Would you play an incredibly good board game if there was a 5% chance it would break your arm?

Would you play an incredibly good board game if there was a 5% chance it would break your arm?



What kind of stupid question is that? And why did it make me unreasonably angry? Fuck you OP.


Every time you step outside, you risk getting run over by a truck. You'd be a fool not to play this game.

sure, 5% isn't that much and breaking an arm isn't all that bad, i think.

I refuse to play games on the basis I might actually have fun.

This isn't manga. Trucks aren't that vicious in real life

Depends on what the game is

tell that to the french.


Fuck you OP, I'm not playing again.

Fuck no. Six to eight weeks of being out of work due to my arms being a vital component to my work is not worth any game.

I already lost one arm to cross-country endurance fapping. I can't afford to lose another.

>tfw you work at home and have your groceries delivered to your front door for you so you only ever have to leave the house once every few years to renew your photo I.D. at the DMV.

Are you, by any chance, a games designer?

Well, there was this one time I was in a really intense game of chess...

Don't lie user, we all know it was checkers.

Been 50% there.

Wouldn't describe it as "incredibly good" or "good" even.

But bones were broken.

The chance of getting run over by a truck is much, much, much less than 5%. Nice's events didn't even raise the chance that much;


Fuck yes. Both for the novelty of playing an incredibly good board game and breaking my arm. I've had many injuries in my life. I've food-poisoned myself so badly I nearly died and had hallucinations of worms crawling out of my mouth and over my skin. I've had bruises so deep I couldn't walk, that they didn't show up on my skin for days after. I've sprained fucking everything. I've dislocated shit. I've been awake and aware (though anesthetized) for wisdom tooth extraction. (And that was fucking awesome. Having power tools working in your mouth is fucking METAL.) But I've never had a broken bone.

It is interesting isn't it? The wisdom tooth thing? I could definitely feel it a bit when he was wrenching that fucker out of my mouth.

A lot of it was in the jaw, actually.

It depends on whether the enjoyment of the board game is more than the amount of negative feelings that come with breaking my arm.

Yeah, I thought it was fucking incredible how I could feel anything, but all I was feeling was pressure and not pain. And hearing everything through the bones. That was simultaneously creepy and awesome. Especially when they didn't wrench out right and he had to crack the lowers like peanuts to get 'em out.

That's not even a legal play configuration. And why the hell is the chance deck faceup?

how good we talking, here?

No. No sane, rational individual would ever make a habit of doing something that had a 5% chance of catastrophic failure on a regular basis.

Which is why fumble rules are goddamn stupid.

Which is why most decent games don't have them. Not even D&D. I don't know why so many idiots houserule fumbles in.

that's why.

It's a google pic. It was the closest picture I could find to the incident. Hadn't noticed the cards in the background.

Dipshit who shall remain unnamed houseruled that you could build Hotels+ whatever up to 4 hotels on a property and just add the amount on when you landed on it.

Unfortunately dipshit, who was playing the boat despite me calling dibs on the boat first the fucking tosser, didn't tell all of us this FUCKING GENIUS rule.

Also there was alcohol.

Game ended after the micro-brawl and Mayfarefag, that one fag who always bum rushes to get Mayfare and does EVERY FUCKING GAME, caused regrettable damage to the sofa after drunkbro picked him up and tried to get him to land on the floor underneath the sofa.

Then we all got more smashed and watched Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure for the umpteenth time.

Next day we took Mayfarefag to the hospital because his arm was all fucked up and hurting and swollen.

Are we talking good or really, really good? If it was good enough just cut your arms, problem solved

why did you make this thread?

You won't want to talk about anything else for two months.

too soon?

Okay. I'd play the fuck outa some Jumanji. Heck I'd play the shit out some Zathura too.

If it truly was the best tabletop / board game ever made I'd risk getting my legs blown off for it.

I don't know, I'd definitely keep a confirmed magic board around but actually playing it?
Doubt I'd have the nerve to roll the dice. You're signing yourself in to probable death or injury with no real payoff here.

Unless I guess you got the hunter and looted him. He had some mad cash. Though that would disappear on victory.

>Kill the hunter dude
>Take his antique rifle
>Auction it for top dollar to some collector
>Finish game
>rifle vanishes without a trace


I see you've heard about the chess club I used to play at.

You mean like Discount Salmon? Yeah, probably. Why, sup?

>boardwalk is next to go

>Playing Monobologna
>Recognizing exact details of the board
>getting triggered when they're wrong
user, I don't know if there's a delicate way to tell you this, but you're my hero.

Only if there's a 50% chance of boning that loli.

I live my entire life knowing there is a chance I could be dead. Fuck your board game.


5% is 1 in 20, which is pretty high for such a serious injury. I've broken my right arm twice, and as a right-handed person, it fucking sucks.

But I would totally play it if it was really fucking fun.

Is this about critical failures?

That's where it's always been when I've played it.
I checked and that's also where it is in this board from online, *PLUS* the original patent.

Are you guys getting its placement mixed up with Park Place?

I sit here now with a broken pinky. Shit sucks bad. There is no amount of money I would take to lose any degree of function in my hand or anywhere else on my body. Fuck money, fuck broken bones, and fuck your game, OP.

What about Jumanji?
Checkmate Atheists.