I want to play as a succubus who has rejected demonkind and sworn off wickedness in order to live a life as a paladin.
Can a succubus be a paladin?
How that guy will I be?
I want to play as a succubus who has rejected demonkind and sworn off wickedness in order to live a life as a paladin.
Can a succubus be a paladin?
How that guy will I be?
But why?
Incredibly. Even if a succubus wanted to be good, Paladin doesn't suit them. Too rigid and in your face, the main strength of a succubus is her ability to deceive, confuse, and control. A paladin is far to overt to make this work, but being into intrigue isn't necessarily bad.
I'd personally imagine a good-aligned Succubus/Incubus as somewhat like James Bond, minus the unneeded explosions.
But I'm not your GM, and Paladins do use charisma, so go nuts, don't let internet shitposters stop you.
So a succubus so debauched that purity is the only thing that gets her off anymore and she has been kink shamed out of hell?
Given divine power by an unknown source while spending her time hamming up the chaste servant of good angle so she can strip out of her armor at the end of the day and schlick until daylight?
Good feels good and she won't even notice the alignment change as she has convinced herself that she can stop at anytime.
Will she just turn into a Good aligned outsider at a high enough level and enough good karma?
I was thinking more of a legitimate paladin. A succubus who has to deny her nature and her need to drain humans of their energy so that she can be a true champion of good.
There is a story about a succubutt getting trained by a paladin. Aeric Dalia I think. Oveer on 1d4chan
Really really THAT GUY. Like the fact that you're even asking this is kind of magical-realmy
In theory I would have no issues with it. Succubus hates draining lives, after draining a paladin she prays for death from his deity. She begs him to smite her. Diety decides to instead punish her by purifying her. And ordering her to take up the dead mans place as a paladin until her debt is paid. Depends how your DM does things.
>Senior paladin of the order
>A new initiate arrives wearing a hood, orders the hood to be removed
>Screams of succubus, and, kill it echoes through the monastery.
>The senior paladin raises his mace. Which explodes. And a divine voice roars out.
>queue a training montage which shows racism. Grudging acceptance and finally friendship, until a shunned, or jealous one tries to ruin things. But the main character prevails.
There was a Succubus Paladin in one of WotC's "Original Adventures" series. I can't remember the title off the top of my head, but I think it's either "The Silver Skeleton" or a variation on the same.
>How that guy will I be?
People will think you're that guy just for playing a paladin
I remember the last time I pulled something like this on players in a campaign. It involved an insane priest using holy water waterboarding on the succubus and various other shit. Essentially it was an attempted reformation camp.
It had several success stories who were unstable sociopaths devoted to destroying other demonkind.
It was not a pretty place.
Try having some lore precedent first unless you want your character to become a hot topic among the divine
I dont think evil god would just let a succubus be a paladin, letting it happen could lead to further converts and a loss of face
Why? Why not just play as a whore who rejected her ways and became a paladin?
Is it necessary for you to have literally godlike seducion and the ability to steal souls for your character to work?
That's the biggest issue I have with the redeemed succubus as a character, it seems like a munchkin excuse to have something scale off your absurd charisma.
It's like saying, "I just can't play a fighter unless I start the game with my full plate armor and bastard sword that has been passed down for generations..."
Why a succubus?
Why not a pit fiend? Or at least why not go maximum fetish and have it be a redeemed Drakhania instead
I had a game where all my players played wizards, and sorcerers. And a single cleric. They sold most their starting gear after the first few runs to buy the cleric full plate and turned the knee breaking dwarf into a knee breaking dwarf covered in "fuck goblins and their rolls. And also the pathetic boss monster" armor once they realized I would send archers to ignore him, the squishiest decided to become a shield mage or something like that and just kept defense buffs up at all times in the other ones.
>unneeded explosions
I don't follow. The what now?
>Why not just play as a whore who rejected her ways and became a paladin?
I actually like this idea better than succubi becoming paladin. The whole redeemed succubus schtick mostly feels like "I want to get my dick wet with the sex demon but I don't want to feel cognitive dissonance so I will make the being of pure evil good".
A human whore changing her ways feels a lot more... well, human. It's something I could actually see happen and gives the character an interesting backstory. A succubus is a succubus because she's born a succubus. A woman becomes a whore for a variety of reasons, from poverty to boredom to opportunism to it simply being the best way to advance politically. A former courtesan turned paladin with crazy high charisma would be neat.
He means that you should use your explosions sparingly. Exploding a bird now when you could explode an entire army 2 hours from now is an unneeded explosion, and a wasted explosion too.
Why a succubus, he could easily play a hellbred which gets the same cha bonus and also makes sense to be good AND can wield unholy weapons with no side effects..AND preferred class is paladin chaching.
Or, I believe half giant, with primordial giant template? Been a while but I remember it having +4 int and cha I think? It was pretty fun
Found it:
Legend of the Silver Skeleton so pretty close.
This would be a pretty funny way to play it.
Because of succubi being pretty strong inherently, I don't like that idea for a PC. IF you take it at face value.
Now, if you say that some Good-aligned deity or deities transformed her into a mostly ordinary human to give her a chance to redeem herself through paladinhood, then I'd probably go with it.
If she stops draining men, won't she die of starvation?
Thats the point. She didnt stop. Its magical realm thing.
no. you can be a teifling.
So you're saying...use bombs wisely?
Thanks Peppy!
given that every skill that a succubus has (seduction, manipulation, etc) would be disallowed on account of her being a paladin, the result would be pretty entertaining
bonus points if she smites other succubi
follow your dreams OP and do it, I would allow it if you gave me a good back story for it.
As long as you actually keep it on the downlow like a succubus should, and the party thinks you're human, it shouldn't be a problem.
Talk to your GM, and make sure that you'll have a few sessions before any species-related complications start showing up. Give you some time to get your character appreciated on their own merits.
You're only That Guy when you start detracting from your group's fun. And that includes the GM so, again, talk with THEM about this, not Veeky Forums.
Because succubi are pretty, and pretty=good.
There's a 9th level spell in 3.5e DnD that forces an alignment change to good, as well as the helm of opposite alignment.
It'd be a wonderful character, honestly. Were you forced into this? In your heart of hearts, are you still a demon? Is the "you" that became a paladin a real person, or the construction of a mage's ideals? More than one good hero has been written with these sorts of ideas. Even if she chose good of her own accord, there's still a lot of room to work with.
>I dreamt I tore all the skin off my face and was someone else underneath.
>You have problems.
>I’m aware of that.
Why does a whore necessarily have to "change her ways" to become a Paladin?
I don't know about you guys but in pretty much every sword and spells type of game where wine and wenches appear, it's as a backdrop that no one I know has ever really played up the fact of prostitution being illegal in most of the places characters choose to dump gold. Especially in such a province where it might be regulated and treated like any other profession, exactly what about whoring diverts from Paladin ideals anymore than accounting, baking, cartography, driving, editing, etc? It's a customer service profession that requires high amounts of empathy and etiquette among the high-end clientele and providers, and so long as she pays her taxes I'm not seeing anything about it that prevents someone from being both Lawful and Good.
What do you see about it?
Because he is a magical realm enabler.
>Why does a whore necessarily have to "change her ways" to become a Paladin?
>Can a succubus be a paladin?
Anything can be a paladin as long as she finds a patron god willing to take her.
I think every pantheon needs at least one god who is okay with this idea.
>tfw history is magical realm
Examples abound throughout history and into the current day of legal prostitution in perfectly functional societies, so yeah I'm not seeing the "magical realm" bit here. Is it just because any mention of sex existing at all besides "I blow 500g on wine and wenches" is a slippery slope into edgeville? I can get that, and if ex-whore Paladin constantly brings up details of their whoring past I can see it becoming annoying. Exactly as annoying as it is every time anyone else in any other retail or service job brings up the details of their working day. Imagine how much you'd want to beat him with a stick if your party fighter was an autist who just yammered on for hours about the intricacies of his time spent as a dirt farmer or shit miner.
As with any game, bad gaming is worse than no gaming so if the ex-Whore character's player is verbally diarrhetic then shut that shit down or remove it.
What I'm getting at here is that "ex-whore paladin" in a society where whoring is legal is no more or less interesting than "ex-stonemason," or "ex-scribe," or whatever else. It can be a source of background plot exposition, or it can be irrelevant, depending on the player and the setting, because there is no inherent morality to it that isn't inherent in a barkeep, a chocolatier, a gambler or gaming hall proprietor, or really any other commercial enterprise that feeds vices.
Being a succubus, on the other hand, has a guaranteed backstory conflict of some kind that can be explored if the GM wants or ignored; and, either way, as with the inclusion of any evil or presumably-evil character there arises immediate material for interacting with the world in ways other than killing or fucking.
Shouldn't a succubi be a really hideous thing covered in a magical illusion of beauty?
Why would a Succubus hate doing what is explicitly part of her biology ,nature and her ungodly purpose for existance?
That would make sense, but sense isn't as nice to look at is cute chicks with horns and wings.
Depend of the setting.
It's as stupid as having creatures that are pathologically evil.
Now I want my next D&D 5E character to be a bard that was a Chocolatier who wanted to travel the world and sample the chocolates of far off lands so that one day he could become the best Chocolatier in the land.
All of his buffs and debuffs would be flavored as him throwing various types of chocolates into the target's mouth.
It's not stupid to have creatures like that if there are realms that constitute the negative energy in the world and loop back into it. Being fed by and then feeding back bad juju in the form of bad luck, monsters, and rotten attitudes in the hearts of men.
In other words it all depend on the setting.
In a setting like the one you described, would such creatures considered sentient since they only obey their nature and nothing else?
In a setting like the one we live in, would we be considered sentient since we only obey our biological chemistry?
God, these little shits are annoying.
Shoo. People are trying to discuss things.
Animals only obey their needs and follow their instinct of survival. Humans... are more complicated than that.
To stay on topic, are you implying that you've met a succubi IRL?
>trying to discuss thing
>tell people to go away without actually discussing anything
Eh, the issue with the "guaranteed backstory" is that higher powers are immediately brought into play.
While this can be a great plot hook, I don't think a game should ever begin with "So the forces of Hell and Heaven are against you." unless every player is (or was) as powerful as the succubus, it's too much of a spotlight for one player to take up.
That's why I like the prostitute idea, you get the same character archetype but much less in your face.
True enough. Really play up that high Charisma and those ranks in Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) to know who's sleeping with who and wouldn't you rather it be sleeping with me? Also, please donate to charity!
I'm sure it's possible to pull off convincingly, maybe not even that difficult.
My issue is, why in the world would you want to play this concept except for "That Guy" reasons.
Redemption story?
Continuing off of this, another thing to remember is succubus in game.
Succubi are demons and have literal magic seduction.
The entire campaign would just be the succubus subduing threats because even animals would have a hard time challenging her rolls.
Of course you could nerf it into oblivion, but at that point, why even play a succubus?
True but why not play something like a demon or fury, you know, things that aren't return fuel
A succubus is a demon?
This same statement can apply to any magic user to be honest, and especially bards ever since 3.0
OP, you should do this. Maybe the only way to salvage this character idea and stop you from becoming That Guy
>It Ain't Me plays is the distance
Succubus is literally starving herself, can't do magic juju.
Done. All she can do is rely on own charm and abilities given by her new God or whatever.
Build a Paladin Oath of Love. Charisma- based specials focused on Persuasion and Charm effects.
>ctrl + f "magical realm"
>five results
Just fuck off OP.
I don't know if you are the same guy that said the same thing in another thread, but...
The song's name is "Fortunate Son".
Yes, if you're a standard paladin that means you're LG which will mean you'll be hit by spells/abilities that hit things of lawful, good, chaotic, and evil alignment
Succubus isn't a player race, and being able to play a paladin is based on an extraordinarily rare combination of good rolls for attributes.
You cannot choose to be either one.
And you should get kicked out of your group for wanting to bring your character to the table, rather than making a character with your group.
leeewl wat a newfag
go crawl back from whence you came old man
he's right though, you want to be an edgy "everyone thinks I'm evil just because I'm a demon" pally? teiflings are core in 5e. Go wild.
you want to be a turboslut version of the above? be a female spacegoat. or just be a fucking elf chick.
Why is this so interesting a character.
Also that Veeky Forums story about a paladin redeeming a succubus.
Libertarian robot, your time is not now just yet.
Wizards of the Coast actually had a Redeemed Succubus Paladin character who's husband was an Angel in 3.5e. Not even joking this time.
>Or at least why not go maximum fetish and have it be a redeemed Drakhania instead
I remember that being brought up on Veeky Forums before, but as an idea for an NPC. She'd still a horrifying abomination that spawns monsters and fucks up life around her, but wants to use her powers for good, and doesn't really get why the peasants are freaked out after she births a legion of hideous mutants to protect the village from goblins.
Bonus points if she also has an unrequited crush on a party member and goes all "ara ara" on them, and ends up following the PCs around, accidentally causing trouble the PCs must fix.
That's pretty much the end conclusion. When an evil outsider ceases being evil and turns good, they usually change into an appropriate good outsider, particularly given the links between the angelic/demonic hierarchy. There wouldn't really be any 'paladin' mechanics involved, as succubus are already pretty powerful in level equivalence. The process of acting as a paladin would be just that, acting. Using their drain ability only on evil beings as a 'smite' attack and so on. Trying to use what awful powers that infuse them in the most positive ways they can muster.
The reason? Succubus are used to rending souls and corrupting things. Watching people's alignments and good nature get ground into dust and wither away is second nature to them, it sustains them. Being on the receiving end of a harsh smiting shows how it feels on the other side, and certainly it must be a rush of its own. From there, it's curiosity, doing things like deliberately sneaking through sanctified locations or drinking holy water, things that sting and attack directly the evil at the core of their being. And each time they do so, it exposes them to moments of non-evil thoughts that combined with their drive for sensation pushes them further and further to good actions. At some point the holy self-flagellation thing leads them to commit a genuinely good act, which comes with its own complicated emotions which are totally alien. A sense of happiness and pride in yourself. It's such a positive emotion that combines with the widening weakness of their core evil being, which can be the drive to see if they can break the nature of their existance. Maybe they'll simply cease to be. Maybe they'll become angelic. Or turn mortal? They don't know, and that is part of the process. What was once natural or what they called home no longer is so, and it's all a process of discovery to find out where they will become comfortable with themselves.
link it
The only scenario I can think of that might even be slightly feasible is that your Succubus was abandoned as a baby, taken in by a kindly priest and raised up in the church community to continually reinforce goodness and virtue. As a result, she's constantly denying her darker impulses and striving to do good in return for the goodness shown to her as a child.
A female Hellboy, basically.
Elidecia, the Succubus Paladin.
Man, I love the 3.5e archives. All these neat little bonuses and treasures.
Kinda. It depends how you play it out, but a succubus by mere force of will could perhaps be a better person. She'd still have much of her basic nature however, and it wouldn't make sense if it didn't play a role. A demon going paladin requires a massive change in nature, perhaps your succubus tried absorbing the soul of a powerful paladin or minor divine being and the result was too hot to handle and changed her utterly. But even then you'd want to play up the unfamiliarity and conflict of having that goodness growing within a demon.
This first stage of turning good from absolute evil is achieving a mortal perspective.
Hmm... Does a paladin oath require that your heart is actually in it? I could see a demon cursed to follow the path and tenets of a paladins oath against their will. Could be fun.
It can be done, and it doesn't necessarily have to be That Guy. I will say, however, that it takes a lot of consideration for the character in question, as they are operating against established norms in pretty major ways. Ergo, it's absolutely something you need the GM and the other players to be okay with.
Other than that, assuming the setting allows for demons to be more than just balls of evil, you need a reason for redemption and a means to pursue it, outlining a struggle that gives credence to your desire to play this specific character as opposed to just "an evil human who wants to be less evil".
Then again, it depends on the DM. It depends on the setting. It depends on the other players. It depends on everything as to how you tackle this properly. Maybe a serious introspective into the nature of sin will be the selling point, maybe it'll be humor (ala ). The only concrete rules you have to remember is that your character should be fun for everyone and that no means no if your ship doesn't sail.
In any case, the answer to "Can I make a not shitty succubus character who's trying to be a paladin?" sure. Will you? Hell if I know.
>mfw there is always someone
Guess, I'll give an example of one of my characters I had in a campaign a ways back. Her name was Lily and she was a paladin of freedom. However, she was clearly not always a bastion of good.
She began life in the bowels of the Abyss where life was filled with nothing but back stabbing and paranoia fueled survival. She learned to live it and to love it by the time she was weaned, and had nothing else gone awry, that probably would have been the end of it.
However, one day she was summoned by a young man training to be a magician in a far away land, a desperately lonely soul who only wanted a friend, someone to confide in. And after Lily played the part of the faithful ear, he decided to keep her name and continue to summon her throughout the years.
Now, the life of a succubus summon isn't easy. It's nothing but sex, backstabbing, betrayal, and pain. And as the years wore on, Lucy found herself more and more content to have that one place where she could just, well, talk about her problems and his while knowing no one was going to try to kill her.
He'd do research for her sometimes, and she'd do the same for him in return. Flattery and flirtation begat affection and soon the man went looking for a way to make her stay on the plane more permanent.
He succeeded, but was eventually killed for his contract with the succubus, resulting in a hellish existence where she was used by a series of rulers as a play thing. When another soul finally freed her from that hell and showed her kindness, she vowed to start a new life, breaking the chains of others.
While I think the whole redeemed succubus thing is just a fantasy to get our dicks wet, I'll play devil's advocate. Perhaps these people want to go about showing how nothing is irredeemably evil, or some other jazz that I'm not eloquent enough to express in words. Deep philosophical jazz.
That would be giving a huge benefit of the doubt I think, but hey, wouldn't hurt to let them try would it?
There was also the cadre of lawful evil succubi, who had been taken into the possession of an old wizard who just wanted maids that knew something about personal hygiene and didn't stink of brimstone. He imposed on them a series of laws so strict and winding that they basically became lawful over the decades just to find loopholes in the damn contract and the rigor of their routines wore off on them.
tl;dr She got tired of being used by everyone, enough to where she was willing to take out slavers so no one else had to deal with them. She wanted a world where everyone could at least make their own choices.
>Perhaps these people want to go about showing how nothing is irredeemably evil, or some other jazz that I'm not eloquent enough to express in words. Deep philosophical jazz.
Pit fiends never get redeemed though. It's a thoroughly male instinct that leads to redeemed succubi: captain-save-a-ho syndrome.
Long story short: this idea that a woman who is hot but a horrible person can somehow be "saved" from the life that she either chose herself or is inherrent to her nature.
That said, redeemed pit fiends, balor and imps would be pretty awesome. Or we could go for the Nipponese "the demons were good guys all along" route.
Isn't the exact same idea quite common among women? The whole "I can change him" idea, where a woman falls in love with a bad guy and hopes to change him for the better.
Yes, but
>Veeky Forums
Pick one.
Sure, go for it.
You're going to have a damn hard time getting payable succubus stats though, let alone succubus stats that actually resemble the succubus monster in any way, and let alone succubus stats that don't make you a shit Paladin.
>could make an interesting character with a Succubus trying to deny her nature and genuinely do good in the world
>nah lol, let's make her get off by being pure, haha so random and lewd
there are femanons in the terrible players thread
>He doesn't know about the "It Ain't Me" meme
Well it only works if the person who does the saving can get wet from looking at the person they're gonna save. That's why I noted it would be a huge benefit of the doubt.
For this whole redeem the villain idea to ACTUALLY WORK, it needs to be applied universally. Your ugly ass bearded and bone devils get a shot, just as much as the succubus. Of course, who the hell wants to play a redeemed bone devil, or worse a lemure, no matter how awesome the idea and practice actually is.
>Good feels good and she won't even notice the alignment change as she has convinced herself that she can stop at anytime.
Good doesn't feel good to evil outsiders, it feels like an uncomfortable burning sensation in the same way throwing holy water on an undead doesn't feel like a "warm, refreshing bath."
This sounds like a rendition of that Succubus Goddess in a very, very bad way. Taking a character and flipping them to their polar opposite because "lol she felt like it" is an incredibly dumb way to go about this.
im just going to leave this here.
>Well it only works if the person who does the saving can get wet from looking at the person they're gonna save. That's why I noted it would be a huge benefit of the doubt.
The second most popular non-human partner for women, after vampires, is the werewolf, a creature known for little more than being a hideous furred killing machine (and yes, I'm talking about them lusting after the werewolf in wolf form, knotted dick and all.)
The problem isn't the Pit Fiend having a hideous form, the problem is the Pit Fiend is simply that, a physical manifestation of evil and sin. Women don't want that, they want the gentle man trapped behind those burning yellow eyes who is cursed to take that form. They want an opportunity to be the beauty to their beast, and just like in that story find a way to turn him back into the handsome prince she knew he was.
Trashy romance stories tend to follow a very basic pattern, and it typically involves the woman becoming the object of the man's desire; whether that's a vampire lusting after the neck of a countess, the werewolf seeing her as a prime alpha bitch or the demon yearning to use her as his dark queen in some nefarious infernal political plot, the story is less on "fixing" and more on "being his", but in the process change him for the better just as she changes for him.
It seems like it could work for a light hearted game. A demon being reverse corrupted because they start doing good things to break taboos and get addicted to being good (pretty much the opposite of people falling to evil) is a pretty funny idea.
And as long as she doesn't eat souls (or people) and convert them to assfat, that isn't nearly as bad as said succubus goddess.
>ugh why don't you just recognize ky headcanon as the truth, reeeeeeeeeeeee
Firstly y'all need a god. Preferring a god of mercy, beauty, silly justice, or irony. The succubus gets an ass whooping in the name of the lord.
The lord take her prisoner and removes her ability to feed, also she gets the choice to follow her new god and be infused with magical energy from serving the lord, or she starves to death without magic juice.
She might still be slutty if the god allows, but no longer get the soul sucking high. If her addiction was to energy rather than the "acts" of getting the energy, she might become zealous as sin.
Why are people more willing to play or seduce a succubus than a human whore? Why is "hooker with a heart of gold" such a hush-hush thing to discuss?
Succubi are better fuel for magical realm. Whores are boring. Refer to that one oglaf comic: "I need a convoluted narrative to really get off".
Whores are too normal and the big fat fucking faggots that shit up Veeky Forums feel the need to redeem succubi with their malformed little cocks because MUH REVERSAL OF EXPECTATIONS, MUH DECONSTRUCTION and MUH POSTMODERNISM.
You're forgetting it also gets them butthurt to see a girl that sucked a hundred dicks "get away with it" and end up happy and married in a loving relationship, or play the girl as someone respectable and competent.
Succubi get a free pass on this because they're immortal with slut built into their very being. The shape shifting thing means them getting huge dicks shoved into them can be "reversed" too.