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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Has anyone invaded your dreams?
Were they surprised?
Yes and yes. I let them in, they should not have come there.
Life is just a dream you know? It's never ending.
Yes, I was a Lucid Dreamer/Dream Demon with Astral Layers, though. It wasn't fun for them.
So that Re-birth perk from Cardcaptor, if I remember right. How would it work if someone tried to mind control you through world item in Overlord? Would it help if you had mind immunity on top of that?
And those guns wouldn't be any better than the guns feed to it to give it the power? Or rather, they'd be the same quality?
Oooh someone is trying to invade my mind, kek this will be fun.
Cardfight Vanguard, actually. And I don't know.
There are cards in that and that.
>Astral Layers
I've seen talk of this before, where is it from?
I'd much rather use Resist & Bite from Sabaton for that.
Well if it works like valinhall works? If they summoned the real gun that would make it impossible for anyone else to use it while they have it. However you could just summon its bullets/laser beam directly.
Psychonauts: Anyone who tries to invade your mind has to fight an army whose members include every single one of your past selves.
How does that one work?
I like to stack mental resistance perks.
Resist And Bite [100 CP, free Rebel] – Your will to decide your own fate is so strong that any attempt to control your mind is literally painful to the person attempting it – about as painful as a bad migrane, to be exact.
what would happen if you got hit with DCs bizarro ray?
>However you could just summon its bullets/laser beam directly
Like what, as an infinite resource as if they were fired from the gun, or would you have to feed the Territory bullets too?
Also, initially it was mentioned that multiple guns would be fed to the Territory, would that mean that there'd be more there to summon, or that there could only be one of a thing that can be summoned at once?
Jump-fiat>World Items. All you need is a mind immunity.
Re-birth lets you get some power from person who is trying to control you.
World Items have power of worlds condensed in them.
Do the math.
Is that an actual jump? Isn't Sabaton a metal group? Or is it just a setting with the same name?
Wait for the Territory supplement user.
Im not sure, just in valinhall if you give the hall which is a territory a weapon and a person earns the ability to use it they have 2 options.
For instance the ice Horn can turn off other peoples summoned traveller gates. Summoning the horn itself keeps others from using it and if it gets broken then it is gone. So the travellers summon its horn, the sound.
You probably could only summon infonite uses of a laser if it follows the books since the ammo would run out.
I am not the maker though so I cant say.
Not the jump-maker, but as someone who has been reading through the books voraciously after being introduced to them by him: If it was just an ordinary gun, then yeah, eventually it would run out. But it's possible to not just store things in a Territory but make them part of it. In which case you'd have not the thing but a reinterpretation of it through the Territory's themes. Like, objects that are made part of Valinhall turn into personal buffs or weapons. So just being able to summon the gun would be appropriate there. Lirial is about information and preservation, so maybe instead you'd get a spell that lets you scan for enemy weapons. Avernus is about using psychic birds, so you might get a new breed of bird that can cause telepathic illusions of being shot. There's a lot of room for creativity. Do note that Valinhall is the only canon Territory where making something part of it is anything close to being easy, because its Founder wanted its Travelers to be able to craft new weapons to counter the other Territories. Doing it with other Territories would be tricky and require a lot of skill.
It's basically "go to these various war settings"
One of the weirder jumps we have, but it's preddy gud. and oddly for it's being one of Wakfu user's, there ISN'T any weird plot fuckery or power-level increase.
I thought we accepted actual, legitimate settings - not album shit.
Don't forget to have something like Infamous Regen and some Endurance perks so you don't have to waste any time recovering. Athleticism from Sims is pretty good for this; better than Endurance from Infamous actually, and it increases your gains too.
It should be removed from the drive. OC isn't tolerated.
Man, fuck that guy, who does he think he is, bringing his OC shit here? We should drive him out of the thread and back to CYOA gen where he belongs.
Eh, it's one of those weird jumps from the early days of jumpchain.
>removed from the drive
Dud, that's like the highest form of heresy around these parts.
It does actually have a lot of multi companion options if I remember correctly.
It's a fucking WW2 jump with a musical theme, you brat born of an alcoholic mother.
>Ghost Division [600 CP] – The rumbling of a tank engine sounds behind you as you enter this world, and you find yourself greeted by Erwin Rommel. You will meet with him again at the end of your journey, and he will offer to join you. Should you accept, he will fight alongside you in his own tank wherever you may go, and for one day every two years, the entire Seventh Panzer Divison will appear with him as spectral entities, prepared for battle.
Wakfu user is one of our nicest jump makers and this is what we start doing immediately on a new thread?
Couple of Fingerking gestalts, back in Fallen London. Interrupted my strategic planning session with the Outsider too. In the end I installed a dream of the sun in my mindscape like those mosquito lights.
A merry band of True Fae, back in Changeling. I pretended to flee and ran into a labyrinth of memory and deepest despair, leading them around sympathic tripwire. Thus bound, I flayed them such that their true selves got a mystic ice cream headache.
Ajimu did it back in Medaka Box. Actually, it started out as an invasion but she noticed some of the worlds I went to were other mangas, and ended up just sitting around somewhere reading before wandering off again. Afterwards we worked out an arrangement where I created a library out of dreamstuff so she could just sign in to read without bothering me.
Bill tried it that one time. He got lost for a couple weeks, and then wandered out of my ego. Kinda irritating he doodled everywhere, though.
I just take as a learning experience. The ochemata who tried it on me during the Exarch War got Inception'd into stay puff marshmellow man form and set on fire.
Music shit isn't worth making a jump of.
Like the tables in Fairy Tail, Wakfu user should've used their fucking brain and realized what thread wanted.
Remember guys-only the shitposter refers to "what thread wanted" and shit like that.
Report and ignore, don't validate.
>what thread wanted.
Why don't you tripfag as thread, so whenever we're curious about the thread wants we can get you to tell us?
That just makes it so you literally never fatigue from exercise.
See sass doesn't work on him. He's a (You)ivore, he feeds on responses.
Good idea.
Now add a tripcode so we know it's official.
Yes, it should say "Free" on Bokobear. But TP can be bought with CP, so you can spend your last 25 CP on TP. Which, if you're a Scion, you'll get 50TP for, while everyone else would get 25TP.
I don't actually have any idea how to do that.
The Gamer/Minion Master chain Requires Moar Tosses.
Thread#[password] in Name field.
Geneforge for Shaping
RWBY for Grimm
ah. must have missed that part.
Now my only problem is that I don't have thirty-two Companions. Small team for me!
That seems like something I'd legitimately need a Supplement to parse through alright.
Although, I'm already set into being a Founder and building for maximum growth, or whatever I need to make it work best with jumper megalomania.
And stored for right after Populous
I only store two things at once fyi
Reposting this because the Supplement is going to be done in the next hour or so.
The password is Thread. Don't tell anybody guys.
Thanks to those perks in Imaginary Friend, I can return the favor right back!
You do realise Parabola is a tropical jungle with its own tropical sun, right? Hmm, this gives me an idea for DLC content.
Can you add some 200cp setbacks?
Oh good now I can filter your bitch ass.
that will come when I do a big update, as is this is how it's gonna be for the next year or so until the new books get released (they're confirmed and they're going to add... so much lore and shit it's not even funny, according to the author) Basically once the new books come out I'll have more material to work with, including drawbacks
No, it isn't true! You're not me!
Hey Emrys, anything to say about and ?
Niuzao's one of the August Celestials, representing fortitude and endurance. He's a pretty neat guy, even teaches Wrathion about what power without vision does.
Khaz'goroth is the Titan who made the Earthen (Dwarves) and gave Neltharion his power (before the whole Deathwing thing happened), and the Earthmother is the primary goddess of the Tauren but nobody knows what she actually is or if she really exists (hence the long string of IF qualifiers).
Sargonnas IS Evil, but he's LE at least.
Any other good earth/stone related deities I could import, by the way? I'd like to know my options. Bovine deities are also always an option, yes.
Touch the cow, do it now.
I agree with both of those posts, and I'll be happy to clarify those in the Supplement
So I got here...
I got a build that has me be Local. With Realm of Heroes. Level 100. Heteromorphic Race. World's Champion. Divine tier equipment. And if I avoid taking powerless, Dark Wisdom and Abyss of Magic as Scenario reward or, if I take powerless and something on top of that... Quite a bit more talents/class skills.
If I don't take powerless, I carry over mind control and insta-gib immunities from other stuff.
How broken am I by Yggdrasil standards
We are one.
Mind you the heteromorphic race is either slime or automaton. Although if I took powerless i could instead upgrade it to higher cp ones
What god do I go for in Percy Jackson to become a skinwalker/have skinwalker-esque powers?
But are you a Shadow, the true self?
You're pretty tough, but you shouldn't expect to be more than the equivalent of two other high level players.
Populous- A class Strategy/God Game? Oh this is gonna be good.
Rolled for Middle Ground
Blue Tribe
Rolled for 19
Free Vague Visions
Discount Commune
Discount Bravery
Discount Ancient Totem Pole
The Word
Discout Convert
Will come in a bit, dinner.
Some lore does say they're extremely drawn towards the dream of the Mountain of Light, though-but can never approach it.
About the items/pet, are they things found in other territories or things you could theoretically make with the magic gained from Territories or something else?
I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a magician instead of a demigod. The yee nahgloshii are traditionally considered magic practitioners rather than associated with any kind of worship.
The former, those are all copies of canon items/creatures from Territories, and there is a chance duplicates exist should you go searching.
>implying you don't just import Skinwalker as your god
>implying skinwalker isn't every god and any god in a pantheon entirely its own
>implying there are any gods here besides the skinwalker
>nothing can save you
>no one can help you
Jump # 2 Young Justice:
Heroic Name: Night Hawk (no it’s not Hawk lass quit calling me that)
Background: Vigilante (Free)
Starting Location: Central City
Age: 13
Gender Female
*Souvenir (Free)
*Genius Intellect (600)
*Grandmaster of Combat (200)
*Master Strategist (200)
* Gadgeteer (150, Discount)
*Smooth Talker (200)
*Acrobat (50, Discount)
*Peak Condition (free)
*Stealthy (100)
*Practice Makes Perfect (100, Discount)
*Most Common Superpower (Free)
*Costume (free)
*Light Armor (Free)
*Bullet Proof Cape (free)
*Expertly Crafted Weapon (Free) Nth Metal sword
*Wing Suit (Free*, Discount)
*Batman’s Real Superpower (Free*, Discount)
*Heavy Armor (Free*)
*Money X 2 (Free*)
*Yukari (200)
*No Killing rule (+ 100)
*Just a Sidekick (+ 100)
*Meet your Match (+ 300)
*Bounty (+ 300)
Background: Mystic
*Basic Magic (Free)
*Advanced Magic (200)
*Sorcerer Savant (150)
Hey guys, I wanna do a skinwalker jumpchain all of a sudden, anyone willing to help me out here?
>Grab this
>Go to Girls und Panzer
>drown in wehraboo pussy
Great idea or greatest idea?
As for the Overlord setting itself, considering in it Ainz is the only one that has Divine Tier equipment?
Does he shit his pants at idea of having to confront me alone? Does he shit bones?
OK before I begin I would just like to say Young Justice is one of if not my absolute favorite jumps. It’s a really good jump with a lot of options and really is the backbone of my badass normal build here.
Young justice was … not fun strangely taking lots of drawbacks pretty well ensures you have a bad time. So between dodging bounty hunters and my own clone I was being treated like crap by everyone who wasn’t yukari or someone I saved.
I was the sidekick of hawkman and hawkgirl so people called me hawk lass… it stuck.
I managed to save Tula and prevent Yukari from trying to do a substitute sacrifice by first K.O.ing Yukari then using a portal gun I built with stolen motherbox tech to send Tiamat in to another dimension (I wonder if she and Lobo wound up in the same dimension).
I managed to acquire Nth metal and studied it extensively this will be important later.
My clone… ughh my clone was actually a serious threat she was silent and brutal often targeting my friends or attacking while I was dealing with something else. However in our last fight she actually spoke. She tore me a new one, She blamed me for her existence and everything she had done because I had taken a drawback. She accused me of putting people in danger just for the sake of power.
So I was stuck in a mini-existential crisis while trying to fight her off and not doing well. Thankfully friends arrived and helped me regain my composure and fighter her off. It also inspired me to point out that she was the one who had targeted innocents of her own free will so that was all on her. Then I apologized and told her I hope that she found a meaning to her life outside of killing me; That despite her origins she deserved to find happiness just as much as anyone else. It was towards the end of the jump so I don’t know what happened to her after that but I never saw her again.
Terrible idea, they'll be all over Rommel instead.
As long as we're talking about weird early Jumps, which was the first Gauntlet? I forget.
Hey Ravenloft, can you choose. Young version of a dragon that can take human form for the Monstrous option?
Sorry if this is a stupid question. Ive never played Ravenloft.
There are a number of level 100 npcs dude. You'd never even make it through Nazarick's defenses if he just hides in his guild.
He doesn't even consider confronting you alone. He sets a trap for you and then ganks your ass with his army of walking gods.
That's the most adorable Hawkgirl I've ever seen.
If you are drowning in a pussy, you must be a tiny user or she a big girl
IIRC, either Halo (I'm still salty) or LLTQ
And yet you are ignoring what I said
You too.
Assume Ainz has, for one reason or another, fight me one on one.
How many pants did he go through
>Thinking they would be all over you and not Rommel.
Nice try user.
*has to
None. Partly because he's a skeleton, partly because even without any of the Nazarick's NPCs he can summon up a shitload of powerful monsters to gank you anyway.
Jump #13: RWBY
Military - 100
Abs - 0
Tinkerer - 300
Combat Ready - 300
Variable Weapon (Claymore, the hand guards can be drawn to be revolvers) - 0
Heavy - 25
Aura Focus - 75
Iconic Outfit - 0
Iconic Theme - 0
Scroll - 0
Bigger On the Inside - 100
Aura For Everybody - 100
A Guide to Grimm - 0
A Simple Soul (Yang) - 200
Cinder's List + 200
A newcomer joins the party!
Apparently I'm being targeted by Cinder ans her cronies. Which is fine, as I have some words for several people in that organization anyway.
I'm sorry convenient!user, I'm not going to jerk you off.
Damn. I did not think this through.
Oh well. Wehraboos second worse boos.
Well Nyarlathotep gives you shapeshifting, among other things, and in the stories he was good enough at shapeshifting to convincing mimic the appearance and mannerism of a human and the protagonists only found out afterwards because they followed his footprints and saw that they changed shape after leaving their line of sight.
Listen I'm not sure how familiar you are with social interaction, but as a general rule it's considered a faux pas to ask someone else to do your ego stroking for you.