I need character art of smug or catty noblewomen, please help?
I need character art of smug or catty noblewomen, please help?
She made me somewhat uncomfortable at a very young age.
Shes a very attractive alien cat woman
Truly, all autists can feel secure looking down upon furries.
Panel 3.5 here.
How degenerate are you fuckers.
>How degenerate are you fuckers.
I'm honestly just one Panel 1, I've got a thing for beastly partners but that's just because of the freaky lewd hedonism of doing it with something like that.
I'm pre-panel 1.
>Have HD full of furry porn
>don't like were creatures
>have no accounts on relevant sites
>have multiple characters
>don't want suits
>don't have fursona
Still amounts to panel 8 I think. No tears of regret.
Panel 10 with the rainbow-colored background.
I would fuck xenos if it came up but I don't think about it really or do any of the weird following thing.
So, I am not interested in porn of it, but I would fuck anything female, cute and humanoid.
panel 13 or 14, but I also skipped a few steps in the beginning and took some optional denial.
I think being on FA in the early years actually made me go around a few panels.
Panel 3, not that I deny my furriness, I just find ERP awkward, so I never bothered.
Also, FA? Terrible taste, I had a Sofurry account back when it was called Yiffstar.
I'm panel one or two, I grew up watching Star Trek (my mom has excellent taste in television, fuck yeah.) so I don't think there's anything wrong with being attracted to non homo sapien humanoids.
What I have a problem with is people anthropomorphizing animals into sentient people, and trying to justify bestiality.
But it's not if they're sapient.
Functionally, there's no difference between a green venusian hottie and some dragon-grill, except the latter resembles a Terran animal or myth
Panel 2.