They are killing alts on purpose
They are killing alts on purpose
Bitcoin=useless tech
Altcoins=real coins and future technologies
But dumb money keeps flowing into the useless old baby boomer
Digital gold bro
Yes, this is what tether was created for.
The issue for them is that they are going to end up impaling themselves on their own sword when it pops.
Don't fight the future. BTC is the chosen one
>at tether was created for.
>The issue for them
Tether is the biggest scam.
They'll sell it to you at a dollar but they won't it back. Backed by the dollar my ass.
altcoins can never die, only the Veeky Forumstards who buy them
Tether isn't meant for you and me.
It will flip. DO NOT SELL ALTS. sorry for caps, just got to remind some of you "drunk" stoned" "ripped" "fucked up" "slow" "instant gratification" "daytraders" that this is a new shift in technology and that you are an early adopter. How many people do you know who own "Iota" or "Safex" or "Req" or "Coss" or "any other alt" right now?
Calm the fuck down people. Just walk away from your computer and enjoy the vertical ride on all alts and BTC once futures start trading. Do you all not understand how much money wants in crypto but doesn't trust the shitty exchanges and wallets with 100s of millions in investment money? Damn you guys crack me up sometimes.
Wait just 1 month before trading again and see where your portfolio is. (Donations can be made to your local animal shelter or homeless shelter - I don't want your $5 tip through my crypto address that I am not going to post here).
>Be (((they)))
>See goyim making money off of crypto
>Moon bitcoin to kill the alt market
>Crash BTC after putting in a ton of short orders to make those extra shekels
>Goyim never make it
>Goyim flood back into (((Their))) investment firms to get 1% ROI per year again
>(((They))) win again
Hop into sum BCH after the pop monica
>No coiner cope
I refer you to this thread of alt holders
Note I hold a lot of alts as well, but after reading through this, it's a gamble. People want BTC, there's only a limited amount. The more people hodl to it, the less and less is available on the market. I say it's a good idea now to get in and get some BTC while it's still cheap and massively available because as more people hodl, there will be less and less transacted upon.
Whoops meant to tag you
The only way for must of us to acquire more btc is by trading alts. I would be ok with btc going retarded once a week. Doing it everyday is killing any kind of profitability alts had. GG. Just sold all my alts at a msssive loss and holding my 0.8 btc until this stops (won't stop but whatever).
I also refer you to this thread of altcoiners BTFO
Yeah I also moved pretty much all my shit to BTC at a huge loss, but who cares. I don't regret it at all, even if the alts moon back, BTC is the COMFIEST fucking hold. Seriously.
Thsi thread damn it
You never held from 2014 until 2016
You will.
I held from 2013 to today, I still have my original BTC from back then and I mined a shit ton of alt coins (most of them are dead today, seriously). Granted I didn't have that much BTC back then etiher because who the fuck knew BTC would go parabolic 4 years later?
Yeah those people are retarded. Most of us know when to get out of alts and still got fucked big time. Not 90% fucked like the retards in that thread but still. Also I don't get how the fuck do they lose that much. Btc didn't go up 1k everyday this year like it's doing these past few days.
fuck this tether conspiracy.
bithumb and coinone have the highest price 18k and by far the highest volume. and they have no fuckin tether
If you've been through crypto winter then you should not say things like 'BTC is the COMFIEST hold'. It can be very painful at times.
China has their own methods for making the price high.
Korean exchanges, chinese traders.
t. guy who has not read a single alt whitepaper
Also I know you are a BCH shill. I shilled the shit out of BCH for the longest time. I had majority of my holdings of BCH and started buying back when it was $550. I remember the exchange rate of 2 Ethereum for 1.1 BCH and I remember 0.075 BTC for 1 BCH. I did these trades early on.
I got in really early, I experienced the mooning from $550 to $2800 and the gradual decline from $1800 to $900, the rise back to $1100, then the next rise to 0.22 BTC on Thanksgiving.
Then the very slow decline to now 0.087, I held through all these points and sold the last remainder of my BCH (had around 18) at 0.094 a HUGE FUCKING LOSS compared to if I sold at 0.17 which it stayed at for the longest time.
The main reason I switched to BTC is BCH is fighting a losing battle here. BTC has too much community support, too many developers working on it, and too much money already riding on BTC becoming the winner in the end.
I don't think politics matter about Blockstream being a corporation that supports banks and shit matters here, people just want to make money, and people do that through BTC.
I Should have sold my BCH earlier but fuck I lost out on a lot of potential gains by holding alts too long.
It was the comfiest hold out of every other coin available even back then... Are you trolling? How was it painful holding BTC? "Ahh god this superior coin is burning my hands, better trade it for some alts or fiat"
btw most of those alts are dead now. Pretty much every alt from 2013 is dead, every alt from 2014 is dead, every alt from 2015 is dead, 2016, and so on.
BCH outperformed BTC so far
If you bought at $200 like you should have.
Holding BTC through crypto winter was not comfy in the slightest.
learn to space your posts properly.
What sucks is that this is pretty much exactly what is happening. Can't we just start a pogrom or something?
"BCH outperformed BTC so far"
This was true to a point, I don't know if this is true now.
BCH was not a comfy hold at all for me during the times it would decline. I had a hard time selling it because I was emotionally attached after seeing it moon so hard (doing 7x the value I got it for in just 2 days). Very luckily I started selling them bit by bit while they were above 0.13, and for the longest time that was the floor.
That floor was breached completely yesterday and I didn't expect it to go under 0.12 but it did. Then it broke through 0.11 then 0.10 and I was like, fuck, and sold at 0.94.
Still technically a profit from buying at 0.075, but a loss from 0.22 or 0.16 or 0.17 three points I really considered selling at but wasn't strong enough to pull the trigger (flippening meme). Hindsight is 20/20.
But yeah every single day I held BCH I just saw it declining. Every other coin was fucking going up and BCH was falling. It was not a good hold.
Buy high, sell low, you did it.
At this point is buy low or high and be forced to sell lower. What part of alts are not going to recover 200% overnight don't you understand.
MANA was up over 200% today from yesterday. Just putting that out there.
1 obscure alt no one has ever heard of vs the entire top 100 on CMC.
>See goyim making money off of crypto
The first major exchange was owned by a jew
why do neets pretend they know better?
I heard about it. Still holding 20k from the ICO with 10k staked for the land auction. Maybe you should try doing your own research instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums all day?
Seriously though guys, is there any explanation as to why BTC suddenly spiked while almost all alts dipped without warning?
It seems way too strange.