Whats the verdict?
Did it boost the sales trying to imitate W40k?
Whats the verdict?
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My local store is absolutely flooded with AoS players. Went in three days this week and only saw one game of 40k. Its anecdotal but ive seen more AoS games and players in a week than I saw fantasy played in store over years (outside of special WHFB nights)
Ohh look.
Its that thread again.
Its simple. we do not know. GW does not publish sales data. Nor do we know anything about a global player base, so there is no way to give more than a local overview.
From what I heard locally, its much more popular than fantasy, which has a lot to do with not needing like 250 models to play that.
Very single WHFB player I've met hates the system with the strength of a thousand suns. However, I've since met.... 3-4? AoS players at the local club. I'll admit, the rules are shit and they are not the sharpest tools in the shed, but the enthusiasm they have for such a game is truly something.
At the last demo day they managed to get a bunch of 6-7 years old to play the game, and the kids loved it. If that means something, I dunnow.
Local scene keeps being overrun by WH40k and Bolt Action, though.
It's fun.
In the last two weeks at the GW store we had one 40k match and at least two/three four players match every day.
The campaign and the new releases are really helping.
Same for the other FLGSes besides for one that straight up banned the game on release lmfao.
People expect the store to fail within the next year since it had almost nobody showing up in the last months.
We don't know.
GW doesn't publish any data.
All we have our anecdotes, my club hasn't sold a single of the rule books or boxes they bought on launch except for one starter box, but other people will tell you they are up to their tits in sigmarines.
Personally I don't get the appeal. The models are pretty low quality, obscenely priced, the rules are mediocre at best and the lore is half assed, even the art looks like shit, but whatever.
My local GW store has a few people who still play fantasy. The number definitely dropped with AoS. Very few games are played, maybe one every 2-3 weeks that I've seen.
People are liking the new models though, but that is because we like painting. One of the chicks there collected wood elves and got real excited with the giant bug thing.
Locally our stable, happy, WHFB community disappeared overnight and even the local GW store has apparently had people interested, but find it hard to get two such interested people in the store at the same time in order to get a game in.
But then that's in Australia with the 'fuck you' tax on all GW products so of course there will be shit all interest.
That's more or less what happened with with my store too.
Australia tax is brutal, I feel you.
Ironjawz, Flesheaters and especially Sylvaneth all did very well and are still sold out in some places.
that happened originally at my flgs too.
but the local Blackshirt has been running a slow grow campaign that seems to have worked well for getting people into it and they play pretty regularly there now.
In my club AoS has enormous potential, but Fantasy players (or Fantasy Lawyers, as we call them) are strongly against and being fags as always.
I mean, i have this guys that are interested in trying it, and they come uninvited to talk thrash about it.
The butthurt is immense.
>The butthurt is immense.
That's kind of inevitable when GW's business model is "fuck the players, we'll just replace them." People don't just disappear once they get burnt out by GW's shitty practices, they stick around and hype up other games and drag people away from GW.
I was never a huge WHFB fan, mostly because the game was a typical GW style convoluted mess, but I did love the lore.
AoS basically trashed it all for multidimensional WoW.
The game itself is ok. With points and scenarios it is now GW's best game, but that's not much of an accomplishment.
Silver Tower is fun as hell, however.
Are you me? My store is over run with AoS, particularly lizards. and in the past month I could count the number of 40k games played on my hands. I think its fantastic and I think the system is a ton of fun.
What is with Australia?
It's too far, and there's a flat 10% tax on anything other than non-essential foods.
Don't know about the sales compared to 40k, but the AoS general threads have been moving pretty fast with a new one being created and reaching its bump limit about every day, and the shitposting has been kept to a minimum. That's got to account for something. We frequently get beginners questions and discuss getting started.
In my store AoS has now beaten 40k, most players are into aos as some of the old fantasy players are now trying out the new points system. Most of these were preachers of how bad aos was when it first came out. Now thanks to the points they are trying it, and some are enjoying it!
Makes me proud of sticking with aos since the beginning *snif*
I don't think that was the case, before warhammer was canned it was 2% of sales- something had to be done and it caused all these players to come out of the woodwork who statistically not bought anything more than a pot of devlan mud in a year- fuck those guys, they're to blame as well
It's currently a better written rulesystem than 40k.
>The butthurt is immense
Can you blame them? Why would GW pick the most deceptive and harsh way to kill WHFB. Theres so much about that situation that they couldve and shouldve done better.
>2% of sales
>a flat 10% tax on anything other than non-essential foods
Europoor here, most of European countries have around 20% VAT on everything (except essential foods and some state-approved meds).
The Global Campaign seems like the best indicator of it's popularity so far.
Even the LGS in my small town has had multiple results put up.
>it was 2% of sales
At my store we had about half a dozen whfb players, myself included. 20 or so 40k players.
I found that most of the whfb players moved to 40k/heresy and shelved their armies. I like whfb rules but I was primarily a painter. Now I'm entirely a painter, getting I to heresy slowly though.
AoS introduced about 13-15 totally new people to the store, and the fantasy players still buy gw, just not whfb any more.
Probably worth noting that me and the whfb players bought very little compared to the other customers. We already had fully painted established armies. Doesn't mean I was happy shelving 300+ miniatures.
AoS customers are always buying (very rarely painting it seems) and I feel they're a different kind of fan. As another user said, they're more 'hipster', typical wow player of you like.
Personally, as someone who considers whfb my favourite system, the traps I despise AoS is the lore, its no where near dark enough, there's far too many plot holes and 'lol who gives a shit about canon' moments. But I can understand the appeal, just not my thing.
I miss grimdark 40k too :( pic related, was some AMAZING grimdark in that trailer.
I really like High Fantasy
>The models are pretty low quality, obscenely priced, the rules are mediocre at best and the lore is half assed, even the art looks like shit, but whatever.
I think you are confusing opinion with fact. Some of the artwork, and some models (looking at you Fyreslayers) are undeniably shit, but for the most part the model range is really good.
The rules bit is entirely subjective as well.
>was 2% of sales-
Now that we are getting other stuff than dull Sigmarines and boring old Chaos, it's actually shaping up to become pretty cool.
Failed here in New Zealand. Nobody is interested in it.
Heard it's the same across the ditch in Aus, but I've only been to Sydney in the past year so I can't confirm.
That's mostly because Games Workshop hates both of you.
Anyone got a download link to the General's Handbook? I'm still trying to find a decent source for gaming files since KAT went down.
]someone uploaded it in /aosg/ check out the mega or something
>age of sigmar is actually good when the focus is on its antecedent warhammer fantasy elements
I kinda like that they are breaking up armies into thematic armies.
It has certainly improved sales, but I feel that is more due to there being more releases in the period of time and the fact that something new and shiny will always sell more than something older. At both o the stores I got to no one plays it, but I am sure that there is a scene at a nearby GW store.
If you really want to play fantasy skirmish you should try something like A Song of Blade and Heroes instead, it easily outdoes AoS in the rules and your dudes department. Warmachine and Malifaux are more popular options that are also nice.
>Lightnin' Lad - Stormcast Eternal
I can't help but think would sales for whbf be better than sigmar if GW had waited until Vermin tide and total warhammer to be released?
I'm saying this as someone who has never owned a warhammer army but always secretly wanted one and now that I've been playing total warhammer all I want is too start up an army. But I just can't get into age of sigmars models, but every time I go into my local game store theirs a unsold two army starter box of the original warhammer fantasy staring at me. And every time I remind myself "Even if I found someone else to play it would be slim picking for building up that small militia into a glorious army."
and so it remains on the shelf surrounded by sigmar models that are also going unsold.
I mean for christ sake in total warhammer theirs an AD that says "Now that you've played the game check out the models" and it takes you to a webpage on there website where almost all the models are out of stock.
I've personally started up a Age of Sigmar army. I like the factions, some of the stories, and a few of the miniatures are really nice. The rules are way easier than the monstrous WHFB book
I mean, I'll be totally honest: I think only true neckbeards played WHFB. It was huge, had a mind boggling set of rules, and was for all accounts, hard to get into. You needed huge armies, and the armies were all sort of imbalanced. I met tons of AoS players who wanted to get into it, ut were turned off fron WHFB due to its size. The 4 page rules are far superior, in that it is servicable to people who arent indepth tactians.
>an AD takes you to a webpage where almost all the models are out of stock.
>before warhammer was canned it was 2% of sales
>posting this reaction to that image 3 times already
At first AoS was a major flop but it seems like its starting to pay off for gw because its easy for people to get into (assuming they can pay the entry fee)
the game and lore is still shit imo. gw really dropped the ball with this one which is a shame because it had a lot of potential
NO ONE is playing 40k in my gee dub anymore
and we are starting to counter cheesy players to make them play normally
The WHFB was only getting worse over time. At least AoS lore has the chance of getting better over time.
Well gee, I guess kevin rountree isn't a close personal friend then. Thanks anonymous americans for telling a nottingham resident that he's wrong and the guys he meets on a daily basis and incidentally have a hand in running GW must be lying to me.
Also Bloodbowl release is end of sept this year- you're welcome- around the 24th or 26th.
>which has a lot to do with not needing like 250 models to play that.
Blatantly false, AoS units still consist of the same amount of models as the 8th edition ones.
Wrong, the army size is much smaller- I'd say close to half of what was required in the dying days of fantasy
> Total War: Warhammer estimated to have ~800k sales at full retail price
> ~£32m
> Steam sales will only push that higher
> Released 2 months ago
> Leaks detailing at least 3 xpacs and racial addons, plus buckets of free content and minor mods
> GW made £55m in the 6 months after AoS release
> Inclusive of all 40k, 30k, FW, WhFB leftovers and royalties
Seems like the Old World was great and a [spiler]decent[/spoiler] 9th edition would have kept the dream going.
I don't know why they destroyed the planet if they were going to keep all the same factions led by the same people with the same motivations, only now in spaaaaace.
Skaven and Skeleton units are still 30-40.
But you only need one for an army, instead of the 3-5 blocks of 30-40 you needed at the end of fantasy.
>kevin rountree is my personal and bestest friend in the whole wide world! honest guise! we play age of sigmar together and everything before making for the mosque
>the army size is much smaller
And just as expensive
AoS has gotten much better in just a year. Your pessimism does you no credit.
>Implying nottingham isn't overrun by devout christian blacks that love putting on their shitty gangster rap music in front of Brian Clough's statue and they manage to brick every religious house that isn't some strange sect to Yahweh or some evangelical cult.
The sculpt quality has largely soared though, the new wood elf on a stag beetle is absolutely gorgeous
>AoS has gotten much better in just a year.
putting out another stormcast eternal army and a some 40k mega nobz isnt much of an improvement. maybe the addition of a point system will be worth something but I doubt anyone actually cares at this point because everyone e content with the "no point" system its currently on
>maybe the addition of a point system will be worth something but I doubt anyone actually cares at this point
For the first time in memory GW have started pricing their books right. The big book for AoS's matched play is like £15 and it's hefty. The rulesbooks are cheap, like £10 or £20 and the rules are all free online.
I know for a fact, the midland stores all sold out of the general's book (for matched play) within the week so clearly people are willing to give it another go. However I know a lot of people have jumped ship to Antares and other Warlord games and KoW.
A 2000 pts army needs two battleline units. And that's just the battleline units, other units need large amounts of models as well.
What does AOS have in common with WOW? You know, other than the things that Warcraft stole from Warhammer in the first place?
Battleline units are just 40k's troop choices, why does that inflate the size of an army? Woopdedoop, you need like 30 skeletons and 30 zombies for 2000pts. My old VC fantasy army had 200 skeletons at 2000pts, and I needed around 100 zombies for summoning spam.
Yeah but if I wanted to collect a big aos army it would be more expensive than a 40k army
30 skeletons and 30 zombies aren't enough for a full army though.
>As another user said, they're more 'hipster', typical wow player of you like.
What the fuck does this mean? Wow players aren't exactly what I think of as hipsters.
Why? Imperial guard cost major $$$, but space marines are cheap
Same applies to AoS armies, some will always be cheaper and others more expensive. If you are telling me any big AoS army costs as much as a large IG army you're completely off the mark
Duh, but they wouldn't have been in fantasy? So i don't get your point. In fantasy I still had all the beasties which now in AoS are priced higher in matched play so I need less. My 4000pts of Brets now do me for any combination of AoS Brets I will ever need, I've been playing games of the same relative point value but with half the models.
Yeah, because Warhammer Fantasy definate didn't have any Chaos in it, not at all, that's totally new to AOS.
5 sigmarines(basic infranfty) = 1 leman russ battle tank
>Duh, but they wouldn't have been in fantasy
I'm not claiming the 8th edition didn't require a lot of models, I'm implying that AoS doesn't require much less.
If you think this you've obviously never played.
Your question is shit,OP because AoS is nothing like 40k except for the fact it's on round bases.
>If you think this you've obviously never played.
No one cares about free play, for most of us AoS didn't even exist before matched play.
I have 9 in my IG army, and that's just Lemons. My sigmarine army model count is like, 36?
I hadn't played until a month ago, and I'd been really sceptical- I told the guys I play with that I wouldn't touch AoS with a stick etc etc but I don't know- it is more fun, and it plays better with fantasy, which became- "The Better List Wins: The Game", or the game where two armies just collide in two lines. I still told jervis that not putting a formal points system in is stupid and I still don't see why they needed to change all the names- even the ones which couldn't legally be claimed anyway
>some will always be cheaper and others more expensive.
Yeah. because not all of them are updated for AoS yet
Also you can get much more imperial guard for you money than any currently updated sigmar army
>the game where two armies just collide in two lines.
literally age of sigmar. not even shitposting go read 'A Tabletop Gamer's Diary' blog which is full of AoS batreps. They pretty much all end up that way.
>Also you can get much more imperial guard for you money than any currently updated sigmar army
Hmmmm no. Like the starter set can be bought piecemeal off ebay for comparatively nothing to IG. Especially with IG now being in 10 man and 5 man boxes.
Have you played it? Cause if you're gonna base your factual perception of a game from a blog then you're not running on strong evidence. Our games so far have been quite fun, and we've found the trick is to break up the board centre with terrain too- as they started to advise with fantasy before it went. Honestly, have a go first
>the game where two armies just collide in two lines.
yep it makes 40k look like an actually competitive strategy game by comparison
>Whats the verdict?
There is no verdict.
The base for Warhammer players is incredibly diverse, basically scattered across two continents.
There are no hard facts available to us right now for if it's successful or not.
Anecdotal opinions are generally shit. Especially because most of the time when people give their anecdotes they aren't even giving real anecdotes, they're either pissed off ex-fantasy or AOS shills trying to make things seem good.
I can tell you that personally, I think Age of Sigmar is total shit and I hope that it doesn't succeed, but that's not a statement of if it will succeed or not. Lots of things I dislike succeed.
Why are you here then? Goddamn I will never understand your ilk
>Whats the verdict?
"Fuck this, just play 9th."
I don't see anyone playing it, and while we don't know specific numbers for individual GW products, we know sales and market share have both dropped like a stone since AoS released.
I'm sure it has communities elsewhere though.
>Hmmmm no. Like the starter set can be bought piecemeal off ebay for comparatively nothing to IG. Especially with IG now being in 10 man and 5 man boxes.
im talking full gw price. you can get anything dirt cheep second hand. even with the 10 man boxes you can still get double the guardsmen for less than you buy 5 liberators
because im a dumb enough to argue on the internet
It's more popular at my FLGS than WHFB has been in ten years. At least 60+people preorderd the General's Cookbook and it seems to be more popular than 40k.
>imitate W40k
This a squad based version of LotR Strategy battle game, this has almost nothing 40k like, if your going to troll at least do it right...
This isn't a "Praise Age of Sigmar" thread.
Spess mehreens tho
>60+people preorderd
>implying the AoS rules are anywhere near as good as LotR's
Good one user.
>im talking full gw price. you can get anything dirt cheep second hand. even with the 10 man boxes you can still get double the guardsmen for less than you buy 5 liberators
Again, no. Unless you want to personally strip 100 guardsman that little timmy murdered one christmas aged 9, then no- you cannot get an army's worth of IG for less than you can get the brand new starter set Sigmarines. If you think you can get a full IG army for less than a Sigmarine army, send me the URLs for the models and I'll literally send you the money across paypal, that's how sure I am you're full of shit, salty salty shit.
It's a pretty big number considering that we only have like 100k people living in my town.
Warhammer world sold 78ish starter sets for AoS the first week and they lost their shit over it. We are a small hobby anons, that's why I can never understand people wanting it to fail. If GW went we would never have something of its like again.
GW is not going to go under because AoS fails. We already know the company is being held afloat by sales of spess mareens alone. If anything they'd just sell even more spess mareens if AoS disappeared.
It would be sad though, to see what should theoretically be the Yang to 40K's Ying disappear. I'm not gonna will AoS to fail, I feel betrayed over fantasy and the first year of AoS and GW's approach with it. But I've been the hobby for 20ish years and I owe them at least another chance with the general's handbook and relaunch to not swear off the game prematurely.
The only thing AoS did wrong was destroy the WHFB lore and not introduce point costs and a serious ruleset with some attempt at game balance from the get go instead of giving bonuses for screaming in a store.
New models, round bases, smaller game size are all good ideas that worked better than WHFB. I don't like Stormcast Eternals but they seem popular.
I just hope that GW puts out good products and keep improving their PR. I also think people that wants something to fail tends to be bitter shitheads.
>I also think people that wants something to fail tends to be bitter shitheads.
Luckily for us too, they're generally poor and don't contribute to the business model anyway. All the dickheads that complained about AoS in my Kent store were the guys on the dole with sweat stained trackies who only bought a model a year.
I know for a fact kevin will be pushing bloodbowl out to all toy retailers, and it's already been done with quest. I really want to see some normies in the hobby, with the last 5 years of fantasy I could barely find a game. I would love your average bloke off the street to have an interest, in the same way board game bars and cafes are springing up all over the UK.