>This is your BBEG for tonight
How does your team defeat him?
No Hammers
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>this is your BBEG
Just stop being a fag and say "stat me".
Your title is a statement of preference, not a rule.
I bring a huge fucking bulldozer.
that's not how the thread works you idiot.
sure, someone will ask how to stat him in the end, but that's not the topic of the topic.
hey I used a couple splats for my char hope that's okay
Is this from something or did you make it?
Whack him, I guess. Any damage that he could possibly inflict will more than be recovered by consuming his delicious nutritious flesh. Wacka's Bump OP.
Looks like MS Paint Adventures.
A pair of metal spikes, an extension cord, and a portable generator.
Are you retarded? There were only two sentences, and you managed to NOT read one of them.
Lots of boiling oil.
You know, all it will do is make me feel guilty and restart the campaign.
We're coincidentially a party of prohibition-era italian gangsters and there's always baseball bats.
Without a hammer, that gun isn't doing shit.
Yeah, no. It's cute and or pathetic that you tried to be clever without knowing how guns work. That is explicitly a Glock. Glocks do not have hammers.
Please be a shota and not a loli. Please.
Our barbarian uses her mace
It's a weapon John uses for a while in Homestuck
>Grenade! Get down!
I pray for mercy.
Omega Whacka will give you none, fool.
with camera angles like that, it can be whatever you want it to be.
We dig down and attack him from below.
Glocks aren't guns.