Vaguely untrustworthy-looking noblewomen edition.
Character Art Thread
Just a plain doll.
This may be a noble drow, they're all suspicious, of course.
Damn filthy ash-skinned bastards.
DD players will get this joke.
>Never trust a lady with ravens.
I need super soldiers with super tech on super earth.
For the super war.
Definitely very THRUSTworthy, if you catch my meaning
How crass!
You can trust she will want something in return for her compliance
More please.
What, like... Never trust her with YOUR ravens? I mean I can't see as a highborn lady would know the proper care and maintenance of fowl, so I guess you have a point.
How long has she been married? She appears to have visited the hyperbolic time chamber a few times.
Requesting young-ish male spellcasters and gishes (either gender).
Requesting red skinned characters, preferably very muscular and without being demonic.
Requesting fat, old but strong looking men
You know that thing we make these threads for.
Eh, what the HeH, one more Plain Doll.
Boner machine.
Looks utterly trustworthy to me.
That's some serious resting bitchface.
Not so much with light skin.
>plain doll
You sicken me.
I said untrustworthy-looking, my friend.
Everyone knows by now, of course, she DOES love us.
Looking for female space scum, preferably with white hair, but I'm not picky.
He said "Vaguely untrustworthy" not "completely incorruptible"
Also, closest I've got
>not female orc barbarians
I mean, I don't need to play a game to read.
Colour inverted Elsa
from the front, something that starts with an A and ends with a y, but in the side profile here it looks good
Ah yes, the bongs partially tax payer funded mascot family of inbreeds. Pictured hear in the new brood mother.
I'm not seeing it.
nah he doesnt , and i just checked
Than yu miss too much.
looks similar , but it's not an elsa image.Maybe fanart , but definitely not color-inverted
Needing a dwarf for my character, he is very kind hearted and has a daughter.
The filename's not the joke.
She seems on the up and up, but defs noble.
Got a request for a specific piece, seen it around here a few times.
Ladyknight with a red surcoat/tabberd on with a finger pointing out and a helmet under her other hand, think her hair is brown and her skin is white.
Utterly trustworthy in every way.
Don't mean to step on the OP's toes, but does anyone have some art of vaguely untrustworthy kings or emperors?
If you don't mind the cartoon-y style, I quite like these
Surprisingly hard to find.
That one's actually rather trustworthy....
After you seduce his daughter, have a subordinate beat the shit out of the youngest son and rescue both him and his daughter from said son after he launches a coup d'etat.
Looking for an eccentric field researcher/scientist/archaeologist type
This king however is total garbage
>If I cannot trust a man who lies,I trust a god who does so even less
any chance of getting more longcoats?
If anyone has any, I need an image of a scientist/biologist/alchemist looking woman.
Shouldn't look too untrustworthy since she'll be my arc's main antagonist but the party will meet her before finding out she's behind things.
I wish I could contribute but I can't. I just want to say the women in this thread are very beautiful.
more science-y, maybe?
any of those slickle your pickle, or should I keep looking?
These are all pretty great, thanks. Will definitely be able to use one for the antagonist and the others for various merchants later on.
I really appreciate it.
What is this shit? Who is this impostor?