Giant party members: just how big?
Giant party members: just how big?
Closest I could find. Proper adventuring parties with one giant member and lots of small ones are surprisingly hard to find pictures of.
>Implying only meant the picture
I think like 10-20 feet is the largest. Though we did play a One Piece game with a giant paty member, and the giants in that setting are around 100 feet tall on average.
Just how big's thundertits from that manga, anyway?
Surely a giant would have to be a big person relative to even one of the other party members?
Not necessarily, I suppose. Actually, a full party of giants could be interesting.
But then, is it a party of giants, or do they all just live in a world that's too small?
It's a matter of perspective, I'm sure. Giants probably don't refer to themselves as such in their own native tongue(s), just as "people", and refer to humans as some variation of "small ones" in the same way humans talk about dwarves and halflings.
Halflings are Mini-Minis, and they're too big to see things particularly small like actual ants.
I'd imagine they could see pretty small things if they focused, what with their giant eyeballs.
The human eyeball was not designed to be scaled up like that. It wouldn't take in the light properly. Unless the giant eye is constructed significantly differently from a human's, they'd be near blind.
I know the Jotun Paragon class gets to be huge by 10th level, if you play Pathfinder and your GM allows 3rd party material. Otherwise, not a lot of games have built-in ways to play giant party members at all, much less ways to easily integrate them into a party of normal sized adventurers.
The Giant from Fellowship has a deliberately abstract size. In many ways, it's "sureally big". One of its moves is even called "Feat of Legend", and allows it to occasionally pull of shit like plucking the moon out of the sky, drinking the ocean or hurling a mountain. At the same time, it is capable of interacting in a meaningful fashion with smaller creatures (although there are special rules in place that take this into account, like making it count as an army for combat purposes or making it so that they constantly have to deal with the consequences of being too big)
>just how big?
Half giants are probably big enough otherwise it's going to become difficult to go certain places with the full party.
Building sized. There's also the giant mamacitas from the princess helmet mango.
>tfw yet another manga character I only know from hentai doujins
Make them like Escanor. Rule of cool their size depending on their power.
Ok Veeky Forums, My group has 4 people in it who DM (We basically rotate arcs), and I've always wanted to introduce giants in an arc. Problem is, kind of pride myself in being the "level headed" DM. The others do magic realm stuff and everyone has a laugh when they find out.
Giant ladies are my magical realism and I don't trust myself.
... But our sole female player (who also DMs) put a giant village as the hub of one of her arcs.
>Tfw she made a tomboyish giant girl fall in tsundere love with my pure nubile nice guy cleric
D-does she know bros? I've been so secretive...
Maybe it's hers as well.
If she doesn't know she's going to find out.
>PCs get transported to world where everything is tiny
>locals panic at sudden appearance of giants and try to fight them
>PCs must survive and find a way home while fending off ant-sized armies and adventurers
To be honest, I've always found this to be an interesting concept. We've had members of our party be Minotaurs, even a half giant, but a full blown giant would be interesting. Do you even take them into towns and such? Or would they just have to twiddle their thumbs during stuff like that?
nine to twelve feet, about 800 lbs.
Reinforcing the party's wagon is a MUST in those circumstances, of course.
Given that giants even existing is impossible due to the square cube law, it's safe to say that their anatomy doesn't follow the rules of hard science.
you were meant for each other