Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Other urls found in this thread:
The overall and paper Modern Metagame.
(1 month old).
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
Modern deck primers link:
First for Mardu a shit
Why do threads exist for this game if all the best decks have already been determined.
There's no fucking point to homebrew for modern anymore
All modern is is
> net deck
> drop 1000 dollars
> occasionally win tourneys to make up your investment
> pour thousands into the shitter for no reward
Why even play?
Rate my deck I'm hoping to win FNM with
you must be fun at parties
If only something as off the wall original as Living End still had a chance of cropping up.
>Gruul land destruction
>Blue extra turns
>Esper Control
That list needs to be updated.
New cards make their way into modern with each release. Nahiri, the harbinger gave jeskai control the engine they needed to break tier 1. Eldritch Evolution will certainly have an impact. Other decks that didn't get boosts will have to adapt. New decks could potentially prey on old tier decks. I recently saw a RG tron player asking for advice on how to beat mono blue turns, calling the match up a nightmare. The format isn't fixed; it's forever changing at a slow, comprehensible pace.
How do you win? Tell us what you do with your deck.
Adding to this: RU delver used to be tier 1. Now it's lmao tier 3, according to the OP.
10/10, this will surely start an arms race at your LGS
I'm noticing Nahiri Control decks lately have been running thin on Ancestral Visions. Is it an availability thing or did it just turn out not to be everything people hoped it would?
I take these steps:
1) I get Protean Hulk in my graveyard
2) I cast footsteps of the goryo or makeshift mannequin to get it back into play
3) I either sac it, let it die or target it (depending on revival method)
4) With the trigger I search for a Body Double and a Viscera Seer .
5) Body Double enters as a Protean Hulk which I sacrifice to the Viscera Seer
6) This trigger gets me Reveillark and Mogg Fanatic
7) I sac the Mogg Fanatic to deal 1 to my opponent
8) Then I sac the Reveillark to bring back Body Double and Mogg Fanatic
9) Body Double enters as a Reveillark and then I loop it and the Mogg Fanatic
10) If Leyline of Sanctity come in from the board from my opponent , there's a Thopter Engineer in the side to swap with the Mogg Fanatic
This combo gets me a kill with infinite damage or infinite hasty 1/1 fliers
If sarcasm, you're a mean person
If not, don't worry my lgs is 95% tryhards and 5% owner and me and they all play net decked tier one decks
Dredge (actually good version)
How is living end off the wall? You dump creatures into the yard and then use a card that reanimates creatures
I'm not seeing it.
That ultimate is so bad.
bad as in good?
or bad as in "It's shit because it doesn't immediately impact the board"
The end goal is pretty simple, but the creative process for it is fairly original.
>it doesn't immediately impact the board
I don't know, drawing 3 cards plus all the ones you've drawn off of her and being able to cast all that shit in your hand seems great.
wew lad, never seen the combo before. Is it your own brew? If so, it sounds legit, although a creature-based combo will ALWAYS be weak to removal.
I could try brew up Bant delver for shits and giggles?
Bad as in drawing 3 cards is nice but at that point I have enough mana to easily pay for whatever I have in my deck.
Sure try it.
What do you think? I'll give it a few playtests.
Not sure how i feel having a delver deck without lightning bolt but could be ok, just doesnt fell very delver-y
Looks like absolute garbage
>24 Lands
>21 Instants and Sorceries
Just play midrange
That deck doesn't want Delver
>4 of each shock
dude, no. 2 of each is fine, otherwise you're gonna lose games for the life loss. also put in some basics. if you're playing mandrills and tune snag you should also be playing though scour, at which point you probably also want more snapcasters. I know it's probably a budget thing, but any delver deck with green REALLY wants goyf. you could take out some of those charms. For a start. I'd also recommend serum visions.
oh and like others have said, cut some lands. you could add in hierarch and knight of the reliquary for beats. I don't think delver is really apropriate here, there are better threats. just play bant midrange. maybe loxodon smiter.
Posted this in the last thread immediately before it died. It's not exactly on topic without the context, but still.
A question about Cockatrice, I have no internet , and only a laptop. I was considering downloading it when I'm at a buddy's house to dick around on at home. Is there an actual way to duel against an ai, or would it just be a playtesting software at that point?
No AI, so it would be a playtesting software. Great tool for this particular purpose however.
Yeah, I'll put in some basics. I'm not sure I want to play mandrills when I'm playing rune snag and snapcaster mages.
As you can see, the deck list has 4 goyfs.
Serum visions added.
If you want AI then xmage is your best bet
Some people like competitive. If you like casual, why don't you try a casual thread?
One of the better players at my LGS plays that shit. When he does, I usually win the whole thing because that deck is pretty weak.
I've been happy with 4 Ancestral Visions in my build. Not sure what everyone else is on about.
This is like the most open open modern has ever been. you can easily make competitive decks for under 400 so long as you don't expect to X-2 a GP.
I am the first person to complain about high prices in mtg but stick to modern because the card pool gives you the most bang for your buck if you are trying to play competitive constructed
Holy shit, never heard of it. Thanks user, checking it out it looks like exactly what I was looking for.
Don't get your hopes up, the AI in XMage is hot garbage, even if it does work.
Will Yawgmoth or Urza ever make a return or are we stuck with Jace and the Power ranger adventures forever?
>jacestice league
I'm sure they will, only to get chumped by Jace and friends.
Watch your mouth. Mardu is the shit and I will be shitposting my deck list when I get back
For in the last thread. There's a UG elves variant that plays beck//call as a worse replacement for glimpse of nature. It is however a worse version of elves than the BG one.
I'd like to see madness in modern. It's a really fun mechanic and imo requires a good pilot to pull it off.
Not until we get reprints of the actual good Madness stuff.
I know it's not what you meant, but that just makes the think of the Jacetice league chump blocking Yawgmoth, all of them dying for nothing more than to buy a little time.
Mardu is cute! CUTE!
I just pulled a "Liliana, the Last Hope" from an Eldritch pack... I'm new to MTG, will her price raise over time or die off when Eldritch Moon is less new?
It's fucking bad. Green is not worth giving up. You literally do nothing better than jund.
Depends what the price is now. She'll only go down when she rotates out if standard. You can either sell now at the price they speculate she's worth or give it a few months and maybe she'll go up in price. Most likely though she'll go down fast cause she's a shit
I literally play my deck nothing like jund. Stop comparing all decks to jund you meme loving fuck
She appears to be useless outside Standard, so she probably won't get higher than $25. I'd say cash her out now.
Jund is a meme???
You fucking dick about with removal, play big dumb creatures and grind it out in card advantage. You just do it worse. Sorry palomino
Sir pls. I play dank removal cards in only the coolest of colours. Sure I play some big fatties but for the most part I don't need to cause Ill kill your big fatties and chump ya to death then laugh as you sperg about how you spent so much money on the best cards in jund colours and it still didn't make you any better at magic. Stay salty jundbro
Post your list, faggot.
I think you may actually be the meme lover
You're a thread too late user
Mark Rosewater stated that the new default is that every new seat features the Gatewatch.
My budget is 300. Is Bogles without Horizon Canopy the only option for a competitive deck that isn't Burn?
That budget is a good start for lands maybe
You mean each set will feature at least one member of the Gatewatch, you knob.
Not what I asked retard.
You could try to get into Infect.
A lot of lists look expensive, but that's just because they put Rainforests in. You need any 8 fetchlands that can grab Forests, so Foothills and Heaths will be fine.
Infect is still 600+ without fetches. It also has a hugely overpriced card, and is most certainly one of the decks looking to be nerfed by Wizard's.
Not a good investment. People thought Twin was a good investment but it got banned for the same reason Infect will.
Spend more money or go play casual poorfag
You just know we'll rip it apart.
So bedlam reveler's pretty legit. Been trying it out in UR delver, gonna try grixis next. 3 copies has been working pretty well in UR, in grixis i could see 2 being more useful though.
That's a pretty good reminder to pick up your Revellers and Evolutions before they crop up in a tournament.
Has this seen Modern play in any relevant form?
It's showing up as an alternate wincon in Pyromancer, and some people are even boarding it in Infect.
What does your list look like?
This got 3rd in the Toronto Open.
Dredge is picking up steam.
19 lands, 3 are steam vents 2 sulfur falls, 7 fetches and the rest basics
4 bolt
4 visions
3 probe
3 electrolyze (probably gonna cut it to one)
3 remand
2 spell snare
2 lava spike (might change this as well)
2 vapor snag
1 mana leak
1 spell pierce
4 delver
4 pyro
3 reveler
3 snap
2 blood moon
Can't remember the side, right now. That list looks kinda funny to me, can't say i'm a huge fan of thought scour without delve creatures, you usually do a good enough job getting instants/sorceries in the graveyard. 17 lands is pretty ballsy too.
Should Reveler be under consideration for Burn also?
It'd probably be less useful because of the lack of cantrips, but hey, give it a shot.
It would have to replace Lavamancer, because they obviously wouldn't like each other.
good for modern?
Make my mana base for my shitty deck, also any must have creatures or multi-colour (gold border) splits.
4 Sin Prodder
4 Assault//Battery
4 Dead//Gone
4 Armed//Dangerous
4 Turn//Burn
4 Toil//Trouble
Haven't played in forever, what's the difference between Standard and Modern?
Modern is so dead in my area the Legacy tournaments are bringing in more people.
Having the eldrazi bullshit and the dropping of PT support happening at the same time killed the format.
The cards you are allowed to use.
no difference, they both refer to the same awful money-grab
You bet.
This is basically a Counterspell that puts a decent flier on the field, find a way to boost it (so it survives bolt) or otherwise protect it and you are all set.
Even if it gets removed simply delaying the casting of a spell will easily grant you a win wether you are playing against combo or just delaying a Wrath so that you may stomp the opponent.
It fits in Nahiri jeskai perfectly.
>dropping of PT support
This is a good thing though
Not when it also means no LGS has an incentive to run this shit over Standard and draft.
"Modern R/PTQ Season" was the only times we got big Modern tournaments around here. If all I'm looking forward is three rounds against the same people every week, I'd rather not go out and play a daily online.
You're just spoiled. I live in a small town and end up with the same crowd for every format including modern. Our big nights involve about 12 people
>Hit's all of tron's payoff
>Everything with delve
>Become Immense and Bedlam Devil
>Ad Nauseam
It'll see play. Maybe not all the time or even 4 of, but it'll find homes for denying payoff cards
I think you need to reread the card, mate.
Shit, whelp, reverse everything I said and it's a much better card. Might even lower the amount of CoCo.
Fuck you faggot. My decks a ten out of ten. I would say see you at GP but your shit deck won't make it.
>Creature and removal deck
Not surprising.
Can also be hit off CoCo. I really hope bant CoCo becomes huge so that CoCo>Spell Queller in response to an opponent's CoCo could actually happen.
How I wish there was a deck like Painter for Legscy in Modern.
Haven't been in these threads in a while, what's the verdict on Eldritch Moon as a set
How did we not get a reprint in any part of Innistrad?
>My deck is nothing like Jund!
>1/3 of the mainboard is the exact same, the remaining 2/3 is just WR and WB goodstuff
Nice try kid
calling a coco ban this year or q1 next year.