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First for Pelagers as the only good abhuman waifus.

IC's are very very powerful. Named ones, less so. They're still fucking great, and outside of a competitive meta will do really well, but they aren't a deathstar, if only because a deathstar requires multiple models.

In short though, a death star is a unit of ICs and sometimes a regular unit, that combine to form a massively powerful unit, such as the unkillable SMASHFUCKER PRIME, who can really pack a punch. You'll see variations, such as dragiostar, screamerstar, wolfstar, etc, but they all boil down to one thing: a unit that is almost impossible to kill, and one that is capable of dealing a fuckton of damage.
Honestly, they ruin the game in many ways, and aren't that hard to beat, just ignore them if you can, go after the rest of the army and play objectives. Frontline gaming actually has a pretty good podcast episode on how to deal with deathstars

Librarian Conclave or Knight Titan with a Nemesis Strike Force? I have a semi-competitive thing i'm doing soon.

I asked in the old thread by mistake...
If I use assault marines, how could I make them good? I'd rather have a stronger CC unit, like a terminator squad.

Is it best to just include the squad and leave it bare to be able to fill out the strike force?

Xth for fuck off with the monstergirl shit.

Alright, if I don't *need* one not to be annihilated then I won't use one.

I'd prefer to sit back and shoot, having some CC units to soak up enemy melee if needed.

Lysander gives the tacticals around him some cool stuff, but perhaps I should go with the librarian with chapter relic?

A lot of things to consider.

>punch. You'll see variations, such as dragiostar, screamerstar, wolfstar, etc, but they all boil down to one thing: a unit that is almost impossible to kill, and one that is capable of dealing a fuckton of damage.
>Honestly, they ruin the game in many ways, and aren't that hard to beat, just ignore them if you can, go after the rest of the army and play objectives. Frontline gaming actually has a pretty good podcast episode on how to deal with deathstars

Do you mind linking, user?

As someone who actually likes Herohammer a lot, it worries me how powerful that is and whether GW will obliterate multiple-IC units in the future.

So has anything new happened this week?

Good night, /40kg/. Have sweet dreams, and take this so you can learn what taste in helmets looks like.

Get fucked

It's very powerful, but I doubt GW will nerf it, especially since it isn't really game winning if you play a good opponent
I'd check 1d4chan tactica for the other ones, but here's SMASHFUCKER (I was the guy who actually made the PRIME version, so I feel a sort of special connection to this unholy monstrosity)
Skyhammer can makes ass marines really really good. But don't combine with grav unless your a cheeselord.

For the game or the general? For the latter I think we reached either a new low, or we slightly raised the bar in comparison to the worst of the worst of these threads.

Someone's salty

Do the ass marines need to be in a drop pod, or will jump packs get them around?

The game, general's fine too, I guess.

Nah, these generals have had waaaay lower lows. Montka/Kauyon release was absolute faggotry.

Why must every thread someone try and invoke he who shall not be named.

I'd say the past week was rather mediocre for the general, bodering on bad.
Better than the great Image wars for sure, and nowhere near as bad and the horrid slanneshi off topic thread of transgender bathrooms and 7" flaccid penises.
Still, we could always be better.

Besides looking more aesthetically pleasing, the mobility, deep strike and HoW is worth the 15 to 30 points.

I really Learned to fucking hate wolf star with libraries conclave this past weekend
Fucking every yiffshit with undercosted as fuck storm shields with guaranteed endurance every turn was beyond fucking gay
Add in a fucking knight and some gayass wulfen in a droppod for even more maximum faggotry
This game is so fucking gay

I've never seen one in DoW 1 or 2 without one, in fact the idea that they came without was surprising.

Know most of the Death Stars, but what's a Draigostar? What the hell is he doing?

Taufags vs madfags is probably responsible for ruining the most generals. The Nid codex meltdown was every single thread for like 4 months though. At least the Tau shit comes and goes.

>being afraid to say carnac
Besides, he's a burger given his times of posting, and isn't focused on 40k right now, mostly because he only goes where the releases are.
Which makes me think he's an actual shill.
But, right now he's focusing on AoS.

I meant the Frontline Gaming video on how to counter deathstars.

Nah. We've got rumors though.
Those generals were the worse, but yet I think somehow they'll be topped. I just don't want to know how, nor do I want to see it.

knight will give you better anti-armor support that GK's badly need. if your event is using the FAQs your conclave will lose any chapter tactics the instant they're joined by grey knights.

>Taufags vs madfags is probably responsible for ruining the most generals.
>not chickin vs. anti chikin autism
Those were dark times.

>smashfucker prime doesn't work unless you try to force a very dodgy rules interpretation that would get shot down literally everywhere


I mean the wrath of Cruddance was something unexpected I'd imagine.

>nowhere near as bad and the horrid slanneshi off topic thread of transgender bathrooms and 7" flaccid penises

You're crazy. That was one of the most entertaining generals I've ever seen. That tard was spinning gold. Everyone walks around public bathrooms with their dicks out was one of the greatest replys ever to grace this board.

If I took a shitload of Librarians could i make up for that lack of shooting in firepower? Otherwise yeah I'm thinking of the Knight. I've always wanted to get one anyway as a centerpiece for my Imperial forces.

The day ork and csm codex drop 8th edition codexs and sisters is offically discontinued is the day that 40kgeneral will face its darkest hour of shitposting. The mods wont be there to help except to ban one guy who asked why a quest thread isnt in the quest board.

When do you think edition 8 will drop? Am I picking a bad time to start out 40k?

You dumbfuck, those were the same thing.

Prime is still nigh unkillable with out the bike. He doesn't need it to resist everything but the D
Oh, sure he you go.
>inb4 the anti ITC guy begins to complain about shills.

Still got a good year distance at minimum

Who is this smashfucker prime? Why is he so good?

>mods wont be there to help except to ban one guy who asked why a quest thread isnt in the quest board

Yeah I got a 3 day for politely asking that in a quest thread. So dumb.

Eh, by the end it was just that one bootyblasted anti-chicken autist trying to hold the general hostage. But during the apex of it all, by God was it bad. Like fucking WW1 of shitposting, and just like WW1 it accomplished almost nothing.

Oh he's definitely dead 'ard I just think the rules lawyering a bike in is funny.

I'd probably foot slog him in an honor guard and that Salamanders guy, throw in some Librarian Conclave or maybe a Nemesis Strike Force so Draigo can get in on the action. Plus, a Liber Daemonica wielding Librarian would have Sanctuary guaranteed..

not really, to make a decent conclave you're looking at the same points costs of a knight and still at the mercy of power rolls.

best knight would be a warden with stormspear pod and reaper chainsword.

if you want to post list I can C&C, also need to know what ruleset you're operating under, as that can change the viability of some GK tactics considerably

>muh houserules to buff an unnamed army cuz spooky conspiracy

It was more the shit leading up to that. The litteral shit. Did you forget the scatfag?
But yeah, 7" flaccid was gold.

Sally guys removes chapter tactics.
But casting endurance doesn't. Gorgos chain and chapter tactics give +2, and with the 4+++ that's still a 2+++, and MoH makes it rerollable.

Oh god the scatfag. I had managed to forget, damn you for reminding me.

Since a devastator squad can only have 4 heavy weapons is it better to have two squads, or one with more marines in it?

Seems like 2 squads will mean another DT, not sure if the point cost is worth it for more heavy bolters.

I'm looking at 3 hvy bolters and a missile launcher for one, would like more hvy bolters but can only have 4 in the squad.

AFAIK its just core ruleset with FAQs, I'm not sure if any groups in my area follow the ITC yet.

Pic related is the list so far. I'm just using the scant few models i've collected so far. I could swap the GKTs for Paladins and take a Strike Squad, or just buy another GKT box I guess. I do like Interceptors for grabbing points and mobility but people keep telling me they're trash.

>blood angels didn't get a single scrap from Angels of Death

I think i'm just going to sell my army. Should I do that guys? I'm trying to wait for a codex update or 8th edition but I'm losing hope.

The ridiculous psychic powers are available to Dark angels, blood angels, space wolves and grey Knights as well as vanilla marines
I do wish they would have allowed non-vanilla marines to use any formation that they have models for (Skyhammer, Ravenhawk, 1st Company, Etc)

>Do you love the models/faction
If yes then shelve them, if not sell them

Then again BA are effectively comepletely different from normal SM, so ofc they will get different updates at times

Blood Angels were sent updated gear

drop draigo for another terminator squad or dreadknight. he really isn't worth fielding ever.

good choice giving the librarian a domina liber daemonica, since it allows you to pick up a single sanctic power without losing psychic focus if taking all your other powers from a single discipline (hint: telepathy for invisibility)

if you're not running ITC ruleset the best possible route you have is taking 1 librarian per terminator squad and abusing your excellent chances for invisibility and large psy dice pool.

reasoning behind this: the best way to kill terminators is AP2 (which usually comes in templates or blasts) or saturation of fire, invisibility in its normal form greatly reduces both of those and will ensure that you have to make far less saves, usually meaning your unit will actually be able to connect to close-combat where they are considerably more proficient.

what is the point limit you're working with?

if you want to shore up anti-tank options without spending points on a knight you can use regular marine allied detachment with some devastators.


I'm probably going to take a Knight at this rate, i'd rather paint up one of those than a bunch of Space Marine squads.

How does this look?

pic is about as competitive as you're going to get.

put a daemonhammer on the librarian with the daemonica so he's a threat to try and assassinate in a challenge, meltabombs on both librarians, both libby's should be rolling for telepathy until you get invisibility, after that roll on librarius (they're the best set of generic buffs and blasting in a single discipline)

dreadknights should be used for melee anti-armor work and grabbing objectives along with interceptors, knight should be mulching MEQ and armor at range that your other shooting won't be able to hurt very much.

good luck user, its a shame that we GK players have to abuse the psychic phase to compete, but them's the breaks when the stops come out.

Its cool, my other army is Tyranids so I'm kind of used to it at this point.

I don't have an Inquisitor, so this will be a fun excuse to paint one of those as well.

also, DO NOT forget the inquisitor's servo-skulls and how they work. also his conversion beamer should provide a decent backfield threat you can camp in cover/on an objective. the longer the range to what you want to shoot the better.

the magos dominus model makes an excellent inquisitor substitute for xenos, especially as the eradication ray option for the model is a dead ringer for a conversion beamer.

What IA can I find rules for the Blood Slaughterer of Khorne?

Hope they do a Tau-themed guard list in the next IA.

>I got a 3 day ban for shitposting politely
You fucks deserve it for shitposting and lying continuously for the last several years.
If the rumors of an imminent CSM update are true, we're in for a rough couple of months. Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter updates were bad enough, but this is going to be several magnitudes bigger.

Slightly related, if I run into a deathstar do I want to throw a GKT at it alongside a Knight to tie up their power units? I know for a fact that there a Space Wolves player will be there and maybe a Daemons one as well.

try and play around them, if you can't play around them throw the terminator squad that isn't your warlord at them to tie them up for a while. with hammerhand/invis and force active they actually stand a fairly good chance of doing significant damage since they will deny feel no pains and will gib anything without eternal warrior

you knight is better served staying unengaged and shooting things to death from backfield, simply so you maximize the area covered by a front arc ion field. showing too many facings is a good way to get your knight dead quick.

I'm going on a solo road trip in a week, about 1,500 miles.

I just downloaded the first 3 audiobooks of Horus Heresy, going to listen to them on the drive.

what am I in for? How are they? Has anyone listened to the unabridged audiobook version of them? how are they? etc. etc.

I bought the big pack of them, and I downloaded the audio books.

I started on the audio books with descent of angels, and I am totally loving it.

I'd definitely recommend the books for a drive, it is what I did for a x-texas trip. I'd skip anything by C.S Goto however.

I've heard that the first three books are great. I've only read Angel Exterminatus, but I absolutely loved it.

First 3 are amazing, I enjoyed Fulgrim a lot, it really made a primarch seem like more than a human but relatable.

Legion is fan-freaking-tastic, how do I do a spoiler tag on a spot of text?

I am looking forward to the propsero trilogy

How do I know what company these tactical marines will belong to so that I can paint them correctly? Do I just get to pick?

I have them painted in HH colors at the moment, so the less I ahve to change the better


haaay people, what do you think about my list? it is not so good but i manage to have fun, any recomendations?

In what book does Horus assault Terra / the Emperor ends up in his new favorite chair?

I don't like that overdrawn out image format

also it is unbound

you have no ranged shooting at all

MEQ/TEQ spam will destroy your list bad

I think they are still an ongoing series, so I don't think it's out yet.

I would assume it will be called vengeful spirit

I printed mine out from battlescribe like this, but you have to turn off all of the rules, references, etc.

just type it out in text it isn't that hard

one line per unit, use commas to list purchased wargear or upgrades. Don't list standard wargear or upgrades

>200 pts, Cultists, 25x additional cultists, 35x mark of slaanesh, 3x flamer

also make sure to state who your warlord is and what kind of power weapons you are using. Power weapons are unspecified and warlord is supposed to be chosen during deployment, but people get autistic for some reason if you don't have it printed on your list.

I'm not the CSM guy, I am the IF guy up a few posts

that advice goes to anyone who posts a huge image or pdf of their list, especially if they have like five units total in their list

What would be the best way of making a Demon Kin like army for the other 3 gods?

this is how i printed mine, it was 2 pages large, im new and i really don't remember special rules or stats of the models, but i think that when i learn more to play i will make the list a lot shorter

Fair enough.

it is perfectly ok to have a printout like that when you play

but for list review that is a great wall of an image

Each one doesn't need a Blood Tithe-esque mechanic. Tzeentch Daemonkin would do perfectly fine with giving every unit access to Psychic abilities and then just giving them a couple unique disciplines to play around with. The version that I'm working on has Disciplines of Deceit (kinda a mash-up of Divination and Telepathy debuffs and utility), Fate (Divination like buffs), Flames (dakka), and Mutation (essentially the melee discipline).

For Slaanesh, add more Sonic Weaponry, and give them lots of synergy.

So what is better, this list or the image?
>Imperial Fist Sternhammer Strike Force

>Core 1735
>185 pts, Captain, Artificer Armour, Relic Blade, The Shield Eternal

>210 pts, Assault Squad, Flamer x1, Jump Packs, Space Marines x9, Veteran Sergeant w/ Eviserator

>510 pts, Centurion Devastator Squad, 3x Grav-cannon, Veteran Sergeant, Land Raider w/ Mult-melta

>235 pts, Contemptor Dreadnaught, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Lucius Drop Pod

>600 pts, Tactical Squad x3, Hvy Bolter, >Meltagun (One with Flamer), 9x Marines, Rhino w/ additional Storm Bolter

>115 pts, Devastator Squad, 3x Hvy Bolter, Missile Launcher

Also any C&C is welcomed

got ya pal, how does this look?

Chaos Space Marines (999pts) Crimson Slaughter supplement

Cult of Slaughter (307pts)
20x chaos Cultists, 2x Flamer, Mark of Slaanesh Mark of Slaanesh
14x Chaos Cultists with autogun
Dark Apostle
Combi-bolter, Power Maul

Mayhem Pack (345pts)
3x Helbrute
Power fist
Heavy flamer

(Unbound Army (Faction)) (347pts)
hq option
Chaos Lord (140pts) Blade of the Relentless, Daemonheart, Plasma Pistol, Warlord
Vrosh Tattersoul (65pts)
troop option
5x Chaos Marine (142pts) with Boltgun, Meltagun & Combi-melta
Chaos Rhino with Havoc Launcher

better formatting, easier to read

for some reason people love listing the whole squad size even though that isn't how you buy them, eh oh well

Solid enough. Not super sure about spreading out the missile launchers. What is your plan for fliers and MSU?

same critique as before

many people don't like unbound, and you will struggle against MEQ

A single tac squad with just bolters can wipe out twenty cultists in one turn of shooting if they roll even okay, and the odds are even worse for the cultists if they eat an overwatch

I listed the squad size because there are more tactical marines than 4.

What is MSU?
For flyers I am not sure, I had a TL lascannon contemptor before, but I don't know about in this strike force formation. Can you specialize tacticals against flyers?

>Taufags vs madfags is probably responsible for ruining the most generals

>Taufags are responsible for ruining everything

Occam's razor.

hay Veeky Forums, my LGS keeps banishing me to the "kiddie" table to play 2x1000 pt ally games because the big kids' table is strictly for the guy who has 5 wraithknights and the guy who has 9 riptides and 3 stormsurges. So I'm trying to work out a semi-competitive 1k point list for the kiddie table. Is this list any good?

Ultramarines CAD, 998 points
-Librarian (Lv 2 psyker, terminator armor, storm bolter, auspex, force staff)
-5 Sternguard (2 grav guns, 3 combi grav, rhino)
-5 tac marines (meltagun, drop pod)
-5 tac marines (meltagun, drop pod)
-3 bikers (2 grav, 1 combi grav)
attack bike w/multi melta
-3 centurions (3 grav cannon, omniscope, drop pod)

make it better, Veeky Forums

I could add an anti-air defence force, but the only way I see being able to is if I remove the land raider DT from the centurions.

That would leave all but the tactical marines slogging across the battlefield, is that a good idea?

taking the centurions' pod as a separate fast attack choice obviously

Today's GW blog is kinda interesting. games-workshop.com/en-GB/Webstore-Blog/2016/07/25/Using-all-the-Space-Marines

1: The Rule of Common Sense

Simply put, this the sensible part of my instincts. When I see a model and something screams out to me ‘yeah this is for everyone’, then I typically just get stuck in and get one, no discussion required.

These are typically very generic units, unlike the ones that are specific to a Chapter, like say, the Death Company, or Inner Circle Deathwing Knights. Examples of units that Blood Angels are ‘technically’ not allowed, but I own and use anyway, include; Land Speeder Storms, Ironclad Dreadnoughts, Stormhawk Interceptors, Centurions and of course Stormtalons

Naturally, because they are part of my Chapter – I will be using them with all attendant Blood Angel rules. Because that’s common sense!

2: The Rule of Strength

If something is just ludicrously awesome in the game I’m just gonna shoehorn it in somehow. It’s almost no-holds barred in this instance – and because between Unbound and allied formations I could easily do it within the framework of the game anyway, it’s not that big a deal for me to add them to my collection.

In order to stop my army getting savaged by Amy’s Riptides (grumble grumble) I bought six Centurions. Sure, Blood Angels ‘can’t’ have them, but my Riptide problem was solved in short order. That made them a permanent addition to my armies.

In case you are wondering, yes, all my dreadnoughts have the increased attacks and all my scouts have WS 4 and BS 4. Because that’s not only better in the game, in my opinion, it’s also common sense (see Rule 1).

Does this rule have a limit? Yes it does. No matter how great Inner Circle Knights are, or Crusader Squads, or even if Wolf Guard suddenly become the best unit in the game, I won’t take them as Blood Angels simply wouldn’t have them.

3: The Rule of Cool

If you have an idea, and you can make it work – then do it!

My example of this is my Stormwolf. I love the model and with a few Sanguinary Guard wings to cover up the Wolf head icons I’m hot to trot. It also a great model that looks much better in red.

Trust me.

So that’s it really – three basic rules I use to add models to my Blood Angels that the Codex doesn’t cover. For the Primarch and the Emperor!


How bad of an idea is using a Forgeworld codex for your first army? Both Renegades & Heretics and Corsairs appeal to me more than most other armies (Dark Eldar are also pretty cool).

Is the "nobody will play against FW" meme actually broadly applicable? I'd try to suss out what my local meta is going to be like, but I have to move 500 miles for work at the end of the summer and so I can't at the moment. I guess I could just hold off until then but I'd like to start modelling/converting/etc now.

I can kinda get behind #1, but then then #2 makes him sound like that guy. And he just straight up contradicts #2 with #3.

I'm all for people wanting to try things outside the normal rules as long as they talk to me about it, and that they aren't just trying to be a cunt by powergaming their ass off.

>"GW's rules are fucking stupid and unfluffy. Just do what I do, and ignore them completely so you can get fluffy and/or cheesy units!"
>t. GW employee

13, war machines of the lost and the damned it is in the OP.

>Is the "nobody will play against FW" meme actually broadly applicable?
For most groups, no.
But, just in case you ever run into people who are cunts who refuse to play against FW, just play R&H as IG, and Corsairs as DE

It's fine. It's actually a good idea if it's truly your most desired army as you dive right in instead of wasting time and money on a different side army you will inevitably abandon for the FW one.

I started with FW models and a FW chapter no problem, however, the army does use the generic codex rather than a FW one. As a veteran now, I can say there's no harm in starting with a FW army. It's the same kind of deal with Dark Eldar. People say they're "harder to play" but you can start with them just fine. There's no need to start with an "easy to play" army unless you're a retard.

All the FW models can be used as non-FW ones too. If you buy an IA13 army you can play it as IG, Corsairs can be played as Eldar.

>Naturally, because they are part of my Chapter – I will be using them with all attendant Blood Angel rules. Because that’s common sense!

Nigga that's like the opposite of common sense. Why use rules at all if you're just going to pick and choose whatever you'd like and apply an entirely separate codex's chapter tactics to it. That's literally worse than unbound.