Hive Queen Quest 59

Devon wakes abruptly to the sound of medical equipment humming quietly in the room, beeping intermittently. The room is illuminated by a soft light entering from the window, where the clamor of city traffic can be heard amid the distant skyline of New Prescott's capital district. He shifts in the hospital bed, propping himself up on a sore elbow as he struggles to look out through the window, catching a distant glimpse of what looks like the parliament building's main towers hazily silhouetted against a morning sunrise. The door opens with a hiss as a man in a medical smock walks in holding a data pad followed by a small autonomous cart covered in various medical equipment.

Your drones examine the area, sensing the general locations of your hosts. Decker floats in a medical tank hardly a hundred meters away as your parasite struggles to open his eyes to see a number of robotic figures operating several consoles nearby with cables flowing from the back of their metallic heads into the ceiling, sliding through a mesh as they move through the room. Through the mesh, wires extend upwards and out of sight in a complex network of scaffolding and circuitry as computer voices call out various commands and announcements in various trade language dialects.

Welcome back to Hive Queen Quest!

>Archives Queen Quest
>Various pasta
>Discussion page

[You feel the notice of a Distant Mind]
>Psionic research has received a small boost
>Slip drives have a 10% chance to alert you to their usage

>Current resource reserves
Nutrients: 29,907,595N
Metals: 29,208,679M
Credits: ₡602,226
Credits in Lyle’s account: ₡1,175,000

Active trade routes
>Leeland – Lanway: HMS Orphan, Captain John Spreckels
[FormOther brand Fusion Reactors]

>Construction underway
[Fast Assault Fleet] x5

>Formed fleets and orders
Citadel Hive Ship – [Awaiting orders]
Small Heavy Defense Fleet [Patrolling Leeland space]
10 Heavy Battle Fleet [Awaiting orders]
5 Missile Ambush Fleet [Awaiting orders]
25 Light Fleets [Awaiting orders]
20 Light Fleets [Under construction]

Clone upkeep/special projects and expenses
25 Human captives of the USV Hope – 750
3 Taidaren Hybrids (105)
4 Human flash clone upkeep – 120
18 Human hybrid clone upkeep – 540
[Hive space]
100 Human Hybrids – 3,000
Lyle Rogers – 57
Jackob Eisner – 56
Dillon Reager – 30
Clone/project upkeep – 3,908N

Metals: 2,950,500
Nutrients: 7,636,000

Total upkeep
Nutrient costs: 6,294,510

(Nutrient stat + structures) * 1k * dev score + modifiers = Nutrient income total
(Metal stat + structures) * dev score + modifiers = Metal income total


Hive Territory
*Leeland (capital)
N 60+40
M 45
Development 50


Defensive structures
>Surface to Orbit Missile System: Uses long range missiles to attack enemy ships in the system (1KN, Additional costs per launch)
>Anti-orbital batteries: Directly attacks enemy ships in orbit (8KN)
Military structures
>Hangar facilities: Deploys atmospheric and orbital drones to intercept attackers, uses aerodynamic and fighter drone designs (4KN)
>Psionic Shroud: Conceals hive activity from psionic senses (1KN)
Industrial structures
>Docking Pylon: (2000) (100KN)
[Empty docks: 8000/8000]
Economic Structures
>Capillary Tower [under construction]
>Smart Mines active: Calculates development stat twice for metal income
>Algae Farm: +25N
>Film harvester dock: +15N
Asteroid mining base: 50KM per day added to nearest planet.

N 90+20
M 10
Development 25


Defensive structures
>Surface to Orbit Missile System (1KN)
>Anti-orbital batteries: 35/35 (8KNN)
Economic structures
>Bloodroot collectors: Pipes running from Bloodroot trees extract nutrient rich sap +20N
>Greystalk farms: [under construction]
>Greenwall pit: Genetically engineered plant efficiently recycles waste material, Extra N income x2
>Temple alter: A place for the Ralighan locals to worship and bring offerings to your hive, built in the likeness of your local fake queen, +500N per day

>Orbital docking pylon: Space for docking and construction of 4 sub capitals or 1 capital ship, (50N)
[Empty docks: 0/4]
>Mining corvette salvage operations +2,688,000M per day (+8000M per corvette)

Derelict Sensor array

Glassed Hive world
N 0
M 100
D 10


>Smart mine mantle excavation: Calculates development stat 3 times for metal income

Deep space waystation
>100 docking pylons (10KN)
[Empty docks 400/400]

Aw yiss, one of the first one here. Time to vote to make Lee a sweet magnito helmet out of anti mind rock



Finished Research

>Tribble dissection
A small, fur covered fist sized ball, the Tribble uses a collection of thorny antennae to help perceive its surroundings, giving it the ability to sense possible food sources, and run from possible predators. Its collection of muscles and tiny claws along its underside allow it to scoot along the ground or cling to surfaces, climbing or scampering with surprising speed while its small mouth of grinding plates can quickly gnaw through nearly anything, edible or not. The Tribble has no notable defense mechanism, save one. Its reproductive system is capable of passively gathering genetic material from other Tribbles through casual contact, but can also give birth to clones of the mother, reproducing without any mates very shortly after its own birth. All Tribbles are hermaphrodites, meaning a population can very quickly multiply in almost any situation. Their reproductive organs are highly adaptive, consisting of a number of small, seed-like organs surrounded by a hard shell and capable of continuing to function after death. When a Tribble is eaten in the wild, it's reproductive organs grow a thick mucus lining that causes it to stick to the insides of the new host creature's digestive track, where it absorbs nutrients to continue to produce the tiny, sesame seed sized eggs which are passed through the host's system harmlessly, causing the predator to help spread the now dead Tribble's prodigy long after it had been eaten, leading to situations where Tribble infestations are known to occur seemingly out of nowhere wherever other meat eating animals are held. The Tribble itself is rather sweet and tender in taste and texture, making it a prime meal among poor or those who work with animals and have regular contact with them, which only serves to help spread the Tribble infestation and ensure it is never fully extinguished.

Damn am I glad you're running regularly again. Feels good.

>Carnotar dissection
A massive, highly territorial bipedal predator, the Carnatar is actually largely a kind of bullying scavenger, lumbering in on a smaller feeding predator and driving it away from its kill, however it is perfectly capable of hunting on its own, using its two powerful legs to sprint short distances and allow it to kill the large herd animals that wander its planet's grasslands. The Carnitar is a lone hunter, only interacting with others of its kind to fight for territory or to mate, with mating almost always ending in violence afterwards as the female attempts to kill her mate. The female Carnatar has little to no observable motherly instinct, and will readily feed upon her own children if they gain her attention. Because of this, the Carnatar has evolved to only give birth upon death, or serious injury or stress. The female collects embryos over time as it mates, with each offspring remaining dormant within specialized sacs within the back identified by discolored spots on its skin. When the Carnatar's body is subjected to severe injury, the babies become active and almost immediately begin to claw and eat their way out of the body, where they begin to feed on the mother, whatever killed or harmed her, and each other. The body of the Carnatar is highly muscular and almost perfectly evolved for its function, with two massive, log sized legs that allow it to hold its head far over the open savannas of its home world where its excellent eyes can track prey at long distances. It is easily the largest land dwelling biped to be found living on a world with a gravity comparable to earth, and its bones are among the most durable and efficient structural materials to have evolved in nature.

>Finished Research
>>Tribble dissection
The time has come to drown the enemies of Mother in a fluffy tide!

>Human Possessed Dissection
While still outwardly human in every superficial way, these human bodies have been altered both internally and genetically. The process, upon further investigation, is not at all dissimilar from your own method of human hybridization. Genetic alterations have been made that grant the individual enhanced speed and strength, although physical examination indicates that the bodies did not have enough time for the genetic alterations to fully effect their physical structure. In addition to the genetic alterations, the physical structure of the brain has also been severely altered, becoming a crystallized solid substance. While your initial observation in the field lead to fears of a more ethereal composition, the crystalline structure's dark color appears to have been caused by blood cells and remaining components of the brain lodged within the structure itself. The structure upon further study indicates that it is not only psionically sensitive, but capable of manipulating tachyonic signals, although all samples taken from the site indicate the substance is capable only of reception and alteration, and is incapable of broadcasting a tachyonic signal of its own, rendering it dependent on a nearby source of psionic energy directed to it in order for it to function as natural background static appears too soft for the crystalline material to manipulate.

Another interesting observation is in the areas of the brain that were the most affected, nearly entirely replacing the occipital lobe as well as various centers of the brain that together assist in the human brain's ability to reason and experience complex thought. The crystals are themselves electrically conductive, holding pathways within capable of holding far more neural connections than a natural human brain. While you are unsure if these pathways are dedicated to processing psionic signals or used in the human's own thought patterns, it is clear that the structure, which is similar in function despite a number of differences in design as your own neural crystals within your drones, would be capable of granting the host human a dramatic increase in intelligence, reasoning, and speed of learning, as well as dramatically boosting the human's response to stimuli. How or if this potential is used is still up for debate, as much of the samples have already begun to deteriorate, rendering attempts to gather detailed information or memories from them useless. The only remaining fragment that does not crumble to dust within the day, is a small fragment of material you find embedded within the back of each human's skull.

[New Adaptations Unlocked]

Large Bipedal legs: Using slight adjustments in internal design, these legs are capable of permitting a large sized drone to stand upright, fusing both of its hind legs into two powerful muscular limbs, granting it the ability to stand well above obstacles or enemy cover to grant it a much greater vantage point in combat, as well as freeing its two front legs, allowing it to equip additional weapons, allowing it to equip large sized blade and weapons on its newly opened arm slots. (4N 5M)

Ovipositor: Superficially identical to a tail with a hypodermic blade, the ovipositor is heavily altered internally, dedicating the majority of the internal organs of the tail to hold a miniaturized and highly specialized small sized egg layer. The eggs it produces are further modified, possessing a highly adaptable and durable shell that secretes a healing salve designed to help secure it within the host and quickly heal the wound made in the target upon entry. With these alterations, the ovipositor is capable of quickly lashing out much like a tail using a built-in retractable stinger based largely on a modified hypodermic blade an implanting a specialized parasite or other small drone egg within the target. (8N)

New Research Available

>Crystal neural jack implant
While you doubt it will uncover any new fundamental technology, a more detailed and in depth study of the remaining cerebral implants found within the possessed humans should at least grant you insight into its design, function, and hopefully, weaknesses.

Did we ever start construction on any new orders last thread?

Current Research

>Lithovore disection
Astoundingly, these beasts seem to come in a number of shapes and sizes, living and consuming just as normal carbon based life, only with silicon as a base. You have no idea what further research could hold, or even if you will be able to manage to bring them into compatibility with your hive's genetics, or even what their genetic structure looks like. Before you can even examine each species as individual entities, you must first figure out the basics of their evolutionary structure. As it is, you can't quite tell if they are even all of the same species or not.

>Core Rejuvenation
The inverse of Core Mining, this process utilizing powerful planetary scale electromagnets drilled deep beneath the planet to artificially force the core to begin to spin. The process causes mild geological and ecological damage, but the resulting effects can be maintained for hundreds of years with negligible disruption to the planet's environment to maintain once the core is rotating. Once the planet's core is active, the planet gains a magnetosphere, allowing it to hold a denser atmosphere capable of supporting life, and the surface becomes geologically active. Allows the terraforming of barren planets.

Alternative methods of hive creep spore dispersal is investigated, using a mixture of the semi-automated hive expansion methods already in use and altering the genetic composition to be more autonomous in nature, allowing spores to be deployed from non-stationary sources such as aerial dispersal from drones or spacecraft, as well as air-burst spore bombs launched from orbit, allowing for hive creep to be deployed in a more aggressive manner, effectively weaponizing the self-replicating infrastructure. The process is slower and more localized than the work of a Capillary Tower, however with no need for a tower to be present, the process can be undertaken more readily in the presence of hostile forces.

>Psionic Spores
While normally the hive spores used to spread infrastructure are little more than genetically engineered nanomachines, replicating and performing their function alone until their built structure is complex enough to receive mental signals, your mixture of psionic research and advancements in spore related genetic programming has made the idea of a psionically sensitive spore seem not nearly as far fetched as it once did. With a mixture of distributed networking and complex cellular reconstruction methods, it could be possible to create a spore strain that would respond to mental signals.

>Complex organ splicing
While it is easy to pull a string of genetic data from most carbon based life and infuse it into the hive, making the inefficient genetic structure of other life accept the more efficient and deliberately programmed hive genetic data is far more challenging. In an ironic way, much of the solution seems to involve the utilization of controlled flaws, rendering the mutations deliberately inefficient in order to be more compatible with the host life so as to avoid dominating the host's genetic structure in the same way as the Hive hybrids and chimeras. Such subtle alterations could offer better, more difficult methods of infiltrating or manipulating non-hive life.

>Advanced Psionic Imprinting
With the application of psionic imprinting you are able to influence and alter the state of matter using only focused and precise mental signals. Your thinkers believe this can be taken further, using more accurate signals and more precise manipulation methods to imprint more complex thoughts and ideas more quickly and easily, and at a greater range.

No though we have a lot of planets we should be colonizing.

>Psionic Cloaking
A complex practice naturally accomplished by the Phantoms under the care of the Barren Queen, you have been instructed in the basics, and now all that is left is practice and application. In theory it is simple, using carefully woven mental signals to broadcast a sense of non-existence. While this process is most effective against being sensitive to tachyonic radiation, it can be used against virtually any organic being. A psionic race may find entire patches of planet voided from their minds like a mass-induced psychosis, while less attuned or mentally blind species find details of the cloaked unit impossible to remember or describe, or may simply not notice the unit unless it is alone and obvious in appearance. Simply turning around or standing among a small crowd is enough to become virtually invisible. Unfortunately, this invisibility comes at a cost, as it is omni-directional, and any unit enveloped in such a shroud would be unable to mentally communicate with others, effectively cutting itself off from any hive network. This ability requires at least a moderate relay or implant to accomplish, although no drone would do so willingly and cut itself off from the Queen without a direct command to do so.

>Psionic Telekinesis
Very Slow
With the development of psionic imprinting it is now clear to the hive that tachyons can effect real matter in a very real way. While normally so minuscule in nature the forces of tachyonic radiation offers no force whatsoever, a focused, maintained wave of psionics could, in theory, impart a real and measurable physical force. The success of Psionic Imprinting seems to offer prove of the concept in theory, and the only limiting factor now is how efficiently the imparted force from tachyonic particles scales up from the molecular level.

>Photonic armor
While it is not nearly as robust as what your thinkers promise from the miniaturization of shield technology, these small plates of massive photons are solid enough to deflect weapons fire and absorb energy for a brief period of time. Less a portable defensive shield and more of a temporary deployable cover, this technology, in theory, would offer drones or agents a way to quickly protect themselves during a momentary lack of cover before the photons dissipate.

>Personal shielding
By further shrinking the emitters, your thinkers believe they may be able to eventually make them small enough to be equipped to the carapace of a drone, or to the surface of an armored suit. At this time it is mostly speculation and an eagerness to please mother beyond all reason, and you cannot be sure what the limitations may be, but the thinkers are sure they can do it.

>Shield dome
The opposite way of thinking as personal shielding, by scaling the shield emitters up further to a size that would be impossible to hold and power on a ship, your thinkers suspect they should be able to construct a defensive perimeter around a hive center protected by a powerful defensive shield. The thinkers that have proposed the idea seem to be certain in the failure of the other project, as they are of this one, and you have had to separate the quantum thinkers as they attempted to disprove each others’ theories more than develop their own.

>Advanced Psionic Reading
With your new abilities growing, you continue to hone and develop more advanced methods of using your psionic network. Your thinkers believe that with more practice they should be able to delve deeper into the minds of non-hive life, digging past surface thoughts and emotions and into more detailed pieces of information without resorting to invasive neural interfaces.

>Large Bipedal Legs.
We hive tyrant now.

>Atmospheric static generator
Medium (is done, but working on how it adjusts the Tower's cost in the new system)
By utilizing the natural friction of a sufficiently dense atmosphere against the surface of a capillary tower, the tower can be made to generate energy to feed itself and reduce its upkeep cost.

>Gravity thrusters
Similar in function to your Skid drive, the Gravity thrusters essentially surf along pre-existing gravity fields, increasing their performance when in close proximity to major sources of gravitational pull, be it a large celestial body, a star, a planet, an exceptionally large structure or group of structures, or the core of a gravity drive. While in deep space it becomes less effective, the law of universal gravitation means it never becomes totally useless, and when in close proximity to a powerful gravity source it should outperform most other thruster designs with ease.

Available research options

>Psionic Cannon prototype
Very slow/Very dangerous
Detailed accounts of several experiments show the slow progress of Project Godsplitter. The cannon itself is highly volatile, and even the smallest miscalculation often results in the destruction of the ship, as well as any nearby craft. It can only be equipped to a Hive ship's spinal mount, and requires a functional Void Shard as ammunition. At least a dozen testing sizes were atomized in testing the weapon, and in the end it appears The Gardener never quite perfected it.

>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research
>Begin Psionic Cannon Development

>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

Should do that and make another hive ship

Glassed hive world is still not being terraformed.

>>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

I suppose this implies Emmerich had to actually stick these jacks into people instead of just remotely crystallizing the brains by thinking at them.

>>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

QD should we lay additional thinkers to get through the research faster or have we reached a plateau?

No user, we kaiju now.

>although all samples taken from the site indicate the substance is capable only of reception and alteration
So they can't sense anything through their human slaves?

Add Crystal neural jack implant

>>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

Voting to add this to Ghost Beetles and that Whisperer Drone since they're the most likely to get to people to inject a parasite into them

Better not be that retarded Nexus ship
Why the fuck would a ship with Rip drive need docking bays?

Could this fit on our flies? I'm guessing no, but could it be put on our larger flight capable drones?

Swarms of flying facehuggers.

Yeah let's do those things after we find out what mindfuckery the Valen are trying to Matrix out of Devon.

Actually, I think it's like the last intact remnant of the crystals in the dead person's skull, maybe it acts like one of our memory crystals, retaining the individual's core personality traits and memories. If it is, maybe we could reverse engineer it to allow for full on EVE style cloning.

QD has been letting a lot of this building we want to do stack up.

Can we see SOME crunch representation of our choices? Unless this is going to go pure fluff.

I really, really want to test out our spore based weaponry and structures.

...So it can send small craft FTL. That's one of the main advantages of having a Rip Drive.

>>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

We should get some sort of research base and/or find if commonwealth still has some plans around of the psionic cannon they build earlier, before we start researching Cannon.

da fuck u on about m8

We've got a massive pile of Metal and Nutrients that we should draw down. Personally, I think we should make at least 5 more heavy battle fleets, and a Carrier Battle Group.

I think we were all in agreement last time that undertaking the Cannon research means inviting Theseus and Heretic in on it and that there would be a whole base dedicated to it with all three present (maybe 4 if the commonwealth gets involved)

>>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

>Add Crystal Neural Jack to research

>Replace Tail adaptation with Ovipositor on Ghost Beetle and Whisperer drone designs
>Replace only for Whisperer
>Replace only for Ghost Beetle
>Leave both as they are

It can be equipped to any medium sized drone and above.

... the Nexus is a battleship. I'm not sure you should really be criticizing it if you don't know that much.

>>Replace only for Whisperer
The ghost beetle is our designated shock trooper/commando, doesn't need a specialized implantation tool.

>>Replace only for Whisperer

>inject a parasite
Why not flies? Can you imagine the panic levels if people suddenly burst open with a dozen flies?

>Replace only for Whisperer
>Replace for Ghost Beetles only in Hidden Hives

I'm saying all of our decisions regarding crunch and infrastructure haven't been properly expressed in the main post for a while.

No terraforming no colony management, no capillary towers no nothing.

>>Replace Tail adaptation with Ovipositor on Ghost Beetle and Whisperer drone designs
Well if we're getting prompted for this already.

I wonder if we should add them to Wasps... it would be thematic too.

>>Replace only for Whisperer
Aren't Ghost beetle's for combat?

Nah, no wasps. They're exclusively military.

>Replace only for Whisperer

we full Giger now

>Replace only for Whisperer
Actually yeah, it seems to fit whisperers better.
No need for Ovipositor for something that is usually in middle of firefight.

>>Replace only for Whisperer

Question, you said it can be placed on Medium and above, does that mean a large drone can implant eggs of medium drones?

Or, idea, can it be used to spray acid or plasma when stabbed into a vehicle or other large drone, basically a giant scorpion stinger?

Actually now I think about it why do the humans seems to be able to produce more nutrients one planet then we can.
>...So it can send small craft FTL
Are you being purposely stupid? If it has a Rip Drive it doesn't need to carry fighters or gunships and doesn't need missiles because gunships can cover that so all it needs to be able to tank.
What difference does it make? It has a rip drive and dock bays.


>Are you being purposely stupid? If it has a Rip Drive it doesn't need to carry fighters or gunships and doesn't need missiles because gunships can cover that so all it needs to be able to tank.
Wait, it doesn't need gunships because?
and it doesn't need missiles because it has gunships?
Start making sense or I'll just ignore you.

>Ovipositor lays a small egg layer egg inside host
>It hatches, starts laying medium sized eggs inside host
>Several more Ghost Beetles erupt from the body

Panic levels rising

The difference being it being an entirely different class of ship? You need to calm down m8.

Rolled 87 (1d100)

>Replace Tail adaptation with Ovipositor on Whisperer ONLY

It's amazing that this only costs 8N where a small egglayer costs 25N. I suppose that's because the eggs it produces aren't capable of self-sustenance outside a host.


>Replace only for Whisperer

The doctor stands in silence for some time as he examines his datapad with curiosity.

"You're lucky to be alive, you know." He says finally. "You were in quite the accident. Please, relax and take it easy for a while. You shouldn't be exerting yourself this soon after waking up." Devon lays back in the bed, the distant towers of the parliament building vanishing beneath the window frame.

"Good." The doctor says. "Now, as for the accident. Your ship experienced heavy damage, and was almost destroyed. Tell me, what do you remember? Can you tell me your name?"

The tank holding Decker is gripped by a mechanical claw as it begins to drain and is pulled out over a gurney. A rubber bed reaches into the tank and pulls Decker out and onto the rolling bed as it is quickly hauled out into a hallway, passing Devon's room as it moves flanked by several robotic drones.

Devon looks up at the doctor with suspicion.

>Speak (write in)
>Ask the doctor questions (write in)

Correct, it is incapable of actually just laying an egg, since they deliberately lack the needed nutrients to fully develop and survive long enough to hatch without a host to leech off of.

I'll clarify.
A ship with a rip drive can bring gunships with it through a rip so putting missile pod on such a ship would be redundant if we have gunships and doesn't need to carry FTLless ships which means it doesn't need dock bays. Thus a ship with a rip drive should focus on defense.
I'm going to be leaving soon so I need to point this shit out now.

I don't think that's how it works, but consider.

>unlocked Advanced Psionic Imprinting
>plant a compulsion within the newly stabbed human's brain to not to seek medical attention, they're probably fine, walk it off, while the parasite hatches inside them

Actually maybe they should have hypodermic blades to inject people with a little something if they're now also parasite vectors.

Well all I wanted is a second citadel hive ship. Is all.

>Ask the doctor questions
Who the hell are you and where am I

>>Speak (write in)
I need to call Parliament, is there a secure line here.

>Ask the doctor questions
Nice Hologram
Where am I actually?

>A ship with a rip drive can bring gunships with it through a rip so putting missile pod on such a ship would be redundant if we have gunships and doesn't need to carry FTLless ships which means it doesn't need dock bays. Thus a ship with a rip drive should focus on defense.
Or it can send ships through the rip without following through. That's the whole point of CBG, sit outside of conventional weapons range and shove small craft and missiles through the breach.

>>Speak (write in)
My name is Michael Devon, and I'm going to need a comm link to the Security Council immediately. Have you received any word from them yet?

>Ask the doctor questions
Where am I, what did you do to the ship, where's the rest of the crew?

It's a hologram/elaborate ruse designed to extract secret information from them.

"My name? It's...Mike. Mike Rotch, I think. How did I get to here so fast? What's your name?"

Devon supposed to be a competent intelligence agent

It looks fishy if he spill who he is so early in the interrogation

>Ask the doctor questions (write in)
The oblivious, where Devon is currently, and if the rest of crew is fine.

user we were on a Union black ops and were taken prisoner by hostile Valen, remember?

Nah man, this is a perfect way to feed the Valen misinformation and make them think Killinger is trying to screw them over somehow.

Supporting Mike Rotch and asking where the ship and crew are.

And? The whole reason we're on this world is to throw as big a wrench as possible into Valen-Union relations, and this is a perfect opportunity for that.

You are, of course, right but we can't give them too much too fast or the validity of the information will be questionable.


Are we trying to get devon burn-noticed then?

Cause if he directly fucks up then he going to be useless to us for spying in the union upper levels

Just make the hacker spill his guts, guys a criminal afterall

I like this one.

>Speak (write in)
"I must say, this is really one of the most sophisticated illusions I've ever seen. You don't know who I am, but believe me that means something coming from me. Now, what do you say we end this facade and you tell me what is actually going on?"

I'll go for it.

Devon got his head hit real hard.

Okay, let's stretch it out more.

>>Speak (write in)
I'm Michael...Deckon. I need to call my family, can I have a personal communicator?

>Actually maybe they should have hypodermic blades to inject people with a little something if they're now also parasite vectors.
Not how it works.
Excuse me?
>sit outside of conventional weapons range and shove small craft and missiles through the breach.
Pretty sure QD said that wouldn't work.

And my point stands as the Rip drive works both ways.

>Speak (write in)
Who are you and where the rest of the crew

I want to have the decker or one of the other implanted crew spill their guts to the valen

Want to keep using devon and he going need his rep intact

Hypodermic blades can't inject paralysis and knockout drugs?

Nobody else in the crew has that direct link to the Security Council though, only Devon can really provide that kind of smoking gun.

It could take a miracle for Devon to make it out of this huge mess without losing his rep altogether. We may be able to provide him with a miracle (and I don't want to burn his character since we really need a government insider), but getting him back in the Union's good graces will be quite difficult at this point.

The rip drive also has a range limit of about, what was it, 5 light years or so? Unless you plan on deploying rip drive craft exclusively within our own territory, it is going to have to bring its strike craft with it.

Use the ship captain, former union military and also knows some stuff and was in charge of capturing lyle part after devon tracks him down

True, but if Devon immediately trusts what the Valen says is a "secure" line it'll actually throw up huge red flags on what he says. It may very well seem like he was instructed to attempt to frame the Union upon capture, possibly by the Commonwealth, if he points the finger at his boss too quickly. Any special agent would be suspicious at this point.

The captain knew about the Smith, and was in direct contact with the Secretaries. She can take the fall.