme decks that will be shit in other formats.
>Summary Dismissal
Is there any situation where that card isn't either a 4 mana Stifle or a 4 mana counterspell? I can only think of maybe Aristocrats after a board wipe.
Against Eldrazis. Very effective against World Breaker.
This is worse than all rally standard.
It basically exists because of the Eldrazi and their cast triggers. BFZ block had a bunch of Eldrazi with those effects, EMN had Emrakul, Wizards wanted one card to answer them just in case they were too busted.
Hoogland just countered a World Breaker and its cast effect.
Four mana to take out a 7+ mana effect that two or more for ones you isn't awful.
Its a good counterspell vs Eldrazis. Ulamog and World Breakers hit hard to MonoBlue Prison pre- eldritch.
Now they can answer to Ramp decks. Having Jace's Santuary makes it a better Counterspell.
>Wizards doesn't test legacy and vintage
>exclusively tests drafting and standard
>somehow standard still ends up shit
I don't know how you standardfags do it
The truth is those cards listed wont make MonoBlue Prison show his ugly butt again in a competitive tourney.
Just let it die, stop being poorfags and play a Man's real deck like Bant CoCo (its not bait)
Ssshh, dont give them ideas or they wont give us some good shit for modrn/legacy and probably make standard format slower than it is already.
>mfw when the format will become so slow my son will be impressed with a 3cmc Counterspell and say "wow, thats unfair, unconditional counterspells cost 4cmc now".
>but there will be a creature that costs 4, is a 6/6 haste, and has "Whenever this creature deals damage, it deals 2 damage to each opponent."
hearthstone kiddie here with a basic understanding of MTG
what're your thoughts on removing the sideboard and moving from a 1 deck+sideboard tournament style to a 3 deck no sideboard tournament style where if you lose with a deck you can't playing it in the match
i.e. bant company + sideboard is now bant company no sideboard and two other decks no sideboard
i guess you could argue what really makes a deck i.e. swapping out 2 different cards and it ends up being the deck but with the sideboard cards in it instead
I just feel like the game would be more interesting if you got to bring your G/B, U/R, mono white deck to the tournament instead of just 1 + side board
thinking about it, it would probably be too expensive too
>no sideboard
Literally Magic Duels ie trash.
It's an interesting idea and would probably help out Modern more than it would Standard (Modern is notorious for being a "sideboard" format).
This would require a complete overhaul in tournament organization as well. MTG games last much longer than Hearthstone so expecting to do a best 3/5 every round would be really rough when tournaments are already extremely tiresome and long.
Do you HAVE to side into different decks in matches?
Also, piloting the decks and match up experience would so incredibility complex and difficult...which would be pretty interesting, but still extremely difficult.
I just don't think Magic is simple enough for something like that, in Hearthstone, from my understanding, there's only a couple viable strategies for each class, so if you know the class you can probably know the match up. I don't know, there could just be too much. I'm kind of just rambling and typing thoughts as they come up.
Thunderclap will never be good enough. Literally every spirit player has tried it and its still shit.
>not a spirit
>not 3CMC
>shit stats
Just, no.
If you really want a lord its anafenza and then you want more than 2 and then you also want to play more aggresive
+idk topplegeist who gives a shit
the instants in this list are also super inconsistent, what are you trying to accomplish?
UW spirits will be good for gameday, but you really need to decide if you want to be aggro, tempo, or draw-go
Good luck man
This Delirium deck looks like so much fun. Too bad everyone's gonna play it now.
your playing 2 thalia when she is most impactful on curve.
Sure mid-late in stale mate situations you can get some benefits but otherwise its just whatever
Gisela is also pretty shit
what happened to G/W tokens?
Still top tier but everyone is yapping about spell queller.
It's probably still top tier, but holy shit does it get fucked by spell queller.
I quit Standard shortly into Shadows since EVERYONE swarmed to Bant CoCo with no hesitation.
I really need to find a new LGS. That place is too heavily filled with That Guy. Standard is bad right now, Commander is even fucking worse.
Yet no one Netdecks except for everyone else, according to everyone.
My meta consists of gruulves, abzan goodstuff, blue shit, and 2.5 color aristocrats
that sounds like MTGO jff rooms.
I still don't understand how CoCo was still a card. Even if there was no good three drop, you still get 6 mana for four as a splashable instant.
The guywho runs abzan goodstuff is a fat fuck but has a playset of foil shit like kalitas and westvale abbeys. I can see getting the regular versions of those cards, but foils? Fuck that
>foil Kalitas is literally the most expensive card in OGW
>I got one passed to me in a draft because the guy opened a Kozilek
>mfw i bought CoCos at 2.99$ a piece in my LGS
one of the best moments in magic
So Blue Prison is now dead?
What a sad day
I guess you dont switch to a real deck like Bant CoCo or GW Tokens is because:
a)You are a poorfag
b)You are a poorfag and bad at magic
So which is it user?
How well is Elder Deep Fiend doing? Sitting on a bunch of copies right now.
Did anyone run RW hanweir human->Eldrazi? Hanweir garrision, battle captain, and battlements with castigator of sin seems really cool. I made a deck around it, but I haven't gotten to play it yet.
>yfw it's blue
nah, it will be white or green. The rest of color are right now being BTFO by wizards.
Its dropped since release, but so has everything else except Spell Queller. Emerge wasn't going to see much play since it requires a different approach in deckbuilding.