How do you paint tree revenants in the official studio theme? The painting guide avoids it entirely.
Brody Moore
>Malekith is too ugly now to get back with those THIC elven thights >Tyrion is still a cuck
Julian Reyes
Am I gimping myself if I don't have any aspiring/exalted deathbringers in BB?
Christopher Harris
Tyrion has Teclis.
Owen Thompson
it has the vengeance of the good gods, plant waifus, dorfs, all the elves, dinosaurs, and all the regular old hunams, its the complete package of good guys and sensible bad guys putting their heads together at last
Kayden Parker
So, what is dominion of chaos?
Charles Thomas
Hey guys, I have a little want-to-trade here. US only.
I needed a single round prosecutor shield and no bits sites seemed to have any available, so I bough the knight excelsior upgrade kit just for the 1 plain prosecutor shield.
Now I have the rest of this kit that I have absolutely no plans for. Willing to trade for bits!
I am looking for nurgle bits, mostly. Preferably from the putrid blightkings kits, but If you really need what I have, let me know what bits you have and maybe we can make a deal.
Bentley Thomas
>being so blind your own crippled brother has to describe how hot your old slam piece is now
Mason Sullivan
I think it talks about the new gaming boards and optional special rules for battles like 40k
Christopher Cruz
There was a guy on my FLGS FB page talking about how trade forums now have a lot of AOS now
have you check on a couple trade forums?
Juan Flores
>actual worthy causes to fight for >current underdogs and victims of the settings monolithic oppressor >Lots of varied and entertaining characters to read stories about >still have diverse and even clashing subfactions with their own goals and motivations, the alliance us not ironclad and Sigmar knows it
>Chaos is either butt boys to Archaon or yet more dull psychophant Warlord going full retard for their patron God's stereotype
>only daemons and rats are allowed to be sneaky manipulate
>human adherents are all cannon fodder retards only slight better than besstmen, who have even less lore than the previous setting
>still no chaise orruks, duardin, aelves, etc. Making them the least visually and thematically diverse faction
>Chaos is highly organized and faceless most of the time, ironic given the supposed nature of their faction
I say this as a very frustrated Chaos player.
Gavin Roberts
'Sup Veeky Forums Tryong to paint my stormcasts. At first I went for an incredibly long painting scheme-but since i work 6/7 and I have no time, I stripped em all and i'm trying this scheme. How does it look? its just a Wip. i'm painting the shield half red/half green and add painted battle damage. ideas on the hammer? i tought maybe pure black with a few stars and some extreme highlight.
Logan White
It does feel good to see Chaos having some actual competion.
Brandon Ramirez
Does anybody have the epub of the new bonesplitterz tome? Where can we get all our docs now KAT is gone?
Nolan Richardson
>Gods like Sigmar and Nagash can now remove Chaos from people. >Malekith has kidnapped Slaanesh and hid him/her/it(?) away. I don't think he care about elven thighs anymore when he now has the Prince/Princess of pleasure in his rape dungeon, possibly trying to turn it to Order.
Nicholas King
Yeah im going to bartertown. Im just awaiting my first post to be approved by moderators.
But i cant take this to the fantasy/aos section, where there is a lot of activity, i can only take it to the bits section, where there is very little activity.
So im throwing my feelers on here too.
Andrew Carter
You should go a little lighter with the rust and corrosion I think, it's really eating up the details on that shoulder pad/the leg. Otherwise I think it looks decent.
Alexander Sullivan
I would even be super hyped for a split Slaanesh
One third escapes to basically regrow into our ol boy Slaanesh again
One third becomes the Aelven God of Light, Slansaea.
The last third turns into fucking Khaine.
Henry Cox
It's actually too bad because I have plenty of spare round shields I could have sent you. Oh well.
Brandon Walker
I wish I can find a place with enough liberator parts to use with the bits I have left. I just want to build some grandhammer liberators and some souls mace paladins
Camden Thomas
Add a longer handle to the underside of their hammer, use the liberators dual sword hand for the other hand and just cut off the sword bits so he's just clenching a fist.
Bam, grand hammer.
Henry Long
Order >For Sigmar! For the Salvation of all Mortals! >For The Everqueen and the bloom of life! >For the Vengeance of the Old Ones. For the future we see. >For Vengeance and Gold!
Destruction >Fer Foighten and good times! WAAAAAHHHGG!!! >For the Feast of a thousand beasts!
Chaos >BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! >The Beautiful Rot must Spread~ >The Game has not ended yet... >Great Horned Rat will be best God thing! >Slaanesh will rise again! >The Everchosen's Domain is being contested, TAKE. IT. BACK.
Death >because Nagash said so
Easton Rodriguez
>I just want to build some grandhammer liberators get the new 2 retributor set and you have magically 2 grandhammers. Im doing this with my spòare retributors from starter set.
Nagash is cool guy though. How is his any different from the Chaos gods, Signar, Gork(amorka), Archaon, etc, for that matter?
Brody Gray
>Mfw wrekt my friends chaos lord with my Celestant prime on turn 4 I bought a star drake and modeled a redeemed version of his chaos lord as my new lord celestant >mfw I wrekt him again with his own guy
Get fucking purified, Sam
Benjamin Campbell
aren't they easy build though?
I don't think I can easily substitute the soul storm maces I have with the easier retributors
Aiden Murphy
I don't think they're saying that Nagash isn't cool (though maybe they are), but that death is boring because everyone's personality is subsumed to Nagash. Chaos, Destruction, Order, etc can have big damn heroes of your own design who do cool shit and have their own personalities and motivations for doing things. Death is just a bunch of undead slaves tap dancing to Nagash's tunes which makes the faction as a whole much more bland.
Chase Cox
>Death is just a bunch of undead slaves tap dancing to Nagash's tunes which makes the faction as a whole much more bland. Not really. necromancer and vampires have their own schemes, ambitions and plans and usually they do what they want.
Hunter Rodriguez
I thought the Flesh-eater Court didn't follow Nagash's orders because they are insane?
Leo Bailey
you are right, and I hope to see them more fleshed out, still the overwhelming majority of them boil down to "Because you told me to!" at the moment.
I wasn't knocking death as a whole, just making a joke at them
Jace Gonzalez
anyone wish they'd do an AoS expansion for Warhammer total war?
It's such a blank drawing board that I'm sure they could think up some interesting stuff for the actual map itself
Nathaniel Martinez
>death is boring because everyone's personality is subsumed to Nagash. > Death is just a bunch of undead slaves tap dancing to Nagash's tunes
Not playing glorious undead brettonians and giving Nagash the finger? What a pleb.
Tyler Johnson
Anyone have the Stormcast Eternals painting guide? I really want to do a style like pic (though probably shaded more blue or green), but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.
>Fire my warp lightning cannon >Rolled a 1 for power. >Fired my warp lightning cannon the turn after >Rolled a 1 for power. >Fired my warp lightning cannon the turn after >Rolled a 1 for power.
Elijah Kelly
could give a neat Yggdrasil style map of the realms and cosmos, but that needs to be saved for after the expand all the factions for fantasy first
Parker Diaz
The Flesh-Eater Court doesn't follow Nagash's orders because they're not actually dead, they're just magically mutated cannibals. That said, they'll follow their leaders into the gates of Hell, and being vampires, their leaders are dead. Nagash just needs to get a hold of them and bam, Court in his service. Which pisses Nagash off, 'cuz he's got other shit to do. He doesn't want to waste his time faffing about with some ghoul vampires somewhere when the forces of the Everchosen are knocking on his door. This is why he wants to find Ushoran.
Nicholas Allen
bitchen! some bashing with them and my raptors will look awesome
Elijah Jones
Duncan did a couple at the start of AOS and couple other like Hallowed Knights and the Celestial Vindicators
If you also look in some of the books they give you a painting guide for the Anvils of Heldenhammer
I think those prosecutors in the picture are part of the Astral Templars
Landon Baker
Daily reminder to all Skaven players that Shock Gauntlet Stormfiends are perhaps the most broken unit in our entire army (or most armies, to be honest). All self respecting rat-men should own a squad.
Jeremiah Cox
Any feelow Moonclan players want to help me out with this 2K list? I'm not sure whether 60 grot squads are overkill and I should instead just do 40 man squads and get more Fanatics or something from Gitmob/Spiderfang.
1x Great Moonclan - 80 1x Night Goblin Warboss - 80 1x Night Goblin Shaman - 60 1x 40 man Night Goblins w/ Bows - 240 2x 60 man Night Goblins w/ Spears - 720 9x Night Goblin Fanatic - 270 1x Mangler Squigs - 240
I'm playing 1k tommorrow and I have 200 points left so I want to put either Decimators or Protectors in
which one is better?
William Brown
Decimators if against a horde. Protectors if you've got stuff that needs protecting (from shooting).
Ryder Gomez
Protectors are also good at hitting monsters and their 3" reach is great for reaching over and hitting heroes hiding behind infantry.
Levi Sullivan
how many points can you go over before it's consisted going over the agreed amount
like if I have a 1020 point list is it not usable in 1k matches?
Anthony Garcia
Ogre updates when? Should I buy now or wait?
Camden Watson
Well I think because of Math 1020 is above 1000, but you'd have to talk to your group about what's OK.
Easton Turner
Just clear it with your opponents
I'm generally not okay with anything more than 40pt over the limit
Jace Martin
Beastclaw Raiders in the next 2 weeks
Ryan Wright
Regular Ogres will be unchanged so if you want the Calvary (mournfang, thundertuk, etc.) then you might want to wait. Otherwise Ogres will be unchanged.
Henry Rivera
My friends and I just take out a guy from a unit that costs close to the points we're over.
So if I was 20 points over I'd take out one Blood Warrior for example.
Jayden Morales
I mean it's better than remaking your whole list, no?
John Hill
Wait. New to AoS, reading through the rules, just noticed something. Probably going to sound dumb, but... If something has a ranged attack, it can shoot regardless if its target is in combat, if the shooting unit is in combat, or if the shooting unit is targeting something it's in combat with?
Ian Davis
Yes. Mostly cause most ranged units are shit in close combat
Dominic Wright
Yes. But there aren't really any super killy ranged units that are also melee beasts (aside from some of the named characters), so it's not as bad as it would be in, say, 40k.
Joseph Reyes
Leadbelchers say hi
Gabriel Allen
Do Slaves of Darkness/Chaos Warriors NEED Daemons? I just want to go hard mother fucking mortals.
Leo Sanchez
i got a job lot of flesh eaters on ebay that consisted of 55 ghouls 8 crypt horrors 6 varghouls 1 ghoul king on foot all the spares that come with these things i have then pre purchased the start collecting flesh eater courts, which comes with the terroghiest, 10 ghouls and 3 horrors
mostly i enjoy the painting side of it, but will these guys be enough for a decent army? i played a bit of fantasy and i know that unit counts are a lot smaller now!
Camden Rogers
No, why would they?
Andrew Myers
Lol they're better than standard ogors in CC
Jose Wright
Yeah, they'd make a decent army, just make sure to only build one horror out of the 3 your'e getting to make it an even 9 and make two courtiers. Also try and make some small ghoul courtiers out of the footghouls
Xavier Cooper
To make them good, or just because of how they work? I just want Ulric's followers from the old world or something to rep them.
David Foster
So how about making a pestilens army? Could if stand up to my mate's flesh eater and gut buster with gordrak?
Andrew Garcia
Trying to understand matched play death allegiance summoning restrictions... are there any that I am not seeing? Take a unit of skele, get to summon skele every turn...? Do points matter for summoning? Thanks...
Parker Reed
it came with a literal fuck ton of bits, like way more than came with the minis i got, i assume with these bits i can just make the ghoul coutrtiers slightly more elaborate or with fancier paint jobs to pick them out as courtiers? i'm pleased that it will be a useable army like
Gabriel Peterson
pestilence are incredibly strong. plague monks are probably one of the best infantry of the game. they generate mortal wounds both on attack and in defence, they attack 3 times when charging rerolling hits-4 with a verminlord! and pile in and attack when killed when a plague incenser is nearby.
Gabriel Fisher
Man these threads really are a whole lot better this time of the day. Shame it's my sleeping hours.
Robert Gray
Sick. Sounds like it's a good idea for a chaos army. How are the censer bearers?
Blake Ortiz
Pretty much the only thing that the army doesn't have that you'd want is a terrorgheist or zombie dragon and you're getting that
Ryan Diaz
is the ghoul king on foot any decent? or is it worth having one mounted and ones on foot? some sigmarines gonna get chewed up eh
Colton Barnes
No you don't need any daemons for that. Although Ulrics followers in the old world would use free guild rules (they were sort of civilized by the end)
Kayden Morgan
They're also about 40pts more expensive and NOT a battleline, so there's that.
Jeremiah Turner
Yeah, but they didn't have any minis for them last I thought?
Jason Edwards
decent. They are good because you play them in smaller units and thus have the advantage of mobilty But they hurt less than monks. Also, they need to stay close to them to get their buff. i wouldnt make my army around them but one small unit or two has always its place.
Henry Murphy
They're battle line appearantly. My mate uses a fuck ton of them and a tyrant for his 1k list. It's absolute bullshit
Christian Stewart
How about a plaguesmog congregation? And the plague claw catapults?
Isaac Rogers
Levi Jenkins
fucking quads, bro. Don't remember the formation, care to remember me what it does/require? And the plagueclaw...most people love sthem. i don't. 180 points for a SINGLE shot 3+ 3+? considering most games last only 4maximum 5 turns, you are lucky if it hits twice. it can deal a shitload of damage, but its too much of a gamble to me. used it 4 times, did shit to zero damage. You must play at least 2 to make sure they hit-and its 360 fucking points. i can field a damned celestant prime with those many points. i can play a vermilnlord AND a solid unit of plague monks with those points. just imho, of course.
Austin Ramirez
First quads I think.
Here are the formations My 2k goes like this -cong of filth -40 monks x2 -Furnace
-plaguesmog cong -10 censers x2 -furnace
-plagueclaw x2 -VC
Benjamin Jackson
>Death >Not, "For the glory of king and country, beat these savages back and feast upon the spoils of war!"
Flesh Eater Courts are best Death faction, prove me wrong.
Jordan Perry
Ogors player here.
Ogors > Leadbelchers
Dominic Green
I saw 10 witch elves charge 3 ogors. The ogors killed them before they were activated.
Alexander Myers
absolutely split those units of monks in 2 20x rat units. chunks of 40 are impossible to move and since you will run double blade only the front row will attack. you also don't get significant bonus for having more than 20 other than bs bonus. Battalions seems neat, absoluetely no reason not to get them. the rest is absoluetely solid. the trick is always: DO NOT GET CHARGED. Never. rats crumble like insects if charged. you should always pray for rerolling wounds and charge first. This way you get: 4 attacks(!)each, rerolling hits, rerolling wounds, generating mortal wounds. its insane. You should use 2 units of 20 moving on their own and 2 units of 20 moving the furnaces around. having only 2 bulks of 40 menas the opponent can easily outmanouver you and do what he wishes.
Logan Cruz
I once killed a whole unit of DE assassins with my judicators
Ian Martin
Should keep the 40s for the rerolled charges then (need 20+ for them). My 1k is a little more subtle:
-cong of filth -30 monks x2 -furnace
-Priest -plagueclaw or 15 censer bearers depending on if I'm playing ogors or flesh eaters (respectively)
Brandon Hall
Can someone explain what a Strike chamber is? It doesn't seem to make any sense with how the Storm hosts are organized internally.
Ayden Howard
It's arguably the smarter choice in 1k so you can take enough Courtiers to support your troops.
Otherwise, the Royal Family formation is pretty nice, if only because it costs 20 points, gives you some throwaway suicide Kings, and doubles the effectiveness of your Courtiers.
I've tried fucking around with Courtier-less lists at 1k and it's really touch and go, even with stacking Black Hunger/Vampire Lord Command/Charnel Pit. YMMV
Grayson Moore
>Should keep the 40s for the rerolled charges then A TRIP? God fucking dammit Son, the Horned rat really has put his glaze on you. I'd go for 30-30-20 then. 40 you get charge bonus-but you will watse 80% of the attacks and the battleshock will kill you. 1k list is incredibly solid as well, even tho id just dump the plageclaw either way. But that's just me, i keep hearing wonders about it.
Isaiah Murphy
you are right, and I regret forgetting them,
Ethan Watson
Ha. Every time I try to take it out, someone just makes the comment "oh but what about artillery user?". I'll keep it on the back burners for now. I do though, really like the idea of that unit of 20.
Michael Murphy
4's are related to omnious portents, unexpected demides or bad luck in Japan. The number itself in theur language sounds VERY similar to the word for Death, so it's a common superstition over there, especially with repeating 4's.
Felt like it was relevant seeing as you're doing Pestilens...
Brandon Ward
artilerry can devastate armies but it relies too much on luck. 2+ 3+ means you have only a 80% to hit and a 70% to wound. theres a HUGE chance of failing. on the top of everything, it doesn't negate the save. I mean, its not bad at all. Most people love it. I just don't fin fun to play a thing that will just sit hidden behind a wall the whole game launching 4 attacks per game. i want to bite and gnaw with corrupted, filthy weapons against man-things, yes-yes. Check his previous post. HE DID QUADS.
Nathan Powell
Anyone think we'll ever get a AoS exclusive ogre faction, like the Ironjawz? Or will it just be repackaged existing elements, like the flesh eater courts and the savage orks?
Ryan Cox
i think in a week or two we are having the beastclaw riders battletome coming out. Its 90% a repackaged battletome but...its a beginning.