I want to run a one-shot game based on the general story and lore (if you can call it that) of the Rocky Horror Show, what system would I want to use? I was thinking paranoia, but any other suggestions are welcome.
Rocky Horror One-shot
You could try World of Darkness game or Unknown Armies.
World of Darkness might be a good fit, never heard of Unknown Armies can you sell me on it?
Default setting wise, in World of Darkness you are the things that go bump in the night, and you prey on humanity. In Unknown Armies you are humanity, and you prey on humanity. In Unknown Armies everything supernatural in the world exists because somebody, or humanity as a whole, made it, intentionally, or accidentally. Everything is up to interpretation, even magic.
System wise, UA is a hell of a lot simpler than Storyteller. It's d100 roll under, you have four stats, Body, Speed, Mind, and Soul, and everything you do is some kind of skill roll. Players get to make up their own skills, and GMs decide whether when skills are useful. You can have your skill be as specific as "Driving" or as broad as "I've Got A Good Memory", your skills tell as much about your character as they do make them mechanically unique.
In addition UA has EXTENSIVE sanity rules. There are 5 sanity meters, Violence, Helplessness, Isolation, Unnatural, and Self. In addition to the sanity meters, you also have your Passions, which are four aspects of your personality that give you special mechanical bonuses.
A really weird game of paranoia
Because I have no fucking idea what you would get out of a game like that if you use most systems
The sanity thing is a big selling point for this kind of thing, I think that would make it a lot easier to go the more plot heavy route.
I won't lie, I've just wanted to try running paranoia for my group and I am looking for excuses, but if I can find a better system I will control myself and hold it off.
>A really weird game of paranoia
>every time you die, your clone gets more muscle and fairer hair
>can you overcome Frank's plan before you end up a member of his harem?
That seems more valid than most suggestions to me. The threat to the characters seemed more of that nature than actually going full blown insane
This seems like a brilliant idea too. Gosh I have a lot to think about here.
Three pieces of advice.
1) Smack yourself in the face until you no longer want to play a game about an insane transsexual that mind-controls other people into being transsexuals and joining him in a transsexual burlesque and tricking them into having sex with him.
2) If step 1 fails, realise that nobody in their right mind would ever play that unless you outright lied to them about the game's content.
3) If steps 1 and 2 have failed try just going to your local lgbt club and asking who wants to do a little "freeform roleplaying" because that's all it would really be.
I never thought I'd write this, but...
Use Monsterhearts.
This is probably the only case where that hormonal rape fantasy powered by the apocalypse actually fits perfectly.
Weird monster characters hidden in a mundane and conformist setting? - check
Sexual attraction as compulsion? - check
No clear polarization in favor of an everyone vs everyone tension layout? - check
Fuck this I'm out conclusion? - check
Do it!
When the tower falls, your character gets fucked by an NPC, has an outfit change, and can no longer resist singing and damcing along to the songs.
We are theatre nerds you absolute cad, all of us have been to Rocky Horror before, one of us has been IN it. Geez.
I will look into it, sounds fitting enough.
>We are theatre nerds...
So you don't need to go to your local lgbt club because you ARE the local lgbt club.
Just throw an orgy and get it over with. You'll feel more like a real actor once you've sucked a cock or two.
You are a pleasant individual and your posts greatly enhance the quality of this thread, and in fact Veeky Forums at large. : ^ )
I try.
Also, /pol/ says hello.
I was afraid they might say that.
Don't get trollbaited.
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After looking through Monsterhearts a little I think that is easily the best fit I could hope for, its pretty much perfect. Thanks fa/tg/uys, I guess Rocky Horror thread now?
Focus on horror?
>Dead of Night
Focus on sexual tension?
Focus on story development?
Focus on morality?
>A Dirty World
Focus on mystery?
>Pulp Cthulhu
Make it a dungeoncrawl?
>Savage Worlds
My Life With Master