Ark will be $10 by Q1 2018, $100 when ArkVM comes out.
Ark will be $10 by Q1 2018, $100 when ArkVM comes out
but first it will drop down to 20k sats. bitcoin is gonna hit $25000 next week and I might use one of my holy bitcoins to buyin then. If my calculations are right, you get way more than buyin for 86k to 120k sats, right? But who would buy in for that price, that's really overpriced.20k is way better than 120k, that's at least my opionion
i don't care what the fuck happens to it, i'm holding til like q4 2018. i only have 150 arkcoins anyway, might add some more to that if there are some decent dips
lol price has already tanked 10%
fear will ripe through all arkies
I bought at 86k. I'm fine since it's a long term hold anyways.
Many of us arkies here got in many months ago. We don't have to worry about fluctuations.
Alle we have to do is vote and wait for the inevitable moon.
how about missing 20-50k $ ... so far?
oh yeah THE MOOOOOOOON lol
Enjoy these comfy early days, my dudes. Close your eyes. Now open them.
You're already in your lambo.
>shitcoin X outperformed shitcoin Y, why didn't you hold shitcoin X all along hueuahueahuehauue
wait this needs some red candles
price in satoshis went down
but still $4 USD
what does it mean?
that we're getting tether'd
What’s ark vm?
If I held bitcoin, I would be over 100k richer than I am. But I went all in at an average of $3.40. So in fiat value, I've profited.
I'm no different than any guy who sold bitcoin in the past. Nobody predicted 15k before 2018, so I don't blame myself. I'm happy to own a coin that has good dev's, good community, and can be staked.
And Bitcoin will be 200,000 a pop
I will tell you a secret: there is this new totally rad yet not fully common instrument where you can tip in any thing you want to know sth about. It is called GOOGLE
That's whole 14x with the risk of getting finexed. Wow amazing. Enjoy your tulipcoin.
can trade ark with tether..
so i can sell ark for tether then buy btc then buy more ark than i started ??
or you know, you could just sell ARK directly for BTC
I'm happy that I currently own 5.5 Bitcoins, but everyone has his preferences I guess
whats the point in that
>some retards bought ark at 100k
>buy high sell low
stop it your ruining my unlimited ark loophole scheme
Well they said the same about people who bought BTC shortly before the 1k crash. Ark still has potential to moon way beyond that.
You guys are supposed to be shilling me on your shitcoins retard Ffs and can get a shorthand synopsis from someone invested versus digging through google but okay buddy very edgy of you
The delusion infects those who read about the coin. The infection is self-aware, it's trying to spread.