Goblin Thread

Discuss your setting's goblins and aesthetics
are they the apex creature in your settings?

Ten fun facts about goblins:

1: Horse Hate: Goblins excel at riding animals, but they don't quite get horses. In fact, their hatred of all things horse is matched only by their fear of horses, who tend to step on goblins who get too close.

2: Dog Hate: Although goblins raise horrible rat-faced doglike creatures to use as mounts (and ride wolves or worgs if they can get them—goblins are quick to explain that wolves are NOT dogs), their hatred of ordinary dogs nearly matches their hatred of horses. The feeling is mutual, so if your dog's barking at the woodpile for no reason, chances are good he smells a frightened goblin hiding in there somewhere.

3: Goblins Raid Junkyards: Garbage pits, gutters, sewers… anywhere there's garbage, you can bet goblins are nearby. They're weirdly adept at crafting weapons and armor from refuse, and are fond of killing people with what they throw away.

4: Goblins Love to Sing: Unfortunately, as catchy as their lyrics can be, goblin songs tend to be a bit too creepy and disturbing to catch on in mainstream society.

5: They're Sneaky: An excited or angry goblin is a noisy, chattering, toothy menace, but even then, they can drop into an unsettling silence in a heartbeat. This, matched with their diminutive size, makes them unnervingly adept at hiding in places you'd never expect… stacks of firewood, rain barrels, under logs, under chicken coops, in ovens, etc.

6: They're A Little Crazy: The fact that goblins think of things like ovens as good hiding places reveals much about their inability to think plans through to the most likely outcome. That, and they tend to be easily distracted, particularly by shiny things and animals smaller than them that might make good eating.

7: They're Voracious: Given enough supplies, a goblin generally takes nearly a dozen meals a day. Most goblin tribes don't have enough supplies to accommodate such ravenous appetites, which is why the little menaces are so prone to going on raids.

8: They Like Fire: Burning things is one of the great goblin pastimes, although they're generally pretty careful about lighting fires in their own lairs, especially since goblins tend to live in large tangled thistle patches and sleep in beds of dried leaves and grass. But give a goblin a torch and someone else's home and you've got trouble.

9: They Get Stuck Easily: Goblins have wiry frames but wide heads, and live in cramped warrens. Sometimes too cramped.

10: Goblins Believe Paintings and Writing Steal Your Soul: The walls of goblin lairs and ruins of towns goblins have raided are littered with pictures of their enemies. They never draw pictures of goblins, though—that's mean. Writing steals words out of your head. You can't get them back.

Pathfinder goblins are the worst thing period.

>goblin songs tend to be a bit too creepy and disturbing to catch on in mainstream society
I had a chuckle imagining a bunch of fantasy hipsters discussing the deeper meaning and post-ironic vulgarity of Goblin songs.

I agree. They tend to be too cartoony for me and that's saying something considering fantasy in general is %90 cartoony cliches.


By all means give us better Goblins rather than bitching.

I was gonna say Goblins in the Hobbit, but those are Orcs, so, yay Orcs?

how about actual smart goblins who aim at conquering everything and eat meat?

Currently running Exalted, where "goblins" aren't a race proper, it's a generic name for the kind of disposable mass-produced minions that powerful Fair Folk can spawn as living story props.


Goblins are the irrepressible butt-monkeys of the setting, societally fucked up by centuries of oppression and cultural retardation.

bats... they are BATS!

They're berserk, savage little shits that know no fire or metal, but taught the world psionics and formulated the basis of astral magic. On this foundation, they built the shortest-lasting civilisation of the setting, one that ran its course during the lifetime of one goblin chieftain, Killburn the Calm.
They have since returned to savagery, with the only legacy of their nation being scattered hermitages and tiny monastic orders where a goblin can learn not to be quite as psychotic if he really tries.

They're mostly used as slaves, considered almost too stupid to live in any form of stability without some other force bossing them around, and are seen as so weak and pitiful that their only use in combat is as fodder. Free goblins exist, but not in any major force. They form tribes led by whichever goblin can talk, beat up, or bribe his way to the top. They spend their time prowling the roads, stealing from camps, and generally being little green bastards. Goblins raised in captivity tend to have grossly disproportionate limbs and heads with tiny, frail bodies. The rare goblin raised outside of captivity and with proper nutrition normally develops a proportionate body and tends to be far more cunning and intelligent than other goblins. Also, Ogres find them pretty tasty.

Goblins in my setting are primarily merchants. They usually resemble pic related.

Goblins in my settings are the beings with the highest int but the lowest amount of wis when it comes to tech growth. Which is why they have ww2 tech in a high fantasy setting. The catch? It uses other goblins or themselves as ammo, or has a 35%+ chance of exploding/breaking upon use, harming every being around them in a 30 foot radius in some way.

So, yes, they COULD fire that machine gun. A lot. But, oh man, so many bullets, so many ways things can go wrong. This is why there are 7 man gunner squads for goblins. 3 for the gun, 3 for the ammo, 1 to watch and take over in cast either of the other groups run out. And don't get me started on tanks or mortars, oh man. The loss of life is staggering. And not on the thing(s) that they're shooting with it.

Goblins are an evolutionary offshoot of primeval orcs. They gained a natural advantage over their foes due to their sheer numbers, whereas their evolutionary cousins the orcs, had a larger focus on individuals, and trolls moreso.

Their fuk hooge numbers gave them the opportunity to explore tactics that'd make an imperial commissar blush. For example, there's a band of coast roaming goblin pirates who have an extra rsft in their fleet that is filled with fuel and explosives and is then set on fire and sent into harbor. The resulting chaos is enough that the rest of the Goblins can mount a land & sea raid on the hapless village.



Anyone has that pasta about pet goblins?



Originally living as slaves under the Shazriq Empire, there are some that live free after the Shazriq's fall, either in the new empire or joining the dragon cult tribes in the wild. The majority of tge goblins still live as slaves under the elves. There has been a rebellious movement lately. Runaway slaves turn to the Lich Priests and vampires of the Rebellion to learn the secrets of Vitamancy, in order to raise their deceased loved ones and kinsmen to fight back.


This guy. Is it wrong that I want to steal the batgoblin designs that pop up every now and then, and have the goblin vampires be vampire batgoblins?

well, i think goblins are generally smaller races are neat in concept, but they always fail to appeal to me in execution because almost every time they're included they feel kinda forced and samey to me for some reason

these goblins look kinda like fish creatures, that's pretty neat

reverse image search ain't giving me anything, do you have a source?

goblins AND*

In the setting I'm currently trying to build for myself, goblins are a random mutation of orks (themselves mutated from elven captives by dwarf alchemists in retribution for an elf-launched magical plague - it's a long story) who are respected because, whilst smaller and frailer, they've regained the magical talents tha the orks lost in their current state. They're mostly built around my using the stats for Forest Gnomes and reskinning them, since we won't have Goblin stats until Volo's Guide in November.


I'm doing something specific with goblins, I'd like somebody to rate it.

>Goblins began to be created from trash, mud, clay, from darkness itself and so on. Once they are spawned they can breed together and make even more goblins.
>Goblins were such a problem that they started wrecking all the other races, including humans, and the gods took notice.
>The Gods created Hobgoblins- they are disciplined armies and slave owners but only against goblins.
>Even their voices can give goblins hesitation or a desire to surrender to them

Anyone think this is cool.

Current game, DM made them grossly magical realm. Makes me uncomfortable rhough the rest of the group doesn't mind.

Story time.

It's not very good, they're just these ruddy little creatures that have the quirk of being able to breed with *anything*. So far in game they tend to be pests that move onto people's land and scrounge food, and after awhile half-goblin livestock start to be born.

Creeps me out because "more" domesticated ones are tolerated in society and families will tend to have a number of goblins living with them, which they occasionally have relationships with, and end up with some half-human/goblins running around. Despite it all though goblin life is cheap so people tend to not care much if even ones related to them die. A somewhat recent occurrance, we had to go into the sewers under the city because a shanty town of orphans and urchins had become infested with goblins, and together they were putting out huge amounts of both full and half-breed goblins to the point of becoming a food shortage risk. Our task was to purge all the goblins and no one cared, like it was a fairly regular nuiscance to have to deal with.

All the the rest of the party have dived headlong into said magical realm and each have their own situations involving goblins. I don't know what creeps me out more, the whole situation, or that I'm the only one who's had nothing to do with it.

The bbeg uses his magic goblin machine to create an army of cannon fodder to overwhelm a word that just regained magic.

That's just weird and creepy. I was expecting Govlin shortstack goodness.

I leave disturbed and underwhelmed.

The random creation reminds me of spawnpoints in games. And the approach of the gods is to hands on. The very programmed acting of the hobgoblins makes them unengaging. Together it seams like a structure that would be a retcon in a new addon, designed to conveniently push goblins away into the corner. Except you started out this way. So, quite uncool.

>spawn points in games
You mean spontaneous generation?
>Hands on
Yes, that is intentional. The Beaurocracy of Heaven is less of a religion and more of just how the world works. Everything is done by committee and voted on by all the souls in the afterlife. It's kind of meant to be a patch job.
>Preprogrammed hobgoblins
They were created to do that, that doesn't mean they are robots.

You are free to not like it, but I felt like you were being a little edgy there.

Nice thread you got here.

What is the source of OP image? Google is failing me.


At the moment I'm working on a No-Human setting, where a major theme of Duality and Conflict led to pairing the Dwarves and Goblins as rivals.

Dwarves are the ultimate Honorabru-Warrior-Craftsman Society, whereas the Goblins figured out a long time ago that 1) Quantity has its own Quality, and 2) An Industrial economy will bludgeon honorabru-warriors to death given time.

Goblins machine stamp their equipment, experiment with chemicals and explosives, and in general understand a rudimentary sort of science. While they deal with the time old Civilization vs Nature and City vs Tribe stuff, Cities and Civilization are definitely on a major upswing.

Goblins are small, but compactly so. They are strong and well built, but still a little lanky and odd-shaped. I like them having greenskin, but otherwise there's no set look for Goblins.

They taste like chicken and know my PC by name for slaughtering half of a large tribe and branding the rest with a dick shaped price of metal

>Goblins are an evolutionary branch of Orcs
>Orcs were a scientific experiment to create superhumans that would have wiped out the mutants on the surface of earth
>Orcs are released in the wild
>they tame mutants and breed
>first Goblin is born, becomes a gun loving murderer king whose children will try to conquer everything
>Goblins are now a clan of silly tacticians who manage to get their shit not wrecked because of their weird ideas

sauce on pic

I absolutely adored the goblins in the Hobbit movie, even if they weren't much like in the book, their design was great

Just being honest.
Yes one can assume Hobgoblins do other stuff. But when when you only have some singular facts given clearly these facts are going to inform the opinions of commenters. The "only against goblins" implies that they wont use their natural slavery inclination against other races. When it is done by gods I naturally assume an overriding imperative that indeed acts like a law of robotics regarding this one subject.

Got any art that strikes a good balance between "ugly kill on sight monster" and "green fucktoy?" I'm trying to pin down how goblins should look in my setting and am having some trouble.

I got it right, wont post pics but think of flat nosed goblins

There's no good reason not to have your goblins be sexy. Fact.

goblins are my fetish

1.) goblins like taking things
2.) goblins play pranks
3.) goblins have no sense of ownership
4.) goblins don't care if you take the stuff from there horde they just want to mame you regardless cause they can


Like tiny trolls maybe?

Or maybe something more dignified?

They are lumpy creatures made of wax and sadness.

Don't listen to , this idea is dope

How much XP does she give?

I am having a hard time believing that your group gleefully participated in the slaughter of an unwashed underage interspecies orgy nest all while maintaining their own fucktoys on the side, and yet absolutely nothing about them tipped you off to the fact that these were the kinds of people you were associating with prior to this incident.

That's some pretty heavy shit though.

Oh I always knew they were wonked. I just didn't think this was something they'd all be in acceptance of against me.

They're about the same height as dwarves due to their hunchbacked stature with baby-barf green skin and hooked noses. Goblins are famous for being the cockroaches of the humanoid world. Due to their three stomach digestive system, goblins can live in places with extemely scarce food and water due to being able to digest most living materials. Raw meat, bones, fungus, otherwise poisonous insects, ect. The largest population is adapted to a volcanically active continent with little veggitation save for several patches of unburnt grassland. Their largest settlement is one of the most advanced goblin cities in history, the buildings made up of driftwood and loose rocks dug up from the ashlands rise up to two stories tall. They've even begun to dabble in simple metallurgy, being able to forge crude iron weapons for their fighters.

They are typically nonviolent unless provoked. They are currently having small skirmishes with neighboring orc tribles over land disputes. Due to their superior size and strength a normal orc would be woth three normal goblins, but the gobbos outnumber them five to one.

Either you tell this story often, it's pasta, or that group is very prolific, because I've seen this a dozen times.

Damn now i wanna see it as well

I took Goblins from CoC and toned them down so they are not outright rapists. So far nobody has seemed to question why they are only meeting female goblins, and why those goblins are so friendly the male party members.

When you say toned them down do you mean physically or mentally? because now i just imagine you describing a mild mannered goblin shortstack with massive tits stroking the rogues back while giving him compliments and life advice.

I've told it before, but definitely not that many times.

Mentally. I do describe them as "voluptuous" and "wide hipped".

Nobody pays attention to fine birthing hips anymore. It's a fucking shame.

The ones in Warcraft have always had a pretty decent look. They're pretty fucking cartoony, but somehow I don't find it obnoxious.

Every time see this little dude, I hear
In a kinda high, scratchy voice

Technically this is my DM's setting but he doesn't Veeky Forums

>are they the apex creature in your settings?
If by
>apex creature
you mean
>could they have murderfucked everyone else to death?
then yes.

Goblins in our setting were created as a specific response to the rise of the elves. Elves, being spoiled rotten by their gods, were on track to eventually supplant the rest of the setting's races simply by breeding them out (an elf parent always begets elf children, no matter who the other parent is). This posed a major issue for the other gods in the setting who set to work trying to protect their people.

One god took it too far and made the goblins. The goblins only exist to kill elves. They swarm over a settlement, take the women for use in their spawning pits, and then kill and eat everything else.

And when I say swarm I don't mean that a hundred or so saunter up to a village and wreck everything, I mean that they'll scale the fortifications of your tallest fucking keep by climbing up the pile of their dead fellows. They buried entire forts in their corpses before the elves could halt their advance over the continent.

The elves never recovered from the devastation and the dwarfs were driven extinct (though their ghosts still hunt any goblins fool enough to wander into their ancient halls).



In my setting the goblins are deep spiritulists, a belief in the spiritis fo the world. Sort of like shamans. They vary between the spirits of nature, and the spirits of civilization, the more savage going for the wilder aspects of nature while civilized may be a tinker.

Their shamans can bind spirits to their items and eventually into people. So it is why Goblins are sought out to enchant and bind spirits to items of adventurers and such. Cheaper in some ways but makes each item slightly intellegant and if you go against it stuff can happen.

I always did adore the look of Goblins and Trolls in Warcraft - sure they're super cartoony, but they've got that lanky, long-faced grinning stature that looks so good.

In my current setting, there are two types of Goblin: Domesticated and Wild.
Domesticated Goblins are a slave race, modified with magic to be enhanced in specific areas and made to be more servile. For example, a Labor Goblin would be larger with heavier muscles. A Soldier Goblin would be more muscular, but not to the extent of a Labor Goblin and have more independence for on the fly decisions in battle. Servitor Goblins would be physically appealing and have enough skill to do what's needed around the owner's home. Pleasure Goblins are the generic greenskin fucktoys. Librarian and Engineer Goblins have enhanced intelligence and are used as assistants to mages and to repair and maintain things respectively. Honestly, if there's a situation where someone went "Why should I do this, when I can have a slave do it for me." there's probably a Domesticated Goblin subtype out there to fill it.

Generally, free domesticated goblins will attempt to find work relating to their role, and were programmed to enjoy doing what they were made to do.

Wild Goblins are the left overs of the original race made into Domesticated Goblins and Domestic Goblins that have gone feral.
Generally, these are your quick breeding pests and nuances that will raid caravans, attack towns and cause trouble. Most towns look on lone Wild Goblins with, because where there's one, more usually aren't far behind.
They also for the most part hate the shit out of Domesticated Goblins, who they view as having an easy and comfortable life with the people who constantly drive them away and will capture/kill them when they can.

Wild Goblins also have an odd quirk that allows them to randomly manifest psionics at birth, that Domesticated Goblins lost when they were engineered. It won't even pass on when a Wild Goblin and Domesticated Goblin breed.

It's timbersaw riding enchantress from Dota 2. Have no idea who the artist is though.

that and both tend to be competently murderous in their own way.
Pathfinder ones seems less competent to me. Might be their lore.

In my setting, Goblins are the spawn of Trolls, with Orcs as sort of a Polliwog inbetween stage.

Goblin "raiding parties" tend to just be packs of related goblins, typically spawned from a troll who's recently found a good bridge to do so at.
They're voraciously curious, but trolls don't do a whole lot of parenting, so fatality rates are high, given their diminutive size and total lack of self preservation.

Orcs are a bit bigger, and tend to boss around their younger goblin kindred a bit more.
At this point, they might start playing with magic a bit more as well, trying things that aren't lighting that cat on fire.

Trolls, being the adult form, have the creativity and curiousity of a goblin, but the wisdom that comes from /surviving/ being a goblin.
They're also freaking massive, having spent more or less the last seventy years doing nothing but eating garbage and punching stuff.
They're amphibious in nature, so they're fond of dark overhangs where they can soak and raise a new clutch of goblins.
They prefer to be near well travelled roads, as goblins and orcs don't make for good conversational partners.

That's Timbersaw from DotA 2. And yeah, you pretty much imagined his voice correctly.

Has anyone here played Goblin Quest?

Goblins are minor Daemons who feed on the leftover life energy in sewage, garbage, and similar places because they are too weak to take souls like a proper one. They are prevalent in cities, but are rarely a threat so are generally ignored. It's not unheard of for more powerful spirits to make use of them as spies and soldiers.
