>modern orcs are descended from an ancient race of superbeings who invented everything ever
Modern orcs are descended from an ancient race of superbeings who invented everything ever
so white people?
>this is what orcs actually believe
I have a problem
>Steven /co/mblrverse
Kill yourself.
> gets his axe
>raids nearbysettlement
>drinks from a skull
>takes livestock from farmers
> shits in the street
> gets killed by first level adventurer
The only reason orcs are underrepresented among caster classes is because society oppresses them.
And I suppose we're going to defeat them with love and singing?
it's /co/ or /pol/ here, make your choice. every other post is literally the same copypasta
>plot twist: so is everyone else
>every race is actually just subspecies within the same species, their origins lying in an ancient eugenics program which attempted to produce genetically-enforced castes
>physical labor, scholars, scribes, soldiers, etc., each had a different role
>but it all went wrong when the aliens got involved
>don't ask, nobody remembers what they did, all anyone knows is the ancient superbeings had to crawl back up from the stone age and by then the world was well on its way to becoming how it is now
This was sure a worthwhile thread.
Orcs shouldn't have +4 Str, -2 int, -2 wins, -2 cha.
They should have neutral cha because it makes sense in their culture. Force of personality, intimidation, warlords and all that. Charisma is a stat it makes sense for an Orc to possess. Smarts or wisdom though? Yeah no.
/pol/, pls either dump more adorable musclegirls, or leave.
I'll take Irda for 500.
Yes, I know they're technically ogres. Close enough.
Can I choose /tv/ instead?
for you
Magicka already did this with trolls, and it's not even tabletop.
>Muh ancient civilization
>Muh invented everything and had flying cars too
>Muh humans took it all away and fucked it up that why we warring tribes with no civilization
Truly an idea for the tumbler generation.
>humanoid crystal aliens
[Angry crystal screeching intensifies]
Came here to post this.
And in Warcraft everything that didn't come from aliens was a troll.
Fuck off Thoians, go back to trying to steal the Tox Uthat.
please no I am sick of slapping them around with my JJprise
Was Cenarius an alien?
More like an alien experiment.
>everything that didn't come from aliens
That pretty much just leaves trolls and elves, doesn't it?
> triggered
Don't be so easily triggered. It makes you look like a tumblrina.
>don't complain about off-topic posting
>it makes you look like a tumblrina
This is you right now.
Did someone say Tox Uthat?
Yes they did.
No, you can't have it.
Your complaint has doubled the amount of off-topic.
And really, no you didn't rage just because it's off-topic, you raged because it's this specific offtopic that gets you trig'd.
This statement is only believable, when they include that white men forced them to do this, thank you very much.
Isn't this basically the original version of orcs?
Tolkien's orcs were descended from elves. Tolkien elves are an ancient race of superbeings who invented pretty much everything.
user, this is an anonymous image board. I know we don't have names like you're used to, but you can't just assume that you're talking to the same person that you originally responded to.
Point in case: I'm not the person you're responding to. I'm just calling you out for your naivety.
>your complaint has doubled the amount of off-topic
And you tripled it. What was the point of you replying? Me? I'm replying to tell you that you're dumb and don't understand how the site works.
But aren't you now assuming that you are responding to the same user.
Everybody is user, therefore you can respond to an user responding to you and assume it's the same user, because they're all anonymous presences and there's no reason or need to assume you're speaking to anyone different if they don't go out of their way to state that they're not the same user, like you did.
>user, this is an anonymous image board. I know we don't have names like you're used to, but you can't just assume that you're talking to the same person that you originally responded to.
Funnly enough, you've just done the same. I'm not Nonethtless: the triggered bitch doubled the amount of offtopic so your excuse for him doesn't work.
Also you are not producing more offtopic in his defence. On the basis of probably being just as triggered.
Elves are just mutated trolls.
Yes I'm talking about currently present end results.
My Dm used something similar, in a way.
Orcs were created by a magical empire centuries ago in order to have strong and soldiers to protect their borders. They were created using alchemical mixtures and magic from criminals and the pariahs of the empire. In a sense, they are the last descendant of that empire.
So, Ebberon?